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The 98th Tofino Film Festival, also known as the 98th Pine Awards and the 71st Tofino International Film Festival, was held from October 1st-7th, 2024, at the Warren Nevisa National Theater in Tofino, Zian, Zamastan. Clairvoyant Bridge won Best Picture and Best Original Screenplay, and was nominated for 5 other awards. The Highlands won the most awards (6), including Best Director for Cheng Leiteng, becoming the most awarded Yuaneze film of all time. Bay won four awards, Eternum and Native Militant won two awards. Rowen Key became the first Constantioan to ever win Best Actor. As with every Festival, screenings are separated into different programmes. Gala presentations are high-profile feature films, often featuring international movie stars, presented with a red carpet, and following major audience interest. Special presentations are high-profile feature films that have already released in select theaters and internationally, and are often non-genre specific. (See more...)About IIWiki
IIWiki is an online, web-based, free encyclopedia for the creation and display of fictional content produced by members of NationStates, though is unaffiliated with NationStates. The focus of the wiki is on Simulated and Speculative Fictional content, including Alt History, Mythopoeia, Conlang, Geofiction, and other elements of Worldbuilding.
IIWiki seeks to create an in-character environment where users can create and share content and lore. We expect encyclopedic articles and worldbuilding according to the Wikipedia Manual of Style, which is to say neutral, professional, and focused.
Current Staff:
- 07 February 2025 Spaces by IIWiki launches, revolutionizing worldbuilding for all, as an exclusive Patreon perk.
- 09 April 2024 It is now possible to receive notifications in the top right bar for edits, citations, etc. You can configure the settings here.
- 27 March 2024 It is now possible to embed SoundCloud files into articles for when you cannot compromise on your need for audio.
- 11 February 2024 We are updated to Mediawiki 1.39 hopefully bringing a number of functional, security, and stability improvements.
- 09 February 2024 We welcome Makko Oko as a tech admin.
- 16 May 2022 We have updated our main page for a fresh new look suitable for this decade. All thanks go to Ozycaevias for the design.
In the News
- Alexandra Woodward wins the January 2025 NUK General Election and becomes Prime Minister
- Stefanos Androulakis is nominated for a third term as Mesazon of Theodorous and the Parathalassias after his Spring+ alliance wins the 2024 Theodoran Senate election.
- The highly anticipated third season of Castillian mystery-horror detective drama Pics-Jumeaux (title card pictured) premieres to widespread critical acclaim, 35 years after the series first premiered.
- The New Archeon of The Old Faith, Isaiah II is consecrated after the death of the previous Archeon Tomas IV after the recent Conclave of the Old Faith.
- Fallish Airlines Flight 493 crashes in the countryside of East Ruthen, killing 12 people on board while another 9 were injured.
- Mumin Island becomes recognised autonomous province of Elbailand
- Dong Dak resigns from his position as vice-president of Yingok, leaving the position vacant.
This month in history
- 1875 – Andamonia and Txekrikar signed an armistice to end the Baira Debacle (Siege of Belziroa pictured).
- 1911 - The reign of King Charles VI of Autelia began.
- 1989 – Omnipædia was launched by Kelvin Savage and Fredrick Tebaxan.
- 1852 – Quetzal Central Lines officially begins operations in the Central United States.
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