History of Bentho

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The recorded history of Bentho stretchs all the way from 3000 B.C.E


A Mordern Day Map of Bentho in 200 B.C.E
Painting of San Pera in the 15h Century

The history of Bentho has taken place over several millennia across a wide geographical area. The notion of 'Bentho' can be understood under many diverse historiographical, cultural, geographic, and political lenses, and has evolved tremendously over time. Each region now understood to be part of the Bentheese world has alternated between many periods of unity, fracture, prosperity and hardship. Classical Bentheese civilization first emerged in the Fluviora River valley, and it with the Sorobuna and Momtinga valleys now constitute the geographic core of Bentho and have for the majority of its imperial history. Bentho maintains a rich diversity of ethnic and linguistic people groups. The traditional lens for viewing Bentheese history is the dynastic cycle: imperial dynasties rise and fall, and are ascribed certain achievements. Throughout pervades the narrative that Bentheese civilization can be traced as an unbroken thread many thousands of years into the past, making it one of the cradles of civilization. At various times, states representative of a dominant Bentheese culture have directly controlled areas stretching from The Sea of Vulkaria and to the Ausianan steppes.

During the Primordia Era, a time steeped in the early history of the Benthenses civilization, the Fluviora River became a focal point for the emergence of numerous vibrant societies. These communities, with their unique customs and traditions, flourished along the river's banks, harnessing its life-giving waters for sustenance and trade. From the northern reaches to the southern deltas, the Fluviora River served as a conduit for cultural exchange and interaction among these diverse societies. The Avarianis, renowned for their mastery of river navigation and fishing techniques, established settlements near the river's source, while the Ventorians, skilled in riverine agriculture, thrived in the fertile floodplains downstream. Further along, the Tenebrisians, famed for their mystical connection to the river's hidden depths, found solace and spiritual enlightenment along its meandering course. And let us not forget the Valeridians, whose fierce warriors guarded the river's banks with unwavering loyalty, ensuring safe passage for merchants and travelers. As the Primordia Period progressed, these societies, among others, developed unique cultural identities, marked by distinctive art forms, religious practices, and social structures. The Fluviora River, flowing as a witness to their growth and coexistence, became not only a physical lifeline but also a symbol of unity and diversity, weaving the tapestry of ancient Benthenses history.

In the ancient times of Benthenses civilization, writing systems were developed as a means of recording information and preserving knowledge. These early writing systems, known as "Primordian Script," were primarily used within local communities and served as a tool for communication among the people of Benthenses. However, as trade routes expanded and cultural interactions flourished, there arose a need for a more standardized writing system that could facilitate communication and connection with the wider world. In response to this demand, scholars and scribes embarked on a significant endeavor to refine the ancient writing systems and create a more universal script. This effort led to the development of the "Unified Benthenses Script," a system that integrated elements from various local scripts and introduced the Latin alphabet to represent sounds and concepts previously absent in the ancient writing systems. The Unified Benthenses Script became a versatile and adaptable tool, enabling the people of Benthenses to communicate with different cultures and fostered the exchange of ideas, trade, and diplomacy across borders. It marked a pivotal moment in the history of Benthenses, as it not only enhanced their ability to connect with the world but also fostered a sense of shared identity and unity among the diverse societies of the reigon.

Primordian Era

Ancient Benthenses Drawing from Inácio Pacheco journal, 1603 CE
Monument to Aurinethis in Caapulas

The Primordian Era in Bentho, dating back approximately 10,000 years ago, marked a significant period of early development and cultural flourishing in the region. During this era, the Primordian culture emerged as the dominant way of life among the early inhabitants of Bentho. Rooted in deep reverence for nature and spiritual beliefs, the Primordian culture shaped the societal practices and traditions of the time. Central to the Primordian culture was a profound connection to the natural world. The people of Bentho held a deep respect for the land, rivers, and forests that surrounded them, recognizing the interconnectedness of all living things. Rituals and ceremonies were conducted to honor and seek harmony with the natural forces they believed governed the world. Sacred sites were established as places of worship, where offerings and ceremonies took place to appease and seek blessings from the spiritual realms.

Artistic expressions also flourished during the Primordian Era. Cave paintings, intricate carvings, and handmade crafts served as channels for storytelling and cultural transmission. These artistic creations depicted mythological tales, historical events, and the rich symbolism of the Primordian culture. They reflected the people's deep appreciation for the beauty of their surroundings and conveyed ancestral wisdom that was passed down through generations.

Bronze Age

The Bronze Age in Bentho stands as a pivotal era in the region's history, characterized by significant advancements in technology, trade, and societal development. Spanning a period of several centuries, this age witnessed the emergence of bronze as a widely used material, revolutionizing various aspects of daily life in Bentho. The mastery of bronze metallurgy brought forth a multitude of innovations, including the crafting of tools, weapons, and intricate ornaments that showcased the artistic prowess of the era. With the advent of bronze, agriculture flourished, enabling more efficient cultivation and leading to increased food production. This surplus nourished burgeoning settlements, which grew into prosperous towns and cities, fostering the growth of vibrant communities and facilitating cultural exchange.

As trade networks expanded during the Bronze Age, Bentho became a hub of commerce, facilitating the exchange of goods, ideas, and cultural practices with neighboring regions. The increased availability of raw materials, such as copper and tin, enabled the production of bronze on a larger scale, contributing to the prosperity of Bentho's craftsmen and merchants. The influence of this era extended beyond material advancements, as complex social hierarchies developed, with skilled artisans and influential leaders playing vital roles in shaping the society. The Bronze Age in Bentho not only laid the foundations for subsequent civilizations but also left a lasting legacy in the form of archaeological treasures, bronze artifacts, and the architectural remains of fortified settlements, serving as tangible evidence of Bentho's rich and dynamic past.

Ancient Bentho

Bentheese historians in later periods were accustomed to the notion of lots of kingdoms, but the political situation in early Bentho was much more complicated. Hence, as some scholars of Bentho suggest. Empire of Valerius was the first ever recorded empire of ancient Bentho, follwed by the Queendom of Celestria, which later fell to the The Fractured Dawn Rebellion, this revolution was caused becuase the current Queen of Celestria, abused her power and made a giant pond of wine.

However, the path to revolution is often fraught with complexities and unforeseen challenges. As the struggle progressed, internal divisions, conflicting ambitions, and external pressures began to surface. Ideological differences and power struggles fractured the once-unified movement, leading to the splintering of the revolution into 13 distinct factions. Each faction sought to establish its own rule, leading to the emergence of separate kingdoms that ultimately overshadowed the original revolutionary ideals. The dream of a united and transformed society, born out of the Empyrean Uprising, was shattered, giving way to a new era of fragmented power and competing interests.

Empire of Valerius (2000–930 BCE)

These are the buildings were the king and imporant people lived in Valerius

The Empire of Valerius was an ancient civilization that thrived in the region of Bentho from approximately 2000 to 930 BCE. It emerged as a dominant power during the Bronze Age, encompassing a vast territory that stretched across fertile plains, majestic mountain ranges, and strategic coastal regions. The empire's rise to prominence was characterized by a period of territorial expansion, economic prosperity, and cultural flourishing.

Under the rule of the Valerius dynasty, the empire experienced a period of centralized governance and efficient administration. The Valerian emperors implemented strong political structures and established a well-organized bureaucracy to govern the vast territories under their control. They fostered a sense of unity and cultural identity among their subjects, which contributed to social cohesion and stability within the empire. The Empire of Valerius excelled in various aspects of civilization. Its capital city, Valerion, became a hub of commerce, culture, and intellectual pursuits. The Valerian emperors patronized the arts and sciences, supporting the development of impressive architectural projects, intricate craftsmanship, and the exploration of knowledge in fields such as astronomy, mathematics, and literature.

The Empire of Valerius, which had enjoyed centuries of power and influence, ultimately met its demise around 930 BCE, leading to the emergence of the Queendom of Celestria. Internal strife, external pressures, and the challenges of maintaining a vast empire contributed to its downfall. The empire's decline was marked by political instability, territorial conflicts, and a weakening of central authority. These factors, coupled with incursions from neighboring regions, ultimately led to the fragmentation of the empire.

Amid the chaos, a remarkable figure named Queen Celestria rose to prominence. Her charismatic leadership and unwavering determination rallied the disenchanted factions and enabled her to establish the Queendom of Celestria. With the city of Celestria as its capital, the queendom represented a new era of governance, stability, and female leadership in Bentho. Queen Celestria's reign marked a transformative period as she focused on rebuilding, unifying the territories, and fostering a sense of empowerment among her subjects. The fall of the Empire of Valerius and the rise of the Queendom of Celestria stood as a turning point in the region's history, symbolizing resilience, adaptability, and the potential for renewal in the face of adversity.

Queendom of Celestria(930 B.C.E-200 C.E)

Castle of where the Queen of Celestria would live in mordern day Quipata

The Queendom of Celestria, spanning from 930 B.C.E to 200 C.E, was an extraordinary and distinctive political entity within the region of Bentho. It stood out as a matriarchal society where queens held exclusive power, shaping the queendom's governance, cultural identity, and social dynamics. With a strong emphasis on female leadership, the queendom thrived under the successive reigns of wise and influential queens who propelled it towards centuries of prosperity and progress.

Under the queens' rule, the Queendom of Celestria fostered a society characterized by social welfare, education, and the empowerment of women. Women held prominent positions in government, academia, and the arts, leading to significant advancements in these fields. The queendom became renowned for its intellectual pursuits, artistic achievements, and the notable contributions made by women scholars, artists, and leaders.

However, the Queendom of Celestria faced a turbulent period marked by the Fractured Dawn Rebellion. This uprising was triggered by the actions of the reigning Queen of Celestria, who had abused her power and displayed extravagant behavior, including the creation of a colossal pond filled with wine—an act widely condemned as an indulgent and wasteful display. The rebellion emerged as a response to the perceived misuse of power and the growing dissatisfaction among the population.

The Fractured Dawn Rebellion sought to challenge the authority of the monarchy and restore balance and accountability within the queendom. The rebellion marked a significant turning point in Bentho's history, ultimately leading to the downfall of the Queendom of Celestria. The aftermath of the rebellion brought about a reconfiguration of power dynamics, reshaping the political landscape of the region.

13 Kingdoms

After the revolution 13 kingdoms apeered from the fallen Queendom

Valeridia, nestled in the tropical lands of the north, stood as a bastion of power and prosperity. Its capital, San Pera, now the capital of Bentho, served as the vibrant heart of the kingdom, bustling with trade, art, and innovation. Valeridians, known for their industrious nature and entrepreneurial spirit, fostered a society that valued both economic growth and artistic expression.

The Kingdom of Solara thrived amidst the beauty of small mountains and lush jungles. Named after the radiant sun that bathed its lands, Solara blessed all who ventured within its kingdom. The Solarites, its inhabitants, revered the celestial forces and drew inspiration from the natural world surrounding them. With a rich cultural heritage and a spirit of resilience, Solara became a kingdom of exploration and mysticism, where the vibrant jungles and towering peaks wove together to create a captivating tapestry of wonder and awe, it is know home to one of Bentho's major cities Quipata which was named Hohebar at the time

The Kingdom of Damaran Nestled in the tropical expanse of the north, the kingdom of Damaran flourished as a vibrant kingdom within Bentho. Blessed with abundant sunshine, lush greenery, and a gentle tropical climate, Damaran exuded a captivating allure. Its name derived from the majestic Damaran tree, which towered over the landscape, its branches extending like guardians of the kingdom.

In the heart of ancient Bentho, The Kingdom of Amethysta shone with a captivating beauty and held a deep spiritual significance. Named after the precious gemstone that adorned its lands, Amethysta enchanted all who beheld it. The kingdom's breathtaking landscapes, with rolling hills, crystalline rivers, and mystical groves, inspired a sense of wonder and awe. Amethysta's people, known as the Amethystarians, revered the ethereal energy of the amethyst crystals that abounded in their kingdom. Through ancient rituals and spiritual practices, they sought to connect with the transformative power of the gemstone, fostering a culture of introspection, wisdom, and spiritual awakening.

Eldoria, a kingdom within ancient Bentho, boasted a distinctive landmass that stretched gracefully from the sun-kissed shores to the majestic mountains. This elongated shape shaped the essence of Eldorian culture, emphasizing their deep connection to the land and their relentless pursuit of wisdom. The Eldorians, renowned for their intellectual prowess, revered knowledge and the pursuit of enlightenment. In cities adorned with magnificent libraries, scholars delved into the mysteries of the universe, engaging in spirited discussions and unlocking the secrets of philosophy, mathematics, and the arts. Eldoria's diverse landscapes, from pristine beaches to lush valleys and soaring peaks, provided a constant source of inspiration for their profound understanding of the world, making it a kingdom of profound wisdom and intellectual exploration.

Marvista, an ancient jungle-tropical kingdom in Benthos-West, carried a tarnished reputation as the most corrupt kingdom in the land of Bentho. The kingdom's lush greenery and dense jungles formed a captivating backdrop to a web of deceit and moral decay that plagued its society. From political intrigue to bribery and embezzlement, corruption ran deep, eroding public trust and hindering the kingdom's progress. Despite its natural beauty, Marvista stood as a cautionary tale, reminding future generations of the destructive power of unchecked power and the need for integrity and ethical governance in order to build a just and prosperous society.

Nestled in the western reaches of ancient Bentho, Calidora emerged as a kingdom enveloped by lush jungles, where verdant canopies intertwined and teeming wildlife thrived. Known for its exotic beauty and untamed wilderness, Calidora captivated the imagination with its rich biodiversity and mystical allure. The kingdom embraced a harmonious coexistence with nature, as its inhabitants, the Calidorians, held a deep respect for the land and its abundant offerings. Skilled hunters and gatherers, they navigated the dense jungles with dexterity, utilizing its resources for sustenance, medicine, and craftsmanship. Calidora's vibrant culture celebrated the rhythms of nature, with music, dance, and art echoing the primal energy that pulsated through the jungle's heart. The kingdom's jungles held ancient secrets and hidden treasures, inviting intrepid explorers and wanderers to embark on daring expeditions, forging new paths and uncovering the mysteries that lay within. Within the kingdom of Calidora, the jungle was not just a backdrop but a vibrant tapestry of life, inspiring a sense of wonder and reverence for the beauty and wildness of the natural world.

Sylvestria, a small landlocked kingdom in ancient Bentho, nestled amidst hilly jungles, emanated a serene and mystical ambiance. Its lush landscapes and dense vegetation created a captivating backdrop, painting a picture of tranquility and enchantment. The Sylvestrians, deeply connected to the land, thrived in harmony with the surrounding wilderness, utilizing its resources with skill and reverence. Through their intimate knowledge of the hilly terrain, they became adept hunters, gatherers, and herbalists, navigating the dense jungles with agility and adapting to the challenges of their landlocked existence. The kingdom's secluded location fostered a sense of introspection and spiritual connection with nature, as the Sylvestrians celebrated the sacredness of their land and paid homage to the spirits of the jungle. Within the hilly jungles of Sylvestria, a hidden gem in ancient Bentho, the intertwining of natural beauty and spiritual resonance created a kingdom of serene enchantment.

Auranthia, an ancient mountainous kingdom in the kingdom of Bentho, commanded awe with its rugged beauty and indomitable spirit. Nestled amidst towering peaks and breathtaking valleys, the kingdom's name, inspired by the golden hues that bathed its mountains at sunrise and sunset, epitomized its resilience. The Auranthians, skilled mountaineers, thrived in the challenging terrain, forging a harmonious bond with nature. Cascading waterfalls, pristine alpine lakes, and majestic forests adorned the kingdom's landscapes, evoking a sense of wonder and reverence. Auranthia's strategic location and formidable fortresses fortified its defenses, while its tight-knit community upheld values of courage and unity. As a mountainous kingdom, Auranthia stood as a testament to the enduring spirit of its people and the majestic power of the natural world.

Veridinia, an ancient kingdom nestled in the southwestern region of Bentho, was a lush and vibrant jungle kingdom. Its name, originating from the Benthesese word for "green," aptly captured the essence of this verdant paradise. Veridinia's dense jungles brimmed with life, showcasing an astonishing array of flora and fauna that painted a mesmerizing tapestry of colors and melodies. The Veridinians, the kingdom's inhabitants, embraced a harmonious existence with nature, drawing inspiration and sustenance from the abundant resources provided by their lush surroundings. With their profound knowledge of the jungle's secrets, the Veridinians adeptly utilized the plants for medicine, crafting, and nourishment, cultivating a deep respect for the intricate balance of the natural world. Within the emerald depths of Veridinia's jungles, ancient ruins and sacred groves whispered tales of a rich and storied past, infusing the kingdom with an air of mystery and enchantment.

Arventia, an ancient tropical kingdom within ancient Bentho, graced the archipelago with its timeless allure and rich heritage. This enchanting kingdom, nestled in the southern reaches, held a storied past that echoed through its pristine beaches, turquoise waters, and lush islands. The Arventians, an ancient seafaring people, thrived amidst the tropical paradise, embracing the bounties of the ocean and forging a harmonious relationship with its abundant resources. As guardians of the archipelago, they navigated the azure waters with skill, harnessing the gifts of the sea for sustenance, trade, and cultural expression. Arventia's islands, adorned with majestic palm trees, vibrant tropical flora, and hidden coves, held secrets of ancient civilizations and untold tales of exploration. This ancient kingdom's legacy remains woven into the very fabric of the archipelago, as remnants of their civilization can still be discovered amidst the timeless beauty and captivating landscapes that define Arventia.

Astralyn, the southernmost kingdom of ancient Bentho, captivated the imagination with its majestic mountains and awe-inspiring landscapes. Nestled in the southern reaches, the kingdom's name evoked a sense of celestial wonder, reflecting the lofty peaks that adorned its kingdom. Astralyn's rugged mountain ranges, shrouded in mystique, held an air of grandeur and tranquility. The Astralyans, a resilient and mountain-loving people, thrived amidst the challenging terrain, embracing the heights and harnessing the natural resources of the mountains. With sacred peaks believed to be gateways to the divine, Astralyn's spiritual significance resonated throughout the kingdom, reflected in the ancient temples and shrines that adorned the slopes. From the panoramic vistas atop the mountains to the tranquil valleys below, Astralyn's profound beauty and serene allure attracted both adventurous souls seeking exploration and spiritual seekers yearning for a connection with the cosmos. As the southernmost kingdom of ancient Bentho, Astralyn stood as a testament to the timeless majesty of the mountains within the kingdom's tapestry of wonder and enchantment.

Drakoria, a tropical kingdom that encompassed the majority of the island of Huamors in ancient Bentho, stood as a dominant force that ruled the waves. Named after the formidable dragon-like creatures that symbolized their might, the Drakorians were renowned as skilled seafarers and fearless navigators. Their kingdom, abundant with lush tropical landscapes and surrounded by azure waters, offered them a fertile playground for exploration and conquest. With their mastery of the seas, the Drakorians commanded respect and instilled awe in their rivals. Their ships, adorned with intricate designs and propelled by the strength of their sailors, sailed across the ocean with unmatched grace and agility. Drakoria's influence extended far beyond the shores of Huamors, as their maritime prowess and bold trading ventures brought prosperity and cultural exchange to their kingdom. As the rulers of the waves, Drakoria's legacy as a powerful and adventurous maritime kingdom left an indelible mark on the ancient kingdom of Bentho.

Great Bentho War

Clash of Verdant Dominion

In the annals of Bentho's history, a remarkable chapter unfolds with the union of Calidora and Marvista, two tropical kingdoms bound by a shared ambition. United by the dream of expanding their dominion and influence, they forged an alliance that held the promise of becoming a formidable force in the region. Calidora's lush jungles and Marvista's reputed economic prowess seemed to complement each other perfectly, presenting a strategic synergy that captivated the imagination of their leaders.

Driven by the allure of conquest and driven by a thirst for supremacy, the combined might of Calidora and Marvista set their sights on the coveted territory of Valeridia. This prosperous realm, known for its cultural richness and the flourishing capital city of San Pera, stood as an enticing prize on the horizon. With resolute determination, the united kingdoms marshaled their forces and embarked on an audacious campaign to seize the crown jewel of Bentho.

However, despite their zeal and seemingly perfect synergy, their aspirations were met with the harsh realities of warfare. The invasion of Valeridia and the capture of San Pera proved to be a challenge that transcended their united strength. The Valeridian forces, renowned for their resilience and military prowess, fiercely defended their homeland against the joint onslaught. Battles raged across verdant landscapes and tropical forests, marking a confrontation where might and determination collided.

Ultimately, the dreams of Calidora and Marvista crumbled in the face of Valeridia's steadfast resistance. The united kingdom's grand vision dissolved into the annals of history as their campaign ended in defeat. Despite their fervent efforts, they were unable to wrest San Pera from Valeridian control.

At the culmination of the Great Bentho War, the victorious faction successfully annexed the northern territories of the once-united Calidora and Marvista. As part of this transformation, the capital city of the newly expanded domain underwent a significant change, transitioning from its original name, Ardaluz to the regal and evocative name of "Lazana." This renaming marked the symbolic conclusion of the conflict and the establishment of a new era, solidifying Lazana as the seat of power for the triumphant kingdom.

Solara's Expansion Campaign

During a pivotal juncture in ancient Bentho's history, the kingdom of Solara embarked on an ambitious campaign of territorial expansion and conquest. This epoch, known as Solara's Expansion Campaign, marked a significant turning point in regional dynamics and power struggles.

In an unprecedented move, Solara declared war on its neighboring kingdoms, setting the stage for a series of military conflicts that would reshape the geopolitical landscape. The kingdom's rapid and strategic military advances led to the annexation of several neighboring territories. To the south, Auranthia succumbed to Solara's might, becoming a part of the expanding kingdom. Similarly, to the west, Sylvestria found itself under Solara's dominion, as the kingdom's forces advanced through the rugged terrain of the region.

Solara's most significant conquests included the acquisition of the lowlands of Amesthya and the southern expanse of Eldoria. These territories, long contested among various kingdoms, were now firmly under Solara's control. The campaign demonstrated Solara's military prowess, strategic acumen, and the determination to solidify its supremacy in the region.

This period of expansion also marked a shift in power dynamics and allegiances. The neighboring kingdoms were faced with the challenge of either resisting Solara's ambitions or forming alliances to counter the kingdom's growing influence. The consequences of Solara's actions would reverberate for generations, influencing diplomatic relations, alliances, and shaping the course of future conflicts.

The legacy of Solara's Expansion Campaign is still felt in the historical narratives of the region, serving as a reminder of the complexities of power struggles and the enduring impact of territorial conquests on the geopolitical landscape.

Map of Bentho in 1373