This article belongs to the lore of Esvanovia.

Foreign relations of Kozakura

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Foreign relations of Kozakura is the responsibility of the Foreign Affairs Directorate, headed by Zema Hayosa, the incumbent President of Foreign Affairs Policy and the Director-General of the Foreign Affairs Directorate.


Kozakura is a city-state situated in the southeastern peninsula of Major Kistavich. It is a major trading hub with significant space launch capability. Kozakura also posseses technologically-advanced military forces with foreign deployments across Esvanovia. It is a significant technological hub, with significant investments in Heuristic Controllers, Quantum computing research and robotic development. Succeeding Shogunates following the 1979 military coup has pursued a foreign policy of balancing and alliance building among regional and great powers and follows a strategy of principled stability and shared prosperity. Kozakura has advocated for laissez-faire capitalism and socially liberal policies.


Country Status of Relations Current state of relations Visa requirements? Embassy? Interests section Only? Kozakuran
to Kozakura
Direct Indirect None

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