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  • ...e and economic slowdown caused logistical and commercial issues in Pulacan and impacted the nation's ability to wage war. ...of-the-line for its time, but quickly fell into disrepute as mismanagement and lack of war readiness took hold over the ensuing decades.
    14 KB (2,276 words) - 16:58, 11 May 2023
  • ...e. The resulting fire killed 177 personnel, injured over one hundred more, and took more than 17 hours to bring under control. The incident is one of the ...s eventually appropriated by the government of Ostlichtor in June of 1994, and recommissioned as the ''Reichsschiff Bettner'' in 2001.
    22 KB (3,409 words) - 20:43, 20 November 2023
  • ...dump. Its collapse caused a fire and large explosion, followed by smaller explosions throughout the city as the fire spread along gas mains. ...a new site further upriver on an area of high ground with more stable soil and named it [[Halith|New Halith]].
    27 KB (4,390 words) - 03:36, 5 February 2023
  • |location = [[Lafaille Naval Base]], [[Beresa]], [[Saint Croix and Bens]] ...ed intelligence networks were able to tie the attack to [[Asaad al-Shaad]] and the Terehanian government.
    19 KB (2,943 words) - 23:05, 31 March 2023
  • ...public|Tlaximallico Republics]] believed to have died from various cancers and other health complications as a result of the disaster. ...modern era of Zacapine society in which anxieties over an uncertain future and skepticism towards government are far more prevalent than in previous decad
    24 KB (3,875 words) - 19:01, 26 July 2023
  • ...amastanian forces on the [[Angenta Friendship Bridge]] between [[Danaska]] and [[Angenta]] on 3rd November, 2018 | place = [[Gladysynthia]] and the [[Northern Isle]], [[Zamastan]]
    24 KB (3,601 words) - 04:08, 15 May 2023
  • ...a]] is in the west coast. Other cities include [[La Joya]], [[Percaoiva]], and [[Isla del León]]. Nastanovo is also the home to the headquarters of the [ dances and the Isabellan conquests of [[Lumenism|Lumenist]] teachings and the embracing of its God.
    100 KB (16,193 words) - 20:11, 10 December 2023
  • ...= 21 June 1971 - 12 November 1972<br>({{Age in years, months, weeks and days|month1=07|day1=21|year1=1971|month2=12|day2=11|year2=1972}}) * Conservative coalition in [[Ambrose]] collapses and loses election of 1973
    138 KB (21,827 words) - 17:51, 9 February 2023