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StructureLargely independent
LeadershipAeldor Wulfrun
Region Brytene
HeadquartersGroves of Kalkreide
CongregationsBrytene - 46,000,000
Zerinfriom - 15,500,000
Allied Connurist States - 15,250,000
Vedria - 5,300,000
Valaran - 400,000
Stasnov - 1,500,000
Acronius - 250,000

Adfyr (/ædfɪər/) is the state religion of Brytene, present in the Isles since the prehistoric era. It is a polytheistic religion and is most prevalent in Brytene, with worshippers across the globe.


Adfyr is Old Englisc for 'sacrificial fire'. Fire is an important element in Adfyr, as it represents the power of the gods, gifted to humankind.


The polytheistic, decentralised nature of Adfyr means that there are dozens, if not hundreds, of individual deities, but there are several primary figures whose worship has been attested consistently throughout history.

Ulldor - Chief of the pantheon, known as Old Man Winter or Sky Father, Ulldor is typically depicted as an old man with a thick white beard, typically dressed in heavy red or white robes and a hood, hung with pouches and tomes. His left hand is made of stone. He is the God of the Skies, Winter, Storms and Clouds. People pray to him for wisdom and guidance. to His symbol is the lightning bolt.

Solla - Goddess of the Sun, Summer and Love, Solla is beautiful and perceptive. She is depicated as a tall, elegant blonde with a sharp and irreverent wit. She wields Hermaer, the Heart-Scythe. People pray to her for fertility, happiness and love. Her symbol is the sun.

Hertonos - The oldest of Ulldor and Solla's children, he is the God of the Oceans. A powerful and brooding god, he is depicted as a skeleton covered in coral and aquatic growth, with unblinking red eyes, wielding Brinbyrne, a scrimshaw harpoon with the ability to control the seas. He was killed soon after birth when Agronai, Ulldor's brother, drowned him. He is an angry and bitter god, brought back to half-life by the sacrifice of Ulldor's left hand. His symbol is a teardrop.

Austora - Daughter of Ulldor and Solla, she is the Goddess of War, Hunting, and Travel. She is portrayed as short and nimble, with thick red hair. Her symbol is the stag.


Adfyr, meaning 'sacred fire', is the state religion of the Confederacy of Brytene. It is a polytheistic religion originating with the Saxones, with a pantheon of deities led by Ulldor, a patriarchal figurehead known as "Old Man Winter" or the "Sky Father. The adherents of Adfyr are known as Adfyrans, and the religion features strong elements of animism and cultic practice.

Adfyr is approximately 3500 years old, and was imported to the Brytisc Isles by the Saxones who first settled the islands in the 6th Century BCE. By 800CE, all islands of Brytene were under Saxone control and Adfyr had supplanted the earlier Celti belief systems. In 1304CE, the Kingdom of Dyflin was conquered and elements of the related Vikingr pantheon were syncretically absorbed into Adfyr.

Adfyr has a wide variety of subsects, beliefs and ritual systems and has no codified canon. There are approximately 75,500,000 adherents worldwide, and the Groves of Kalkreide serve as a focal point for the religion and are the site of the annual Gesuntubyrne festival.

Beliefs and Practices

Adfyr is worshipped in Weiden (sing. Weide). Originally held outdoors in meadows and groves, a Weide is now typically a circular slate stone building around a central courtyard, with any variety of rooms coming off the central colonnade.

Banfyr, a communal act of worship, is typically celebrated on Sundays. An Aeldor leads the rites. Participants bring a stick or piece of wood with them to the Weide, and upon entering mark their forehead with the ash remaining from the previous Banfyr. A traditional chant or song is sung, followed by a brief sermon and, depending on the day, a sacrifice and prayers for a given cause. Following this, the central Banfyr is lit and the assembled throw on the wood they brought, after which the ceremony is concluded.

Adfyr is largely ritualistic. Sacrifice is a key component of worship, and most commonly takes the form of libations or burnings, although items can also be thrown into deep waters. Animal sacrifice is still observed for special occasions, and typically involves beheading the animal.

Touching iron or wood is considered to be a ritual blessing.


As of 2018, it is estimated that there are around 46 million Adfyrians in Brytene. There are also sizeable populations abroad, including approximately 15.5 million in Zerinfriom, 15.25 million in the Allied Castarcian States, 5.3 million in Vedria, 4 million in the United States of Conner, 1.5 million in Stasnov, 400,000 in Valaran,and 250,000 in Acronius. There are also smaller enclaves such as 6,500 in Huda.

Most Adfyrans are ceremonially named on the first midday of their life, in a ceremony known as "Ankenner". At the age of 16, formally considered the age of majority, they go through the ceremony of "Widderkenner". These two rituals, recognising the name of the child and the name of the adult, are important for the recognition of an Adfyran by the gods and by the wider community.


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