Orders, decorations, and medals of Montecara

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The Montecaran honors system is the city-state's means of formal acknowledgement for meritorious deeds and public service.

Montecara is unusual in making (with few exceptions) no distinction between civil and military decorations. Anyone, soldier or civilian, and in many cases citizen or foreigner, may be awarded any honor to which they are entitled.


Decoration Name Remarks
Order of the Civic Crown For exemplary and invaluable service to Montecara and her people.
Order of the Leopard For advancing the military and trade interests of Montecara in Coius. No longer awarded.

The highest honor conferred by the State of Montecara is the Order of the Civic Crown (Montecaran: Òrden da coròna cìvica). It is conferred only by law, requiring the consent of both the Popular Assembly and the Senate after nomination by the Colegio. The recipient of a civic crown must be a distinguished and exemplary citizen of Montecara or, in the extraordinary case of an award to a foreigner, to have rendered invaluable service to the state and its people.

Individual decorations and medals

Listed in order of wear

Decoration Name Remarks
Medal of Virtue For acts of conspicuous bravery, especially those undertaken to save another's life.
Medal of St. Stephen the Martyr For those wounded or killed while serving the Montecaran state.
Peacekeepers' Medal For at least 14 days' service abroad in a peacekeeping operation.

Collective honors

Decoration Name Remarks
Fourragère CG TOE.jpg Guards of the Republic Select military units, native or foreign, which have distinguished themselves by valorous service to Montecara. Members of designated units wear the red and white braided fourragère.