Space Suits of the Shazbotdom Imperial Space Administration

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Below is the complete list of Space Suits for the Shazbotdom Imperial Space Administration.

Class-1 Space Suit

Class-1 Space Suit
Also known as the Orbital Egress Space Suit, this suit is designed to work in conjunction with the Epsilon-class Orbiter. It has connections on the lower right of the hip to integrate into the air systems of the 4th Generation Capsule to maintain a pressurised atmosphere for the wearers to ensure comfort for the journey back and forth between the Orbital Science Space Station and the Surface of Earth. These suits are mass produced in a few different sizes, thus they are not custom made for the wearer.
This suit is desiged from multiple layers of nylon using other fabrics, such as Spandex, and liquid cooling systems to ensure the wearer is comfortable. The cooling system utilies multiple smaller tubes of liquid to ensure the cooling effect is spread throughout the entirety of the suit. These tubes are encased close to the user under multiple separate layers of nylon to ensure that there is no outside heat exhange to overtax the system.
With a few different launches already in the books, there have been no design flaws indicated from any of the astronauts that have utilized the Space Suits to approach the Space Station. The Astronauts from the Three Crewed Missions that have returned from the Space Station have also indicated that during the high heat of Atmospheric ReEntry caused no discomfort due to the superior design of the cooling system.

"To Ensure the safety and comfort of our Astronauts as they reach for the heavens with every launch, we must ensure we are utiliing all possible technologies for them."
     Doctor Fredrick Anserlon, Lead Designer of the Class-1

Class-2 Space Suit

Class-2 Space Suit
Also known as the Space Walk Suit, the Class-2 Space Suit is designed for any and all missions for the Orbital Scientific Space Station to repair and replace equipment outside of the Space Station, but also designed to be used by Staff and Colonists alike at the varried Lunar and Martian Colonies. These suits have the ability to maintain an atmosphere for the wearers for a total of 4 hours before the individual needs to return for a recharge. These suits are molded to the individual who is to wear them, thus they are custom made.
This suit is designed in a nearly identicle way of the Class-1, except instead of all the layers being loose on eachother, they are designed to be tighter against the body for better movement for the wearer so that they are able to ensure they can perform their jobs as efficiently as possible. The cooling tubes on these suits are designed so that they are encased within trenchse of fabric close to the body.
The first test of this suit was in early 2023 during the preparations to disconnect the old Docking System from the Orbital Science Space Station, when the astronauts on the Space Station exited out to disconnect the primary electronic umbilicals to the docking system before the last Orbiter disconnected from the station. Other operations were conducted using the Class-2 Space Suit on the Orbital Science Space Station to repair equipment on the outside of the station, check the conditions of the on board RCS Thrusters to ensure they are operational for any adjustments to its orientation, and to ensure that slight meteor storms didn't damage any orbiters or cargo transports that were docked at the station. Throughout all of these operations, the Class-2 suit operated at peak efficiency and was proven to be a workhorse that ISA Astronauts can count on.

"The genius design of these suits made my job to disconnect the umbilicals easy and effective. A job, which would have taken nearly the entire time my suit was designed for, took less than half the time due to the easy movement and ability to grasp items efficiently."
     Astronaut Jack Dlindro, Pilot of CRW-03 Mission

Class-3 Space Suit

Class-3 Space Suit
Also known as the Hostile Atmosphereic Suit, the Class-3 Space Suit is designed to protect astronauts from the harsh conditions of planets with hostile atmospheres. The suit is made of a special material that can withstand extreme temperatures and pressures. It also has a built-in oxygen tank that can provide air for up to 24 hours. The suit is equipped with a variety of sensors that can detect changes in temperature, pressure, and other environmental factors. These sensors are connected to a computer system that can analyze the data and alert astronauts to any potential dangers.
The suit also has a built-in cooling system that can regulate the temperature inside the suit. This is important because many planets with hostile atmospheres have extreme temperature fluctuations that can be dangerous for astronauts. The Hostile Atmospheric Suit is designed to be lightweight and flexible, allowing astronauts to move around easily on the planet’s surface. It also has a modular design that allows different components to be easily replaced or upgraded. In addition to its other features, the Hostile Atmospheric Suit also has a built-in power source that can provide electricity for up to 48 hours.
This is important because many planets with hostile atmospheres have limited sunlight or other sources of power. The suit is designed to be easy to use, even for astronauts who are not experienced with spacewalks or other extravehicular activities. It has a simple interface that allows astronauts to control all of its functions with ease.
Overall, the Hostile Atmospheric Suit is an essential piece of equipment for any mission to a planet with a hostile atmosphere. Its advanced features and durable design make it an ideal choice for astronauts who need to explore these challenging environments.

"The Design process for the Class-3 is based off of what we know from probe missions from foreign entities to both the Martian and Venusian Surface. This design will, hopefully, ensure that our Colonists will be safe from any and all environments on both planets surfaces and ensure thriving colonies on both Celestial Bodies."
     Dr. Harrison A. Hoffman, Lead Designer