Holidays of Eurth

Revision as of 11:29, 7 May 2019 by Faramount (talk | contribs) (Added Christmas, Easter, and Faramontese national holidays.)
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  None Of The Above
Name Date Observed Working Day Observed By
Christmas December 25 Varies  Faramount
Easter Varies; generally early April Varies  Faramount
Festival of the Ancestors 21-23rd of Brax (March) No  Rihan
Festival of the Eurth 1-3rd of Krat (May) No  Rihan
Festival of the Republic 15-20th of Sharveen (August) No  Rihan
Harvest Festival 10-15th of Ailat (November) No  Rihan
President's Day September 16 No  Faramount
Republic Day December 3 No  Faramount

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