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null This template is used to create navbox in the form of a timeline.


Please remove the parameters that are left blank.

| name   = {{subst:PAGENAME}}
| title  = 
| state  = {{{state|}}}
| image  = 
| above  = 
| row1   = 
| item1  = 
| date1  = 
| style1 = 
| item2  = 
| date2  = 
| style2 = 
<!-- ... -->
| below  = 


Content parameters

These parameters are used to change the content of the timeline portion of the navbox.

  • rown - Defines a row with a optional label.
  • spann - Sets how many rows tall the label for row n should be. Any labels for rows that fall inside the label will be discarded.
  • itemn - Defines an item to show in the navbox. The item is shown in the last defined row. If an item exists without a row of the same number, it is either added to the previous row or a new row is created.
  • daten - Defines the start and end year for item n in the format start-end. If end is omitted, the current year is omitted, so generally the items at the end of the timeline should use the format start-.
  • decades - Set to no to remove the decade row and to show the full year.
  • footer - Set to yes to show the date rows at the bottom of the timeline as well.
  • label - Include to show a label column with the content of the rown parameters beneath the value of the label parameter.

Navbox parameters

These parameters are that are used to change the navbox.

  • name - The name of the template.
  • title - Text to add to the title bar, for example Honda road car timeline.
  • above - Text to add above the "content" of the navbox.
  • below - Text to add below the "content" of the navbox.
  • state - Weather the navbar is expanded, collapsed, or not collapsible.
  • navbar - Set to plain or off to remove the V • T • E links on the left side of the title of the navbar, it is recommended you don't do this to maintain consistency between navboxes.
  • border or 1 - Set to child or subgroup to use this navbox as a borderless navbox that can fit snugly in another navbox. Set to none to remove the border and the navbox class.
  • image - An image to be displayed in a cell below the title and to the right of the body.
  • imageleft - An image to be displayed in a cell below the title and to the left of the body.

Time parameters

These parameters adjust the length of the timeline

  • startoffset - Set to a number to extend the start of the timeline that number of years back
  • startyear - Set to a year to set the start of the timeline to that year if the content of the navbox doesn't go beyond that year
  • endoffset - Set to a number to extend the end of the timeline that number of years forward
  • endyear - Set to a year to set the end of the timeline to that year if the content of the navbox doesn't go beyond that year

Content style parameters

These parameters apply style to the "content" of the navbox.

  • stylen - CSS to apply to the cell of item n.
  • labelstylen - CSS to apply to the label of row n.
  • itemstyle - CSS to apply to item cells.
  • blankstyle - CSS to apply to blank cells.
  • labelstyle - CSS to apply to label cells.
  • datestyle - CSS to apply to year and decade cells.
  • decadestyle - CSS to apply to decade cells.
  • yearstyle - CSS to apply to year cells.

Navbox style parameters

These parameters apply style to the parts of the navbox outside of the "content" of the navbox.

  • style or bodystyle - CSS to apply to the body of the navbox.
  • basestyle - CSS to apply to the title, above, and below.
  • titlestyle - CSS to apply to the title.
  • abovestyle - CSS to apply to the above.
  • belowstyle - CSS to apply to the below.
  • imagestyle - CSS to apply to the cell containing image
  • imageleftstyle - CSS to apply to the cell containing imageleft

Class parameters

These parameters add classes to parts of the navbox.

  • titleclass - Classes to add to the title of the navbox.
  • aboveclass - Classes to add to the above of the navbox.
  • bodyclass - Classes to add to the body of the navbox.
  • belowclass - Classes to add to the below of the navbox.
  • imageclass - Classes to add to both the right and left images of the navbox.



This is a basic example of this template.

Source code
| name   = Timeline
| state  = uncollapsed
| title  = Example timeline
| row1   =
| item1  = Foo
| date1  = 1985-2014
| item2  = Bar
| date2  = 2019-2035
| row3   =
| item3  = Baz
| date3 = 1995-2020


When you specify the |label= parameter, the contents of the |rown= parameters are shown on the left underneath the |label= parameter.

Source code
| name   = Timeline
| state  = uncollapsed
| title  = Example timeline
| label  = Type
| row1   = A
| item1  = Foo
| date1  = 1985-2014
| item2  = Bar
| date2  = 2019-2035
| row3   = B
| span3  = 2
| item3  = Baz
| date3  = 1995-2020
| row4   =
| item4  = Qux
| date4  = 2005-2015


When |decades=no is set, the decade row is removed and the year row contains the full years.

Source code
| name    = Timeline
| state   = uncollapsed
| title   = Example timeline
| label   = Type
| decades = no
| row1    = A
| item1   = Foo
| date1   = 1985-2014
| item2   = Bar
| date2   = 2019-2035
| row3    = B
| item3   = Baz
| date3   = 1995-2020


When |footer=yes is set, the decade and year rows at the top of the template are shown again at the bottom. This is useful for very large timelines.

Source code
| name   = Timeline
| state  = uncollapsed
| title  = Example timeline
| footer = yes
| row1   =
| item1  = Foo
| date1  = 1985-2014
| item2  = Bar
| date2  = 2019-2035
| row3   =
| item3  = Baz
| date3  = 1995-2020

Item and label style

The |stylen= parameters can be used to style items and the |labelstylen= can be used to style rows.

Source code
| name        = Timeline
| state       = uncollapsed
| title       = Example timeline
| label       = Type
| row1        = A
| labelstyle1 = background: #e459e4;
| item1       = Foo
| date1       = 1985-2014
| style1      = background-color: #ff7c7c;
| item2       = Bar
| date2       = 2019-2035
| style2      = background-color: #e6cd38;
| row3        = B
| labelstyle3 = background: #50aeff;
| item3       = Baz
| date3       = 1995-2020
| style3      = background-color: #72d272;

above and below

Source code
| name   = Timeline
| state  = uncollapsed
| title  = Example timeline
| above  = Above
| below  = Below
| row1   =
| item1  = Foo
| date1  = 1985-2014
| item2  = Bar
| date2  = 2019-2035
| row3   =
| item3  = Baz
| date3  = 1995-2020

start and end

|startoffset= and |endoffset= can be used to extend the start and end of the timeline.

Source code
| name        = Timeline
| state       = uncollapsed
| title       = Example timeline
| startoffset = 5
| endoffset   = 5
| row1        =
| item1       = Foo
| date1       = 1985-2014
| item2       = Bar
| date2       = 2019-2035
| row3        =
| item3       = Baz
| date3       = 1995-2020

Alternatively, |startyear= and |endyear= can be used to extends the start and end of the timeline to those years of the content of the timeline doesn't go beyond those years.

Source code
| name      = Timeline
| state     = uncollapsed
| title     = Example timeline
| startyear = 1975
| endyear   = 2046
| row1      =
| item1     = Foo
| date1     = 1985-2014
| item2     = Bar
| date2     = 2019-2035
| row3      =
| item3     = Baz
| date3     = 1995-2020

Inside another navbox

This template can be used to inside another navbox by calling it using {{Timeline|child|...}}.

Source code
| title  = Example timeline
| group1 = Timeline
| state  = uncollapse
| list1  = {{Timeline|child
| row1   =
| item1  = Foo
| date1  = 1985-2014
| item2  = Bar
| date2  = 2019-2035
| row3   =
| item3  = Baz
| date3  = 1995-2020

image and imageleft

The |image= and |imageleft= can be used to add content (preferably images) to the right and left of the navbox respectively.

Source code
| name      = Timeline
| state     = uncollapsed
| title     = Example timeline
| image     = [[File:Flag of the United States.svg|100px]]
| imageleft = [[File:Flag of Canada.svg|100px]]
| row1      =
| item1     = Foo
| date1     = 1985-2014
| item2     = Bar
| date2     = 2019-2035
| row3      =
| item3     = Baz
| date3     = 1995-2020