Green Hand Tribe - Vincent Abraham War

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Green Hand Tribe - Vincent Abraham War
Vincent Abraham kills Ewan Francis.png
A depiction of Vincent Abraham killing Ewan Francis in the Green Palace, showing Vincent Abraham above, Ewan Francis below (look like a monster) and Haley Abraham (Francis) to the left of Vincent Abraham, shouting "FATHER!!!". The bronze statue behind Vincent Abraham is The Statue of Francis' Ancestors.
Date789 BCE - 790 BCE
Result Vincent Abraham won
The Green Hand Tribe Vincent Abraham
Commanders and leaders
Ewan Francis Vincent Abraham
5000 troops 7500 troops


In 785 BCE, after the departure from The Green Hand Tribe, Vincent Abraham and Haley Abraham lived in Velnotia and sold bronze crafts, items and soon became rich. Although, the against of Haley Abraham, Vincent Abraham still established a military and prepared for a war against The Green Hand Tribe Meanwhile, in The Green Hand Tribe, Ewan Francis was sending troops and detectives to find her daughter and kill Vincent Abraham.

The war began

In the spring of 789 BCE, a soldiers of Vincent Abraham told Vincent that he found a detective The Green Hand Tribe nearby. Vincent Abraham secretly thought about a plan to kill this detective. But, the plan failed due to the departure of this detective. After the departure, this detective told Ewan Francis that he found Vincent somewhere in the Velnotia territories. In the next month, Ewan Francis sent this detective again to the place that he found Vincent to confirm that is Vincent. Vincent's plan now works, he killed the detective. In the winter of 789 BCE, 7500 soldiers from The Green Hand Tribe which was leaded by Ewan Francis began the march to Velnotia with the main aim is killing Vincent.

A phoney confrontation in the Unknown Forest

After hearing that 7500 soldiers of The Green Hand Tribe is marching to Velnotia, Vincent didn't want any implicates to The King of Velnotia, who has treated them nice when they were here so he told Haley that let's go out of Velnotia for " a trip", Haley didn't know that the aim of "this trip" is to killed her father so she accepted and march with 5000 soldiers. When they arrived at the Unknown Forest, Haley sat down and take a rest while Vincent and 2500 soldiers trying to find Ewan.
And finally, they met in the Unknown Forest. 2500 soldiers is not enough to defeat 7500 soldiers, so a soldier tried to disguise Vincent and march 1000 soldiers to confront Ewan.
A depiction showing Vincent and a soldier exchanging clothes. (They are exchanging hats in this depiction)
This soldier has soon being defeated, and was killed by Ewan Francis. After killing the soldier, Ewan Francis and other 7000 soldiers left the Unknown Forest and moved nearby to find Haley Abraham, but they can't found her so they march back to the Green Palace (Headquarters of The Green Hand Tribe).

Vincent Abraham killed Ewan Francis and end the war

A few hours after the soldier being killed, Vincent Abraham and 4000 soldiers secretly follow Ewan Francis in their way marching home. He told Haley that "Honey, I will forgive your father, and we are on the way marching back to the Green Palace. After that, I will travel somewhere in the tribe to discuss with the Generals about the military of our tribe, so can you now go straight and you can find your father, I'll follow you behind."
Haley Abraham met Ewan Francis, and followed him back to the Green Palace without saying anything about Vincent Abraham because she concerned about her husband's safety. Vincent arrived at the Green Hand Tribe after the troops of Ewan Francis a few hours. He disguised to be a chef of a tribe and live here for months.
In the spring of 790 BCE, Ewan Francis held a party to celebrate her daughter's return and Vincent got killed. Haley heard that and surprise, but she knew that Vincent is going to surprise her father after "the discussing with the Generals of the tribe about the military". When bringing food to the party, Vincent surprisingly killed Ewan Francis and said "Your dude, I was here for months and you even didn't noticed me, you thought you can kill me, HAHAHA! But now I killed you to revenge for my mother. HAHAHHA!!!" Then the soldiers of Green Hand Tribe tried to killed Vincent but then he said "After being killed, I want to ask, did Ewan Francis treated you guys as some real soldiers, or he just mistreated you?". Then they realized that Ewan mistreated them so they all supported Vincent Abraham to be the next king. Haley noticed that and very disappointed, but then Vincent and Haley got back to each other.

Result of the war

After killed Ewan Francis, Vincent Abraham is the King of TGHT, he renamed the tribe to Viha, the name represents the love of him and Haley Abraham.
A depiction of Vincent Abraham took the throne of Viha.