Light of Maradisoba

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The Light of Maradisoba is an Amalgamation that is consisted of at least five different K'vari Severibi that form together. The purposes of a Light of Maradisoba forming was almost always for combat purposes. During the War of the Timeless, several different Lights of Maradisoba were formed from different K'vari Councillors. The Drouli Construct that opposes the Light of Maradisoba is the Darkness of Dro, which encompasses an almost opposite of the Light of Maradisoba. The earliest source of a Light of Maradisoba forming was during the Battle of K'anama. Formed from Solomon Sakart and several other members of the Seiranian Sabaphos.

The appearance of a Light of Maradisoba varies depending on the Severibi that are involved in creating an amalgamation. The three standard parts that are apparant in a Light of Maradisoba is the appearance of a White Eye, the devolution of vocal chords to only being able to growl and roar, and the formation of an amalgam of weapons that is summoned from each independent Severibi that constitutes a Light of Maradisoba. Alongside that, different Shinagani artisan patterns will form on the fur of the Light of Maradisoba and subsequently glow.