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Eochaill (Irish Eo Choill, meaning 'Yew Wood') is a major city in central Maltropia. It is the capital of the principality of Tyrmidra and the second-most populous city in the country. Its metropolitan population exceeds five million.

Historically, Eochaill was the chief seat of the Uí Midire, the most powerful dynasty in southern Maltropia, whose hegemony extended north to Uisneach, Ivory and the Ardawn mountains. The Uí Midire sponsored Eochaill's Bardic College, Maltropia's preeminent bardic college, as well as the monasteries at Ecriu and Uisneach. Eochaill itself was also major religious centre, with its Great Monastery one of the most important centres of Christian learning in Maltropia. In the mid-1100s, a set of encircling stone walls was constructed, the first in Maltropia.


The earliest settlement at Eochaill has been dated to c. 800 BC, when a hill fort was established overlooking Eochaill harbour. The town itself was founded considerably later, developing out of a small, 6th century BC fishing village into a minor regional trade centre around the turn of the millennium. It became a seat of the Uí Midire around 210 AD, during the reign of Máel Conall Aislinge, and after Brí Réud's destruction in 354 it became their chief royal centre.

Ruins of Eochaill's Mainistir Mór, or Great Monastery, built in the eleventh century


Eochaill is home to a number of major companies, especially in automotive and high-tech industries. deAlaya, Maltropia's oldest surviving automotive manufacturer and one of its largest, is a major employer in Eochaill and has its headquarters in the city, having been founded there in 1928.

Twin cities