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{{Infobox Treaty
==Treaty of the Formation==
| name                = Declaration and Treaty on the Creation<br>of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
The Declaration and Treaty on the Formation of the United Turkic Republics (Oghuz:Türk Cumhuriyetler Birliği'nin Kuruluş Antlaşması) officially created the United Turkic Republics (UTR), commonly known as the Turkic Union.  
| long_name          = {{nowrap|{{small|{{lang-ru|Декларация и договор об образовании СССР}}<br />{{lang-uk|Декларація та договір про утворення СРСР}}<br />{{lang-be|Дэкларацыя і дагавор аб утварэнні СССР}}<br />{{lang-hy|Հռչակագիր և պայմանագիր ԽՍՀՄ ստեղծման մասին}}<br />{{lang-az|سسری-نین یارادیلماسی حاقین‌دا بیاننامه و موقاویله|italic=no}}<br />{{lang-ka|დეკლარაცია და ხელშეკრულება სსრკ-ს შექმნის შესახებ}}}}}}
| image              = Cover of the 1922 Declaration and Treaty on the Formation of the USSR.jpg
The Treaty, along with the Declaration of the Creation of the UTR was approved on 29th of October 1924 by a conference of delegations from the Antolyan TR, the Azeri TR, the Kazakh TR and the Turkmen TR. A provisional government was established in the city of Aslinara. The treaty provided flexibility to admit new members. Therefore, by 1928 the Turkic Union grew from the founding four republics to 6.
| image_width        = 234px
| caption            =
| type                = [[Political union#Federal or confederal union|Union treaty]]
| date_drafted        =
| date_signed        = {{Start date and age|1922|12|29}}
| location_signed    = [[Moscow]], [[Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic|Russian SFSR]]
| date_sealed        =
| date_effective      = {{Start date and age|1922|12|30}}
| condition_effective =
| date_expiration    = 8 December 1991<br />{{nowrap|{{small|([[Belovezha Accords]] signed by [[Russian SFSR|Russian]],<br /> [[Ukrainian SSR|Ukrainian]] and [[Byelorussian SSR|Belarusian]] [[Republics of the Soviet Union|Soviet Republics]])}}}}<br />21 December 1991<br />{{small|(The rest of the Union joined the accords, signing the [[Alma-Ata Protocol]])}}<br />26 December 1991<br />{{small|(Union dissolved at ultimate session of the [[Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union|Supreme Soviet]])}}
| signatories        =
* {{flagd|Soviet Union|1922}} [[Mikhail Frunze]]
* {{flagd|Russian SFSR|1918}} [[Mikhail Kalinin]]
* {{flagd|Ukrainian SSR|1919}} [[Grigory Petrovsky]]
* {{flagd|Byelorussian SSR|1919}} [[Aleksandr Chervyakov]]
* {{flagd|Transcaucasian SFSR}} [[Mikhail Tskhakaya]]
| parties            =
* {{flag|Russian SFSR|1918}}
* {{flag|Ukrainian SSR|1919}}
* {{flag|Byelorussian SSR|1919}}
* {{flag|Transcaucasian SFSR}}
| depositor          =
| languages          = [[Russian language|Russian]]
| website            =
| wikisource          =

Latest revision as of 23:14, 21 February 2024

Treaty of the Formation

The Declaration and Treaty on the Formation of the United Turkic Republics (Oghuz:Türk Cumhuriyetler Birliği'nin Kuruluş Antlaşması) officially created the United Turkic Republics (UTR), commonly known as the Turkic Union.

The Treaty, along with the Declaration of the Creation of the UTR was approved on 29th of October 1924 by a conference of delegations from the Antolyan TR, the Azeri TR, the Kazakh TR and the Turkmen TR. A provisional government was established in the city of Aslinara. The treaty provided flexibility to admit new members. Therefore, by 1928 the Turkic Union grew from the founding four republics to 6.