Deo Favente

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Deo Favente (Solarian pronunciation: /de.oː fa.wen.te/), often stylized D.F.†, is the national motto of Auratia. From the Solarian language, it roughly translates to "With God's Favour" or "God Favouring".

Before the establishment of a republican government in Auratia, Deo Favente was used by the Kings of Auratia, the Cristianos, as a family motto. Its usage harks back to the unification of the Auratian-speaking parts of the Auratian people (as opposed to the Iustian-speaking territories, which formed the Kingdom of Iustia). The motto originally referred to the divine right of the Cristiano kings. In the Alzamiento, Auratia's republic revolution, Deo Favente was partially adopted by pro-republican factions in cheeky mockery of the monarchist regime.

In 1851, the Auratian Senate controversially readopted Deo Favente as a call to tradition and history. To many, the motto represents the intricate and complex relationship between the Auratian government and the Solarian Catholic Church, as well as the country's rather thin separation of church and state.

Deo Favente does not usually appear on any government symbols or heraldry. However, it is common for public officials to sign D.F.† on official documents beside their signature.