Shinasthana profanity

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Shinasthana profanity includes words and expression that express shock, disapproval, and insult. Profanity can contain references to religion, politics, nationality, sex, race, and other somatic and psychological attributes, of the listener or a wider intended group. Like many other languages, intonation and context of delivery can vary the meaning and intensity of profane words, as many of them have non-offensive meanings and uses.

General principles

Charles Mat writes:

There is generally no truth implied in common insults. The point of an insult is to impose a standard of the speaker's choosing and imply that the listener has failed it. This standard need not be reasonable or consistent, and the listener's failure, not actual. The veracity of the insult is immaterial to its delivery.


In most types of discourse, appropriate honorification is socially required. To omit it, especially intentionally, can be perceived as offensive to the listener or referent and profane to the social occasion.



  • 邦好 (prong-shus), patriot(ism) can have the meaning of "brainwashed" in some contexts.
  • 豕 (l′jê′), swine, indicating stupidity.
  • 夒 or 猱 (n′u), great ape, meaning stupidity.
  • 猿 (gw′jên), lesser ape, meaning stupidity.
  • 犬 (kw′ên), canid, an insult implying stupidity.
  • 獦 (gjat), cur.
  • 獢 (skjaw), hunting dog, implying the listener is an unthinking agent of another, especially an evil master that has no true regard for his agent.
  • 䧹 (′jeng), hawk, do.
  • 狗 (ko′), pup, kitten, foal implying stupidity or naïveté.



Piety and family life


  • 褻 (sngrjat), defilement, particularly of a person who behaves irreverently outside of a religious context. However, the word means "underwear" when discussing clothing.





  • 片 (spên), bark.
  • 牘 (lok), paper.
  • 戶當 (ga-tang), door stop.
  • 牅 (′jong), window.
  • 豚 (l′un), piglet.
  • 球 (gju), globose.


  • Most animals can be used to imply the listener is not attractive.
  • 妖 (′jaw), spirit, implying that beauty conceals ugly motives.


  • 彊 (gjang), strong. gjang is a negative word for strength in animate entities and usually anticipates violence or other kinds of immoral force. A positive expression for strength is "greatness".
  • 暴 (pugh), violent.
  • 虐 (ngjakw), violent. Used of a pernicious sort of violence.
  • 牛 (ngwje), bovine. To say something is bovine is to imply an abundance of strength in the absence of intelligent application; it is translated as "brute force" in Anglian, even in a computing context.
  • 虎 (, tiger.
  • 熊 (hjem), ursine, meaning someone large of stature in a demeaning way.
  • 魅 (met), daemonic.
  • 魑 (r′jat), daemonic.
  • 弱 (njakw), weak.





  • 弗智, ignorant, spoken of heterosexuals of homosexuality.


Nationality and regionality



Level of education

See also