Transport in Slovertia

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Transport in Slovertia relies on several main roads, three main railway lines and transport by air.


A train in Brativas


The Sloveti Rail Service runs all train services in Slovertia. Slovertia has a total railway length of 6,890 kilometres. Slovertia relies on three main rail lines. The Northern line connects Ziprata through to Brativas, the Western line connects Brativas to Kojbakvy through Uzní and the Southern line connects Kojbakvy to Ziprata.


The Z1 is the busiest road in Slovertia snd runs from the capital; Brativas to the largest city in Slovertia Kojbakvy. The Z2 anc Z3 highways run east to west of the country cutting through the northern highlands. while the Z4 serves the south of the country.


Slovertia has four main international airports; Brativas, Kojbakvý, Žiprata and Pueši. Brativas and Kojbakvý both have city airports about three miles from their centres.