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Also called the Guard Forces, the Yaocallapixque represent the defensive arm of the Cuauhtlatollo's forces equipped and prepared to engage in a campaign of territorial defense in the case that the Zacapine mainland comes under miliary attack by an outside power. A variety of strategies are favored by different groups and types of division within the Yaocallapixque suited to a variety of situations, which differ greatly from those employed by the seperate Yaochihualque. Due to its strategic role, the Yaocallapixque's forces are not always oriented towards common army doctrines. The prime guiding principals of the defensive doctrine belonging to the Guard Forces is that of {{wp|Defence in depth|elastic defense}} and strategic counter-attacks, with a strong focus on taking full advantage of the terrain of the border regions and prepared defensive measures.  
Also called the Guard Forces, the Yaocallapixque represent the defensive arm of the Cuauhtlatollo's forces equipped and prepared to engage in a campaign of territorial defense in the case that the Zacapine mainland comes under miliary attack by an outside power. A variety of strategies are favored by different groups and types of division within the Yaocallapixque suited to a variety of situations, which differ greatly from those employed by the seperate Yaochihualque. Due to its strategic role, the Yaocallapixque's forces are not always oriented towards common army doctrines. The prime guiding principals of the defensive doctrine belonging to the Guard Forces is that of {{wp|Defence in depth|elastic defense}} and strategic counter-attacks, with a strong focus on taking full advantage of the terrain of the border regions and prepared defensive measures. However, the Yaocallapixque and Yaochihualque share a common emphasis on air power, bombing and close air support to destroy enemy positions and formations. In the Yaocallapixque, the manifests in the use of the Land Guards as a blocking or delaying force which will blunt and halt the enemy's advance and then fix them in place so that they could be destroyed by artillery, air power and strategic missiles.  
The Land Guards represent the main force for the defense of Zacapican, and the largest overall single organ or subdivision of the Cuauhtlatollo. Their main duty in the strategy of defense for the Yaocallapixque is to weaken and stop an incursion by enemy land forces, as well as to carry out counterattacks against overextended enemy positions or those which have been softened up by artillery and air bombardment by friendly forces. In general, much of the Land Guards are reserve forces regularly drilled to prepare for rapid mobilization, as well as a system of mass mobilization of Calpolli militias and local groups against an enemy invasion. These mobolized units the Tlalpixaque serve two functions, these being to directly defend positions against enemy attacks, and to operate as organized insurgent forces behind enemy lines to further weaken an incursion. Mobilized units are less effective in most roles due to a lack of training in modern combined arms tactics, however Land Guards doctrine considers them sufficient to defend regions of mountains or hills as well as urban areas where the advantage of an attacking combined arms formation would be lessened. Land Guards standing forces, which represent the standing army units of Zacapican in peacetime, are equipped with modern small arms, heavy weapons, tanks and armored vehicles and are drilled in conventional and modern tactics, making them much more versatile and combat effective than mobilized units. For this reason, standing forces have the responsibility to delaying an enemy advance with harassment, hit and run attacks and a general elastic defense in order to buy time for additional Guards units to mobilize and form a broader defensive line, as well as to defend or counter-attack in more open terrain not optimal for mobilized units.
The Rocket Guards represent the smallest of all branches of the Cuauhtlatollo, operating the surface to air, surface to surface, and land based anti-ship missile inventory of the Zacapine military forces. In both air and anti-ship deployment, the Rocket Guards have a doctrine of concentrated assets around strategic areas with the aim of overwhelming any enemy countermeasures or concentrated attack with multiple simultaneous missile launches to destroy a potentially superior force that would overwise be able to deal with the Rocket Guards assets or other naval and air defenses against them. In order to accomplish this, the primary consideration for the deployment of missile assets for the Tlemipixque is mobility and concealment of assets in order to avoid being pinpointed by the enemy such that the enemy should not be able to anticipate the locations from which missile launches will occur or be able to destroy Tlemipixque assets preemtively. It is rumored that the Tlemipixque control a limited number of silo-based missiles which cannot be concealed through perpetual relocation of assets as is usually done, therefore these are fixed sites are concealed through other means to avoid being discovered by enemy intelligence  and reconaissance.
The Water Army or Marine Corps is the amphibious and land combat wing of the Yaochihualque and is widely regarded as the most elite fighting force in Zacapican.

Revision as of 15:59, 23 February 2022

Placa de la Orden Mexicana del Águila Azteca.svg
Seal of the Cuauhtlatollo
MottoIn Mitl In Chimalli
(The Arrow and the Shield)
FoundedOctober 24th, 1924
Current formSeptember 1st, 1960
Service branches
Great SpeakerNochcalima
Secretary of DefenseQuiahuitl Yollohtli
CuauhtlatoNezahualcoyotl Amanaztli
Military age20-40
Available for
military service
12,747,845 males, age 20-35 (2020),
12,710,871 females, age 20-35 (2020)
Fit for
military service
9,451,515 males, age 20-35 (2020),
10,181,537 females, age 20-35 (2020)
Reaching military
age annually
522,500 males (2020),
545,670 females (2020)
Active personnel445,400
Reserve personnel328,000
Budget114.4 Billion
Percent of GDP5.5%

The Cuauhtlatollo is the official name of the combined military-civilian organization charged with the administration of military and intelligence affairs of the government of Zacapican. It is controlled by the Secretariat of Defense and overseen by the judges of the War Department under High Court, and is itself divided into three organs and a total of six subdivisions. The homeland defense forces of Zacapican are grouped under the Yaocallapixque, which is subdivided into the Tlalpixque which operate the land based defense forces, the Ilhuicapixque which operates the domestic air force of Zacapican, and the Tlemipixque which serves as the strategic missile force of the Yaocallapixque. These Guard units make up the largest portion of the Cuauhtatollo's servicepeople and available manpower. The Yaochihualque are the military forces intended to serve overseas and away from the homeland, and are composed of the Zacapine Armada known as the Cemmantihuitz and the Ayaoquizque (lit. "Water Army"), also known as the Naval Infantry Force or Zacapine Marines. They are based in naval and marine bases in Zacapican as well as in overseas bases for rapid deployment. The third and final organ of the Cuauhtlatollo are the Yaotlapixque which supervises special operations and has no formal subdivisions. The headquarters of the Cuauhtlatollo is the fortress complex of Yaoyotepec, located in the outerskirts of the capital Tequitinitlan, which also contains the headquarters of all three divisions.


The 1924 military reform occured as a result of the attempted military coup which set off the Black Capotlin War and was intended to render any future military coup an impossibility, and mitigate any risk of military rebellion against the civilian government. The direct result of the reform was the split of the existing army and navy institutions of the Zacapine armed forces into seperated, parallel organizations without a joint armed forces command of a military charachter. This would allow the civilian authorities to play the now split military organs against one another, balancing their influence and fatally complicating any coup plot in the process. Under the reforms, the army became the Yaocallapixque, under which ground and air forces previously under army command were split into seperate organs. The navy was reformed into the Yaochihualque, subdivided into marine and naval units while the navy subdivision retained control of its air wing which was minimal at the time of the reforms. To coordinate and control the now disjointed military commands, the Cuauhtlatollo was established by by the Secretariat of Defense as well as the judicary oversight councils of the high court. At the time of its founding, the organization was headquartered in the annex of the high court building in eastern Tequitinitlan. As the Cuauhtlatollo was always intended to both coordinate defense affairs and restrict the military from unwanted actions, the addition of intelligence, counterintelligence and other subversive capabilities which were seen as potentially dangerous to the civilian government if misdirected would result in the Yaotlapixque being added to the Cuauhtlatollo's supervision, alongside the addition of the Rocket Guards to the Yaocallapixque organization.



Also called the Guard Forces, the Yaocallapixque represent the defensive arm of the Cuauhtlatollo's forces equipped and prepared to engage in a campaign of territorial defense in the case that the Zacapine mainland comes under miliary attack by an outside power. A variety of strategies are favored by different groups and types of division within the Yaocallapixque suited to a variety of situations, which differ greatly from those employed by the seperate Yaochihualque. Due to its strategic role, the Yaocallapixque's forces are not always oriented towards common army doctrines. The prime guiding principals of the defensive doctrine belonging to the Guard Forces is that of elastic defense and strategic counter-attacks, with a strong focus on taking full advantage of the terrain of the border regions and prepared defensive measures. However, the Yaocallapixque and Yaochihualque share a common emphasis on air power, bombing and close air support to destroy enemy positions and formations. In the Yaocallapixque, the manifests in the use of the Land Guards as a blocking or delaying force which will blunt and halt the enemy's advance and then fix them in place so that they could be destroyed by artillery, air power and strategic missiles.


The Land Guards represent the main force for the defense of Zacapican, and the largest overall single organ or subdivision of the Cuauhtlatollo. Their main duty in the strategy of defense for the Yaocallapixque is to weaken and stop an incursion by enemy land forces, as well as to carry out counterattacks against overextended enemy positions or those which have been softened up by artillery and air bombardment by friendly forces. In general, much of the Land Guards are reserve forces regularly drilled to prepare for rapid mobilization, as well as a system of mass mobilization of Calpolli militias and local groups against an enemy invasion. These mobolized units the Tlalpixaque serve two functions, these being to directly defend positions against enemy attacks, and to operate as organized insurgent forces behind enemy lines to further weaken an incursion. Mobilized units are less effective in most roles due to a lack of training in modern combined arms tactics, however Land Guards doctrine considers them sufficient to defend regions of mountains or hills as well as urban areas where the advantage of an attacking combined arms formation would be lessened. Land Guards standing forces, which represent the standing army units of Zacapican in peacetime, are equipped with modern small arms, heavy weapons, tanks and armored vehicles and are drilled in conventional and modern tactics, making them much more versatile and combat effective than mobilized units. For this reason, standing forces have the responsibility to delaying an enemy advance with harassment, hit and run attacks and a general elastic defense in order to buy time for additional Guards units to mobilize and form a broader defensive line, as well as to defend or counter-attack in more open terrain not optimal for mobilized units.



The Rocket Guards represent the smallest of all branches of the Cuauhtlatollo, operating the surface to air, surface to surface, and land based anti-ship missile inventory of the Zacapine military forces. In both air and anti-ship deployment, the Rocket Guards have a doctrine of concentrated assets around strategic areas with the aim of overwhelming any enemy countermeasures or concentrated attack with multiple simultaneous missile launches to destroy a potentially superior force that would overwise be able to deal with the Rocket Guards assets or other naval and air defenses against them. In order to accomplish this, the primary consideration for the deployment of missile assets for the Tlemipixque is mobility and concealment of assets in order to avoid being pinpointed by the enemy such that the enemy should not be able to anticipate the locations from which missile launches will occur or be able to destroy Tlemipixque assets preemtively. It is rumored that the Tlemipixque control a limited number of silo-based missiles which cannot be concealed through perpetual relocation of assets as is usually done, therefore these are fixed sites are concealed through other means to avoid being discovered by enemy intelligence and reconaissance.




The Water Army or Marine Corps is the amphibious and land combat wing of the Yaochihualque and is widely regarded as the most elite fighting force in Zacapican.
