Judicial Appointments Board (Hverland)

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The Judicial Appointments Board (Hverlandic: Dómnefndatilnefningarnefnd) is an independent institution in Hverland responsible for recommending judicial appointments to the President.


In Hverland, the judiciary is separate from the legislative and executive branches of government, in line with the principles of Nordic law. The Judicial Appointments Board was set up to further these principles by ensuring that appointments to the judiciary are based on merit and conducted without political influence.


The Judicial Appointments Board of Hverland is a multi-member body, typically consisting of nine members. The current composition includes the President of the Supreme Court, who serves as the Chairperson, along with two additional justices from either the Supreme Court or appellate courts. Also part of the board are two law professors from accredited Hverlandic universities, two practicing attorneys with more than 15 years of legal experience, and two members from civil society who are not engaged in the practice of law but bring a public perspective to the board’s activities.

As of August 2023, the following individuals serve on the Judicial Appointments Board:

  • Chairperson: Justice Einar Björnsson, President of the Supreme Court
  • Justice Sigrún Jónsdóttir, Supreme Court Justice
  • Justice Helga Ólafsdóttir, Appellate Court Justice
  • Dr. Magnús Sigurðsson, Law Professor, University of Hverland
  • Dr. Anna Bergsdóttir, Law Professor, University of Hverland
  • Kristinn Sæmundsson, Attorney-at-law
  • Lilja Kristjánsdóttir, Attorney-at-law
  • Rósa Guðmundsdóttir, Civil Society Member and human rights advocate
  • Þorsteinn Árnason, Civil Society Member and journalist

Members are appointed for a term of four years and can be reappointed for one additional term. They are chosen based on their expertise, experience, and ability to uphold the principles of judicial independence and impartiality. The board aims for a balanced representation of genders, geographic regions, and areas of legal specialization to ensure a diversified and comprehensive approach to judicial appointments.

Functions and responsibilities

The primary function of the board is to recommend suitable candidates for judicial appointments, particularly for the Supreme Court, but also for district and appellate courts. The board reviews the qualifications, past judgments, and overall experience of potential candidates. It may conduct interviews and require candidates to undergo various evaluations, including ethical and competency assessments.

Appointment procedure

Once the board has identified suitable candidates, it sends a list of recommendations to the President of Hverland. The President then makes the final decision regarding judicial appointments. While the President is not obligated to follow the recommendations, the list serves as an authoritative guide, thereby reducing the influence of partisan politics on the judiciary.

Controversies and criticisms

While the board has generally been lauded for upholding the integrity of the judicial appointment process, it has not been without its share of controversies. Critics have questioned the transparency of the selection process, and there have been calls for more public participation.

See also