İmam Hatip schools in Sharifistan
İmam Hatip schools teach male Muslim Sharifistanis how to be imams and khatibs from the age of 12 to the age of 18.
Imam Hatip schools were established in 1922, under the Education Decree of Sultan Mehmet I of Sharifistan.
From the age of 12 to the age of 14 the mandatory curriculum includes Arabic, science, mathematics, history and Islamic studies. In addition students must learn either Turkish or Arabic. At 14, students study Basic levels where the same subjects are offered as at other schools including religious studies of all religions and science subjects (Though students must include Islamic Studies as one of their Basic Levels). After taking Basic Level exams (usually at 16), students are then free to take A-Levels in a range of religious, philosophical and language topics though Arabic and Islamic studies are mandatory.
Sharifistani Imam Hatips schools are controversial for only admitting male students. In addition they are controversial for their teachings on homosexuality and abortion and their teachings in favour of Sharifistani nationalism.
See also