Monarchy of Lieseltania

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Queen of Lieseltania
Koningin van Lieseltanië
Kaninginna fon Lizeltanije
Karalieva Lizieĺtanii
Royal Arms of Liseltania.png
Hoge Koningin Katharina II.jpg
Katherine II
since 26 May 2012
StyleHer Majesty
Heir apparentPrincess Autumn, Duchess of Wolf
ResidencePalace of Brühl

The Queen of Lieseltania is the Monarchical head of state of Lieseltania, a federal state of the Atmoran Confederation. Lieseltania has been a Kingdom since 5 May 1674 when the states of the Grand Duchy of Lieseltania and the Duchy of Wolf merged into one state. Until 1728 the Kingdom of Lieseltania was a vassal state to the Luxian Empire until Queen Henrietta the Great faught against the Luxian Empire in the Great Northern War, breaking it away from the Luxian Empire.

In 1812, in the aftermath of the Atmoran Unifaction War, the Atmoran Confederation was formed, and the Queen of Lieseltania, Alexandra the Great was crowned High Queen of Atmora. From that point forward, though the Kingdom of Lieseltania retained its status as a constituent state of the confederation (albeit by far the largest and most powerful), all subsequent Kings/Queens of Lieseltania served as High King/High Queen of Armora, and that title took precedence.

Monarchs of Lieseltania

Monarchs (1674 – 1812)

NameLifespanReign startReign endNotesFamilyImage
Henry I
  • Hendrik I
19 June 1626 – 8 February 1684
(aged 58)
27 May 16748 February 1684WolfAlbert, Duke of Prussia
Henry II
  • Hendrik III
(1647-05-07)7 May 1647 – 28 August 1696(1696-08-28) (aged 49)8 February 168428 August 1696Son of Henry IWolfAlbert Frederick, Duke of Prussia
Henry III
  • Hendrik III
(1653-11-08)8 November 1653 – 23 December 1698(1698-12-23) (aged 45)28 August 169623 December 1698Son of Henry IWolfKing George II
Frederick I
  • Frederik I
(1678-11-13)13 November 1678 – 1 December 1718(1718-12-01) (aged 40)23 December 16981 December 1718Son of Henry IIIWolfKing Frederick
Henrietta I
  • the Great
  • Henriette I
(1689-02-16)16 February 1689 – 29 April 1759(1759-04-29) (aged 70)1 December 171829 April 1759Daughter of Frederick I; also Lord Paramount of VoshaWolfQueen Henrietta the Great
Frederick II
  • Frederik II
(1712-07-11)11 July 1712 – 25 February 1767(1767-02-25) (aged 54)29 April 175918 January 1767Son of Henrietta the Great; also Lord Paramount of VoshaWolfKing Frederick II
Henry IV
  • Hendrik IV
(1745-07-11)11 July 1745 – 25 February 1771(1771-02-25) (aged 25)18 January 176725 February 1771Nephew of Frederick II; also King of VoshaWolfKing Frederick II
Frederick III
  • the Soldier King; also King of Vosha
  • Frederik III
(1752-07-11)11 July 1752 – 2 January 1794(1794-01-02) (aged 48)25 February 17712 January 1794Cousin of Henry IV; also King of VoshaWolfKing Frederik III
  • the Great
(1781-05-05)5 May 1781 – 25 October 1850(1850-10-25) (aged 69)2 January 179425 October 1850Daughter of Frederick III; also High Queen of Atmora and Queen of VoshaWolfHigh Queen Alexandra

Monarchs (1812 – present)

NameLifespanReign startReign endNotesFamilyImage
Alexandra I
  • the Great
5 May 1781 – 25 October 1850
(aged 69)
2 January 179425 October 1850Daughter of Edward III; also High Queen of AtmoraWolfHigh Queen Alexandra
  • Juliette-Alexandra
(1817-07-30)30 July 1817 – 3 January 1901(1901-01-03) (aged 83)25 October 18503 March 1877Daughter of Alexandra the Great; also High Queen of AtmoraWolfHigh Queen Juliet-Alexandra
  • Frederik-Alexander
(1846-11-09)9 November 1846 – 20 May 1921(1921-05-20) (aged 74)3 March 18775 August 1904Son of Juliet-Alexandra; also High King of AtmoraWolfHigh King Frederick-Alexander
  • Elisabeth
(1870-12-17)17 December 1870 – 11 September 1931(1931-09-11) (aged 60)5 August 190411 September 1931Daughter of Frederick-Alexander; also High Queen of AtmoraWolfHigh Queen Elizabeth
Katherine I
  • Katherina I
14 December 1916 – 8 January 2034
(aged 117)
11 September 193123 May 1980Daughter of Elizabeth; also High Queen of AtmoraWolfHigh Queen Katherine I
  • Willem
8 March 1952 – present
(age 127)
23 May 198026 May 2012Son of Katherine I; also High King of AtmoraWolfHigh King William
Katherine II
  • Katherina II
23 January 1989 – present
(age 26)
26 May 2012incumbentDaughter of William; also High Queen of AtmoraWolfEmpress Katherine II