Talk:Big Brother Vitosium Season 10

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Who Had Control?

Week 1: Alessandro wanted either Wilson or Leon out but chose to go for Wilson. Meanwhile, Lucilio and Rae chose to go after Leon.
Week 2: Antonia's alliance was called out by Rae in front of everybody. Emmy decided to lie to Rae and ultimately use the VETO, causing Rae to put up Antonia's showmance, Aniso.
Week 3a: Naiaro intended to get Lucilio out but chose to go after Wilson to appease the house.
Week 3b: Viriata and Rencia had a major argument in Week 3, causing the former to target the latter.
Week 4: Alessandro wanted Rae out very badly. Naiaro, Rae and Lucilio worked to get out Antonia.
Week 5: Lucilio put in a lot of work to get the target to change from Morando to Alessandro.
Week 6: Morando realized that Lucilio and Rae were the best players in the season and hoped to target them. Lucilio and Rae then worked to get Emmy out.
Week 7: Rae realized that Naiaro and Lucilio were the two strongest strategic players aside from her and opted to go for Naiaro.
Week 8a: Candice (wanted Rae out then went for Brady)
Week 8b: Morando (wanted Candice out as revenge and to split up the sisters)
Week 9: Lucilio decided to betray Rae.
Week 10: Viriata avenged Candice.