Launch Platforms of the Shazbotdom Imperial Space Administration

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Description Coming Soon.

Orbital Science Space Station

Info to be Added

High Orbit Transfer Station

To Be Constructed

Cargo Transports

Cargo Transport Omega-1
Transport Name Status Next Mission Previous Missions
Omega-1 Retired N/A SO-03
Omega-2 Active N/A ISR-02
Omega-3 Active N/A N/A
Omega-4 Active N/A N/A
Omega-5 Active N/A N/A


Crew Orbiter Epsilon-1
Orbiter Name Status Next Mission Previous Missions
Epsilon-1 Active CRW-02 SO-04
Epsilon-2 Active N/A CRW-01
Epsilon-3 Active N/A N/A
Epsilon-4 Active N/A N/A
Epsilon-5 Active N/A N/A
Epsilon-6 Active N/A N/A
Epsilon-7 Active N/A N/A
Epsilon-8 Active N/A N/A


3rd Generation Space Capsule
The high tech Capsules of the Imperial Space Administration are nearly 100% automated in terms of it's orbital capabilities. With most information shown on touch-screen displays within arms reach of the seats. There is a manual joystick behind a door underneith the center display. This joystick is just in case that there is an issue with the onboard computer and it is needed to manually dock or undock with the Space Station. While it does not have any thrusters of it's own, it is able to roll and pitches so that the heat shield is always pointed towards the right direction so that it doesn't burn up upon re-entry.
The Capsule's heat shield is designed so that the Capsule and Heat Sheild have a hatch at the bottom that is automated and can create a airtight seal to ensure that no damage occurs to the underside of the Capsule. This design is to ensure that if something occurs with whatever vehicle is transporting the Capsule to orbit (i.e. the Epsilon-class Orbiter that is used to transport to the Research Space Station) can be detatched so that the Capsule can return to earth with minimal to no issues, losing only the Service Module that makes up the Orbiter.


Low to Mid Orbit Launch System

1st Stage Booster

1st Stage Booster Delta-3 (Delta Version 2 Booster)
Booster Name Status Next Mission Previous Missions
Delta-1 (V1) Retired N/A SO-01
Delta-2 (V1) Retired N/A OR-01, OR-02
Delta-3 (V2) Active N/A SSB-04, SSB-07, ISR-02, CSF-05
Delta-4 (V2) Active N/A SSB-01, SSB-08, CRW-01, LSSB-01
Delta-5 (V2) Active N/A SSB-02, SSB-09, CSF-02, LSSB-02
Delta-6 (V2) Active CRW-02 SSB-03, SSB-10, CSF-03
Delta-7 (V2) Active N/A SSB-05, SSB-13, CSF-04
Delta-8 (V2) Active N/A SSB-06, SSB-11
Delta-9 (V2) Active N/A CSF-01, SSB-12
Delta-10 (V2) Active N/A CSF-04
Delta-11 (V2) Active N/A N/A
Delta-12 (V2) Active N/A N/A
Delta-13 (V2) Active N/A N/A
Delta-14 (V2) Active N/A N/A

2nd Stage Booster

2nd Stage Booster Gamma-3
Booster Name Status Next Mission Previous Missions
Gamma-1 Retired N/A SO-02
Gamma-2 Active N/A OR-01, OR-02, SSB-08, CSF-02
Gamma-3 Active CRW-02 SSB-04, SSB-13, LSSB-01
Gamma-4 Active N/A SSB-01, SSB-09, CSF-03
Gamma-5 Active N/A SSB-02, SSB-07, ISR-02, LSSB-02
Gamma-6 Active N/A SSB-03, SSB-10
Gamma-7 Active N/A SSB-06, SSB-11
Gamma-8 Active N/A SSB-05, CRW-01
Gamma-9 Active N/A CSF-01, SSB-12
Gamma-10 Active N/A CSF-04
Gamma-11 Active N/A N/A
Gamma-12 Active N/A N/A
Gamma-13 Active N/A N/A
Gamma-14 Avtive N/A N/A

3rd Stage Booster

3rd Stage Booster Sigma-1
Booster Name Status Next Mission Previous Missions
Sigma-1 Active N/A SO-04
Sigma-2 Active N/A LSSB-01
Sigma-3 Active N/A LSSB-02
Sigma-4 Active N/A N/A
Sigma-5 Active N/A N/A
Sigma-6 Active N/A N/A
Sigma-7 Active N/A N/A
Sigma-8 Active N/A N/A

Heavy Launch System

The Shazbotdom Imperial Space Administration, after a large contract that was to launch multiple sattelites into Heliocentric Orbit. The Launch System is designed so that the Empire can launch sattelites and other payloads into High Earth Orbit and out of Earth's Orbit. As of right now, there are 2 Stages, with the SEcond Stage currently having 3 different types. There is a 4th in planning for Human Spaceflight.

First Stage Booster

Stage 1 Booster

The First Stage Booster Zeta-Line is the main Heavy Lift vehicle for the new Heavy Launch System.

1st Stage Name Status Next Mission Previous Missions
Zeta-1 Active PFF-19 SO-07, OR-03, PFF-09
Zeta-2 Active PFF-20 SO-08, CSF-06, PFF-10
Zeta-3 Active N/A PFF-01, PFF-11
Zeta-4 Active PFF-12 PFF-02
Zeta-5 Active PFF-13 PFF-03
Zeta-6 Active PFF-14 PFF-04
Zeta-7 Active PFF-15 PFF-05
Zeta-8 Active PFF-16 PFF-06
Zeta-9 Active PFF-17 PFF-07
Zeta-10 Active PFF-18 PFF-08
Side Boosters
1st Stage Side Boosters

The Lambda-class Side Boosters are designed to give the Zeta-class Launch System an extra boost to assist in getting it as close to an orbit as possible before they Jettison off of the main launch vehicle, attaching to eachother behind the vehicle, and then doing a Return to Launch Site burn.

Side Booster Name Status Next Missions Previous Missions
Lambda-1 Active PFF-09 PFF-19 SO-06, OR-03, PFF-09
Lambda-2 Active PFF-10, PFF-20 CSF-06, PFF-10
Lambda-3 Active PFF-01, PFF-11 PFF-01, PFF-11
Lambda-4 Active PFF-12 PFF-02
Lambda-5 Active PFF-13 PFF-03
Lambda-6 Active PFF-14  PFF-04
Lambda-7 Active PFF-15 PFF-05
Lambda-8 Active PFF-16 PFF-06
Lambda-9 Active PFF-17 PFF-07
Lambda-10 Active PFF-18 PFF-08

Second Stage Boosters

The Second Stage Boosters will be the main workhorses of the fleet, used in delivering payloads to orbit.

SSB Block 1
Stage 2 Block 1 Booster

The Second Stage Block 1 Booster is specifically designed to deliver deliver multiple smaller sattelites into Low Earth or High Earth Orbit and return to Earth with little to no effort.

2S Block 1 Name Status Next Mission Previous Missions
Alpha-1 Active N/A SO-09
Alpha-2 Active N/A SO-10
Alpha-3 Active N/A CSF-06
Alpha-4 Active N/A N/A
Alpha-5 Active N/A N/A
Alpha-6 Active N/A N/A
Alpha-7 Active N/A N/A
Alpha-8 Active N/A N/A
Alpha-9 Active N/A N/A
Alpha-10 Active N/A N/A
SSB Block 2
Stage 2 Block 2 Booster

The Second Stage Block 2 Booster is specifically designed to deliver deliver Large sattelites or other large payloads into High Earth Orbit and return to Earth with little to no effort.

2S Block 2 Name Status Next Mission Previous Missions
Omicron-1 Active N/A SO-11, OR-03
Omicron-2 Active N/A N/A
Omicron-3 Active N/A N/A
Omicron-4 Active N/A N/A
Omicron-5 Active N/A N/A
Omicron-6 Active N/A N/A
Omicron-7 Active N/A N/A
Omicron-8 Active N/A N/A
Omicron-9 Active N/A N/A
Omicron-10 Active N/A N/A
SSB Block 3
Stage 2 Block 3 Booster

The Second Stage Block 3 Booster is specifically designed to deliver deliver Large Sattelites or other Large Payloads into Heliocentric Orbit and return to Earth with little to no effort. The SSB Block 3 was specifically designed after the signing of the contract with the PATHOS Foundation for the launch of their 81 Sattelites.

2S Block 3 Name Status Next Mission Previous Missions
Theta-1 Active PFF-01 SO-12
Theta-2 Active PFF-02 N/A
Theta-3 Active PFF-03 N/A
Theta-4 Active PFF-04 N/A
Theta-5 Active PFF-05 N/A
Theta-6 Active PFF-06  N/A
Theta-7 Active PFF-07 N/A
Theta-8 Active PFF-08 N/A
Theta-9 Active PFF-09 N/A
Theta-10 Active PFF-10 N/A
Theta-11 Active PFF-11 N/A
Theta-12 Active PFF-12 N/A
Theta-13 Active PFF-13 N/A
Theta-14 Active PFF-14 N/A
Theta-15 Active PFF-15 N/A
Theta-16 Active PFF-16 N/A
Theta-17 Active PFF-17 N/A
Theta-18 Active PFF-18 N/A
Theta-19 Active PFF-19 N/A
Theta-20 Active PFF-20 N/A
SSB Block 4
Stage 2 Block 4 Booster

The 2nd Stage Block 4 Booster is the Human Transport System variant of the HLS 2nd Stage Boosters. It's design is for the transportation of up to 150 civilians for the colonization of the solar system.

2S Block 4 Name Status Next Mission Previous Missions
Kappa-1 Active N/A SO-13
Kappa-2 Active N/A N/A
Kappa-3 Active N/A N/A
Kappa-4 Active N/A N/A
Kappa-5 Under Construction N/A N/A
Kappa-6 Under Construction N/A N/A