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Radictistani policy towards the acquisition, retention, and deployment of weapons of mass destruction is complex and is based as much on the vagaries of domestic politics as it is on the national strategic interest. Currently, the Radictistani military possesses a small number of chemical warheads for deployment on ballistic missiles, aircraft, and by artillery. No biological agents are earmarked for offensive use and no nuclear weapons have been produced.

Chemical weapons

The Radictistani military maintains a small stockpile of chemical agents, mostly V-series nerve agents and sarin, for offensive use. These are stored at a small number of high security facilities in peacetime. No training is conducted using live agents and warheads will only be distributed to combat units after war has begun. The main chemical weapons units of the Radictistani military are the army's two Special Weapons Battalions. These are equipped with Iskander theater ballistic missiles which can be fitted with chemical warheads. Other artillery units and certain Royal Radictistan Air Force squadrons also train for the chemical role. An official planning document which was deliberately leaked to foreign media has revealed that official policy is to use chemical weapons if foreign troops invade Radictistani soil.

Biological weapons

The Radictistani military does not stockpile biological weapons and has repeatedly disavowed their use. The military maintains small stockpiles of certain certain biological agents, including smallpox, for CBRN research. These are stored under tight security at the Stralka Gora National Defense Laboratory in Norcustsur.

Nuclear weapons

Radictistan has an advanced military nuclear program but has never made the decision to construct actual weapons. Many political figures fear that acquiring a nuclear capability will concentrate more power in the hands of the Crown leading to a destabilization of the current democratic political order. Concerns have also been raised about the security of a future nuclear stockpile in light of the ongoing domestic conflict. Others have long maintained that nuclear weapons are necessary for Radictistan to defend itself against larger, aggressive powers. The far-right National Conservative Party has notably come out in favor of acquiring a nuclear deterrence capability. The ruling Fascist Democratic Party has no official platform either for or against. Perennial parliamentary debates have made no progress towards ending a bitter public controversy.

Radictistan is known to produce highly enriched uranium at Magjkop Naval Station and a heavy water reactor at Lenidsbarg National Defense Laboratory could be used to produce plutionium-239. It is commonly believed in nuclear energy circles that were a definite decision to be made Radictistan could produce a working nuclear bomb within a single year.