Sunadic Ocean

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Sunadic Ocean
Globe (1).png
Coordinates9°N ; 32°E
IslandsList of islands in the Sunadic Ocean
SettlementsKrálowec, Sacron, San Jorge Xayacatlán, Santiago de Lujambio, Solana Beach,Vedoti

The Sunadic Ocean is the second-largest body of the Anteria's six oceans. It is known to separate the "Old World" of Thuandia and Thrismari from the "New World" of Olivacia and Hirethia in the Thuandian perception of the World. The Sunadic Ocean borders the Rimdic Ocean to the north, the Kaldaz Ocean to the south and connects with the Paisi Ocean through the Nostrian Sea and the Santa Cruz Strait, that separates Hirethia from Olivacia.