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Septimism, also known as Septimite economics, is a political ideology inspired by the beliefs and life of the Crylantian politician Gåje Settem, who served as the Director for Finance between 1941 and 1962. It is generally considered the founding doctrine of the Crylantian Socialist Party, one of the four traditional main parties in the Crylantian Federation.

While being a traditionally Crylantian ideology, it has gained popularity among many left-wing politicians around the world, particularly in Asura and in other developed countries.


Gåje Settem was one of the founding members of the Socialist Party of Crylante, being there at the first official conference in the Skægne Topmøde neighborhood of Dybøll on the 25th of January, 1938. He helped lead the party to prominence and it's astounding result in the 1939 parliamentary elections, but he failed to form a government, with new elections making no changes, and thus prompting the dissolution of the Principality of Crylante and the creation of the Crylantian Federation, which had a council as its executive branch, designed to get the four main factions in the Principality to mediate their differences and work together for the nation's greater good.


Septimism is often characterized as a type of reformist socialism, advocating for a gradual, peaceful, democratic move away from a capitalist system towards an equal, worker-run society, though this goal has been abandoned by many modern-day Septimists who have come to accept a market-based economy.

Septimism advocates the creation of a strong welfare state as the foremost priority of a developed nation; this welfare state should, according to Septimists, consist of free education and healthcare for all citizens, subsidized social housing projects so that everyone had a place to live in, and support for the disabled, the unemployed and the elderly. Septimism also advocates for the mining, energy, water, public transport and communications industries to be immediately nationalized by the government, with the latter four being run to provide the people with affordable and decent service in those areas, while the mining was perceived to be an area that it was urgent for it to be taken out the private sphere as he felt that the private sector could not manage it effectively.

Worker's rights were also strongly protected by the government during his time. Employers were mandated to make sure that the conditions that workers worked in were safe, and were fined for accidents that happened due to unethical practices in the workplace. The work week was mandated by law to be set at forty hours per week, with 28 mandatory days of paid leave and 6 bank holidays spread out through the year. Wages were to be set through social corporatist measures, with the government mediating discussion between the workers/unions and the employers, so that wages were to be decent yet realistic at the same time.

Settem was also socially progressive, passing laws to ban discrimination against people because of their gender, race or religion and to mandate equal pay for the same work. He was also the author of the Bill of Rights in the current Constitution of Crylante, which protected the inalienable rights of all residing within Crylante. Settem also promoted the free expression in art and culture, subsidizing theatres, museums and galleries so that people had a chance to create, develop and experience Crylantian culture. A cultural revolution started within the Federation, with significant progressive developments within social perception, as well as in music, art, theatre and dance.


Upon his death bed in 1963, he advised his colleagues in the Socialist Party to continue where he left off on the road to a democratic socialist society. However, this did not happen due to a reshuffle of the National Council, with the Reform Party being put in charge of Finance. While they introduced some extensions such as paid maternity leave for both parents for 12 months, they also partially privatized the public transport and communications companies, despite resistance in states with left-wing governments, and minor cuts were made to the extent of the social housing program, but the rest of the reforms he made to Crylante were accepted by them, and they did not interfere.

He is recognized as an influential figure among the Crylantian left, and internationally he is admired by many leftists around the world. The cultural revolution his pro-culture policies caused a shift in social attitudes among young Crylantians on many issues, such as the role of marriage in society, which changed from being viewed as a union to make and raise children in to a recognition of the partnership of two individuals, causing marriage rights to be extended to same-sex couples. It also meant that Crylantian music, art, theatre and dance became internationally recognizable, meaning that Crylante became a cultural powerhouse.

Septimist political parties

 Crylante: Socialist Party

See also

Socialist Party (Crylante)