Political Parties of Ardalia: Difference between revisions

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* Ardalian Restoration Movement (ARM): '''Dissolved''' in 1983 following the ouster and execution of Frenlo Letzek.
* Ardalian Restoration Movement (ARM): '''Dissolved''' in 1983 following the ouster and execution of Frenlo Letzek.
* Ardalian Nationalist Front (ANF): '''Banned''' in 2000 for insurrection against the Government (Ardalian Civil War). Less 'extreme' supporters go onto form "Our Homeland" Movement.
* Ardalian Nationalist Front (ANF): '''Banned''' in 2000 for insurrection against the Government (Ardalian Civil War). Less 'extreme' supporters go onto form "Our Homeland" Movement.
* Agrarian Party: '''Dissolved''' in 2005 and merged into "Our Homeland."
* Smallholders' Party: '''Dissolved''' in 2005 and merged into "Our Homeland."


Revision as of 04:50, 3 February 2021

This article lists political parties in Ardalia. Ardalia has a multi-party system representing the full range of the political spectrum.

A Short Political History

Ardalia's Democratic Party commanded a resounding majority of the chamber from 1910-1935. During the Great War, a national unity government was formed to see the nation through the conflict. In the aftermath of the war, political instability and paralysis gripped the nation. Though the Democrats still had the highest number of seats, they had attempted to establish coalitions with the Moderates, only for those to break down a few months later. Frenlo Letzek would overthrow the First Republic in 1945 and democracy would not return until his ouster and execution in 1983.

At the start of the Second Republic, the Democrats returned but the political landscape had changed there was less desire for liberal policies. The election of 1989 brought their rivals, the Moderates, into power. Democrats thought it would be a one-time event but once the Treaty of Taerisz was signed between Ardalia and the Caropsyne Pontanore, their popularity soared: they would dominante the Assembly for the next decade (including the days of the Ardalian Civil War) putting the Democrats into the opposition.

The election of Carops first-ever Socialist Premier in 2000 transformed Ardalian politics forever and in 2005, the Ardalian Socialist Party had become the largest opposition party and as socialist policies were introduced across the border, the greater the demand for such policies grew in the Repubic. The Socialist Party would claim a mandate to govern in 2010, and has not only maintained control, but expanded their majority since then.

Parties Represented in the National Assembly

Party Name Status Party Leader Seats in the National Assembly Ideology
Socialist Party Government Tereza Darvas
186 / 386
Democratic Socialism, Social Democracy, Pro-Theareanism
Green Party Supporting X
35 / 386
Eco-Socialism, Progressivism, Pro-Theareanism
Democratic Party Supporting X
16 / 386
Liberalism, Capitalism, Pro-Theareanism
Moderate Party Official Opposition X
96 / 386
Conservative Liberalism, Civic Nationalism, Capitalism, Pro-Theareanism
Conservative Party Opposition Krisztina X
34 / 386
Social Conservatism, Anti-Immigration, Catheric Democracy, Pro-Theareanism
Our Homeland Opposition X
15 / 386
Conservative, Nationalism, Anti-Theareanism, Anti-Immigration, Agrarianism, Cultural Conservatism
Liberty Party Opposition Roksana X
3 / 386
Social Libertarianism, Laissez-faire Capitalism, Anti-Theareanism, Non-Interventionalism
Dracian People's Party Opposition Sonja X
1 / 386
Conservative, Nationalism, Pro-Theareanism

Minor Political Parties

  • Pirate Party (PPA)
  • Fight Against Corruption
  • Prassian Unity Alliance

Defunct or Banned Parties

  • Communist Party of Ardalia (CPA): Dissolved in 1945 upon Letzek's usurption of power.
  • Ardalian Restoration Movement (ARM): Dissolved in 1983 following the ouster and execution of Frenlo Letzek.
  • Ardalian Nationalist Front (ANF): Banned in 2000 for insurrection against the Government (Ardalian Civil War). Less 'extreme' supporters go onto form "Our Homeland" Movement.
  • Agrarian Party: Dissolved in 2005 and merged into "Our Homeland."
  • Smallholders' Party: Dissolved in 2005 and merged into "Our Homeland."