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Top: skyline of Niekerk from Tonckens Bay; middle left: the Port of Niekerk; middle right: De Marais in central Niekerk; bottom middle: Niekerk Metropolitan Church; bottom: landscape in the Grootduine Provincial Park
"The Southern Capital"
"Gateway to the East"
EstablishedAugust 5, 1547
LegislatureNiekerk City Council
 • MayorPieter Cruywagen (SLDP)
 (January 2023)
 • Urban
 • Metro
Time zoneUTC -6

Niekerk is a city located on the southern coast of Nuvania close to the border with Belmonte. With a population of 2.4 million people, it is the fourth largest city in Nuvania, as well as the largest city in Litania, of which it is the administrative capital. Because of its remoteness, Niekerk has functioned as an important economic, financial, and political centre in southern Nuvania, earning the nickname The Southern Capital. In addition, it has also had historical links with a number of countries in southern Asteria Inferior, southern Coius, and Sublustria, earning it the nickname Gateway to the East.

Founded as a trading port by the New Asteria Company (NAK) in February 1644, Niekerk was originally named Vredenburg after Bernard van Vredenburgh, who provided the funds to establish the original settlement. In addition to trading with the locals, Niekerk also provided the Duchy of Flamia, as well as the growing colony in the south, with trade links to both Iusitan and then Poveglian colonies in southern Asteria Inferior, as well as southern Coius, accelerating the development of the city. Prior to the unification of Hennehouwe, Niekerk became the wealthiest trading port in any of the Flamian colonies, and substantial amounts of precious metals and stones, as well as other goods like spices, passed through the port. Competition from the Poveglian and later, Gaullican port of Pinheiros in Belmonte.

Niekerk provided one of the few stable ports in the Asterias during the Asterian War of Succession, and benefitted immensely from its use by Euclean colonial powers in their fight to retain their colonial possessions. After the independence of Belmonte, a number of Gaullicans were invited to live in Niekerk by the Duchy of Flamia, and local colonial authorities, establishing the city as a multi-linguistic and multicultural hub. By the time of the Estmerish annexation of Flamian colonies, the city had grown to the extent that it exerted its own influence over local affairs, which was rectified with a strong Estmerish military presence within the city. It would also be the time that Niekerk became the official name of the city, which it would retain.

Prior to the Great Collapse, the city used its significant wealth to invest in infrastructure and in the arts and education, building theatres, galleries, universities, and establishing the first electrified tram system in Nuvania. However, social and political upheaval brought to an end the "golden era" of Niekerk, becoming one of the strongholds of the Volksfront government. The city would come under attack numerous times during the Great War, and was threatened directly by enemy forces during the latter stages of the war, but was never occupied by an enemy force until after Nuvania's surrender. Niekerk became an important centre for trade and manufacturing after the Great War, and was crucial to Nuvania's ties with southern Coius and western Euclea.

Today, Niekerk is a modern and vibrant city with a high standard of living by Nuvanian standards. It also has the country's highest cost of living, but also has one of the lowest crime rates in Nuvania.



The original trade port was built on wetlands created by the seasonal flooding of the Litani River, which originally flowed into the sea at the head of Tonckens Bay. The development of the city has resulted in the draining of most of the wetlands and the redirection of the Litani River, resulting in the progressive creation of the Panhuys Peninsula in the southwest of the city where the Litani flows parallel with Tonckens Bay before draining into it. This allowed for the creation of a wide river mouth, in turn creating a sheltered port.

Reclaiming the wetlands has created problems for Niekerk, among which are unstable soils which have caused a number of buildings to suffer from subsidence, including numerous buildings in the older districts of the city. In addition, flooding is a particular problem in many parts of the city, owing to reclaiming a floodplain and a lack of wetlands to reduce flooding. Since 1997, the city has spent several billion dollars on flood management projects which have reduced the city's vulnerability.

Despite being located far from the South Asterian Range, the city is dotted with low hills and large sand dunes along the coast, some of which are large enough to have been incorporated into the city's urban development. Inland many of these hills are used as reference points in the city, with some developed and some kept as parkland. The tallest of these hills is Augur's Mountain at 97 metres (x feet) high. Other important hills include the Middelberg and the Veerhoop, both of which were important during the colonial period as lookouts for naval vessels stationed at the port. These also give rise to suburbs of the same name in the central city. In the west, the coast and the port give way to the Grootduine, a series of massive sand dunes which form a regional park and protected area, the most famous being Kaalkop located at the far western end of the Neversands. Following most of the coastline and separating the city from the coast is the Grootrif, or Great Bank, a series of sand dunes that were developed and turned into housing and hotels.

Unlike most cities, Niekerk doesn't have multiple beaches, but rather a single beach which runs for 15 kilometres along the coastline, beginning at the Kaalkop, and ending at the Old Harbour in the east, where the Litani once flowed out. The beach is simply known as the Never Ending Sands, commonly shortened to Neversands. This is the main and only beach within the immediate city limits, although there are other beaches within the wider urban area, including East Beach in the east and the Weststrand in the west.

The Litani River is one of the defining geographic characteristics of Niekerk, shaping the city's history and development. The Litani is the longest river in Brabantia, and the longest river south of the South Asterian Range. It flows for 448 kilometres, 17 of which are in the wider urban area of Niekerk. It is joined by other smaller tributaries from the northwest that flow through the outer areas of Niekerk. In addition, the Litani creates additional green areas within the city through wetlands and swamps which have been protected by local and provincial councils. Where it is developed is often bordered by densified urban development, and is often considered the "quiet zone" of Niekerk in comparison with the coast.


Niekerk experiences a tropical savanna climate typical of the southern coast of Nuvania, with moderate to high amounts of rainfall split between the wet and dry seasons. Temperatures are more moderate than other major centres in Nuvania, making it popular with domestic tourists looking to escape the heat of the north. Niekerk on average spends 68 days a year on average above 32°C, one of the lowest amounts out of any major urban centre.

As with other Nuvanian cities, Niekerk experiences a wet season, but being substantially below the equator, this season lasts between February and August, with the city experiencing most of its rainfall and highest temperatures during this period, although precipitation is more evenly spread out throughout the year. Alongside the increased rainfall is increased humidity, the average relative humidity increasing to over 95% during the wet season. High temperatures range between 26-30°C, with average temperatures of between 23-27°C. June is Niekerk's wettest month, with over 100 millimetres of rain falling on average. The wet season includes some of Niekerk's coolest months, making it more bearable than other major cities.

The dry season is much shorter, and lasts between September and January, with significantly reduced rainfall, reduced humidity, and increased temperatures. Typical highs range between 27-30°C and average temperatures between 23-26°C. Rainfall drops off significantly, virtually halving through September, with November Niekerk's driest month at less than 30 millimetres of rainfall for the entire month.

Niekerk's hottest recorded temperature is 34.8°C, observed on April 9, 1998. Its lowest recorded temperature is 13.6°C, observed on September 26, 2004.


Niekerk is divided into five general zones of the city. In the far west of the city is the Grootduine-Poort zone, which encompasses the Grootduine Provincial Park and the Port of Niekerk, and is one of the least populated places in the city owing to its lack of residential development.

In the central part of the city is the Hoofstad, or Central City, which encompasses the central business district, the suburbs that ring the central city, and the right bank of the Old Harbour. In addition to the central business district, which primarily contains some of the corporations and other significant businesses centred in Niekerk, as well as the Provincial Legislature and government offices, it also includes the wealthy suburbs of Middelburg and Veerhoop, both located to the southeast and east of the central business district. Other suburbs include the three zones of the Grootrif, in addition to Herstelling, and Vanderhaak.

The Noordwes lies, as the name implies, to the northwest of the central city, and is primarily residential in nature, with a large industrial area to its west. It was developed in the 1950's and 1960's, and is the most recent addition to the city, with expansion continuing both northwards, to the northeast, and westwards. These include a mixture of middle and low income areas, the middle income being to the north, northeast., and along the northwest side of the Veer. Central and western areas, especially those closest to the industrial areas of Menlyn Park and Vries Park, are low income areas. Middle class suburbs include Rosebel, Wageningen, and Zoelen. Low income areas include Ladoewanie, Menlyn, and Smalkalden.

The Old Harbour almost splits the central city and the Oostevoorstade, or Eastern Suburbs, into two, the harbour ending in the eastern suburb of Groenkreek to the northeast of the Hoofstad. Beyond the left bank and along the coast, the Oostevoorstade is another predominantly residential area of Niekerk, although less predominantly Asterianer speaking than central and northwestern parts of the city. Northern areas of the Oostevoordstade are predominantly Estophone, and include areas such as Elizabeth Park, Springlands, and Sunnyside. Central and southern suburbs are more Asteriaans in nature, such as Haarlem and Meyden. Pirara, a suburb close to the centre of the Oostevoorstade, is home to a large number of Iusitan speakers, many of which are from Belmonte.

Included within the metropolitan area are a number of additional towns and cities, these being cities such as Ashton, Langenhoven, and Robertsdorp, which all act as commuter towns and cities within greater Niekerk. Around two thirds of Niekerk's population lives within this area.


Niekerk has over 150 parks and squares located within its contiguous urban boundaries and is one of the greenest cities in Nuvania in terms of parks and other public places. The largest park located within the city is Grootduine Provincial Park, which runs along the coast and encompasses the city’s famous sand dunes and other coastal environments along the two principal beaches of the city; Witstrand and Vogelstrand, separated by a small headland known as Verweysplek. It is one of the largest provincial parks in any urban area in Nuvania.

Die Marais is an important park and square within central Niekerk and is often considered a focal point for the city. Die Marais combines both Marais Square and several sections of Kommersiëlestraat eastwards from the square, separating the westbound and eastbound lanes of the street. Die Marais is well known for its food kiosks and outdoor dining, as well as the Fountain of Good Fortune.

Other important parks in Niekerk include the Stadsarboureum which contains a variety of tropical tree and plant species, and the Springlands Recreational Reserve, the largest section of tropical monsoonal forest preserved within the city limits.



Niekerk is governed by the Niekerk City Council which administers the contiguous urban area of Niekerk. It follows a mayor-council type structure with a legislative and executive body.

The City Assembly is the legislative body of the Niekerk City Council and is composed of 75 elected representatives. The role of the City Assembly is to provide legislative powers for the City Council, creating and approving council bylaws and ordinances as well as approving the yearly budget for the City Council. The City Assembly also provides recommendations for non-partisan executive appointments and provides accountability for the Mayor and Executive Council.

The Executive Council is the executive body of the Niekerk City Council and is composed of appointed heads of council departments as well as executives of council agencies, with the Mayor acting as the chief executive of the Executive Council. It directs council policy and manages the agencies and departments of the council, as well as formulates the council’s operating budget. The current Mayor of Niekerk is Pieter Cruywagen who was first elected to office in 2016.


Niekerk is the provincial capital of Litania and is the location of both the offices of the provincial government and the location of the Provincial Assembly.

The city itself is represented by 24 seats within the 67 seat Provincial Assembly. Of the 24 seats, 16 are held by representatives from the Democratic Action Party as of the 2020 local government elections, representing a majority of seats the DAP holds in the province. The National People’s Party hold six seats with the Citizen’s Alliance and the Coalition for Litania each holding one seat.


Niekerk is represented in both houses of Parliament by seats allocated to it based on population. In the House of Assembly, Niekerk is allocated 20 seats, while the city is represented by two senators in the Senate, part of the 12 seats allocated to Litania.

Of the 20 seats in the House of Assembly, 12 are held by the Social Democratic Labour Party out of the 35 seats they won across the province in the 2020 general election. The National People’s Party won six seats out of 19 won in the general election, with the remaining two seats won by the Citizen’s Alliance.

In the Senate, Niekerk is represented by two senate seats; East Niekerk and West Niekerk. Both of these seats were won by the Social Democratic Labour Party in the 2020 general election.

Administrative Divisions

Niekerk forms both a district and municipality within Litania. At the district level, it is divided into 12 municipalities, including the municipality of Niekerk itself. Within that municipality, Niekerk is further divided into seven boroughs.

Within the district of Niekerk, there are 12 municipalities representing areas inside and outside the main urban area of Niekerk. Included within these areas are the cities of Ashton, Langenhoven, and Robertsdorp, alongside numerous smaller towns and villages, as well as outer areas of Niekerk’s urban area, principally Leeuwenhoek and Santvoort. Each municipality is governed independently of the Niekerk City Council.

Within the municipality, Niekerk is divided into seven boroughs. These are Binneooste, Binnewes, Grootduine-Poort, Hoofstad, Nordwes, Oostevoorstade, and Suidkus. These boroughs are largely subservient to the Niekerk City Council but are nonetheless governed by semi-independent borough councils.


Niekerk’s economy is primarily based around the services sector, particularly finance and tourism. Niekerk’s isolation and size make it an important city for businesses operating in southern Nuvania, with many major corporations having sub offices located in the city. Industry, particularly manufacturing and shipbuilding, as well as logistics, have also been historically important industries within the city.

Niekerk accounts for 45.4% of provincial gross domestic product, with a gross regional product of 558.36 billion shillings ($34.89 billion) and a GRP per capita of 230,544 shillings ($14,409), the second highest of Nuvania’s main centres.

Finance is one of the more important industries in Niekerk dating back to the colonial era, when merchant banks were established to finance trading between the city and other colonial trading ports in the western Asterias. The sector accounts for around 20% of GRP and employs several thousand people. The largest financial institution in Niekerk is GBB Kapitaal, Nuvania’s second largest and oldest merchant bank. Most of Nuvania’s major banks as well as those from overseas also have sub offices within the city.

Tourism accounts for around 15% of GRP, with approximately 6.76 million tourists visiting the city annually. Around 45% of the tourists that visit Niekerk every year are domestic tourists who come to the city for it’s more mild climate and natural attractions, with the remaining 55% being overseas tourists, around a third of those coming from states in southeastern Coius. Niekerk is home to numerous hotels and resorts, the most famous being the Saerendam Hotel, the city’s only five star rated hotel. Thousands of residents are employed directly or indirectly by the tourism sector.

Manufacturing has a long history in Niekerk, from cottage industries through to full industrialisation beginning in the late 19th century. Niekerk has been a centre for light manufacturing and sits alongside Pietersburg and Windstrand for the number of manufacturing plants. The centres for manufacturing within the city are Menlyn Park and Vries Park, the former becoming home to heavy industrial manufacturing and the latter home to light industrial manufacturing. Both domestic and overseas companies have factories and plants located in these areas. Menlyn Park became southern Nuvania’s centre for automotive manufacturing, with the Asco Motor Corporation and Takahashi Motors operating manufacturing plants. Vries Park is known for white goods manufacturing, with domestic manufacturer Challenger operating an assembly plant in Niekerk. A number of Belmontese and Senrian companies also operate plants in Vries Park. Shipbuilding has long been an important industry in Niekerk as the city was one of the largest and only shipbuilding centres on the west coast of Asteria Inferior, with the Nagel Shipyard the largest of these still operating. Nuvania’s largest shipbuilder Auskor Marine is also based in Niekerk.

The Port of Niekerk is Nuvania’s third busiest port, handling just over one million TEUs in 2019. The port handles 75% of all shipping cargo in southern Nuvania and is the second largest port on the west coast of Asteria Inferior after Port Hope. The Port of Niekerk handles cargo primarily from southern Asteria Inferior as well as southwestern and southeastern Coius, and is one of the largest employers in the city.



The Metropolitan Transport Authority (MVO) is the provider of public transport in Niekerk, providing mass transit, commuter rail, and bus services. It is a council owned enterprise and is entirely owned by the Niekerk Regional Authority.

MVO operates 872 buses on daily routes out of a fleet of 1,017, one of the largest fleets in Nuvania. Niekerk has one of the highest bus patronages of any urban bus network in Nuvania, with approximately 147.3 million passengers transported annually over 119 routes throughout the city. MVO also operate minibus services on less populous routes or on routes with less demand, as well as during off peak times. This includes an additional 263 minibuses operating across 40 routes.

MVO operates commuter rail services throughout the city and wider metropole. These services are conducted across seven lines across the city, with nearly 51,000 people using commuter rail every day, with 18.59 million people using the commuter rail system annually. The system covers a total of 179 kilometres across all seven lines, with 74 stations found across the network.

Niekerk possesses a modest mass transit metro system which transports just over 34,000 people daily, with 12.5 million people using the metro annually. The network covers five lines, 50 stations, and has a total length of 121 kilometres. It is the third largest of its type in operation in Nuvania.


Niekerk’s central city streets were rebuilt during the Flamian period to better organise urban development and show off the city’s wealth. These were reorganised into a series of grids around large parks and gardens, of which Marais Square and Die Marais is considered to be the most important. As such, Kommersiëlestraat is considered to be the city’s principal street. All of the city’s central streets and avenues were renamed after important families within the city, with the names and layout remaining unchanged throughout the Estmerish colonial period, with Vergeerlaan and Vorsterlaan among the most notable.

Niekerk has a number of expressways and motorways within the urban and metropolitan areas that connect various parts of the city. The largest of these is the M2, which bisects the city and provides the main thoroughfare for both commuter and through traffic. The M2 in Niekerk is notable for being the longest stretch of elevated roadway in Nuvania, with the elevated section of the motorway beginning at the Westgate Bridge crossing the Litani River and ending at the Springlands Interchange with the North Eastern Expressway, which in of itself provides a connection between the M2 and the M22, which leads from central Niekerk to Boermond to the north. The Northwestern Expressway also connects the M2 with the M22 from the west, providing road access to the industrial and suburban areas on the northwestern side of the Litani River. The M22 terminates at Boermond, where it becomes the N71. Although not an expressway or a motorway, a dual carriageway exists that crosses the southern part of the city close to the coast. Known as the N72, it consists of the former trunk road that carried traffic to and through Niekerk prior to the construction of the M2 motorway in the early 1960’s. It intersects with surface level streets and is also known as the Coastal Highway.

Located close to the central city is Niekerk Central Station, which serves the city in terms of both commuter rail as well as intercity passenger rail. It is the busiest train station in southern Nuvania and is the terminus for domestic services to the north and to the west. Nuvanian State Railways run regular passenger services between Niekerk and Philipsbaai to the west, as well as Boermond to the north. It also is the starting point and the terminus for an international passenger service between Niekerk and Pinheiros in Belmonte. Niekerk is also the terminus for two long distance passenger services; the daily Coastal Express sleeper train between Niekerk and Pietersburg, and the twice weekly Azure Line luxury passenger service, also to Pietersburg.

Niekerk is served by two airports. Niekerk International Airport is the largest and busiest of the two, serving both passengers and cargo. It is one of three hubs operated by NLM and the primary gateway for flights to and from southeastern Coius. It is also the third busiest airport in the country, seeing 11.27 million passengers in 2019. It serves a variety of airlines operating international and domestic passenger and cargo services. Ramsgate Airport is the former main airport of Niekerk and was replaced in 1962 by the current international airport. Ramsgate Airport handles Niekerk’s general aviation traffic as well as hosting facilities for flight training schools and aircraft operated by the military and government agencies.



Niekerk has a total population of 2.42 million inhabitants with an urban population of 1.43 million inhabitants. It has the highest growth of any of Nuvania’s major cities, with an average of 1.48% between 2010 and 2020.


Like Nuvania’s other major cities, Niekerk is ethnically diverse although largely dominated by the city’s white population, which forms a plurality with the non-white inhabitants.

White Nuvanians compose 51.2% of the population of Niekerk, with this demographic dominated by Asterianers, who form around 54% of the white population. Many Asterianer families can trace their ancestry from the successive waves of Hennish migrants during the Hennish colonial periods. Estmerish Nuvanians account for another 39% of the population and are mostly descended from the Estmerish who settled in the later period following the conclusion of the Hennish-Estmerish War. The remaining seven percent of Niekerk’s white population is composed of various different ethnic groups, with Niekerk home to sizeable Etrurian, Gaullican, and Luzelese communities, all of which were permitted to settle in the city during the Hennish colonial period owing to the city’s foundation by the Duchy of Flamia. In addition, there are smaller communities of Estemerish and Hennish expatriates.

Creoles compose 40.1% of the population, one of the highest in Nuvania. Niekerk’s Creole population is primarily derived from intermarriages between Euclean and indigenous Nuvanians as well as a smaller number of Bahians and Eucleans. Like Creoles elsewhere, Niekerk’s Creole population is one of the oldest communities in the country and has played an important part in the city’s development, particularly in its culture. Niekerk’s Creoles are also predominantly culturally tied to Asterianers, a situation unique to southern Nuvania. As with elsewhere, many Creoles have become important artists, although a significant contribution has come from Creoles within business as well, particularly finance.

Black Nuvanians compose 4.2% of the population of Niekerk. Much of the population is descended from Bahian slaves brought from Bahian states by the Hennish during the colonial period until the Hennish-Estmerish War, in which the practice was banned. Although the population was more widespread throughout the province, Niekerk’s urban population is a byproduct of the Estmerish colonial period during which the city continued to expand with its trade links to other Asterian states and southeastern Coius, many of those living in rural areas subsequently moving to Niekerk to work as labourers in the port or in growing factories. Niekerk became one of the centres of protest and resistance to the segregationist policies of the conservative governments under the National People’s Party between the 1950’s and 1990’s. Niekerk’s black population is almost evenly split between Asterianer and Estmerish-speaking communities.

Indigenous Nuvanians account for 2.7% of the population. Litania is Nuvania’s only province to be populated by peoples speaking both Tupi and Macro-Ge languages. Native peoples to the immediate area include the Kukama, Munduruku, and Tembe, most of whom live within the wider metropolitan area. Combined, these are over 19,000 people, a majority of the Tupi-speaking inhabitants of Litania. In addition, indigenous Nuvanians from across the province and neighbouring provinces can be found in Niekerk, most of whom having moved to Niekerk for employment opportunities.

Approximately 1.8% of Niekerk’s population is composed of people who are not from any major Asterian ethnic group, with these being principally Coian ethnicities. Of these, approximately three quarters are ethnic Shangeans, of which a majority belong to the Paisha subgroup, with Niekerk having the largest Paisha community in Nuvania. Many of these are the descendants of labourers and workers brought in by the Estmerish to work in Niekerk’s port and shipbuilding yards, with the suburb of Backlea originating as dedicated living areas for Shangean workers. Another 20% are ethnic Senrians who were also workers brought in during colonial times. Senrians mostly inhabited the north-central suburb of Suidbank, which colloquially became known as Senriatown or Little Keisi. Both the Senrians and Shangeans have had an impact on Niekerk’s culture, predominantly in cuisine. Five percent of Niekerk’s non-Asterian population is composed of a multitude of smaller groups, mostly other Coians and some Sublustrians.


Niekerk is majority Soritian with around 64% of the population identifying as Sotirian. It is Nuvania’s largest majority Catholic city, with 56% of Sotirians identifying as Catholic. Niekerk is central to the Catholic faith in Nuvania and as a result, is the location of all the major Nuvanian branches and administrative organs of the Nuvanian Solarian Catholic Church. It is also Nuvania’s only metropolitan diocese. Another 30% of Sotirians in Niekerk are Amendists, divided between the United Church of Nuvania and Kasparists. Ten percent of Sotirians belong to charismatic churches, principally Evangelical and Pentecostal churches, while the remaining four percent of Sotirians belong to smaller churches.

Approximately 32% of residents identify as irreligious, agnostic, or atheist, owing to growth in irreligion among young people and the presence of numerous higher education institutions in the city. However, Niekerk has the highest proportion of irreligious people out of Nuvania’s major cities.

Around four percent of residents identify or belong to numerous minor religions. Of these, two percent are Atudites and another 1.4% are Irfanics, which is growing among Niekerk’s black population. Another 1.8% are Zohists and the remainder belong to minority religions.


Niekerk is one of two cities where Asterianer speakers predominate, with around 86% of the population speaking Asteriaans as a first language and another 30% as a second language. Asteriaans is widely regarded as a lingua franca within Niekerk, and the city is a centre for Asterianer media and publications. It is taught as a first language in multiple education institutions.

Estmerish is spoken by around 29% of the population as a first language and as a second language by around 80% of the population. Estmerish is widely spoken as a second language owing to the international nature of the city as well as its status as co-official within Nuvania.

=== Education


Crime ===
