Royal Exchange (Averius)

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The Royal Exchange was originally built in the 400's by the Merchant's Guild to act as the center of commerce in Londinium. The building was originally built in the Ancient Ardentian Style. The building was renovated in 675 to modernize the building and add a glass roof to the courtyard. Further modernizations had occurred in the 750's to update the building to use modern technology.


Early Use

The Early use of this building was as an open market, with market stalls where the buying and sellign off goods and wares took place. The central courtyard was typically were the agricultural produce was sold.

Post-Guild Use

After the guilds were disbanded, it was mostly used as a business-to-business point of sale location.

Modern Use

In the 700's, the Royal Exchange changed uses, as most businesses transitioned to other means of business-to-business transactions. Banks, toook this opportunity to turn the Royal Exchange into a stock exchange.