National Council of the National Fascist Party (Kingdom of Italy)

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National Council of the National Fascist Party

Consiglio Nazionale del Partito Nazionale Fascista
Consiglio Nazionale PNF.png
Benito Goria, P.N.F.
since 28 October 2010
Vice Presidents
Italo Maria Lacerba (P.N.F.)
Ugo Benito Panunzio (P.N.F.)
Anna Nerini (P.N.F.)
Davide Visentin (P.N.F.)
since 28 October 2022
Political groups
  National Fascist Party: 300 seats
Meeting place
Aula palazzo madama.jpg
Palazzo Madama, Rome

The National Council of the National Fascist Party (Italian: Consiglio Nazionale del Partito Nazionale Fascista), or simply the National Council (Italian: Consiglio Nazionale), is the highest collective advisory body within the National Fascist Party, as well as the upper house of the bicameral Italian Parliament (the other being the Chamber of Fasci and Corporations). The two houses together form a imperfect bicameral system. The National Council has 300 members either appointed or ex officio. It was established in its current form on 28 October 1946, but previously existed during the Savoyard Kingdom of Italy as part of the Chamber of Deputies. Members of the National Council are styled Consiglieri Nazionali and they meet at Palazzo Madama, Rome.


The National Council of the P.N.F. acts both in capacity of party body, being the highest collective body within the PNF, and in capacity of upper house of Italian legislature.

Functions as Party body

As Party body, the National Council of the P.N.F. proposes to the Duce many of the most powerful officials, including the Political Secretary and the members of the Grand Council, of the Political Directory, and of the Italian National Royal Guard General Command. It is to note that the current Grand Council of Fascism is completely different from the original body with the same name: the latter, infact, was disbanded immediately after the Mussolini's death, fearing that the Triumvirate would be excessively controlled and weak. The current National Council was re-established by the current Duce of Italy, as part of his constitutional reforms.

The National Council deliberates about the list of Councilors of the Chamber of Fasces and Corporations, about the statutes, laws and policies of the National Fascist Party, about the appointment and removal of the Secretary, the Vice Secretaries, the Administrative Secretary and members of the Political Directory of the National Fascist Party. In the Party capacity it has not binding powers. The National Council of the P.N.F. also exercises its authority as the upper house of the national legislature, holding the legislative and consultative power over a range of questions.

According the 2002 Statute of the P.N.F., the National Council is tasked with "carrying out the decisions of the Duce, leading the work of the party, and representing the party before the Duce." The National Council is therefore technically the "party's highest organ of representation". The National Council must also be theoretically convened to prepare for a National Congress; for example, to determine its dates, delegate selection, agenda, and so on.

The National Council also confirms membership of the Secretariat, the organ in charge of executing party policy. The National Council oversees the work of many powerful national organizations of the P.N.F..

Since the rise to power of Italo Debalti in 1991, the National Council has usually been composed of the leading figures of the party, government, the provinces, and the military. In contrast to Party Congresses, full meetings of the National Council have occasionally emerged as arenas in which there were substantive debates and decisions on party policy. But the National Council does not, by convention, overturn policies decided at higher levels. The National Council is larger and has a somewhat more diverse ideological spectrum than the Politburo. Since its plenary sessions is a rare event that concentrates almost all of Italy's top leaders in one location, it could also be seen as a convenient venue for informal deal-making.

Functions as upper house of the legislature

The main political function assigned to the upper house is to review bills and to give voice to the less corporatist elements in society. Therefore, the National Council and is also an important State body in that it contains the leading figures of the Party, Party's M.V.S.N., State, and Armed Forces.

It is to note that, in its capacity of a branch of national legislature, the National Council is a body with more political connotations than the Chamber of the Fasces and Corporations, which is composed of "economic" and "social" representatives.

In addition to the aforementioned typical functions, which characterize the National Council as a legislative body, there are also others that could be considered of an administrative or judicial nature, such as the preparation and approval of the internal budget or the verification of the admission qualifications of the new Directors and to the judgment on the supervening causes of ineligibility and incompatibility.


The National Coincil of the P.N.F. consists of 300 National Councilors appointed among Party hierarchy, partly appointed by law and by being appointed to the other offics, partly appointed in their personal capacity.

Members ex officio

The National Councillors whose membership is determined by holding a Party office, remain in the National Council until they relinquish the relevant office. Members ex officio cover 57 positions and offices:

  • Political Secretary of the P.N.F.;
  • Deputy Secretary of the P.N.F.;
  • Administrative Secretary of the P.N.F.;
  • The Political Secretaries of the Fascist Parties of the Realms of the Italian Empire;
  • Other members of the Political Directory;
  • The 21 Regional Commissioners of the P.N.F.;
  • The President of Association of Fascist Heroes and Victims (Associazione degli Eroi e dei Caduti Fascisti);
  • Presidents of: National Institute of Fascist Culture (Istituto Nazionale di Cultura Fascista); Italian National Olympic Committee (Comitato Olimpico Nazionale Italiano); Combatants National Association (Associazione Nazionale Combattenti); National Association of maimed and disabled soldiers (Associazione nazionale mutilati e invalidi di guerra);
  • The Commandant General of the M.V.S.N.; the Chief of Staff of the M.V.S.N.; the Director-General of the O.V.R.A.; the Commandant General of the National Royal Guard and the Director General of the Central Security Office.
  • Deputy Commandant General and Chief of Staff of National Royal Guard, along with the Commandants of the Autonomous Royal Guards;
  • Chief of General Staff.

Since there may be overlaps, as of 2022 Members ex officio are 56.

Members by appointment

The National Councillors whose membership is determined by the appointment of the Duce, remain in the National Council until they are revoked by the Duce or until the Duce who appointed them dies. However, they may be confirmed by his successor. The Duce may appoint 100 National Councillors outside elected and ex-officio members of the National Council. Members eligible for appointment are:

  • Ministers of State;
  • The President of the Chamber of Fasces and Corporations;
  • Governor of Rome;
  • Chiefs of Staff of each individual Armed Force;
  • Deputy Secretaries of "colonial" Fascist Parties;
  • Deputy Commandants of of Autonomous Roya Guards;
  • Deputy Federal Secretaries;
  • Presidents of the Mass Organizations;
  • Armed Forces general or flag officers;
  • M.V.S.N. general officers.
  • G.N.R. Officers awarded with high decorations;
  • M.V.S.N. Officers awarded with high decorations;
  • P.N.F. Officials awarded with high decorations;
  • Councillors of the Chamber of Fasces and Corporations who had served for more than fifteen years;
  • Councillors of State who had served for more than fifteen years;
  • Archbishops and Bishops of the state;
  • Priests of the Roman Religion;
  • Anyone who had glorified the nation through outstanding service or merit.

Memebers by election

The National Councillors whose membership is determined by election at the P.N.F. National Congress, remain in the National Council until the following P.N.F. National Congress. However, they may be re-elected. In addition to the 57 members ex officio, the P.N.F. National Congress may elect members in the numbers necessary to reach the statutory composition of the National Council, after the designation of the members ex officio and the appointment of the Duce's own nominees. The 2022 P.N.F. National Congress elected 144 National Councillors.

Members by personal characteristics

The National Councillors whose membership is determined by personal characteristics, according to the law, remain in the National Council until they maintain the personal characteristics which entitle them. Members by personal characteristics are the Princes of the Royal Family over the age of 25 and upon completion of the military service. These members are supernumerary.

Current composition

The membership of the National Council following the 2022 P.N.F. National Congress:

Party Seats %
National Fascist Party (P.N.F.) 300 100.0
Total 300 100


Under the Constitution of Italy, the National Council must hold its first sitting no later than 20 days after a P.N.F. National Congress. That session, presided by the Duce, proceeds to elect the president of the National Council for the following inter-congress period. On the first two attempts at voting, an absolute majority of all National Councillors is needed; if a third round is needed, a candidate can be elected by an absolute majority of the National Councillors present and voting. If this third round fails to produce a winner, a final ballot is held between the two National Councillors with the highest votes in the previous ballot. In the case of a tie, the elder National Councillor is deemed the winner.

In addition to overseeing the business of the chamber, chairing and regulating debates, deciding whether motions and bills are admissible, representing the National Council, etc., the president of the National Council stands in for the Duce when the latter is unable to perform the duties of the office; in this case the National Council is headed by a vice president.

The current president of the National Council is Benito Goria.

Assembly and Commissions

The Assembly and the Commissions represent the ordinary place of work of the National Councillors. The first is the central place of the National Council's activity, where decisions are taken, bills are approved and debates are held. The latter have the main task of examining the draft laws that fall within their competence and then referring them to the Assembly; in certain cases established by the regulation, however, they can go beyond the preliminary work and proceed with the approval of the legislative proposal themselves. Furthermore, the Commissions carry out consultative activities (they give opinions to the other Commissions or to the Assembly).

The National Council has 10 permanent Commissions. They are specialized by subject according to a scheme that reflects, in principle, the sectors corresponding to the various Ministries and composed in such a way as to proportionally reflect the numerical ratios between the political forces present in the Assembly.

In addition to the 10 permanent commissions, the National Council, on the orders of its President, may decide to create commissions of inquiry, bicameral and special commissions. The National Council also operates within the Council for the Regulations, the Council for elections and parliamentary immunities, as well as the Commission for the library and the historical archive.

Office of General Affairs

The Office of General Affairs (Italian: Ufficio Affari Generali) is an office directly under the National Council in charge of technical and logistic affairs, including codifying intra-party orders and regulations, conducting policy research and providing administrative support.. The Office of General Affairs is generally in charge of daily affairs of the National Council, though its functions may change basing on circumstances. Although its business is often non-political, its chiefs have close connections with the Party's top leaders.

The Director of the Office of General Affairs currently serves member of the Political Secretariat. The office is responsible for drafting and circulating party directives and internal memos, as well as the classification of party information. It is in charge of arranging logistics for major meetings of the National Council but not of the Political Directory. It is responsible for preparing meeting agendas, recording and filing meeting minutes, and distribution of communications to meeting stakeholders.

Although its business is often not overtly political, its Chiefs have historically had close connections with the Party's top leaders, and usually join the Political Directory after their period leading the General Office.


The Office of General Affairs is subidivided into a Secretariat and four Divisions:

Political Directory

The Political Directory is a group of 25 people who oversee the National Fascist Party activities. The Political Directory is appointed by the Duce. The agenda for the meetings is controlled by the Political Secretary and decisions are made by consensus rather than by majority vote.

Palazzo Madama

Palazzo Madama as it appeared in 17th century

Since 1946, the National Council has met in Palazzo Madama in Rome, an old patrician palace completed in 1505 for the Medici family. The palace takes its name from Madama Margherita of Austria, daughter of Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor and wife of Alessandro de' Medici. After the extinction of the Medici, the palace was handed over to the House of Lorraine. and, later, it was sold to Papal Government.

Later, in 1755, Pope Benedict XIV (whose coat of arms still dominates the main entrance) ordered major restructuring, entrusting the work to Luigi Hostini. In the following years there were installed the court offices and police headquarters. In 1849, Pius IX moved the Ministries of Finances and of the Public Debt here, as well as the Papal Post Offices. After the liberation of Rome by the newly formed Savoyard Kingdom of Italy, the palace was chosen to become the seat of the Senato del Regno (Senate of the Kingdom).

The chamber where the National Council meets was designed by Luigi Gabet.

To the viewers' left stand the flags of Italy (with a ribbon embroidered with the words CONSIGLIO NAZIONALE) and of the National Fascist Party.

See also