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![]() Capitology Symbol | |
Total population | |
636,834,702+ | |
Founder | |
Maria Jose Carranza | |
Regions with significant populations | |
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Capitology is a religion deeply intertwined with the social and economic culture of Prybourne. Its principles revolve around the pursuit of profit and accumulation of wealth, as well as the belief in the universe being bound together in the Great Material Continuum. The roots of Capitology can be traced back to the Canter Uprising, when it became the revolutionary ideology after the Canter Republic failed to suppress it. From there, it gained a significant presence in Prybournean society and law. In modern-day Prybourne, Capitology is the dominant religion and shapes the way of life for many Prybourneans.
However, outside of Prybourne, the presence of Capitology is minimal, if any. It is primarily a socio-cultural religion that is unique to Prybourne and reflects the values and beliefs of its people. Despite its limited presence outside of Prybourne, Capitology remains a powerful force within the nation, shaping its economy, culture, and way of life.
The Great Material Continuum
Capitology revolves around the pursuit of profit and the accumulation of wealth. At the heart of Capitologist beliefs is the idea that societies operate in cycles of having and wanting, which are metaphorically represented as the flow of a great river comprised of material acquisitions. According to Capitologist belief, a society that is balanced between having and wanting is stable and prosperous. However, if one state dominates over the other, the river becomes dangerously unstable and society suffers. This can lead to financial difficulties for individuals, who may find themselves tossed to the shores of the river by a wave of inflation or run aground on a shoal of hardship.
To get back into the flow of the river, individuals must consolidate their finances, realign their investments, sell property, or even take out a loan. Once back in the flow, it's essential to navigate the river carefully, balancing profit and loss, acquisitions and liquidations, and keeping an eye out for opportunities further downstream. Those who can navigate the river successfully can steer it towards greater prosperity, earning great wealth and success in life. Capitologist beliefs suggest that this success can also translate into the afterlife, where individuals can pursue profit in a second chance at prosperity.
The Divine Treasury
The concept of the afterlife is a fundamental part of Capitology, and it is known as the Divine Treasury. This sacred realm is believed to be a place of pure opulence and extravagance, where everything from the walls to the furniture is made of the purest gold. To enter the Divine Treasury, one must present their profit-and-loss statement for inspection by the Registrar. Upon arrival, the deceased is judged by the Registrar based on their life's actions, which may involve some cringing, bribery, and well-placed obsequious groveling. If the Registrar is impressed, the deceased is granted entry, and they are given the opportunity to bid on a new life under the supervision of the Blessed Exchequer and Celestial Auctioneers.
If the individual has acquired enough profit in their previous life, they can simply pay for a new one and be reborn, with the chance to continue accumulating wealth and profit. However, if they have not earned enough profit, their bid fails, and they are banished from the Divine Treasury, locked in the Vault of Eternal Destitution forever. This belief suggests that a person only has one chance at a profitable afterlife, and a prosperous individual can gain multiple lives if they continue to earn enough profit. Overall, the Divine Treasury reinforces the importance of profit and accumulation of wealth in Capitologist beliefs, suggesting that one's success in the afterlife is directly related to their financial success in life.
The Vault of Eternal Destitution
The Vault of Eternal Destitution is a place of utter despair, where the souls of those who did not accumulate enough wealth in life are condemned to an eternity of servitude to the Auditors. The Auditors, who are the only ones with any power in the Vault, form a ruling council known as the Regulation Committee. The Desecrated Auditor, who is the most powerful and influential member of the Committee, leads the council. Under the Laws of Destitution, the Auditors charge exorbitant fees and taxes, strictly regulate all transactions, and impose harsh fines for any transgressions. Financial audits are carried out frequently, and bribes to overlook any violations are rare. Few people manage to gain enough wealth to buy their way out of the Vault, let alone become an Auditor and own slaves themselves.
Mothers in Prybourne use stories of the Demons of Despair to instill fear in their children. The Demons are said to be the spirits of the heretical, the charitable, and the generous who were banished to the Vault. They are said to take on shadowy forms and steal money and valuables from misbehaving children who may end up in the same fate as the demons. The fear of eternal destitution and the Demons of Despair keeps the people of Prybourne in line and focused on the pursuit of profit.
Capitologist Prayer
The everyday place of worship is known as a Holy Exchange with the most holy place for Capitology exists within the city of Duron in Prybourne known as the Sacred Marketplace which sits at the base of the Prybourean Tower of Commerce. The Holy Exchange and the Sacred Marketplace are central to Capitologist worship, as they represent the pursuit of profit and accumulation of wealth. The Rules of Acquisition, which are a set of guidelines for conducting business, are recited as a way of reinforcing these principles and reminding Capitologists of their duty to pursue profit.
A Capitologist service typically consists of reciting the Rules of Acquisition and various rituals said to stabilize the Continuum in order to bring greater profit. Capitologist spirituality revolves around profits.The rituals performed in Capitologist services are also designed to promote the stability of the Great Material Continuum, which is seen as essential to the accumulation of wealth. These rituals may involve the burning of incense or the offering of valuable items, such as gold or silver, as a way of honoring the principles of Capitology.
holy metals and are used in worship. Many Capitologists carry gold or silver jewelry to show their heritage to others. The use of gold and silver in Capitologist worship highlights the importance of material wealth within the religion. The possession of gold or silver jewelry is seen as a symbol of one's commitment to the principles of Capitology and a sign of one's success in business.For Capitologists, the accumulation of wealth is not only a practical goal but also a spiritual one.
The Grand Broker is the highest-ranking official in Capitology, with ultimate authority over the religion's teachings and practices. The position of Grand Broker is considered to be one of immense importance and is typically held by individuals who have amassed great wealth and power in the business world. The Grand Broker is responsible for overseeing the various branches and sects of Capitology, ensuring that they adhere to the principles of the faith and do not deviate from the teachings of the Rules of Acquisition. They also have the power to interpret the Rules and issue new edicts or interpretations when necessary.
In addition to their religious duties, the Grand Broker is also a prominent figure in the Prybournean business world, using their wealth and influence to shape the direction of the economy and promote the interests of Capitology practitioners.The current Grand Broker, Sofia Lérida, is widely regarded as one of the most successful and powerful businesswoman in Prybourne, with a vast network of connections and an extensive portfolio of profitable investments. Hwe leadership has been marked by a focus on expanding Capitology's influence both domestically and internationally, and promoting the importance of profit and wealth accumulation as the ultimate measure of success.
The Grand Broker is assisted by a council of high-ranking Capitologists known as the Profit Masters. The Profit Masters are responsible for advising the Grand Broker on matters related to Capitology, such as economic policy, trade agreements, and investment opportunities. They are also responsible for ensuring that the Rules of Acquisition are followed and that Capitologist values are upheld throughout Prybourne. In addition to the Profit Masters, the Grand Broker also has a team of trusted advisors and assistants who help manage the day-to-day operations of the Capitologist Temple and its various enterprises. These individuals are typically highly skilled in areas such as finance, law, and business management, and work closely with the Profit Masters to ensure that the Capitologist community thrives.