Marauder Age

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A carving of a long fada from a sixteenth-century monument to Lughaidh I.

The Marauder Age (8th century-11th century CE) was a period during the Middle Ages when Ghailles known as Marauders carried out wide-spread raiding and conquest throughout Euclea. It followed an expansion of the Ghaillish population which required additional resources. In the Caldish Isles, these resources were at times limited. The Ghailles of this period are often referred to as Marauders as well as Lochlananch, though the latter is only commonly used in Caldia.

Ghaillish pirates conducted raids throughout Euclea, with Caldish galleys being recorded of having reached as far west as Narozalica and as far south as Tsabara. Raids were most common in the North Sea region of Euclea. Ghaillish settlement occurred in Buckland, Estmere Geatland, Solsitana, and Werania. The longest-lasting Marauder kingdoms were Pending in eastern Soltiana and Pending on the northern coast of Geatland. The expansion of Ghaillish peoples followed Caldish unification in 720. Some Caldish historians argue that the actual First North Sea Empire was established by the Ghailles during the Marauder Age. This is disputed by other historians, however, on the grounds that the Ghaillish pirates were not consistently actors of the Ghaillish crown and their raids and conquests were not consistently an extension of the monarch’s de jure or de facto authority

Conquest and raids were driven by a several factors. Overpopulation and a lack of arable land contributed to Ghaillish piracy. The unification of Caldia also resulted in political strife, centralizing power in a way that it had not previously been. This motivated some Ghaillish warriors to look to other lands for political independence from the Ghaillish crown. Wealth in Euclean towns and monasteries and the weak rule of overseas kings was also a factor. The historical use of the long fada by the Ghailles and new developments in sailing also drove expansion.

Most information about the Marauders is drawn from primary sources written by Eucleans who interacted with the Ghailles during this period. Archaeology and some secondary sources, including Ghaillish folklore, also contributes to the understanding of the Marauder Age.

Historical background

Caldish Marauders were mostly warriors who lived in the coastal regions of Caldia. Initially, they were outside of the direct influence of the newly established Caldish monarchy. Many of them were Sotirians, but some Marauders were pagans or still practiced pagan beliefs. Marauders primarily settled in Buckland, Estmere, Geatland, Solsitana, and Werania. There was also some Ghaillish settlements in Azmara, Caithia, Swetania, and Narozalica.

Old Ghaillish was spoken by the Marauders and the language was spread through settlement of northern Euclea. The process of Sotirianization of the Ghailles began in 711. The spread of Sotirianity and its association with the Caldish monarchy cause unease among the native pagan population. A tax was levied on non-Sotirians in late 791. It resutled in a high number of conversations to Sotirianity. Historians also believe it was a motivating factor for non-Sotirian Marauders to settle outside of the Caldish Isles.

The tribes of Caldia had been unified by 720 under the central authority of the Kingdom of the Ghailles. Caldish unification had wide-reaching political ramifications for the Ghaillish clans. Prior to unification, the clans were largely independent of one another. This period is known in Caldia as the túatha. A túath is an Old Ghaillish term used for kingdom, meaning a geographical area and the people who lived there. Historians have identified over 30 small kingdoms that had existed in Caldia before 720.

As an island, the sea had always been the only way of communication and trade between the Ghaillies and the outside world. Ghaillish people had long been noted for their use of the Ghaillish longship, or longa fada, by Eucleans. Advancements in shipbuilding practices resulted in the construction of warships that could reach farther distances. These ships were initially sent on raiding expeditions. Overtime, Ghaillish sailors acted as traders, explorers, and colonizers as well as pirates.

Probable causes of Ghaillish raiding

Historical overview

Northeastern Euclea

Southeastern Euclea

Central Euclea


The Asterias
