North River Federation

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North River Federation
North River Federation.png
Flag of the North River Federation
Motto: United as one, we are unbreakable
CityWhedon's Row
Largest citySaltbrook Channel
Other languagesNorthish, Proto-Pentian
Establishment935 CE
• Union between Whedon's Row and Saltbrook Channel
935 CE
• Total
76,000 km2 (29,000 sq mi)
• Estimate
Today part ofRepublic of Pentium

The North River Federation is the precursor to the modern Republic of Pentium it was a regional power that existed from 935 to 1822. The kingdom played a crucial role in shaping the cultural and political landscape of the modern republic. Formed initally as a defensive union by Edmund Callahan, during a series of conflicts against rival clans and hired mercenaries that caused several large and small city states to band together in 935, forming the North River Federation as a response, the entity would successfully defend its borders during The Troubles and beyond. Expanding across the peninsula in order to provide protection and trade among the Geltic population. The Federation would last for nearly 900 years.



The Troubles are generally accepted to have begun in full in early 935 CE, after several years of independent City States repelling raiding parties. A large coalition of rival clans and barbarian mercenaries commenced a concentrated push into the Peninsula, typically the border cities, who were most adept at fighting most threats would have held off the attack, the sheer numbers and fresh tactics were able to handily overcome most border cities. Allowing the coalition to advance nearly unchecked through the heartland of Pentium, this sack would last nearly 30 years, taking pauses to consolidate and recruit on both sides. The King of Whedon's Row at the time, whose name has been lost to history, had been following the situation closely. Whedon's Row was a fortress built into the hills and would be adept at resisting attacks, but had vulnerable flanks and could be cut off. Acting on this concept, the King sent a message to the Archon of Riversguard. Toland Han, responded with equal concern, having nearly the opposite problem. The two would meet near the River Mercy, and forged an alliance to defend one another.

First Siege of Whedon's Row

The first siege of Whedon's Row was a decisive victory for the allied cities, resulting in a rout of the coalitions forces away from the Northern cities. Records state that the King devised a strategy to break coalition forces into two separate armies, separating the more numerous mercenaries and their clan allies into two separate armies, using Riversguard troops to block attempts at reinforcements, militia archers would pepper the mercenaries with arrows while the cities guards forced a surrender against the hills. They turned to the smaller force of clans. Forcing a retreat from the field.

Battle of Riversguard

5 years after the first siege, the clans had regrouped with allied forces from captured city states from across the peninsula. Instead of marching for Whedon's Row, the Archon of Riversguard was able to find the force far sooner than expected and called for aid. A further combined force of Whedon's Row Levies and Riversguard Milita managed to win another victory from an ambush and forced another rout from the Clans. The rapid movement of troops was critical in the success of the operation, which was facilitated by using the River Mercy to ferry troops quickly and effectively by boat.

Battle of Brackish Point

It took a further 13 years for the coalition to replenish its numbers from the previous losses, and recruit more mercenaries who were willing to work with them. Operating in secrecy, several elements of this combined force marched on Brackish Point. A city located to the west of Riversguard, and began a siege. The city itself was well-supplied, and armed with levies and militia troops. The city would hold out for a year, where the siege would be broken by a combined army of Riversguard and Whedon's Row. The victory would be costly however, during the frantic fighting after the gates of Brackish opened to allow the Archon and King inside. The coalition had laid a trap, and despite efforts from city defenders and bodyguards both the King and Archon would be slain. It was a hollow victory for the coalition, causing a sally from Brackish and the nearby armies that would encircle and crush the coalition, ending The Troubles around 1002 CE.

North River Federation forms

Following the Battle of Brackish Point, a new king would be crowned. A boy said to be heir to both crowns was elevated, having hit the age of majority only a year prior. Edmund Callahan would lead the two cities for a few years after his ascension but would choose to unify the two states around their growing similarities and culture. The new state would be known as the North River Federation. Many city states that had survived the troubles unharmed or had seen the victories the Federation had completed decided to join the new entity willingly. Some states close to the borders of the Federation would have their installed leaders overthrown and would be absorbed by the entity, or set free with a ruler placed on their local governments by the Federation.

Expansion of the Federation

After securing its borders and overthrowing old coalition leaders from rival city-states, the federation embarked on a military expansion to the south and west. Focusing on reclaiming on what the old coalition had fought to take, the campaign would see moderate success in the South and great success in the West. Reclaiming most of the territory lost, except for the Southern States who formed a defense bloc and successfully maintained their independence from the Federation, the campaign would end in 1012 CE.

Era of Calm

The period of calm refers to a period of peace and prosperity encompassing roughly 200 years of history as well as recovering the economy from its tattered state, rebuilding settlements and entrenching systems within the Federation. Trade increased internally and people began to accrue wealth slowly over time, later in his life Edmund Callahan would begin to transition the armies of the Federation into smaller and more mobile units while reducing the size of the Federation's army by 20% and lowering the cost of defending the quiet borders. Edmund would oversee the Era of Calm until he died in 1070 CE. passing the rule of the Federation to his son, Signis Callahan, considered to be a historical footnote, he and his successors would maintain the upward trend of the Federation until a succession crisis in 1180 CE saw Alexis Ventarus elevated to the throne. Young and arrogant, Alexis would further reduce military spending to bolster his personal coffers, seeing little point in spending more on defense as the threat of the rival clans had been vanqished years ago.

1st Southern War

Despite the newfound wealth that many citizens enjoyed, it would not last. In 1207 CE, an overwhelmingly large force of allied clans from the west invaded the North River Federation, having allied with the trade states of the south. They coordinated an extremely successful offensive that stripped back vast amounts of land and wealth from the Federation, King Alexis Ventarus sallied out at the head of one of the Federation's largest armies yet assisted by General Ancaster Pentium. By all accounts, Alexis was a poor leader and was largely ineffectual during the campaign, leading the combined armies in a series of minor defeats that led to his encirclement against the hills North of Whedon's Row. During the armies dinner, Alexis confided in his remaining generals that he received a list of demands from the opposing general, the foremost demands were his abdication and the elevation of the clans as the sole leaders of the Federation. Alexis admitted he was going to accept the demands. In the uproar that commenced from the announcement, Ancaster drew her sword and murdered King Alexis. The next morning, when the Federation army took the field, Ancaster led them to victory after victory, using unorthodox tactics and clawing any advantage she could from the terrain.

2nd Reconquering

The counter-offensive from Ancaster revitalized the hope of the Federation and spurred its soldiers to keep fighting for their home, Ancaster would gather as many volunteers and levies as possible and split her command among her most capable subordinates to push back the tides of rival clans and the Southern States. The victory was costly, and tens of thousands of soldiers and civilian volunteers would die in the effort to reconquer their home, however, the territory lost to the Southern States was inevitable. Ancaster was able to mitigate the territory lost, but a significant chunk of territory was irrecoverable. After this victory, Ancaster had the opportunity to ascend to the throne of the Federation. However, for reasons that are still unknown to historians today she declined the elevation and retired to her home in Jade Cove. She would pass away in that home in 1265 CE, though she would be an outspoken critic of the monarchy and would petition for an alternative system of government.

The Boreal War

After the fighting and bloodshed had come to a close, another era of peace would fall upon the peninsula. Tensions wouldn't fall between the Federation and Southern States, the mutual distrust between both parties had pushed too far to be quelled. Neither state was prepared to start another war however. Frosty relations and the unwillingness to come to a compromise or treaty caused a long lived border conflict. Dubbed the Boreal War, due to dozens of years between any armed conflict, instead a focus on domestic and economic conflict. Lasting from 1324-1881 CE, both sides constantly trying to one up another in any field they could manage financially or technologically. It was a conflict that would outlive the Federation.

The Fall of the Federation

After centuries of unified rule, the old city state regimes that used to dot the peninsula were barely recognizable to the citizenry in 1807. Many people felt more like citizens of the federation, rather than citizens of their cities. There was a forming zeitgeist around an idea from Ancaster Pentium from 1232, when she expressed her desire to form a government where the people could elect their leaders instead of a king, archon or queen. The inciting incident which sparked this demand was the accessibility of information from outside the peninsula, about revolutions and nations that had different forms of government past a monarch.

August Protest

In the early days of August 1809, a coordinated protest against the monarchy in several major cities sparked up. Bringing the country to a standstill in most areas and aspects, local garrisons were overwhelmed by the population's sudden uproar. While the crowd was generally rowdy and disorganized, however the protests remained mostly peaceful. Once news reached King Auric Mercy in Whedon's Row, he decided to enforce martial law across the major cities with protests. The increased powers of the guards, in addition to the curfews being enforced caused tensions to rise within cities.

September Revolt

In Riversguard, several protesters were killed in a botched raid on a tavern that had several local protest leaders. Causing the cities protesters to begin organized revolts against the local guards, arming themselves with whatever they could find, and assisted with elements of the local guard officers. They managed to storm the government district, and overthrow the mayor of the town. With the support of the Archon on the city, who was mostly a ceremonial figurehead at the time, the revolutionaries established a rudimentary democracy. Going so far as to change the name of the city to "Saltbrook Channel" in honor of the leader of the revolt, Josiah Saltbrook.

Further Revolts

Addition successful revolts were enacted in Jade Cove, Brackish Point, Elksford, Calum's Keep and Callahan's Boot. Many more failed however, but the strategic and symbolic locations of several cities began to hurt the coffers of the state, forcing the king to act to defend his own personal interests and that of the state. Each city defended itself with vehemence, even with the reduced number of professional guards and volunteer citizens. Elksford, Calum's and Callahan's Boot would fall to the King's forces. However, each city would take years to fall and allow for the other cities to defend itself with greater numbers and weaponry. Culminating in the defeat of the King and his armies in 1819 CE at the same place where the Federation was first formed, Brackish Point.

Formation of the Republic

With the King defeated and in custody, the revolts came to an end. They forced the king to abdicate, and give up his authority as the sole ruler of the Federation. Afterwards, he was allowed to live out the rest of his days in his palace, under the watchful eye of a few handpicked men. A temporary council was established by the revolutionaries of each city state to write the constitution and run the country while the infrastructure was being established. It took 2 years to finalize the papers and be approved by each member of the council, and in 1821 CE the convention to create a new national flag was established. Resulting in the modern banner of Pentium being implemented in 1822 CE and standardized across the nation in 1824 CE. The institutions of the Federation were safely integrated into the Republic, with a few name changes and policy tweaks.