Politics of Amalfi

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Amalfi is a federal constitutional republic with a diarchic system of government. Its two, joint heads of state and government, the Principes, are appointed alternately by government and opposition within the Senate of Amalfi. The Senate, which meets in the Curia Amalphitana, is a unicameral parliament composed of elected representatives and is the main legislative body.



The Principes are Amalfi's joint heads of state and government. One is appointed annually by the Senate, with the eligible electors alternating between government and opposition, to a two year term. Their terms officially begin on the day of inauguration, traditionally 15 July of each year. The alternating system, which evolved to create a balance of power, is based on tradition and precedent rather than any law; both government and opposition are issued with ballots but the 'ineligible' senators will return theirs empty or spoiled.

A Princeps holds considerable power in Amalfitan government. The most notable power of the position is the principal veto, which may be used to veto any new legislation prior to it entering as law. They may not be reelected immediately upon standing down.

The current principes are Sudius Latorus Regeferrarius of the Traditionalist Party, appointed for 2015-2017,[1] and Tamalus Afantalus Quercinus of the Society for Liberty, appointed for 2016-2018.

Legislative branch

Seats in the Amalfitan Senate:
  Libertarian Party: 167 seats
  Society for Liberty: 44 seats
  Diarchist Party: 27 seats
  Independents: 8 seats
  Green League: 17 seats
  Democratic Party: 18 seats
  Forzia Socialistica: 20 seats
  Traditionalist Party: 57 seats
  Republican Party: 92 seats

The Senate of Amalfi is the unicameral legislature of the Government of Amalfi. It has 450 seats. It is directly elected at least once in every five years under the system of proportional representation by means of the single transferable vote (STV). Amalfi's Senate has existed since 834, but underwent considerable operational reform in 1376. Subject to constitutional limits, it has the power to pass any law it wishes. It meets in the Camera Senata, in the Curia Amalphitana in Trasimene. The government whip, or Quaestor Senatus, is appointed by the leader of the government.

Unlike the principes, senators may serve multiple consecutive terms. A constitutional limit of four terms was enforced until 1844, when it was removed by popular referendum. Since 1995's Tagosi Crisis and the collapse of the ruling Traditionalist Party, coalition governments have been the norm in the Senate.

Judicial branch

Local government

Subdivisions of Amalfi

For administrative purposes, Amalfi is divided into two main classes of local subdivision. A third, the historical provinces of Amalfi, no longer possess any function, having provided the basis for the systems of regions and districts under the Local Government Act 1942. Each region is formed from a grouping of between two and six of Amalfi's traditional provinces and administered by its own regional assembly. Districts are subdivisions of provinces. Seats in the senate are allocated based on population at the regional level, and these seats are then divided along districtual lines under the authority of their respective regions.

Prior to the Local Government Act 1942, the colonies of Amalfi were administered by proconsuls who were appointed by the Senate. This system was reformed under the guiding policy of Conformitas Imperiala and the proconsular office was abolished.

Political parties

Party Name Coalition Party leader Seats in the Senate Ideology Political position
Libertarian Party
Motimentum Libertarianum
In coalition
Gaiena Aquidora Roterni
167 / 450
Libertarianism Right
Republican Party
La Partitia Respublicana
In opposition
92 / 450
Traditionalist Party
Societas Traditionalis Amalphitana
In opposition
Alsus Lusinus Tarzyeni
57 / 450
Conservativism Centre-right
Society for Liberty
Societas pro Libertate
In coalition
44 / 450
Colonial determinism Right
Diarchist Party
Partitia Principala
In coalition
Ravius Semnus Darcae
27 / 450
Forzia Socialistica
In opposition
Beraius Addarus Erenzi
20 / 450
Amalfitan liberal socialism Left
Democratic Party
La Partitia Democratica
In opposition
18 / 450
Social liberalism Left
Green League
Lega Virida
In opposition
17 / 450
Green libertarianism

Foreign relations


  1. "Sudius Latorus Regeferrarius - Amalfi's new princeps", Republic Examiner, 16 July 2015. Retrieved 16 July 2015.