Vitosian Survivor Season 23: In-Depth Episode Synopsis Part 2: Difference between revisions

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==Episode 9==

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! rowspan="20" style="background:#afc7c3"|Episode 9
| style="background:#f5cfd9"|Everybody else is at Tribal Council while Ambra, Brandi, Kamlyn and Kaye are in the shelter. Kamlyn says that she doesn't care who goes since she isn't in any trouble. Brandi says that she relates. '''''Brandi CCs that she has recognized her mistakes and is trying to better her social game. She has another 3 days to get in everybody's good graces.''''' Kaye says that the missing four votes could easily be detrimental to everybody's plans. '''''She CCs that Enrico has a specific target that she is unsure will go home or should even go home but she doesn't have a vote.''''' As everybody returnt o plan, Kaye is the first to notice and state that Rio is gone. '''''She CCs that Enrico managed it somehow.''''' Millie says that it was a tie between Rio and Rowan and Rio went to jury. '''''Rowan CCs that he almost went home, despite all the work he did in the pre-merge. He needs to figure out the three people that initially voted for him.''''' Brandi says that every Tribal she's been in has never been unanimous and this is no exception. She says that she is surprised that Rio ended up being the person going home, mainly due to his social game. '''''Ambra CCs that Brandi brings up a good point. Rio going home means anybody can go home at this point. Brandi CCs that others are aiming for big targets, which is good for her. Enrico CCs that he made an enormous move and that could easily paint a target on his back.'''''
!Opening Credits
| style="background:#f5cfd9"|Zhian is talking with Millie, saying that, throughout the pre-merge, he has grown to respect her. '''''Zhian CCs that he does, genuinely, respect Millie and wants to go far with her.''''' He says that he is positive that everybody at home will be proud of her. Millie thanks him and '''''CCs that it is getting harder and harder for her everyday but she has her reasons for not giving up so she can't. She says that she's proud of herself for making it to the Final 11 and it's been an insane 3 weeks so far. She says that she has to get to the end and she knows that, if she tries hard enough, she'll make it there.'''''  There is a small montage of Angie finding the merge idol. '''''Angie CCs that she is in it to win it so she needs to do whatever she can to ensure her safety.''''' As Angie searches, Ambra is also seen finding it. After finding it, '''''Ambra CCs that she can't believe she found it! She has been looking for three days!''''' Josie is talking with Zhian about how she can't trust Gabby too much. '''''Zhian CCs that it is time for Zhian Taaj to make some waves.''''' Zhian decides to tell Gabby about it and secure a Final 2 with her in the process as they are both content creators. They agree and Gabby says that she is shocked Josie wants her out. Zhian suggests that they go after Josie once Kamlyn wins Immunity again. '''''Zhian CCs that it is time to play hard. He says that he needs to build up a resume for the end and, to do that, he needs some moves in his back pocket. He says that he cherishes Josie and really respects her but he feels like he can trust Gabby even more and the option was to go after Gabby or to go after Josie.''''' Gabby says that she really appreciates Zhian telling him and hopes that they can make it to the end together. '''''Gabby CCs that she is so grateful Zhian told her this.''''' Elsewhere, Angie and Millie are talking. Angie says that she is unsure if she can trust Zhian or Kaye and asks her opinion on them. Millie says that she adores the both of them and '''''CCs that she can't trust Angie too much but thinks that it is better to leave Zhian and Kaye in the dark.''''' Angie says that, if Millie adores them, they must be good. '''''Angie CCs that she can't trust Millie as she trusts and adores everybody and has not contributed to any strategy talks. In a way, she may be one of the biggest threats due to being such a wildcard and, if Zhian or Kaye target her, she knows that Millie may be the next one to go.''''' Enrico and Kaye talk in the shelter about targeting Angie and Gabby instead of Kamlyn and leaving Kamlyn to target Josie down the road. '''''Enrico CCs that it is good to leave two people targeting each-other.''''' Josie overhears this, '''''CCing that she is shocked about this''''' and talks to Rowan about what Enrico and Kaye were talking about. Rowan says that he'll vote with her (Josie) so she doesn't need to worry. Josie thanks him and says that, after Kamlyn goes, she wants to target Enrico and Kaye next. '''''Rowan CCs that he trusts Josie over all others in the game right now but he is also very loyal to The Placeholders.''''' Ambra is talking with Angie about Brandi leaving. Angie confesses that the rivalry made her question her allegiance with Ambra but she doesn't have to worry anymore. Ambra thanks Angie for the honesty. '''''Ambra CCs that Brandi is both good and bad for her game. The rivalry made others leave both of them in the game butshe knows that Brandi will target her sooner than later again.''''' Zhian notices Ambra and Angie together and '''''CCs that he wants to establish another target just in case Kamlyn wins Immunity.''''' Zhian tells Kaye that he has been noticing Ambra and Angie together quite a bit. Kaye thanks him for the info.
|Gabby wins Reward, '''''CCing that this will be an amazing opportunity to relax and recharge''''', and chooses to share it with Zhian. During the Reward segment, Gabby says that a part of her can't trust Kaye. Zhian brings up Ambra and Angie being together so much and Gabby admits that them being around each other so much may be a problem. '''''Zhian CCs that a part of him feels really bad for lying and doesn't want to show people that lying is a good thing. He says that he wants to be a role model and, at least, he can admit to his mistake.''''' Zhian thanks Gabby again for bringing him. Gabby thanks him for being so trustworthy, '''''CCing that Zhian is a massive threat to win the game but, as long as he is loyal, she has no problems being cutthroat as that's the nature of the game'''''.
| style="background:#f5cfd9"|'''''Angie CCs is suspicious about Gabby choosing Zhian when they are both content creators and thinks that they have an alliance.''''' Angie talks to Ambra about it, who understands her being suspicious. Ambra tells Angie that, perhaps, they should target one of them. Angie fully agrees, '''''CCing that she would love to send one of them home. Ambra CCs that Angie brings up a lot of good points so she trusts what she has to say.''''' Brandi is in the shelter with Josie, Rowan and Kaye. She tells a story about college days, which makes them laugh. '''''Brandi CCs that she has done a 180 compared to the pre-merge. Kaye CCs that Brandi seems to be more calm and not trigger-happy like the pre-merge.''''' Gabby and Zhian return and '''''Gabby CCs that she really wants to confront Josie as she is a snake in the game but she can't. She can't ruin her game when she has to think about her and Sarah's future.''''' Kamlyn is alone in the water and '''''CCs that this is the opportunity to take out her biggest threat: Josie.''''' Kamlyn is seen talking to Rowan, Enrico and Kaye separately about targeting Josie. As Kamlyn talks to Millie, Josie overhears her and goes up to her. '''''Josie CCs that she's had enough. Kamlyn CCs that Josie overhearing her does nothing.''''' Josie and Kamlyn end up getting into a screaming match. As it ends, '''''Josie CCs that she wants Kamlyn out no matter what. Kamlyn CCs that she is confident that Josie is going. Millie CCs that the drama is insane to witness. Angie CCs that Josie and Kamlyn may easily stay but now there are two rivalries that may be staying and that isn't good for her.''''' There is a small montage of everybody trusting Zhian. '''''Rowan CCs that Zhian is great to talk to. Zhian CCs that he is doing his best to play a great social game.''''' However, Angie, Ambra and Josie are not impressed. The three of them get together and talk about how Zhian needs to go sooner than later. '''''Angie CCs that Zhian is on everybody's good graces and that makes him a major target.''''' Josie then brings up how Zhian is saying how the two of them are an alliance. Angie manages to calm Ambra down, who wants to call Zhian out for his "nice guy facade". Josie thinks that Zhian is, genuinely, a great guy and is just playing the game just like everybody else. Ambra agrees and calms down but says that Zhian is at the top of her list. '''''Ambra CCs that, yes, Zhian is higher on her list than Brandi.''''' Later, Enrico decides to get naked again and runs around, flailing his arms. '''''He CCs that he is having the time of his life while also being an under the radar observer. He is limiting his strategy talks to The Placeholders while playing up his social game to everybody else.''''' Enrico tells another funny story to Josie, Brandi and Millie. '''''Enrico CCs that, after Zhian went gung-ho on strategy talks, he slowed his down and now there is talk of Zhian being a target. So, he made a good call.'''''
|'''Josie''', barely, beats Kamlyn in the Individual Immunity Challenge. She then silences Kamlyn and Zhian.
| style="background:#f5cfd9"|Back at camp, '''''Zhian CCs that he is shocked over being silenced.''''' Kamlyn and Josie get into a huge argument. When things finally calm down, '''''Zhian CCs that he has something on his chest.''''' Zhian asks her, in front of everybody, why he was Silenced when he thought that they were on good terms. Josie calls him out for throwing Ambra and Angie under the bus. '''''Josie CCs that she is not lettign Zhian get away with this either.''''' Zhian tries to make the excuse that he saw them together a lot and assumed things. Ambra then says that it is easy to see Gabby and Zhian as an alliance due to them both being content creators, which sparks an argument between Ambra and Gabby, '''''who CCs that Ambra had no reason to bring her into this'''''. Kamlyn walks away, '''''CCing that she is, for sure, safe at this point.''''' She tries to find an idol but to no avail. The Placeholders meet together and Rowan says that, while there are many targets, it is best to focus on Kamlyn. The others agree. '''''Rowan CCs that the amount of people now targeted in front of all four of them is amazing.''''' Ambra and Angie, however, talk with Kamlyn and they try to campaign for Zhian to go this time and for Josie to go next time. Kamlyn says that she will think about it.
|AT THE TRIBAL COUNCIL, Kamlyn tries her hardest to campaign for Josie to go next and for Zhian to go this time for being untrustworthy, as Ambra and Angie pointed out. Numerous arguments erupt.<br />
<br />
Ambra votes for '''Kamlyn'''.<br />
Angie votes for '''Kamlyn'''.<br />
Brandi votes for '''Kamlyn'''.<br />
Gabby votes for '''Kamlyn'''.<br />
Enrico votes for '''Kamlyn'''.<br />
Josie votes for '''Kamlyn'''.<br />
Kamlyn is ''SILENCED''.<br />
Kaye votes for '''Kamlyn'''.<br />
Millie votes for '''Kamlyn'''.<br />
Rowan votes for '''Kamlyn'''.<br />
Zhian is''SILENCED''.<br />
<br />
With a vote of 8-0, '''KAMLYN''' has been eliminated.

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==Episode 10==
==Episode 6==

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! rowspan="20" style="background:#afc7c3"|Episode 10
! rowspan="20" style="background:#afc7c3"|Episode 6
| style="background:#f5cfd9"|Back at camp, '''''Josie CCs that she is ecstatic that Kamlyn has left and, now, she can really focus on the game. She says that her rivalry with Kamlyn was, truly, a battle for her but, now, it is over.''''' At camp, Josie thanks everybody. Gabby says that Kamlyn brought it on herself for how she acted. Rowan adds that Kamlyn really shouldn't have went after Josie for no reason like she did. '''''Gabby CCs that her #1 target is Josie as she can't trust her at all. She has a few people under her belt as is and that makes her dangerous.''''' Zhian sits down at the shelter. '''''He CCs that Tribal was absolutely insane and he doesn't know what to think now.'''''
| style="background:#cccce5"|On the way back to camp, '''''Angie CCs that her, Enrico, and Kaye decided on Saahira an hour before the Tribal. They couldn't risk voting Brandi and then her using the idol. Enrico CCs that he is, now, part of a very trustworthy three-person alliance with Angie and Kaye and he is ecstatic. Brandi CCs that she was so happy that she wasn't targeted as she wanted to get closer to the merge before using the idol.''''' Enrico openly wishes Saahira the best.
| style="background:#e5cce5"|On the way back to camp, '''''Kamlyn CCs that she is so glad that Kole is now gone. Rowan CCs that it is good riddance.'''''
! Opening Credits
| style="background:#e5cce5"|In the morning, '''''Zhian CCs that, last night, he made an alliance with himself, Josie, Rowan, Tiffany and Gabby. However, he is having some second thoughts.''''' Zhian approaches Josie, expressing doubts about their current alliance and suggesting they explore new options. Josie says that they could but the alliance was just made last night. '''''Josie CCs that the game could be getting to Zhian but this now makes her want to look at other options as well.''''' Zhian engages in a conversation with Gabby. He talks about having a secret alliance ''within'' the alliance. '''''He CCs that he doesn't know if he can trust everybody so he'll start with Gabby.''''' Gabby is receptive to it. Millie, walking close by, catches a glimpse of them but can't hear any details. '''''Millie CCs that a part of her wants to trust Zhian and Gabby but, sometimes, she finds it difficult.''''' Millie is talking with Kamlyn about potentially targeting Zhian or Gabby. Kamlyn says that she is perfectly fine with that, '''''CCing that she has toned down her game and people have been approaching her more. People like Millie for example.''''' Tiffany ends up close by when she overhears Millie say to Kamlyn that she doesn't know if Tiffany would follow the plan. '''''Tiffany CCs that she is curious about this plan. She thinks that Millie and Kamlyn don't trust her.''''' Rowan is sitting on the sand. '''''He CCs that he is feeling uncertain about his current alliance with Josie, Zhian, Tiffany, and Gabby and wants to explore other options.''''' He approaches Millie and suggests the idea of forming a strong alliance. She is receptive to that. '''''Millie CCs that she trusted Rowan before but, now, he had the idea of a majority alliance.''''' Finding Devon in the shelter, Rowan and Millie approach him cautiously, aware that their conversation needs to remain confidential. They pitch the idea of forming a new alliance together, emphasizing the potential strength and stability it could provide. '''''Rowan CCs that he has always trusted Devon so he needs him in this alliance.''''' Devon is all for it, '''''CCing that he trusted the two of them already so making it official is great.'''''
| style="background:#cccce5"|On Napilui, Rio is alone in the shelter. '''''He CCs that he's been watching Survivor since Season 5 was airing. A part of him actually grew up with the show. He would watch this show with his family every week that it was on and he dreamed of being on the show. His family got into the show when his mom's friend, Alannah Vurner, competed.''''' Rio is talking with Angie in the shelter. He says that, so far, they have lost Taarif, Dean and Saahira. He says that he would've preferred Taarif staying. Angie agrees. '''''Rio CCs that he doesn't know where he sits with his tribe so it's time for him to make something happen.''''' Rio says that they need to ensure one of Ambra or Brandi leaves soon because that chaos at merge would be bad for them. Angie disagrees and says that the two of them staying at merge could be beneficial to them. '''''Rio CCs that Angie may be allied with one of them if she is saying this. That just means that he could be expendable to her.''''' Later, Rio is swimming alone in the water. '''''He CCs that he was so excited to be on the show and it's been everything he dreamed of it being. He was also worried about being the first one out but, thankfully, he survived.''''' Kaye is with Ambra in the shelter. Ambra says that it's now down to six members of the tribe. '''''Ambra CCs that five people have left their tribe and Brandi is still here.''''' Kaye says that anything could happen at this point. '''''She CCs that she really likes Ambra and wants to work with her. If she joins the alliance, that just means Brandi and Rio would be on the outs and she really likes Rio as well.'''''  
!Opening Credits
| style="background:#e5cce5"|On Leduaranor, Gabby is in the shelter with her tribe. She discusses taking a risk and going to the other tribe to gain information. '''''Gabby CCs that, admittedly, a part of her plans to do this to get more allies as well but only if she can sell the idea of mutiny to the tribe. Otherwise, she loses their trust.''''' Kamlyn and Tiffany see no issue with it. Tiffany tells her to be careful, though.
| style="background:#f5cfd9"| In the morning, Rowan notices that Josie is upset and goes over to comfort her. '''''He CCs that he saw Josie this morning and couldn't help but empathize with her.''''' Josie talks to Rowan about her daughter, Marie, and how she has tried her hardest to give her a great upbringing. Rowan tells Josie that he is sure that Marie looks up to her and is proud to call her her mom. Josie really appreciates Rowan saying that and '''''CCs that she feels weak because she's needed reassurance because she misses her family so much.''''' Rowan tells Josie that she is an amazing woman with a strong business and a husband and child that loves her and is, no doubt, proud of her. Rowan tells Josie that she will feel much better when they reach the Family Visit around the Final 8. He tells her to think about that and aim for it. Josie thanks him again. '''''Rowan CCs that he wants to be there for his friends when they are down and, hopefully, make them smile again.''''' Ambra is talking with Rowan in the shelter, saying that she has loved the experience so far is so proud of herself for making it far. She says that she used to dream about being on the show. Rowan says the same thing and says that it's still surreal to him. Ambra wonders what the Reward Challenge will be. Rowan is debating if he should win it or not. In the shelter, Rowan is talking with Enrico about how every member of The Placeholders have made it to the Final 10. Enrico says that he is so happy about that, '''''CCing that he had no faith in the beginning that he would even make it to the merge.''''' Enrico and Zhian are at the water well. Zhian says that, in the span of hours, he became a massive target to people. Enrico says that he has no intention of voting Zhian out. Zhian says that he really wants Ambra and Angie out sooner than later, preferably one of them going next. '''''Enrico CCs that Zhian is a shield in front of him. He has no reason to send him home when he could take out one of Ambra or Angie.''''' Alone in the shelter, Brandi tells Ambra that she doesn't expect her to trust her so easily but she promises Ambra that she won't vote for her and hopes to slowly build back that trust. She tells Ambra that she won't even name targets. She will do what Ambra wants. '''''Brandi CCs that the one relationship she really needs to fix is Ambra's. She betrayed her due to paranoia and now she needs to make amends.''''' Ambra thanks her for at least acknowledging that trust needs to be rebuilt. She says that they can start on a clean slate but she will be wary. Brandi says that what she is saying is understandable. '''''Ambra CCs that she trusted Brandi at the beginning and it was the worst mistake in the game. Brandi seems to be a bit better but she doesn't know if she can trust her again in the game. Brandi CCs that she is being completely genuine with her. If things don't work out, she definitely wants Ambra to know that there is no trick this time.''''' Enrico is with Ambra and Josie. He tells them a crazy story about hanggliding that they find very entertaining. Enrico is then telling Kaye about a story of him skydiving. '''''He CCs that he used to be scared of everything when he was younger. That is why nothing phases him in the challenges in both Gavino's Challenge and Survivor. When he turned 20, he decided that he wanted to not let fears stop him.'''''
| Everybody gathers at the Challenge Arena where the host tells them that, before they do the Reward Challenge, he has an offer. Should anybody step forward, they will be able to ''mutiny'' to the other tribe. '''''Gabby CCs that her longterm plan starts now.''''' Gabby steps forward and heads to the other tribe. Zhian mumbles to himself and rolls his eyes, '''''CCing that, in order for Gabby to not be voted off, they need to sell that Gabby was on the outs.''''' As time is about to run out, Tiffany steps forward. '''''Rowan CCs that Tiffany had to be a spy. Unfortunately for her, she got no info. Tiffany CCs that she wants to see if she can take out Enrico as he's taken over the tribe.'''''<br /><br />'''Napilui''' wins Reward!
|At the Challenge Arena, ''Cornilio Roquez'' tells the audience that he is bringing back a few past castaways for a couple of ... decisions.<br />
| style="background:#e5cce5"|On Leduaranor, '''''Kamlyn CCs that Tiffany switching back was not a good look. The entire tribe trusted her.''''' In the shelter, Kamlyn tells Josie and Millie that she wants to make it to merge and vote out Tiffany. Millie says that there are probably bigger fish to fry than Tiffany. '''''She CCs that Kamlyn's not looking at the bigger picture and she is being blinded ... again. First, it was Devon and, now, it is Tiffany.''''' Devon is at the water well with Zhian and Millie. He says that they should get Rowan and make an alliance and head to the Final 4 together. '''''He CCs that he already has an alliance with Rowan and Millie but he'd also like to add Zhian to the alliance.'''''
''Eric Porta'', ''Taarif Ashraf'', ''Dean Talley'', ''Saahira Salameh'', ''Kole Hachette'', ''Tiffany Fidalliques'' and ''Devon Serra'' all walk out.<br />
'''''Devon CCs that he is shocked that all of the pre-jurors are back. He is expecting a battleback and he would not be opposed to that.''''' ''Cornilio Roquez'' tells everybody to sit down as he has a couple of announcements. '''''Saahira CCs that she is really excited. She has no idea what's going on but she is stoked to find out.''''' Cornilio says that there is a challenge that will determine a very, very special opportunity but they will also notice a booth close by. Soon, they will all vote on who will be exempt from the following Reward Challenge. After that, they will all compete in the challenge behind him. Before they get to that, he asks how everybody is doing. Eric says that he is surprised Zhian isn't out yet. Taarif says that he is really shocked Brandi is still in the game. '''''Taarif CCs that, in the game, Brandi was a force to be reckoned with. If she gets to the end somehow, she deserves to win.''''' ''Cornilio'' says that two others were voted out but will not join them as they are on the jury as he does not want them influencing their votes in any way. He asks them who they think was voted out. Devon, without a beat, says Kamlyn. Taarif says Brandi and Kole says Gabby. Nobody else guesses. '''''Dean CCs that a part of him is conflicted about Brandi as that is his number one ally who was loyal to him. A part of him hopes she is still in.''''' ''Cornilio'' says that Rio was voted out ... followed by Kamlyn. Devon cheers while others laugh at the sudden cheering. ''Cornilio'' says that they will now vote for who will be exempt from the Reward Challenge.<br />
''Eric'' votes for '''Zhian'''<br />
''Taarif'' votes for '''Brandi'''<br />
''Dean'' votes for '''Ambra'''<br />
''Saahira'' votes for '''Brandi'''<br />
''Kole'' votes for '''Rowan'''<br />
''Tiffany'' votes for '''Brandi'''<br />
''Devon'' votes for '''Kaye'''<br /><br />
''Cornilio'' announces that, with three votes, ''Brandi'' will be exempt. He now says that everybody will now compete for two spots. Spots for what? Playing next season. '''''Tiffany CCs that this is her opportunity to right her wrongs by playing better next season. Kole CCs that he is ready to easily win this.'''''<br /><br />
The two people competing for next season are ... '''Saahira and Devon'''! '''''Devon CCs that he is READY for the next season! Saahira CCs that she knows what needs to be done. She's learned her lesson.'''''
|At the Challenge Arena, ''Cornilio'' tells everybody that he brought back the pre-jurors to decide who will be exempt from the Reward Challenge today. He says that they voted ... ''Brandi'', who openly says that she is not surprised.<br />'''Rowan''' wins Reward (day at the spa) and takes Josie, Kaye, and Millie, stating his reason that the three of them are married and have kids so he wants to give them some time to relax as he can't relate to their struggles as mothers. '''''Millie CCs that she struggled not breaking down after hearing that. Rowan CCs that the three of them really needed this.''''' During the Reward segment, Rowan tells the three of them that he really respects them and sees them struggling at times as they miss their life at home and he wants to help them out in any way he can and that is why he brought them. All three of them really appreciate it. '''''Kaye CCs that she has been struggling recently as she misses her kids and her husband and really wants to see them. She really needed this but she also needs to head to the Family Visit.''''' Later, Kaye tells Millie that she really respects Rowan a lot. Millie also agrees and says that she can't see herself voting him out. '''''Kaye CCs that it is just occuring to her how big of a threat Rowan can be. He seems genuine but she has no doubt that he is a social threat as well.'''''
| style="background:#cccce5"|On Napului, everybody welcomes Gabby and Tiffany to the alliance. '''''Gabby CCs that what she did was a huge risk but, maybe, it'll pay off.''''' Everybody is in the shelter. Gabby says that she was on the way out and she would like a new allegience, which is why she flipped. Tiffany says how that surprises her, '''''CCing that she knows what Gabby is up to. She plans to manipulate the entire tribe. Gabby CCs that, for some odd reason, Tiffany is trying to blow her cover.''''' Gabby tells Tiffany that she wouldn't know what that was like as everybody loved her on the tribe. Tiffany says that she had not once heard her name. Gabby says that, maybe, for all they know, she was on the outs as well. Tiffany shrugs and says that, perhaps, that is true. '''''Kaye CCs that she doesn't know who to believe in the moment.'''''
| style="background:#f5cfd9"| In the shelter, Ambra is lying down, '''''CCing that she thinks that it may be good to get Brandi out before she backstabs her again.''''' Ambra is telling Angie that she would feel much calmer once Brandi left. Angie knows and says that she is there for Ambra and will vote out Brandi. Ambra thanks her and '''''CCs that she has been planting more seeds, albeit more subtlely, that Brandi should go. Angie CCs that Brandi seems to be much more trustworthy now but she feels loyal to Ambra.''''' She says that she can't find herself hating her and hopes that they can truly mend things after the game but, right now, Brandi is a huge threat to her game. Angie says that people wanted to leave Ambra and Brandi in as they would go after each other but, in the end, it's not healthy and it's time that Brandi left. Ambra says that she is still confused as to why Taarif left as he was such a kind soul and didn't do anything wrong. Angie says that Brandi thought Taarif was too big of a wildcard. '''''Angie CCs that she finds it hard to trust Brandi herself but notices the efforts made at the merge.''''' Rowan, Josie, Kaye, and Millie return. Enrico is with Zhian and Gabby in the shelter. He tells them that he really feels trust between the three of them. Zhian and Gabby agree. '''''Enrico CCs that he's decided that he needs more allies.''''' Gabby tells Enrico that the next few targets should, definitely, be Angie, Ambra and Josie in any order. Enrico says that he is perfectly fine with that. '''''Gabby CCs that Josie can't be trusted but, as Zhian is her closest ally, she wants to consider the two who want him out as well. Zhian CCs that him and Gabby have beef with Josie so that is one target they definitely have in common. He CCs that Ambra and Angie need to be split up but he doesn't feel the need to take out Josie. So, he is thinking Angie or Ambra goes and then he will target Gabby and earn Josie's trust.''''' Ambra and Brandi are in the water. Brandi says that it is great that they are able to mend things. Ambra says that she likes the effort but she is still unsure. Brandi says that, surely, she has noticed that she is not playing like how she did in the pre-merge. Ambra says that she's noticed. '''''Brandi CCs that she has been trying for over a week. If Ambra won't start trusting her soon, she will have to conclude that nothing can be done about it and move on.''''' Brandi is with Josie in the shelter. She tells Josie that she is a loyal vote. She will consider to prove in the merge that she is loyal to people. Josie appreciates it and says that, if she wants Gabby gone, if Brandi will vote for her. Brandi says that she doesn't trust Gabby and will vote her out 100%. '''''She CCs that she is telling Josie what she wants to hear but, at the same time, she does trust Josie over Gabby so that works out.''''' Brandi is with Enrico at the water well and says that she is super conflicted about Ambra. She says that she doesn't think Ambra will ever trust her again in the game. Enrico says that he wouldn't as Ambra spoke to him less than 20 minutes ago about how she needs to go. '''''Enrico CCs that he isn't lying. Ambra has been campaigning a lot since Kamlyn left that it is time for Brandi to go. However, he disagrees.''''' Brandi says that she will admit to trying to make amends but Ambra gave her nothing to go off of. '''''Brandi CCs that now it's time to move on from trying with her.'''''
| style="background:#e5cce5"|On Leduaranor, Millie, Josie and Kamlyn are in the shelter. Kamlyn says that she may not have been the most trustworthy alliance member but she wants to change that. She proposes a Final 3 alliance between them. The other two accept. '''''Kamlyn CCs that she started to notice people be a little distant towards her. She sort of figured that ... maybe ... she was playing a bit too hard. Gabby CCs that nobody on the tribe trusts Kamlyn but she is willing to give her a second chance.''''' Zhian is talking to Rowan and tells him that Gabby and Josie will go so far in the game and, with Gabby gone, maybe they should go after Josie. '''''Zhian CCs that a big move for him would be Josie, who everybody loves on the tribe.''''' Rowan says that he isn't sure right now but is completely open to making sure they find a target that would help the both of them. '''''Rowan CCs that he isn't too sure about Zhian at the moment as he, himself, is good with Josie.''''' Devon is alone in the shelter. Millie comes and sits beside him and asks what is on his mind. Devon says that the game is crazy and he feels as though the pressure is starting to get to everybody. Millie says that she can see that. Devon says that his main target is still going to be Kamlyn as she has been gunning for him hard for the past two weeks now. Millie says that she would, definitely, vote her out when given the chance. '''''Devon CCs that, judging from this talk alone, he knows he can trust Millie. Millie CCs that Devon is somebody she wants around for awhile.'''''
|'''Zhian''' wins Immunity and silences ''Angie'' and ''Josie''.
|'''Leduaranor''' wins Immunity! They choose to silence ''Tiffany''.  
| style="background:#f5cfd9"|'''''Angie CCs that she isn't surprised about Zhian's decision. What she IS surprised about is that it wasn't her and Ambra. Zhian CCs that he silenced the two people he wants out the most.''''' Josie thanks Zhian for the silence as now she doesn't have to worry about who she will vote for since she can't. '''''She CCs that she will be worried about his campaigning though.''''' Brandi and Zhian are alone at the water well. Brandi says that she knows that he wants Ambra, Angie and Josie out. '''''She CCs that it is clear to her that Angie and Josie are highly on his list than Ambra due to his decision but she can't have that.''''' Brandi says that Ambra is openly campaigning to get her ''and'' him out. Yes, they can go after Angie or Josie but Ambra is dangerous because people are underestimating her. '''''Zhian CCs that she DOES have a point and Brandi has been super trustworthy.''''' Ambra is in the shelter with Rowan, Kaye and Josie. She says that Brandi is playing under the radar right now but she is super dangerous and is very determined to do what she wants. '''''Ambra CCs that it's now or never. She needs Brandi out before she gets backstabbed again.''''' Rowan, Enrico, Millie and Kaye (''The Placeholders'') are in the water. Enrico asks everybody who they want out. Kaye says that Ambra and Brandi are full-on campaigning now. Rowan says that with votes being split and two people not in the alliance being silenced, the four of them could control the vote and send anybody packing. '''''He CCs that this is great for them if they want to take out a third party.''''' Millie says that, as things stand, they may be powerful but, if they get too confident, they will crumble. Enrico agrees and says that they have to decide between a random third person or going with Ambra or Brandi. He says that people have lessened on Zhian despite being exposed a few days ago. '''''Enrico CCs that Zhian laid low and played things smart and only three people want him out. They could easily send him packing but they can't let the power go to their heads.''''' Millie says that Brandi seems really trustworthy now with the other three agreeing. Kaye says that Brandi has done a complete 180 and is much more trustworthy but, if they vote out Ambra, Angie and others could easily target them. '''''Kaye CCs that this is an incredibly important decision.''''' Ambra is in the shelter with Gabby. She tells Gabby that, if she helps her take out Brandi, she will vote out Josie next, no questions asked. Gabby says that Ambra's proposal is very tempting. '''''Ambra CCs that she is playing every angle imaginable. Gabby CCs that, in a way, she can't decide.''''' After Gabby leaves, Ambra sits alone in the shelter. She says that she has an idol but she doesn't think she will need it. She says that everybody knows how Brandi is and how dangerous she is.
| style="background:#cccce5"|On Napului, '''''Tiffany CCs that a part of her should have seen this coming. At this point, she can't return to the other tribe, even though she wanted to the next chance she got.''''' Brandi is in the shelter with Angie. Brandi tells her that, this round, she wants to be a vote for her. '''''She CCs that she needs to get back to the top and this is the best way.''''' Angie says that she doesn't have a target right now but she will, definitely, consider that. Brandi says that she knows that she may be on the outs but she would rather work with her. Angie appreciates that, '''''CCing that she doesn't know if she can really trust her but she will use an extra vote.''''' Ambra is with Tiffany in the water. She says that Brandi needs to go as soon as possible. Tiffany says that they need to watch out for Enrico, Kaye and Brandi. Ambra says that, if those three are allied, it makes even more sense to go after Brandi since that will be good for the both of them. Tiffany agrees. '''''Ambra CCs that Brandi wants her out no matter what so she needs to strike first.''''' Enrico is alone in the shelter, relaxing.  Gabby comes up to him and sits down. She says that, whoever he wants out, he'll vote for. Enrico thanks her and says that the tribe may or may not have a unified target. '''''He CCs that, to him, Gabby or Tiffany would be perfect but there is always somebody else that could be the better option to go.''''' Gabby says that, if he keeps her, she'll be completely loyal to him. '''''She CCs that she doesn't know who the target will be and she isn't the best situated on the tribe so this could easily be the end for her.'''''
|AT THE TRIBAL COUNCIL, Ambra and Brandi both say that their rivalry ends tonight. After the voting, Ambra plays her idol with Brandi congratulating her as the votes are being read.<br />
|AT THE FIRST TRIBAL COUNCIL, Tiffany says that her target is Enrico but, since she can't vote, everybody else needs to vote for him. Enrico says that Tiffany isn't trustworthy as she has betrayed both tribes at this point. Before the votes are read, Brandi plays her idol.<br /><br />
Ambra votes for '''<strike>Brandi</strike>'''<br />
<br />
Angie votes for '''Tiffany'''<br />
Ambra votes for '''Brandi'''.<br />
Brandi votes for '''Tiffany'''<br />
Angie is ''SILENCED''.<br />
Enrico votes for '''Tiffany'''<br />
Brandi votes for '''<strike>Ambra</strike>'''.<br />
Gabby votes for '''Tiffany'''<br />
Gabby votes for '''Brandi'''.<br />
Kaye votes for '''Tiffany'''<br />
Enrico votes for '''<strike>Ambra</strike>'''.<br />
Rio votes for '''Tiffany'''<br /><br />
Josie is ''SILENCED''.<br />
'''Tiffany''' is voted out.
Kaye votes for '''<strike>Ambra</strike>'''.<br />
Millie votes for '''<strike>Ambra</strike>'''.<br />
Rowan votes for '''Brandi'''.<br />
Zhian votes for '''<strike>Ambra</strike>'''.<br />
<br />
With a vote of 3-0, '''BRANDI''' has been eliminated. Ambra is shocked.

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==Episode 7==
==Episode 11==

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{| class="wikitable article-table" style="margin:auto; text-align:center; font-size:8pt; width=100%; line-height:18px;" align="center"
! rowspan="20" style="background:#afc7c3"|Episode 11
! rowspan="20" style="background:#afc7c3"|Episode 7
| style="background:#f5cfd9"|Back at camp, '''''Ambra CCs that she hopes that she can get to know Brandi on the outside and she feels bad but they both knew that the rivalry went on for far too long and things could not be mended in the game. She says that the worst thing is that she has to pretend to be happy that Brandi is gone, even though Brandi managed to get the votes for her to go.''''' At camp, Ambra says that she is ecstatic that Brandi is gone and hopes that she can repair any relation that was lost due to their rivalry. '''''Ambra CCs that it's a new beginning for her in the game and, even though it's the Final 9, she is still aiming to win.''''' Angie says that she is glad that some of the drama is over. '''''She CCs that, now, she doesn't have to worry about Ambra anymore and she can establish the Final 2 they had before.'''''
| style="background:#cccce5"|On Napului,
!Opening Credits
! Opening Credits
| style="background:#cccce5"|In the morning, Kaye and Angie are in the shelter. Kaye tells Angie that she is related to Deborah and Margie Liguori. Angie recognizes them as dangerous mobsters who were arrested many years ago. Kaye said that they were arrested when she was 21 and, now, she is 42. She moved out of her province and changed her name. '''''Kaye CCs that she was born as Margaret Kaye Liguori but, after her mother and grandmother were arrested, she changed her name so that she could continue to live a normal life as the Liguoris are feared in Ciunia. She changed her name to Kaye Maria-Leigh Galano and, now, she is married with two kids.''''' Angie sympathizes with her. Kaye said that she wanted to give her kids a mother figure who would always be there for them as her mother figure was too busy, as one would imagine. Kaye says that she will do whatever it takes to give her kids a fantastic life. Reuben and Alexia are very important to her, along with her amazing, supportive husband, Milo. She says that she wants to win this game for them and give them the life that they deserve. '''''Kaye CCs that she went through a lot and she wants her kids to have as much as she can offer them. She is so happy to have a great family. Angie CCs that she feels for Kaye and is happy that she was open about her story.'''''
| style="background:#e5cce5"|On Leduaranor, Devon is talking with Rowan in the shelter. '''''Devon CCs that this has been an amazing experience. He had his doubts but he is shocked that he has made it this far.''''' Rowan says that, despite the game being really hard and taxing at times, he's had a blast. Devon says that his sister is the reason why he applied and, beforehand, he's only seen a couple seasons because of her. Rowan hopes that his experience will cause him to watch past seasons. Devon says it will and '''''CCs that, no matter how far he makes it, he will cherish the experience''''' Rowan says that he misses his family back in Entrofeira but he will persevere for them. '''''Rowan CCs that one of the reasons his mother would hit him is because he is gay so to be with a family that accepts him means a lot. He, absolutely, loves the Raptis' and is proud to be a member of their family. As far as he is concerned, he has always been a Raptis, even if it took awhile for that to happen legally.''''' Rowan says that he would love it if they made it far together as he respects Devon quite a bit. Devon says the same and wonders if he's up for a Final 2 together. Rowan says that he would love that. '''''Devon CCs that he feels like he can trust Rowan a lot, which is not something he feels for most of his tribe.''''' Rowan tells Devon that he had a family member be on the show before. Devon asks who. Rowan says Susannah Henriques was his birth mother. A lot happened that people didn't know about and he and his brother would later get adopted by a much better family. Devon says that he is sorry to hear about that. Rowan thanks him and wanted to tell him that as he knows that Devon's sister, Rudi, was on the show before so they have that connection. '''''Devon CCs that he wasn't expecting that connection but this makes him trust Rowan a lot more.''''' Devon thinks that they should go after Kamlyn. Rowan says that he is up for it as she has made more enemies than friends on the tribe. Zhian is talking to Josie about whether or not anybody will vote Kamlyn out in the future. Zhian thinks that Kamlyn can be a massive threat while Josie thinks that Kamlyn isn't as she is just an extra vote to people. '''''Josie CCs that what she said is a rude thing to say but nobody trusts Kamlyn. She has made alliances and broken them with everybody on the tribe.'''''. Rowan is talking with Millie at the water well. Millie says that she is unsure if the merge will even start at Final 12 as they haven't had a Tribe Swap yet so getting rid of Kamlyn may be a horrible decision for them. Rowan agrees but that all depends on how she acts over the next couple of days. '''''Rowan CCs that Kamlyn is a wildcard. She's broken promises to everybody at this point.''''' Rowan also brings up her going on an Immunity streak if they make the merge. Millie agrees and says that getting rid of her now may be the best choice. '''''Millie CCs that she wants to ally herself with Kamlyn but she doesn't know if she will be the next alliance member thrown under the bus.''''' Kamlyn is talking with Josie about targeting Zhian as, if he doesn't leave soon, he won't leave ever. She says that, while she isn't the most trusting of her or Devon, Zhian needs to go. Josie appreciates it and '''''CCs that Kamlyn openly telling her that she doesn't trust her or Devon doesn't sit right with her. You don't tell somebody to their face that you don't trust them.''''' Devon is talking with Millie in the water. Devon says that, when it comes to the merge, he thinks that they can use the other tribe's infighting against them and take majority. Millie thinks that they could but, also, backstab some of their own allies in the process. Devon says that he is down with that. '''''Devon CCs that the game has been exciting so far and, when they reach the merge, it should be easy to take majority. He says that he's regained the trust of the tribe and he wants to use that.''''' Rowan is talking with Josie in the shelter. Rowan says that he really wants to stick with her. Josie agrees and says that she can't see herself betraying him. '''''Rowan CCs that he is being genuine with Josie as she is a fantastic person.'''''
| style="background:#cccce5"|On Napului, '''''Ambra CCs that she needs to find an idol if she has any shot at trying to survive. Brandi having the idol shocked her so she needs to find it before Brandi does.''''' There is a small montage of Ambra finding an idol. '''''She CCs that she is ecstatic and is ready to try and use this for a big move in the merge. Although, knowing her luck, the idol will be wasted.''''' As Ambra heads back to the camp, she '''''CCs that she wants to do whatever she can to ensure that Brandi is eliminated. She says that she respects Brandi as a person but, in the game, it's a race to see who can get the other eliminated first.''''' Gabby and Rowan are talking in the shelter. Gabby says that she really misses Sarah. Angie tells Gabby that Sarah is, no doubt, proud of her for making it to the Final 13 and that Gabby should be proud of herself as well. Angie says that she is here if she needs to talk. '''''Gabby CCs that Sarah is the most important person in her life right now and she wants to win this for them. She says that she can't let the game get to her.''''' At camp, Rio is alone in the shelter, '''''CCing that he will do whatever it takes to gain the power needed to take over the game. He says that he has come this far and he won't throw away any opportunities.''''' Rio is with Enrico at the water well and says that, out of everybody here, he trusts Enrico the most. Enrico says that he really trusts Rio so he is glad to hear about that. '''''Enrico CCs that Rio is the most trustworthy person outside of his alliance.''''' Rio is then talking with Kaye and tells her that he would love to have a finals alliance with her. Kaye is completely up for that. Rio is with Ambra and says that he would like nothing more than to head to the end with her. '''''Rio CCs that he doesn't plan to make an alliance with everybody on the tribe as that would leave him trapped when they lose immunity.'''''
| style="background:#f5cfd9"|Zhian is talking to Angie in the water. Zhian apologizes and says that he let information get the better of him and shouldn't have jumped to conclusions, '''''CCing that he respects Angie and feels the need to make it up to her. While he is lying about "information", he wants to work on bettering his game again. However, he still needs to make some moves if he has any chance of winning the money for his family. He says that he cares too much about Ava and his parents to let the opportunity slip through his fingers.''''' Angie says that everything is alright and it's just the game, '''''CCing that she can't trust Zhian at all and telling him that it's not okay will just cause him to target her even more. Naturally, she has to BS her way through this conversation.''''' Angie says that she really respects Zhian and can see herself going far with him. She says that there is nobody she would rather head to the end with more. Zhian says that he feels the same way and can't ever see him causing her even more harm. '''''Zhian CCs that Angie is a threat no matter how you look at it and, while he isn't fond of being dishonest, it's the game and he has to do this for his family.''''' Angie says that, earlier, she went and checked up on Ambra. She says that she isn't allied with her due to her rivalry with Brandi. '''''Angie CCs that everything between her and Ambra is okay and she is, definitely, her Final 2.''''' Zhian respects that about Angie and says that he trusts her a lot, '''''CCing that he needs to stay on her good side.''''' Kaye is talking with Gabby and Rowan and says that Milo, Reuben, and Alexia are the most important people in her life. She says that Reuben and Alexia went through a lot growing up due to their biological father and she regretted being with him for so long and having them hear every fight and argument. She left him when Reuben was 4 and Alexia was 2 and has been married to Milo for ten years now. She wants to give her children the best life possible and she can't thank Milo enough for everything that he's done. As Kaye tears up, Rowan and Gabby hug her. Rowan says that all three of them will be proud to learn how far she made it. Gabby says that the Family Visit will be soon and neither of them are against her so she doesn't have to worry about going this round. Rowan agrees and says that Kaye is an amazing person. Kaye says that Gabby must be excited about seeing her wife. Gabby says that, after everything so far in this game, she really wants to see Sarah. Kaye asks Rowan who he wants to see. Rowan says that he is fine with any of his adoptive family as they mean a lot to him. '''''Rowan CCs that the more he goes on in the game, the more it gets hard to backstab people. He wants to stay loyal as he can't help but respect everybody. He says that, after the game, he will apologize to every single one of them.''''' Later, Rowan checks up on Josie at the water well and says that they, both, made it to the Final 9. Josie is excited as she really wants to head to the Final 2 with Rowan. Rowan says the same and '''''CCs that he bonded the most with Josie, which is why he wants to take her to the Finals. He says that he will feel bad about backstabbing such fantastic people but, as they say, it's the game and this is what he signed up for.'''''
|'''Napului''' wins Reward!
|'''ENRICO, ANGIE, and JOSIE''' win the Reward of a helicopter ride and picnic. '''''Angie CCs that this is amazing! Josie CCs that, when she was younger, she was afraid of heights and, even if she was, she wouldn't back down from this. Enrico CCs that he is so happy to be on this Reward.''''' During the reward segment, Enrico tries to convince Angie and Josie that Gabby needs to go next. '''''He CCs that, between Gabby and Zhian, he is more worried about Gabby'''''. By the end of the segment, Josie and Angie are convinced.
| style="background:#e5cce5"|On Leduaranor, Zhian and Josie are talking by the water well. Josie wonders if they will be alright in the merge, '''''CCing that, since it is the game, she has no problems playing all sides. Plus, she has to keep her and Rowan's names out of peoples' mouths.''''' Zhian hopes so and says that they will have to work on befriending everybody on the other tribe so that they can make new alliances. '''''Zhian CCs that he wants to make an alliance consisting of both people from this tribe and the other and make sure that they are the final contestants remaining. Out of the people in this tribe, he wants Gabby and Tiffany with him as he trusts Gabby a lot and Tiffany is a sweetheart. Zhian thinks that her and Ava would be really good friends.'''''
| style="background:#f5cfd9"|Kaye is talking to Zhian about turning on Angie. She says that Angie is incredibly smart. Zhian says that he would gladly vote her out. '''''Kaye CCs that she is banking on Angie and Zhian wanting each-other out.''''' Ambra talks to Rowan about turning on Josie but Rowan manages to convince Ambra that Zhian is a better target due to his lies. '''''Rowan CCs that he doesn't trust Zhian at all. Ambra CCs that Rowan brings up some good points.'''''. Gabby, however, '''''CCs that Kaye and Enrico appear to be pretty close and she plans to launch an investigation when Enrico gets back.''''' Enrico, Angie, and Josie get back, '''''Gabby CCs that it is time to launch her investigation.''''' Angie sneaks into the forest, '''''CCing that she is shocked that Josie and Enrico didn't notice the clue at Reward.''''' She finds the idol, '''''CCing that she finally has insurance.''''' Enrico and Kaye meet up at the water well. Enrico tells her that he spoke to Angie and Josie. '''''He CCs that it is important that they go after Gabby next. After this talk, he is sure Kaye will inform the next Placeholder.''''' He says that he suggested Gabby and the two are on board. Gabby, who is close by, is shocked and '''''CCs that she was NOT expecting this.''''' Enrico suggests The Placeholders find a fifth person so they can target Millie and Rowan at the Final 5. Kaye agrees, '''''CCs that, while she is still unsure if she wants to head to the Final 2 or 3 with Enrico, she does like the idea of a fifth person.''''' Kaye says that, if possible, they go after Gabby first, followed by Angie. '''''Gabby CCs that she has all of the info she needs.''''' Gabby talks to Rowan, alone, in the shelter, and brings up The Placeholders. '''''Rowan CCs that he was not expecting gabby to come and namedrop the alliance.''''' Rowan is surprised but Gabby says that she overheard Enrico and Kaye and their plans to bring a fifth person so they can backstab him and Millie. Rowan is even more shocked, '''''CCing that he can respect them for using a strategy he was planning on using so he isn't mad at them. However, he has to strike first.''''' Rowan is with Millie and says that Gabby just came up to him, namedropped The Placeholders, and told him that Enrico and Kaye plan to bring a fifth person into the alliance to backstab the two of them. '''''Millie CCs that this is a lot of information at once.''''' Gabby talks to Angie and Ambra and says that she knows about the conversations at the picnic. She says that she overheard Enrico and Kaye talk with Enrico saying that he convinced Angie and Josie to target her with Kaye saying that, after she goes, Angie is next. '''''Angie CCs that she has her idol but playing it so soon could be very bad for her.''''' Ambra says that one of them has to go. Gabby was thinking the same thing. '''''Gabby CCs that she just turned the game on its head. She discovered a four person alliance and shattered it.''''' Gabby tells Josie that, yes, the two of them have beef with each-other but she wants to squash it and go after the four person alliance called The Placeholders. '''''Josie CCs that she was shocked to learn that her closest ally, Rowan, hid an entire alliance from her.''''' Later, Rowan is with Enrico by the water well, saying that he respects Enrico a lot and, that, after the game, he wants to be friends with him. Enrico would like that and says that he can't help but completely respect Rowan for how he treats people and for who he is, '''''CCing that he has no choice but to turn on Rowan soon.''''' Rowan says that, moving forward, it may be best for one of them to go. Enrico is confused. Rowan says that the alliance's cover is blown thanks to Gabby and it is time for them to turn on one of their own. Enrico is shocked and then suggests Millie. Rowan is unsure and says that Millie isn't a threat, '''''CCing that his answer confirmed everything'''''. Enrico says that they can't turn on each other yet. Rowan says that he just turned on Millie. Enrico says that Gabby needs to go. Rowan says that Gabby namedropped The Placeholders and revealed that Enrico and Kaye want him and Millie out. '''''Enrico CCs that Gabby managed to cause a lot of damage. He really respects that.'''''
| style="background:#cccce5"|On Napului, Ambra and Enrico are talking in the shelter. Ambra says that she remembers being on anxiety medication all throughout high school. Enrico comments on how that must've been hard. Ambra says that it was and, that, discovering her passion for journalism in Grade 11 helped out more and more as time went on. She said that it was a dream for her to pursue it and she fulfilled it. Growing up, she was unsure but she knew that she had to pursue something with writing and it was her best friend that helped her realize what she wanted to do with her life. Enrico says that it's amazing when you have friends like that. Ambra agrees. '''''She CCs that it's nice to have somebody that she can trust. Some days, she isn't really sure.''''' Brandi is walking on the beach alone, '''''CCing that, since her decision to vote out Dean, she has been tanking her game hard and she can't help but laugh. She says that she has a really good sense of humour and nothing phases her too much.''''' Brandi comments that she is a walking tutorial on how not to play the game. She laughs to herself, '''''CCing that she loves self-deprecating humour as, if you can't laugh at yourself, what CAN you laugh at?''''' Brandi says that the first rule is to avoid going on a massive power trip when you think you are in power. Brandi says that the second rule is making sure that you don't make a Final 2 deal with every person on the tribe, even though one of them was, completely, genuine. '''''Brandi CCs that the merge is going to be fun, whenever it happens. Assuming she gets there.'''''
|''Cornilio'' reveals that the Silencing twist is now over.<br />'''ZHIAN''' wins Immunity!
|'''Napului''' wins Immunity! ''Millie'' is silenced.
| style="background:#f5cfd9"|Back on the tribe, '''''Zhian CCs that, despite the last time, he didn't feel like he needed to win it. However, nobody really knows what will happen.''''' Rowan tells Gabby that The Placeholders will have a meeting. He asks her to bring along Angie and spy on them. He says that Millie will be in on the plan he has cooking up. Gabby says that she can do that and '''''CCs that, somehow, she has turned The Placeholders against themselves.''''' Rowan tells Tiffany that, during the usual Placeholders alliance meeting, he says that he asked Gabby and Angie to spy on them. At some point, Millie needs to leave. This way, he can see how quickly Enrico and Kaye turn on her. '''''Millie CCs that the plan is GENIUS!''''' Gabby tells Angie about The Placeholders and says that Rowan wants them to spy on their next meeting. Angie is shocked and asks how Gabby found out about the alliance. She said that, during her spying on Enrico and Kaye, Enrico let it slip. '''''Angie CCs that this is getting exciting!''''' During the meeting at the water well, Rowan says that, yes, the alliance was exposed but he suggests that they leave that behind them and continue forward. Enrico, Kaye and Millie are perfectly okay with that. Millie asks about target suggestions. Enrico says that the idea is that they vote out Gabby first, then turn on Angie. Millie and Rowan agree to that and Millie says that she is going to head back just so nobody catches the four of them together. '''''Millie CCs that her end of the plan is completed. She even noticed Gabby and Angie on the way back.''''' After Millie leaves, Enrico says that people are catching on to the alliance and it is best that they turn on Millie so the suspicion is off them. Kaye and Rowan agree and Rowan leaves. Kaye says that she found the idol earlier and, if they end up being targeted, she'll use it. '''''Angie CCs that the meeting opened her eyes quite a bit. Gabby CCs that the meeting was everything she wanted it to be.''''' At the shelter, Enrico tells Gabby that he found an idol earlier and will be playing it no matter what at the upcoming Tribal Council. '''''He CCs that Gabby is a strategic force so he hopes to instill some paranoia. He plans to vote for her regardless so, maybe, this will cause her votes to split and he can take her out.''''' Gabby asks why he told her that. Enrico says that word has gotten to him that Gabby wants him out so, unless he is able to find another idol in the next three days, he bought himself at least those three days. '''''Gabby CCs that Enrico just declared war. He will use the idol and take her out.''''' Gabby is with Angie and Ambra and tells them what Enrico said.
| style="background:#e5cce5"|On Leduaranor, '''''Millie CCs that she really doesn't mind being silenced as all that means is that she can fly under the radar and nobody has to worry about her vote.''''' Zhian is talking with Josie about what to do when the merge comes. He says that they can use the infighting to recruit people from the other tribe to go after threats like Millie and Rowan. Josie agrees and '''''CCs that she plans to be loyal to Rowan but she wants to wait until she has to choose between them before deciding if she passes that info to him or not. At the same time, she doesn't see herself betraying him.''''' Kamlyn is telling Millie that she plans to target Devon, Rowan, or Zhian and wants to know which person she is comfortable with. Millie appreciates that she is asking her opinion and says that she really likes Rowan and Devon and doesn't know Zhian too much. '''''Kamlyn CCs that, while Devon is her rival, she also sees Rowan and Zhian as huge threats as well. She says that Josie is another rival of hers but she feels like she can get Josie on her side again.''''' Kamlyn is talking with Josie and says that, if she could keep Devon, Rowan, or Zhian, who would she keep? Josie asks Kamlyn her motive for asking a question like that. Kamlyn says that she just wants to know. Josie tells Kamlyn that she would keep Rowan and '''''CCs that she doesn't want to yell at Kamlyn right now, especially since something is, probably, going on.''''' Josie is talking to Rowan at the water well and tells him to watch out for Gabby when the merge comes as she brought up his name quickly during the Immunity Challenge. Rowan really appreciates the information and says that they need to be the Final 2 for sure. Josie says that she would love that. '''''Rowan CCs that, at this point, he definitely considers Josie to be his number one ally. Kamlyn CCs that, despite wanting Zhian out, she isn't too sure.''''' Kamlyn is with Rowan in the water. She asks him if Devon or Zhian should go. Rowan is confused on the wording of the question and says that he thinks the two could be targeted at the merge as opposed to now. Kamlyn asks who he would want to target and he says Millie, '''''CCing that only having six people on the tribe makes it really hard, especially when his target, like others, is Kamlyn.'''''
|AT TRIBAL COUNCIL TONIGHT: Before the votes are read, Angie tells Zhian that "he was bluffing" and Zhian goes and plays his idol for Kaye.<br /><br />
|DURING TRIBAL COUNCIL: ''Kamlyn'' feels paranoid and uses her idol.<br /><br />
Ambra votes for '''Kaye'''<br />
Devon votes for '''<strike>Kamlyn</strike>'''<br />
Angie votes for '''Kaye'''<br />
Josie votes for '''<strike>Kamlyn</strike>'''<br />
Gabby votes for '''Enrico'''<br />
Kamlyn votes for '''Devon'''<br />
Enrico votes for '''Gabby'''<br />
Millie ''can not vote''<br />
Rowan votes for '''Enrico'''<br />
Rowan votes for '''<strike>Kamlyn</strike>'''<br />
Josie votes for '''Kaye'''<br />
Zhian votes for '''<strike>Kamlyn</strike>'''<br /><br />
Kaye votes for '''Gabby'''<br />
'''Devon''' is voted out.
Millie votes for '''Kaye'''<br />
Zhian votes for '''Kaye'''<br />
<br />
Ambra votes for '''Enrico'''<br />
Angie votes for '''Enrico'''<br />
Gabby can't vote<br />
Enrico can't vote<br />
Rowan votes for '''Enrico'''<br />
Josie votes for '''Enrico'''<br />
Kaye votes for '''Enrico'''<br />
Millie votes for '''Enrico'''<br />
Zhian votes for '''Enrico'''<br />

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==Episode 8==
==Episode 12==

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! rowspan="20" style="background:#afc7c3"|Episode 12
! rowspan="20" style="background:#afc7c3"|Episode 8
| style="background:#f5cfd9"|Back at camp, '''''Gabby CCs that she was able to get Enrico out and end the Placeholders alliance all in 3 days. She says that, even if she goes home next, she was able to make a big move. Kaye CCs that she is very shocked that Enrico was eliminated and, now, she feels like she is on the bottom. However, she says, this isn't the end for Kaye Maria-Leigh Canova.''''' Kaye says that she does not take offense to the votes towards her and she, completely, respects the move. She hopes to reintegrate back into the tribe. '''''Kaye CCs that she needs to find the merge idol again.'''''
| style="background:#e5cce5"|On Leduaranor, when they get back to camp, '''''Millie CCs that she was shocked by what happened but she respects Kamlyn for the move. Kamlyn CCs that they all wanted her out and she is still here.''''' Kamlyn mocks all of them for trying to get rid of her. She goes off on Josie, believing that Josie never had her back to begin with. Josie argues that the game is getting to Kamlyn and she is acting erratic. '''''Josie CCs that Kamlyn is the reason why she stopped having her back.''''' Kamlyn starts yelling at Josie for her disrespect while Josie says that Kamlyn shouldn't have signed up for an experience that she couldn't handle. Kamlyn says that she can handle herself fine and, maybe, she shouldn't gotten rid of her instead of Devon. Josie is curious as to why Devon left. Kamlyn said that she had to choose between Devon, Rowan, and Zhian. '''''Zhian CCs that he is shocked that Kamlyn openly admitted to that. Rowan CCs that all Kamlyn is doing is ensuring that nobody on the tribe will trust her again. People always make comebacks.''''' Rowan says that he's glad that he is here to help ensure that Kamlyn leaves soon since he was a target of hers, apparently. Zhian asks Kamlyn why she is so reckless and why she keeps digging a hole for herself. Millie tries to break up the fighting. '''''She CCs that she was not expecting any of this.''''' Kamlyn begins to yell at the top of her lungs that Rowan and Zhian will be going next. '''''Kamlyn CCs that she will ensure that.'''''
!Opening Credits
!Opening Credits
| style="background:#f5cfd9"|In the morning, Josie and Rowan are in the water. Josie says that she was annoyed at first with The Placeholders but says that she's not gotten a single vote since the merge. Rowan says that he made sure that Josie wasn't a target. He wants them in the end together. '''''Josie CCs that it was nice to get some reassurance and a part of her believes him.''''' Later, there is a small montage of Kaye finding an idol. '''''She CCs that she needs this, especially if she is going to be targeted next.''''' At camp, Rowan and Zhian are talking in the shelter. Zhian says that there are only two guys left and says that the girls could, easily, make an alliance to take them out. Rowan says that the one thing they (R + Z) have going for them are their social games so, maybe, they won't be targeted for being the only two guys left. Rowan says that, no matter what happens, he really respects Zhian and hopes that they can go far together. '''''Rowan CCs that, had the circumstances been different, he would've tried to vote out Zhian as he is a very respectful and respectable person and, thus, a massive jury threat. However, he wants to keep him safe and, if he goes next, he (Rowan) could go right after.''''' Zhian says that he also respects Rowan a lot and asks if they can still be friends after the game. Rowan says that they will, always, be friends. Zhian appreciates that and '''''CCs that he could be wrong about the potential all girls alliance but, either way, he needed to warn Rowan as he, Zhian, is more likely to go before him due to his attempt at exposing Ambra and Angie some days ago. If he goes, he doesn't want Rowan to be oblivious.''''' Rowan tells Zhian that they made it to the Final 8 and it is a dream come true. Zhian agrees and says that, despite everything going on in the game, he has had an amazing experience. Rowan tells Zhian to not give up yet. '''''Zhian CCs that he will never give up but he wants to be mentally prepared.''''' Josie is talking to Kaye by the water well. Kaye asks if she was the original target. Josie says she wasn't and Gabby exposed the alliance. '''''Kaye CCs that she was under no impression that the alliance was found out and, judging by Tribal, her and Enrico may have been the only two who didn't know.''''' Kaye asks how she found out. Josie says that Gabby was spying on them by the water well. Kaye says that what she said at Tribal Council makes a lot more sense now. '''''Josie CCs that, if she has to play as "the rat" to get far and win, she will do it. She isn't this type of person in real life but, in the game, using information like this is a good strategy as long as you don't get caught.''''' Kaye says that she will do whatever it takes to get back into the good graces of the tribe. '''''She CCs she has to decide if avenging Enrico is worth it or if she should let it go.''''' Gabby is talking with Zhian in the water. She says that they need to try and take out Millie soon as she is a wildcard. Zhian agrees. Gabby says that Millie's vote is, always, up in the air and she never talks strategy. Zhian agrees again and '''''CCs that, because he made a mistake, he'd rather target Ambra or Angie.''''' Angie is talking with Ambra in the shelter and says that Zhian may be on the bottom still but she isn't sure. Ambra says that they could always make a Final 3 with him. '''''Ambra CCs that the ore allies, the better. Angie CCs that she still doesn't know if she can trust Zhian.''''' Ambra says that Millie coasting by is scaring her. Angie thinks that there is more to Millie than meets the eye. Ambra says that she knows little about her compared to everybody else. Angie says that Millie may need to be their next target. '''''Angie CCs that Millie is loved by a lot of people, including the jury members. While she doesn't know if Millie's game could net her the win, her social game is why nobody has thought to target her. So, it may be a good idea to do just that.''''' Rowan and Millie by the water well. Millie says that she is so excited to be in the Final 8. Rowan says that he feels the same way. Millie says that she hopes that nobody catches on that they are working together, even after The Placeholders being exposed. Rowan says that, if there is an opportunity to prove to people that they aren't, he'll take it. '''''Rowan CCs that The Placeholders being exposed the way he did got eyes on him. He would still like to work with Millie but now it's very risky. Millie CCs that she was in on the plan to help take out Enrico and she definitely doesn't know if she can work with Kaye anymore, especially as she wanted her out.'''''
| style="background:#cccce5"|On Napului, Ambra is talking with Angie in the shelter. '''''Ambra CCs that she really trusts Angie in the game and hopes to go to the end with her.''''' She mentions that her upbringing was alright but she grew up as an outsider until college. She says that she worked on her appearance, worked on her social anxiety, and forced herself to get into a better mindset. Angie says that Ambra should be proud of herself for her change. Ambra says that she is but also says that she hates how she's been acting on the island and, that, even though she doesn't like Brandi, the rivalry has been going on for far too long. Angie agrees and '''''CCs that she is glad that Ambra is self-aware as a part of her still wants to stick with her.''''' Angie says that she didn't go through anything during her childhood but she's watched friends suffer and has tried to be there for them. Ambra says that she feels really comfortable talking with Angie, with Angie agreeing. Enrico and Kaye are by the water well. Enrico says that he really respects how calm and collected Kaye has been and says that she's been through a whirlwind of events and can still keep her cool most of the time. Kaye says that it takes some effort but there is no point in her lashing out, even at somebody like Kole Hachette. '''''Kaye CCs that she is so glad Kole was taken out when he was because he just wasn't respectful to anybody on the tribe.''''' Enrico says that, before this, he has only gotten furious one other time that he can remember. Kaye comments that Enrico has had a really interesting life. Enrico laughs and says that everyday is an adventure with Enrico Brighton. Rio is in the shelter alone, '''''CCing that he has a plan when merge comes. He plans to throw the first Immunity and lay low.''''' Rio talks with Gabby and says that he feels comfortable with the two of them being a power duo. '''''He CCs that his mission is to let others paint targets on their backs for suggesting targets while he works on the social game.'''''
| style="background:#e5cce5"|On Leduaranor, Millie and Zhian are in the shelter. Zhian says that he wants Kamlyn out for multiple reasons now. Beforehand, he went along with what others wanted but, now, he has a vendetta. Millie says that she wants Kamlyn out to avenge Devon. '''''Zhian CCs that Kamlyn made her targets clear so, as long as she is in the game, he is in massive trouble. Millie CCs that Devon came in with a massive target and he was misunderstood.''''' Rowan is with Kamlyn at the water well. He tells her that he only turned against her because she was playing so hard and made herself look very untrustworthy. She was warned by a few people who genuinely cared that she needed to slow down, especially on the paranoia. '''''He CCs that everybody else on the tribe is pissed after last night except for him and Millie. A few times, he pulled her aside and gave her a warning about how she may be coming across. He intended for that to help her realize but, instead, it may have fueled her paranoia.''''' Kamlyn says that nobody on the tribe ever had her back. Rowan said that he did but he gave her no other choice. He says that it is very possible to bounce back from this but she is making it very hard on herself. '''''Rowan CCs that she admitted to him, before the vote, that she was considering him. That is what fully turned him against her at Tribal.'''''
| style="background:#e5cce5"|'''1 Hour Before Tribal'''<br /><br />Kamlyn is with Rowan in the water. She asks him if Devon or Zhian should go. Rowan is confused on the wording of the question and says that he thinks the two could be targeted at the merge as opposed to now. Kamlyn asks who he would want to target and he says Millie. ... ... Kamlyn then says that Millie isn't an option for her and she's been asking others between Devon, Zhian ... or him. Rowan is shocked. Kamlyn says that he needs to choose or he could go.
| style="background:#e5cce5"|'''''Rowan CCs that the strong-arm approach plus her revealing that she is asking people to potentially target him is what told him that she needs to go. Rowan says that he was considering going after her a couple rounds ago but he had hoped that she could be somewhat trustworthy.''''' Rowan says that her then going after Josie at camp, as well as stating him and Zhian as alternative targets to their faces really did her no favours. He says that it also seems like she was going after Devon, him and Zhian for awhile. Kamlyn says that she's had them as her main targets since very, very early on but she is willing to drop Rowan as a target. Rowan says that he is honoured and '''''CCs that he was wary of Kamlyn since Day 10 or 11. It was before the Dean vote. He tried to be an ally and then he heard from Gabby that Kamlyn wanted him out. He didn't believe her but then Kamlyn came up to him with four--legit four--different targets. Then, he started to notice her being very erratic so he kept a close eye but just didn't know if he could trust her or not. Kamlyn CCs that Rowan is not afraid to say what is on his mind and, in hindsight, he was actually the most trustworthy person to her and she still wanted him out. So, maybe it is good for her to not target Rowan anymore.'''''
|It is time for the '''merge!''' Everybody participates in the Reward Challenge and they all win a chocolate feast!
|At the Reward Challenge, the host brings up the loved ones to massive glee of the remaining 8.
| style="background:#f5cfd9"|On the '''Vongane''' merge tribe, as everybody is enjoying the Reward, '''''Rio CCs that he can not believe that he made it to the merge! He is so happy that he managed to do this!''''' Josie talks about her restaurant business, which fascinates most of the tribe mates. '''''She CCs that she is so happy with her life on the outside and playing her favourite game has been a joy as well.''''' When asked, Zhian talks about how he and Ava got into vlogging: they wanted to document their lives together and to, hopefully, inspire people to pursue their dreams. Josie asks Kaye what inspired her to become a realtor. Kaye says that she grew up loving interior design and architecture but didn't have the passion to design or build homes. She had more of a passion showing off the works of others and helping people find their first home or, even, their dream home. Zhian says that he really respects that and '''''CCs that Kaye's ambitions remind him of his and Ava's. All three of them want to help the lives of others in their own way.''''' Later, in the new shelter, Gabby tells Millie and Josie that Ambra and Brandi absolutely hate each-other. '''''She CCs that she mutinied to act as a spy and indeed she did. However, she isn't loyal to her whole tribe. Just Millie, Josie and Rowan.''''' At the water well, Gabby tells Rowan that Ambra and Brandi are, no doubts, on the outs. Their constant arguments have isolated them. '''''She CCs that Ambra and Brandi will always target each-other so she would rather have them around as targets.''''' Later, Rowan talks with Angie and says that she looks kind of stressed out. Angie chuckles and says that her tribe was a train wreck. Rowan says that his tribe had it's own constant moments of drama as well. He says that he wants Kamlyn out as soon as possible and suggests that they go after eachother's targets. Angie says that she would love that. Rowan says that, if she ever wants to vent, though, he's here for her and, as far as he can tell, she comes across as trustworthy. Angie thanks Rowan and says that she really trusts him as well. '''''Rowan CCs that he is beyond 100% genuine with Angie. Angie CCs that Rowan is a stand-up guy and trusts him a bit more in the game. She doesn't know about a Finals deal though.''''' Brandi and Ambra are in the shelter. '''''Brandi CCs that she knows that her and Ambra are being used at this point. She's caught on.''''' She tells Ambra that she (Brandi) was very stupid in the pre-merge. She overplayed and it cost her a lot. She says that she should've stuck with her and had that Final 4 with them, Taarif and Dean. Ambra says that Brandi really screwed things up, for sure. Brandi says that she has no doubts that the only reason the two of them are still in the game is because everybody knows they will only go after each-other. Ambra says that she isn't completely sure on that but it makes sense. '''''Ambra CCs that it seems like Brandi wants to end the rivalry but she doesn't know if she should.''''' Rio is with Josie in the shelter. He says that he doesn't believe in tribe loyalty like tribe versus tribe. Josie says the same. Rio says that he would love to work with her. She says the same. '''''Rio CCs that, even now, his main focus is his social game. He wants people to trust him.''''' Enrico is approaching the back of the shelter when he overhears the conversation. '''''He CCs that Rio is a very good social player. He's starting to catch on that he may be allied with most of the people in the game.'''''
Ambra's older sister, '''Christie Orta'''<br />
Angie's husband, '''Keith Reiss'''<br />
Gabby's fiancee, '''Sarah Constancio'''<br />
Josie's husband, '''Christian Herrod'''<br />
Kaye's husband, '''Milo Canova'''<br />
Millie's younger sister, '''Emmalynn Everett'''<br />
Rowan's adoptive brother, '''Tito Raptis'''<br />
Zhian's wife, '''Aarifa Taaj'''<br />
<br />
'''''Emmalynn Everett CCs that Millie's is a fantastic person who has gotten everything that she has wanted through so much hard work. She says that, when she found out that Tiff got on the show, she was confused but, seeing Tiff at the Final 8, she can tell that she's been through a lot and has learned from it.'''''<br />
'''''Aarifa Taaj CCs that her and Zhian have been married since they were both 20. She says that she has supported him through everything and this is no different. She knows that her husband is trying his best to win it for the both of them and, even if he doesn't win, she is proud of him.'''''<br />
'''''Keith Reiss CCs that he has had an amazing marriage to the woman of his dreams. They have traveled together and she has pursued the job of her dreams. Now, she is at the Final 8. He couldn't be any more proud of her.'''''<br />
'''''Tito Raptis CCs that Rowan has been his close friend since they were seven. It was insane what Rowan had to go through and he is very happy that Rowan has been living a great life since and, now, he is at the Final 8 of a show they both love. He is excited to watch the season back.'''''<br />
The host asks Tito about his family adopting Rowan. Tito says that Rowan's biological mom is a past contestant and people have shared how much they hate her. He says that Rowan dealt with far, far worse 24/7. Saving his closest friend from that and seeing him be happy for the first time in years was amazing. They always joked about being brothers and, now, they are.<br />
'''''Sarah Constancio CCs that her and Gabby share so much of their life together and play video games for a living. They've both been a fan of the show for years and, now, the both of them have been on it.'''''<br />
'''''Christie Orta CCs that Ambra is able to live her dream of being on the show and she hopes that Ambra can leave proud of herself once all this is done.'''''<br />
'''''Milo Canova CCs that Kaye is an amazing mother and an amazing wife. She has been through a lot and has always put other people before herself. He hopes that she is putting herself first in the game as she, no doubt, deserves it.'''''<br />
'''''Christian Herrod CCs that, when he met Josetta Miles all those years ago, he knew that she was the one. She is hilarious, caring, and strong. She is, downright, amazing and she has made him proud everyday. If Josie doesn't win, it's okay. All he cares about is that she has fun and can look back at this experience and be proud of herself.'''''<br />
<br />
It is revealed that it is a combination of Reward and Immunity and the first two castaways to win will win Immunity and have their loved one stay the night with them. They can also choose one person each to also have their loved one stay the night.<br />
<br />
'''Ambra and Rowan''' win Reward/Immunity. ''Ambra'' chooses to share the Reward with ''Gabby''. ''Rowan'' chooses to share the Reward with ''Kaye''. The host says that, for the first time, the castaways will not be attending Tribal Council until tomorrow. Rowan whispers to Tito and then says that he'd like to give up his Reward as somebody needs it more than he does. Tito nods and says that he understands. They hug. ''Cornilio'' is shocked as Rowan says that he'd like to give his Reward to ''Josie''.
| style="background:#f5cfd9"|Back at camp, '''''Kaye CCs that she is trying to hold back tears of happiness due to Milo being here.''''' Kaye and Josie, in front of everybody, thank Rowan. Gabby thanks Ambra. '''''Gabby CCs that it's been maybe 35 days. She doesn't know at this point. She really, really misses Sarah and she is so glad that she can finally see her.''''' Gabby and Sarah are in the water. Sarah says that Gabby making it to the Final 8 is amazing. She says that she only made it to the Final 11. Gabby says that it's been really hard. She doesn't have anybody that she trusts and she's managed to make some incredibly reckless moves and get away with it. Sarah says that she is super proud of her. They hug. '''''Gabby CCs that Sarah is her rock.''''' Ambra and Christie are lying in the sand. Ambra tells Christie that she won't even believe the kind of experience she's had. Christie chuckles and says that she's seen the sow before no nothing will phase her. '''''Ambra CCs that her and Christie are very close sisters. They've always confided in each-other and supported each-other.''''' Josie is in the shelter alone with Christian. Christian is shocked that Rowan give up his chance to see his brother, especially after the story Tito told. Josie is shocked herself. '''''She CCs that Rowan is incredibly selfless. She couldn't even process what he told Cornilio at first.''''' Christian tells Josie that he is so proud of her for making it this far. Josie says that she's not played an honest game. Christian says that honesty will rarely get people far in the game, let alone win, and she has this in the bag. They hug. '''''Josie CCs that she went in not planning to play an honest game and now she's at the Final 8.''''' Rowan and Millie are alone at the water well. He apologizes for not giving her the Reward. Millie says that it was shocking to see him give it to Kaye, who was a part of The Placeholders. Rowan says that him giving it to Kaye was strategic. '''''He CCs that his two closest allies are Josie and Millie but Josie wasn't a part of The Placeholders. He shared the reward with Kaye as he was a part of Enrico's blindside.''''' Rowan says that they both participated in Enrico's blindside. Millie says that, if this works in their favour, maybe Kaye will be more focused on Gabby and Josie. Rowan hopes so. '''''He CCs that it was incredibly hard to give up the Reward. He and Tito have been super close. Millie CCs that she wishes she won the Reward.''''' Kaye and Milo are in the water. Kaye says that she never thought, for a million years, she would make it this far. Milo says that he isn't surprised. '''''Kaye CCs that her and Milo have been through so much together. She is so happy that he is out here.''''' Milo says that the endgame is near so now it's time to chase the gold. Kaye says that she plans to, especially as her closest ally was just voted out last Tribal Council. She plans to do whatever she can to not be the next one out. Milo says that he believes in her. '''''She CCs that Milo being here gave her the motivation to fight to the end. She felt a little defeated but this was amazing.'''''
| At the Challenge Arena, the host, ''Cornilio Roquez'', says that the twist today is that four people will win immunity but those who do can not go to Tribal Council. Everybody is shocked. '''Ambra, Brandi, Kamlyn and Kaye''' win Immunity!
| style="background:#f5cfd9"|It's the next morning. '''''Ambra CCs that it was a great night. Winning immunity and seeing her sister was amazing!''''' Zhian is at the water well. '''''He CCs that he is, no doubt, in danger.''''' Zhian tells Rowan that they need to turn on Angie right now. He says that she is a massive threat. Rowan says that he is in. Zhian is then talking to Millie and says that Angie will win the moment she reaches the end. '''''Millie CCs that Zhian can be convincing.''''' Rowan is with Josie and tells her that it may be a good time to turn against Angie and Gabby, starting with Angie. Josie says that she is perfectly fine with those two targets. '''''Josie CCs that she is not allied with Angie and her and Gabby may develop a proper alliance but, as long as Angie goes first, that gives her more time.''''' Gabby is alone in the shelter, '''''CCing that it may be the perfect time to vote out Millie, who has been playing a very clever under the radar game.''''' Gabby is with Ambra, Angie and Kaye at the water well. She says that Millie is the next best person to go as everybody loves her. While the others agree, '''''Kaye CCs that Gabby orchestrated Enrico's blindside so she doesn't trust her. However, she will play along for now.''''' Kaye is talking with Millie in the water and tells her that Gabby spoke to her, Ambra and Angie about taking HER out. Millie is shocked, '''''CCing that Gabby may be trying to take out every single Placeholder at this point.''''' Millie tells Kaye that Gabby took out Enrico, wants her out and may go after her and Rowan next. Kaye says that she suspected that. Angie is with Ambra, Rowan and Kaye. She says that Gabby wants Millie out but she wants Zhian out. '''''She CCs that she can't trust him so he has to go.''''' Angie talks with Millie about taking out Zhian. Millie isn't sure and says that she has her sights on somebody else. She says that Gabby wants her out. Angie says that Gabby never said that to her. Gabby suggested Zhian. '''''Angie CCs that she doesn't know if she can convince Millie.'''''  
| style="background:#f5cfd9"|'''''Brandi CCs that the twist was insane and reminded her of Season 17. Kaye CCs that winning Immunity was not something she needed to do but, at least, she doesn't have to worry about any blindsides against her.''''' Back at camp,  Kamlyn tries to get verbal with Josie, only for Josie to call Kamlyn out for her behaviour again. '''''Josie CCs that she is completely done with Kamlyn. She wants nothing to do with her.''''' Kamlyn brags about winning Immunity but Josie retorts that Kamlyn can win every Immunity challenge and still lose in the end because of how intolerable she is. Gabby and Kaye side with Josie. Kamlyn says that she chose to send Devon home with her idol over her. Josie says that she isn't going to be grateful just because Kamlyn wants another excuse to be entitled. '''''Gabby CCs that she can't believe how entitled Kamlyn is. Josie CCs that everybody is starting to see her for who she is.''''' Later, Enrico is with Kaye, Millie and Rowan in the shelter. Enrico says that, right here, are the people he trusts the most. He says that they all got along, especially after the merge started, and he thinks that they could be an amazing Final 4 alliance. '''''He CCs that him and Rio are very similar in that they are looking to build an army. This group of four, though, is the one he wants to travel with the most in the game.''''' Millie thinks that, if they decide to stick together, they should name themselves something. Enrico says that he isn't too sure. Same with Rowan. Kaye suggests The Placeholders as a placeholder name until they think of something. Everybody agrees to that. '''''Kaye CCs that they are now, officially, The Placeholders! At least for now. Enrico CCs that the name is hilarious.''''' Angie is with Gabby and Rio in the water. She says that a part of her wanted to go after Zhian but, now, only after Kamlyn goes. Gabby and Rio say that they understands that. Angie says that the two of them should go down the list of castaways and choose the best target for them. '''''Angie CCs that the first vote at merge could decide a lot.''''' Rio wonders if it matters if anybody else who is mad at Kamlyn goes first as everybody will take her out the moment they get a chance. Gabby and Angie don't think so. '''''Rio CCs that he doesn't plan to choose the target but he doesn't want them to be super limited.''''' Angie says that she doesn't want Millie out, especially this early. The other two agree. Gabby says that Josie isn't an option for her, again, not this early. Angie and Rio understand. Angie says that leaves them with Rowan and Enrico. Gabby says that she is conflicted. Angie suggests Rowan since she would rather target Enrico later. '''''Angie CCs that Enrico is one of her closest allies and, while she would have gone after Josie, Gabby said that Josie wasn't an option for her this early. So, Rowan it is.''''' Kamlyn is talking to Millie and says that, naturally, she wants Josie out. Millie says that she won't consider Josie an option for her. '''''Millie CCs that she's had enough of Kamlyn.'''''
|AT TRIBAL COUNCIL TONIGHT: Before the votes are read, Angie plays her idol on herself, shocking everybody.<br /><br />
Ambra votes for '''Zhian'''<br />
Angie votes for '''Rowan'''<br />
Angie votes for '''Zhian'''<br />
Enrico votes for '''Rio'''<br />
Gabby votes for '''Millie'''<br />
Gabby votes for '''Rowan'''<br />
Rowan votes for '''<strike>Angie</strike>'''<br />
Josie votes for '''Millie'''<br />
Josie votes for '''<strike>Angie</strike>'''<br />
Millie votes for '''Rio'''<br />
Kaye votes for '''<strike>Angie</strike>'''<br />
Rio votes for '''Rowan'''<br />
Millie votes for '''<strike>Angie</strike>'''<br />
Rowan votes for '''Rio'''<br />
Zhian votes for '''Millie'''<br />
Zhian votes for '''Angie'''<br /><br />
On the revote:<br /><br />
Angie votes for '''Rowan'''<br />
Enrico votes for '''Rio'''<br />
Gabby votes for '''Rowan'''<br />
Josie votes for '''Rio'''<br />
Millie votes for '''Rio'''<br />
Zhian votes for '''Rio'''<br /><br />
The first member of the jury is ... '''Rio'''.

==Episode 9==
==Episode 13==

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{| class="wikitable article-table" style="margin:auto; text-align:center; font-size:8pt; width=100%; line-height:18px;" align="center"
! rowspan="20" style="background:#afc7c3"|Episode 13
! rowspan="20" style="background:#afc7c3"|Episode 9
| style="background:#f5cfd9"|Back at camp, '''''Kaye CCs that she is not surprised that Zhian left. All that tells her is that Ambra and Angie got their wish. With Zhian gone, nobody knows what they plan to do next, which makes them a threat she really wants out. Angie CCs that her and Ambra pulled it off thanks to the idol! '''''
| style="background:#f5cfd9"|Everybody else is at Tribal Council while Ambra, Brandi, Kamlyn and Kaye are in the shelter. Kamlyn says that she doesn't care who goes since she isn't in any trouble. Brandi says that she relates. '''''Brandi CCs that she has recognized her mistakes and is trying to better her social game. She has another 3 days to get in everybody's good graces.''''' Kaye says that the missing four votes could easily be detrimental to everybody's plans. '''''She CCs that Enrico has a specific target that she is unsure will go home or should even go home but she doesn't have a vote.''''' As everybody returnt o plan, Kaye is the first to notice and state that Rio is gone. '''''She CCs that Enrico managed it somehow.''''' Millie says that it was a tie between Rio and Rowan and Rio went to jury. '''''Rowan CCs that he almost went home, despite all the work he did in the pre-merge. He needs to figure out the three people that initially voted for him.''''' Brandi says that every Tribal she's been in has never been unanimous and this is no exception. She says that she is surprised that Rio ended up being the person going home, mainly due to his social game. '''''Ambra CCs that Brandi brings up a good point. Rio going home means anybody can go home at this point. Brandi CCs that others are aiming for big targets, which is good for her. Enrico CCs that he made an enormous move and that could easily paint a target on his back.'''''
!Opening Credits
!Opening Credits
| style="background:#f5cfd9"|In the morning, Kaye and Rowan are at the water well. Rowan says that he wants to confess that, yes, he did vote Enrico out. '''''Rowan CCs that the best thing he can do now is do damage control with Kaye.''''' Kaye asks why he did that. Rowan says that Enrico turning against Millie this soon showed that he had no loyalty to the alliance. Kaye says that she understands and doesn't hold anything against him or Millie. '''''Kaye CCs that she would have loved to know about the vote but holding onto something like this will cause her to get impulsicve and get eliminated so she is dropping it.''''' Ambra and Angie are in the water. Ambra says that she really wants her and Angie to be friends outside the game. Angie says that they will be for sure. '''''Angie CCs that her and Ambra have managed to make it to the Final 7 and that is amazing! Ambra CCs that it is amazing to have a good ally in the game, especially after he rother allies got taken out in the pre-merge.'''''
| style="background:#f5cfd9"|Zhian is talking with Millie, saying that, throughout the pre-merge, he has grown to respect her. '''''Zhian CCs that he does, genuinely, respect Millie and wants to go far with her.''''' He says that he is positive that everybody at home will be proud of her. Millie thanks him and '''''CCs that it is getting harder and harder for her everyday but she has her reasons for not giving up so she can't. She says that she's proud of herself for making it to the Final 11 and it's been an insane 3 weeks so far. She says that she has to get to the end and she knows that, if she tries hard enough, she'll make it there.'''''  There is a small montage of Angie finding the merge idol. '''''Angie CCs that she is in it to win it so she needs to do whatever she can to ensure her safety.''''' As Angie searches, Ambra is also seen finding it. After finding it, '''''Ambra CCs that she can't believe she found it! She has been looking for three days!''''' Josie is talking with Zhian about how she can't trust Gabby too much. '''''Zhian CCs that it is time for Zhian Taaj to make some waves.''''' Zhian decides to tell Gabby about it and secure a Final 2 with her in the process as they are both content creators. They agree and Gabby says that she is shocked Josie wants her out. Zhian suggests that they go after Josie once Kamlyn wins Immunity again. '''''Zhian CCs that it is time to play hard. He says that he needs to build up a resume for the end and, to do that, he needs some moves in his back pocket. He says that he cherishes Josie and really respects her but he feels like he can trust Gabby even more and the option was to go after Gabby or to go after Josie.''''' Gabby says that she really appreciates Zhian telling him and hopes that they can make it to the end together. '''''Gabby CCs that she is so grateful Zhian told her this.''''' Elsewhere, Angie and Millie are talking. Angie says that she is unsure if she can trust Zhian or Kaye and asks her opinion on them. Millie says that she adores the both of them and '''''CCs that she can't trust Angie too much but thinks that it is better to leave Zhian and Kaye in the dark.''''' Angie says that, if Millie adores them, they must be good. '''''Angie CCs that she can't trust Millie as she trusts and adores everybody and has not contributed to any strategy talks. In a way, she may be one of the biggest threats due to being such a wildcard and, if Zhian or Kaye target her, she knows that Millie may be the next one to go.''''' Enrico and Kaye talk in the shelter about targeting Angie and Gabby instead of Kamlyn and leaving Kamlyn to target Josie down the road. '''''Enrico CCs that it is good to leave two people targeting each-other.''''' Josie overhears this, '''''CCing that she is shocked about this''''' and talks to Rowan about what Enrico and Kaye were talking about. Rowan says that he'll vote with her (Josie) so she doesn't need to worry. Josie thanks him and says that, after Kamlyn goes, she wants to target Enrico and Kaye next. '''''Rowan CCs that he trusts Josie over all others in the game right now but he is also very loyal to The Placeholders.''''' Ambra is talking with Angie about Brandi leaving. Angie confesses that the rivalry made her question her allegiance with Ambra but she doesn't have to worry anymore. Ambra thanks Angie for the honesty. '''''Ambra CCs that Brandi is both good and bad for her game. The rivalry made others leave both of them in the game butshe knows that Brandi will target her sooner than later again.''''' Zhian notices Ambra and Angie together and '''''CCs that he wants to establish another target just in case Kamlyn wins Immunity.''''' Zhian tells Kaye that he has been noticing Ambra and Angie together quite a bit. Kaye thanks him for the info.
|'''It is Night 24.'''<br /><br />Rio walks into the Jury Resort. '''''He CCs that is was his dream to play this game and, even though he didn't win, he is happy he made it as far as he did.''''' He sits down and talks to himself about making it to 12th place out of 20.<br /><br />
|Gabby wins Reward, '''''CCing that this will be an amazing opportunity to relax and recharge''''', and chooses to share it with Zhian. During the Reward segment, Gabby says that a part of her can't trust Kaye. Zhian brings up Ambra and Angie being together so much and Gabby admits that them being around each other so much may be a problem. '''''Zhian CCs that a part of him feels really bad for lying and doesn't want to show people that lying is a good thing. He says that he wants to be a role model and, at least, he can admit to his mistake.''''' Zhian thanks Gabby again for bringing him. Gabby thanks him for being so trustworthy, '''''CCing that Zhian is a massive threat to win the game but, as long as he is loyal, she has no problems being cutthroat as that's the nature of the game'''''.
'''It is Night 27.'''<br /><br />Kamlyn walks into the Jury Resort. '''''She CCs that she tried and failed to get her target out. A part of her thought she had the votes but apparently not.''''' Rio welcomes her to the resort and she sits down beside him. She says that she expected to go farther so she was blindsided by her own blindside. '''''Rio CCs that nobody trusted Kamlyn but what he was surprised about was Brandi and Ambra surviving another round.''''' He asks her who she expects to go next. Kamlyn says that it would be nice to see Gabby or Josie out next. Rio thinks that Zhian could be the next one to go.<br /><br />
'''It is Night 30.'''<br /><br />Brandi walks into the Jury Resort. '''''She CCs that she is shocked she survived this long. She really is.''''' Rio says that Ambra could have gone to the jury tonight. Brandi says that she is shocked that Ambra had the votes to go until the idol. She says that she (B) managed to bounce back after a disastrous pre-merge. '''''She CCs that it was a very fun experience and she is glad to have had a rival like Ambra.''''' Brandi says that she made amends with Ambra and they planned to work together but she doesn't think Ambra could trust her again so they ended up turning against each-other ... again. She doesn't blame Ambra.<br /><br />
'''It is Night 33.'''<br /><br />Enrico walks into the Jury Resort. '''''He CCs that Gabby got him good. She exposed his alliance and got Rowan and Millie against him.''''' Everybody is shocked that Enrico is out. Rio says that he had planned to vote for him at the end. Enrico says that things got very chaotic all thanks to Gabby. Rio says that, on that note, they should discuss the ones who are left. Enrico says that, at this moment, his vote will go to Kaye, Gabby or Rowan. Kamlyn says that Rowan, Millie and Kaye have her vote. Brandi says that she isn't sure and the only person she doesn't think she will vote for is Zhian as he hasn't done much that she's seen. Rio says that he has a Top 3 which would be Millie, Rowan and Gabby. '''''Rio CCs that there is still 12 days left. Anything could happen and that is amazing.''''' Rio says that Ambra is doing good and he is excited to see what she does next. Enrico says that Ambra and Angie are allied so he is curious to see if anybody will send one of them home soon. If not, it'll be the two of them and Gabby and Kaye as his Top 4 picks. '''''Enrico CCs that he is very impressed by most of the people left in the game.'''''
| style="background:#f5cfd9"|Kaye, Josie and Rowan are in the shelter. Kaye suggests they go after Ambra and Angie. The other two agree. '''''Kaye CCs that everybody left is a threat but a duo is worse.''''' Gabby is talking with Ambra. She says that Josie will backstab all of them so it is best if they get her out sooner than later. Ambra agrees and says that she doesn't trust her. '''''Gabby CCs that Josie has betrayed her more than once and Ambra should know how that feels due to Brandi.''''' Gabby tells Ambra that the two of them have being backstabbed in common as she (A) had to deal with Brandi. So, since Brandi is out, it would be amazing if she helped her take out Josie and then the two of them can head to the finals together. '''''Ambra CCs that having more than one option is amazing and, if it is a Final 3, her, Angie and Gabby can be the season's all-female Final 3.''''' Gabby is talking with Millie, saying that Josie is a major threat to everybody left in the game. Millie says that, to her, Kaye and Enrico actively targeted her so her target is Kaye. Gabby says that, if they can take out Josie first, she promises that they will go after Kaye. '''''Millie CCs that everybody has their own agenda. Nobody has to keep their promises. What if Josie goes and then Gabby decides that she doesn't want to help her target Kaye?''''' Millie is in the water with Rowan and tells him that Kaye concerns her since before the Enrico vote and she'd like Kaye to go as soon as possible. Rowan says that it's only natural to feel that way. '''''Millie CCs that Rowan is her closest ally so, hopefully, he respects her and what happened and they vote Kaye out.'''''
| style="background:#f5cfd9"|'''''Angie CCs is suspicious about Gabby choosing Zhian when they are both content creators and thinks that they have an alliance.''''' Angie talks to Ambra about it, who understands her being suspicious. Ambra tells Angie that, perhaps, they should target one of them. Angie fully agrees, '''''CCing that she would love to send one of them home. Ambra CCs that Angie brings up a lot of good points so she trusts what she has to say.''''' Brandi is in the shelter with Josie, Rowan and Kaye. She tells a story about college days, which makes them laugh. '''''Brandi CCs that she has done a 180 compared to the pre-merge. Kaye CCs that Brandi seems to be more calm and not trigger-happy like the pre-merge.''''' Gabby and Zhian return and '''''Gabby CCs that she really wants to confront Josie as she is a snake in the game but she can't. She can't ruin her game when she has to think about her and Sarah's future.''''' Kamlyn is alone in the water and '''''CCs that this is the opportunity to take out her biggest threat: Josie.''''' Kamlyn is seen talking to Rowan, Enrico and Kaye separately about targeting Josie. As Kamlyn talks to Millie, Josie overhears her and goes up to her. '''''Josie CCs that she's had enough. Kamlyn CCs that Josie overhearing her does nothing.''''' Josie and Kamlyn end up getting into a screaming match. As it ends, '''''Josie CCs that she wants Kamlyn out no matter what. Kamlyn CCs that she is confident that Josie is going. Millie CCs that the drama is insane to witness. Angie CCs that Josie and Kamlyn may easily stay but now there are two rivalries that may be staying and that isn't good for her.''''' There is a small montage of everybody trusting Zhian. '''''Rowan CCs that Zhian is great to talk to. Zhian CCs that he is doing his best to play a great social game.''''' However, Angie, Ambra and Josie are not impressed. The three of them get together and talk about how Zhian needs to go sooner than later. '''''Angie CCs that Zhian is on everybody's good graces and that makes him a major target.''''' Josie then brings up how Zhian is saying how the two of them are an alliance. Angie manages to calm Ambra down, who wants to call Zhian out for his "nice guy facade". Josie thinks that Zhian is, genuinely, a great guy and is just playing the game just like everybody else. Ambra agrees and calms down but says that Zhian is at the top of her list. '''''Ambra CCs that, yes, Zhian is higher on her list than Brandi.''''' Later, Enrico decides to get naked again and runs around, flailing his arms. '''''He CCs that he is having the time of his life while also being an under the radar observer. He is limiting his strategy talks to The Placeholders while playing up his social game to everybody else.''''' Enrico tells another funny story to Josie, Brandi and Millie. '''''Enrico CCs that, after Zhian went gung-ho on strategy talks, he slowed his down and now there is talk of Zhian being a target. So, he made a good call.'''''
|It is time for a Reward Challenge. The reward is a picnic! '''Kaye''' wins and chooses to take ''Millie''.
|'''Josie''', barely, beats Kamlyn in the Individual Immunity Challenge. She then silences Kamlyn and Zhian.
|On the reward, '''''Kaye CCs that this is her chance to make amends and have them put what happened behind them.''''' Kaye says that she wants to apologize for going along with Enrico and being willing to target her. She says that she wanted to be loyal to The Placeholders but something happened. Millie says that she appreciates the gesture and, as long as they stick together and nothing else happens, she is willing to trust her again. '''''Millie CCs that Kaye didn't have to do this. She could have promised her empty words but she had actions behind it.'''''
| style="background:#f5cfd9"|Back at camp, '''''Zhian CCs that he is shocked over being silenced.''''' Kamlyn and Josie get into a huge argument. When things finally calm down, '''''Zhian CCs that he has something on his chest.''''' Zhian asks her, in front of everybody, why he was Silenced when he thought that they were on good terms. Josie calls him out for throwing Ambra and Angie under the bus. '''''Josie CCs that she is not lettign Zhian get away with this either.''''' Zhian tries to make the excuse that he saw them together a lot and assumed things. Ambra then says that it is easy to see Gabby and Zhian as an alliance due to them both being content creators, which sparks an argument between Ambra and Gabby, '''''who CCs that Ambra had no reason to bring her into this'''''. Kamlyn walks away, '''''CCing that she is, for sure, safe at this point.''''' She tries to find an idol but to no avail. The Placeholders meet together and Rowan says that, while there are many targets, it is best to focus on Kamlyn. The others agree. '''''Rowan CCs that the amount of people now targeted in front of all four of them is amazing.''''' Ambra and Angie, however, talk with Kamlyn and they try to campaign for Zhian to go this time and for Josie to go next time. Kamlyn says that she will think about it.
| style="background:#f5cfd9"|Josie and Rowan are at the water well. Josie says that she doesn't consider Millie to be a threat since she seems trustworthy. She'd rather vote out somebody she doesn't trust at all. Rowan agrees. '''''Josie CCs that she is not a trustworthy person in the game but she is a very trustworthy person on the outside. Throughout the game, she wanted to see what she can do in the game. Rowan CCs that, as it stands, Josie is his number two in the game. They've been allied for a long time. He's also good with everybody else in the game ... at the moment.''''' Rowan says that he'll follow her lead on the vote. Josie thanks him. Gabby is talking with Angie. She says that them and Ambra could be the Final 3. They team up, get rid of Josie and then they are 3 versus 3. Angie says that all they would have to do after that is bring somebody else over for one vote and it'll be 3 vs 2 so she is good with that. '''''Gabby CCs that she has done all that she could. She has spoken to every single person except for Rowan and she plans to do that next. No, she didn't talk to Josie about taking her out.''''' Kaye and Millie return. Everybody is in the shelter. Rowan says that being at the Final 7 is insane. They all agree. Ambra says that the game has been insane. Kaye says that Saahira deserved better than being the alternate vote when Brandi flaunted her idol. Millie is surprised Ambra and Brandi's rivalry lasted as long as it did and Brandi didn't go earlier. Gabby says that she is almost surprised Tiffany didn't go further. Kaye says that Tiffany sketched everybody out by the time she mutinied for the 2nd time. '''''Kaye CCs that she didn't expect any of what happened in the game but she is glad she survived through the chaos. Ambra CCs that it isn't over yet. Just a few more votes. Gabby CCs that every vote at the merge has had an impact in some way. It makes her worried but she feels like she is in a good position.'''''
|AT THE TRIBAL COUNCIL, Kamlyn tries her hardest to campaign for Josie to go next and for Zhian to go this time for being untrustworthy, as Ambra and Angie pointed out. Numerous arguments erupt.<br />
|Before the challenge, ''Cornilio Roquez'' tells everybody that there is a major twist at Tribal Council tonight. '''ANGIE''' wins Immunity!
<br />
Ambra votes for '''Kamlyn'''.<br />
| style="background:#f5cfd9"|'''''Angie CCs that, if they plan to take out Josie then making sure she didn't win Immunity was the best plan. Plus, this makes it so nobody can take HER out.''''' In the shelter, Angie tells Gabby that everything is now set up. Gabby says that she is grateful. Gabby and Josie are in the water. Josie says that, after the game, she'd like to get to know her. Gabby says the same. '''''Josie CCs that, yeah, they don't trust each-other but, outside of the game, that could be different.''''' Gabby tells Josie that her target is Millie as everybody adores her. She says that the two of them can trust each-other again. Josie agrees. '''''Gabby CCs that she is saying this to ensure Josie doesn't target her right now.''''' In the shelter, Millie tells Rowan that her and Kaye are good now so she is ready to vote for whoever as long as it isn't the two of them. Rowan says the same. He then says that the twist scares him a little. Millie says that worrying over something like that will just ensure that you are affected by it. '''''Millie CCs that she is ready for whatever this twist has in store.'''''
Angie votes for '''Kamlyn'''.<br />
Brandi votes for '''Kamlyn'''.<br />
Gabby votes for '''Kamlyn'''.<br />
Ambra votes for '''Josie''''<br />
Enrico votes for '''Kamlyn'''.<br />
Angie votes for '''Josie'''<br />
Josie votes for '''Kamlyn'''.<br />
Gabby votes for '''Josie'''<br />
Kamlyn is ''SILENCED''.<br />
Rowan votes for '''Gabby'''<br />
Kaye votes for '''Kamlyn'''.<br />
Josie votes for '''Gabby'''<br />
Millie votes for '''Kamlyn'''.<br />
Kaye votes for '''Gabby'''<br />
Rowan votes for '''Kamlyn'''.<br />
Millie votes for '''Gabby'''<br /><br />
Zhian is''SILENCED''.<br />
''Cornilio'' then says that the Tribal Council doesn't end there. One more person will be voted out tonight and, as Angie won immunity, that immunity still holds for this vote. The voting then starts.<br /><br />
<br />
Ambra votes for '''Millie'''<br />
With a vote of 8-0, '''KAMLYN''' has been eliminated.
Angie votes for '''Millie'''<br />
Rowan votes for '''Ambra'''<br />
Josie votes for '''Millie'''<br />
Kaye votes for '''Josie'''<br />
Millie votes for '''Josie'''

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==Episode 14==
==Episode 10==

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{| class="wikitable article-table" style="margin:auto; text-align:center; font-size:8pt; width=100%; line-height:18px;" align="center"
! rowspan="20" style="background:#afc7c3"|Episode 14
! rowspan="20" style="background:#afc7c3"|Episode 10
| style="background:#f5cfd9"|Back at camp, '''''Rowan CCs that he managed to convince Millie and Kaye to vote for Gabby but then it turned out that it was a surprise Double Tribal Council and Millie went after. He wanted Millie in the finale with him. His plan was him, Josie and Millie in the Final 3. Josie CCs that she got a lot of votes in the two Tribal Councils. She is very annoyed. Angie CCs that they lost Gabby but they took out Millie, a jury threat.''''' Rowan says that tonight was insane. He was not expecting a Double Tribal Council. The others agree. Angie says that, now, they are at the Final 5. '''''Ambra CCs that she got a vote during the 2nd vote. It is clear that her and Angie may be in trouble as they want to avoid both of them in the Final 4.'''''
| style="background:#f5cfd9"|Back at camp, '''''Josie CCs that she is ecstatic that Kamlyn has left and, now, she can really focus on the game. She says that her rivalry with Kamlyn was, truly, a battle for her but, now, it is over.''''' At camp, Josie thanks everybody. Gabby says that Kamlyn brought it on herself for how she acted. Rowan adds that Kamlyn really shouldn't have went after Josie for no reason like she did. '''''Gabby CCs that her #1 target is Josie as she can't trust her at all. She has a few people under her belt as is and that makes her dangerous.''''' Zhian sits down at the shelter. '''''He CCs that Tribal was absolutely insane and he doesn't know what to think now.'''''
!Opening Credits
!Opening Credits
| style="background:#f5cfd9"|In the morning,  
| style="background:#f5cfd9"| In the morning, Rowan notices that Josie is upset and goes over to comfort her. '''''He CCs that he saw Josie this morning and couldn't help but empathize with her.''''' Josie talks to Rowan about her daughter, Marie, and how she has tried her hardest to give her a great upbringing. Rowan tells Josie that he is sure that Marie looks up to her and is proud to call her her mom. Josie really appreciates Rowan saying that and '''''CCs that she feels weak because she's needed reassurance because she misses her family so much.'''''  Rowan tells Josie that she is an amazing woman with a strong business and a husband and child that loves her and is, no doubt, proud of her. Rowan tells Josie that she will feel much better when they reach the Family Visit around the Final 8. He tells her to think about that and aim for it. Josie thanks him again. '''''Rowan CCs that he wants to be there for his friends when they are down and, hopefully, make them smile again.''''' Ambra is talking with Rowan in the shelter, saying that she has loved the experience so far is so proud of herself for making it far. She says that she used to dream about being on the show. Rowan says the same thing and says that it's still surreal to him. Ambra wonders what the Reward Challenge will be. Rowan is debating if he should win it or not. In the shelter, Rowan is talking with Enrico about how every member of The Placeholders have made it to the Final 10. Enrico says that he is so happy about that, '''''CCing that he had no faith in the beginning that he would even make it to the merge.''''' Enrico and Zhian are at the water well. Zhian says that, in the span of hours, he became a massive target to people. Enrico says that he has no intention of voting Zhian out. Zhian says that he really wants Ambra and Angie out sooner than later, preferably one of them going next. '''''Enrico CCs that Zhian is a shield in front of him. He has no reason to send him home when he could take out one of Ambra or Angie.''''' Alone in the shelter, Brandi tells Ambra that she doesn't expect her to trust her so easily but she promises Ambra that she won't vote for her and hopes to slowly build back that trust. She tells Ambra that she won't even name targets. She will do what Ambra wants. '''''Brandi CCs that the one relationship she really needs to fix is Ambra's. She betrayed her due to paranoia and now she needs to make amends.''''' Ambra thanks her for at least acknowledging that trust needs to be rebuilt. She says that they can start on a clean slate but she will be wary. Brandi says that what she is saying is understandable. '''''Ambra CCs that she trusted Brandi at the beginning and it was the worst mistake in the game. Brandi seems to be a bit better but she doesn't know if she can trust her again in the game. Brandi CCs that she is being completely genuine with her. If things don't work out, she definitely wants Ambra to know that there is no trick this time.''''' Enrico is with Ambra and Josie. He tells them a crazy story about hanggliding that they find very entertaining. Enrico is then telling Kaye about a story of him skydiving. '''''He CCs that he used to be scared of everything when he was younger. That is why nothing phases him in the challenges in both Gavino's Challenge and Survivor. When he turned 20, he decided that he wanted to not let fears stop him.'''''
|At the Challenge Arena, ''Cornilio Roquez'' tells the audience that he is bringing back a few past castaways for a couple of ... decisions.<br />
''Eric Porta'', ''Taarif Ashraf'', ''Dean Talley'', ''Saahira Salameh'', ''Kole Hachette'', ''Tiffany Fidalliques'' and ''Devon Serra'' all walk out.<br />
'''''Devon CCs that he is shocked that all of the pre-jurors are back. He is expecting a battleback and he would not be opposed to that.''''' ''Cornilio Roquez'' tells everybody to sit down as he has a couple of announcements. '''''Saahira CCs that she is really excited. She has no idea what's going on but she is stoked to find out.''''' Cornilio says that there is a challenge that will determine a very, very special opportunity but they will also notice a booth close by. Soon, they will all vote on who will be exempt from the following Reward Challenge. After that, they will all compete in the challenge behind him. Before they get to that, he asks how everybody is doing. Eric says that he is surprised Zhian isn't out yet. Taarif says that he is really shocked Brandi is still in the game. '''''Taarif CCs that, in the game, Brandi was a force to be reckoned with. If she gets to the end somehow, she deserves to win.''''' ''Cornilio'' says that two others were voted out but will not join them as they are on the jury as he does not want them influencing their votes in any way. He asks them who they think was voted out. Devon, without a beat, says Kamlyn. Taarif says Brandi and Kole says Gabby. Nobody else guesses. '''''Dean CCs that a part of him is conflicted about Brandi as that is his number one ally who was loyal to him. A part of him hopes she is still in.''''' ''Cornilio'' says that Rio was voted out ... followed by Kamlyn. Devon cheers while others laugh at the sudden cheering. ''Cornilio'' says that they will now vote for who will be exempt from the Reward Challenge.<br />
''Eric'' votes for '''Zhian'''<br />
''Taarif'' votes for '''Brandi'''<br />
''Dean'' votes for '''Ambra'''<br />
''Saahira'' votes for '''Brandi'''<br />
''Kole'' votes for '''Rowan'''<br />
''Tiffany'' votes for '''Brandi'''<br />
==Episode 15==
''Devon'' votes for '''Kaye'''<br /><br />
''Cornilio'' announces that, with three votes, ''Brandi'' will be exempt. He now says that everybody will now compete for two spots. Spots for what? Playing next season. '''''Tiffany CCs that this is her opportunity to right her wrongs by playing better next season. Kole CCs that he is ready to easily win this.'''''<br /><br />
{| class="wikitable article-table" style="margin:auto; text-align:center; font-size:8pt; width=100%; line-height:18px;" align="center"
The two people competing for next season are ... '''Saahira and Devon'''! '''''Devon CCs that he is READY for the next season! Saahira CCs that she knows what needs to be done. She's learned her lesson.'''''
! rowspan="20" style="background:#afc7c3"|Episode 15
|At the Challenge Arena, ''Cornilio'' tells everybody that he brought back the pre-jurors to decide who will be exempt from the Reward Challenge today. He says that they voted ... ''Brandi'', who openly says that she is not surprised.<br />'''Rowan''' wins Reward (day at the spa) and takes Josie, Kaye, and Millie, stating his reason that the three of them are married and have kids so he wants to give them some time to relax as he can't relate to their struggles as mothers. '''''Millie CCs that she struggled not breaking down after hearing that. Rowan CCs that the three of them really needed this.''''' During the Reward segment, Rowan tells the three of them that he really respects them and sees them struggling at times as they miss their life at home and he wants to help them out in any way he can and that is why he brought them. All three of them really appreciate it. '''''Kaye CCs that she has been struggling recently as she misses her kids and her husband and really wants to see them. She really needed this but she also needs to head to the Family Visit.''''' Later, Kaye tells Millie that she really respects Rowan a lot. Millie also agrees and says that she can't see herself voting him out. '''''Kaye CCs that it is just occuring to her how big of a threat Rowan can be. He seems genuine but she has no doubt that he is a social threat as well.'''''
| style="background:#f5cfd9"| In the shelter, Ambra is lying down, '''''CCing that she thinks that it may be good to get Brandi out before she backstabs her again.''''' Ambra is telling Angie that she would feel much calmer once Brandi left. Angie knows and says that she is there for Ambra and will vote out Brandi. Ambra thanks her and '''''CCs that she has been planting more seeds, albeit more subtlely, that Brandi should go. Angie CCs that Brandi seems to be much more trustworthy now but she feels loyal to Ambra.''''' She says that she can't find herself hating her and hopes that they can truly mend things after the game but, right now, Brandi is a huge threat to her game. Angie says that people wanted to leave Ambra and Brandi in as they would go after each other but, in the end, it's not healthy and it's time that Brandi left. Ambra says that she is still confused as to why Taarif left as he was such a kind soul and didn't do anything wrong. Angie says that Brandi thought Taarif was too big of a wildcard. '''''Angie CCs that she finds it hard to trust Brandi herself but notices the efforts made at the merge.''''' Rowan, Josie, Kaye, and Millie return. Enrico is with Zhian and Gabby in the shelter. He tells them that he really feels trust between the three of them. Zhian and Gabby agree. '''''Enrico CCs that he's decided that he needs more allies.''''' Gabby tells Enrico that the next few targets should, definitely, be Angie, Ambra and Josie in any order. Enrico says that he is perfectly fine with that. '''''Gabby CCs that Josie can't be trusted but, as Zhian is her closest ally, she wants to consider the two who want him out as well. Zhian CCs that him and Gabby have beef with Josie so that is one target they definitely have in common. He CCs that Ambra and Angie need to be split up but he doesn't feel the need to take out Josie. So, he is thinking Angie or Ambra goes and then he will target Gabby and earn Josie's trust.''''' Ambra and Brandi are in the water. Brandi says that it is great that they are able to mend things. Ambra says that she likes the effort but she is still unsure. Brandi says that, surely, she has noticed that she is not playing like how she did in the pre-merge. Ambra says that she's noticed. '''''Brandi CCs that she has been trying for over a week. If Ambra won't start trusting her soon, she will have to conclude that nothing can be done about it and move on.''''' Brandi is with Josie in the shelter. She tells Josie that she is a loyal vote. She will consider to prove in the merge that she is loyal to people. Josie appreciates it and says that, if she wants Gabby gone, if Brandi will vote for her. Brandi says that she doesn't trust Gabby and will vote her out 100%. '''''She CCs that she is telling Josie what she wants to hear but, at the same time, she does trust Josie over Gabby so that works out.''''' Brandi is with Enrico at the water well and says that she is super conflicted about Ambra. She says that she doesn't think Ambra will ever trust her again in the game. Enrico says that he wouldn't as Ambra spoke to him less than 20 minutes ago about how she needs to go. '''''Enrico CCs that he isn't lying. Ambra has been campaigning a lot since Kamlyn left that it is time for Brandi to go. However, he disagrees.''''' Brandi says that she will admit to trying to make amends but Ambra gave her nothing to go off of. '''''Brandi CCs that now it's time to move on from trying with her.'''''
|'''Zhian''' wins Immunity and silences ''Angie'' and ''Josie''.
| style="background:#f5cfd9"|'''''Angie CCs that she isn't surprised about Zhian's decision. What she IS surprised about is that it wasn't her and Ambra. Zhian CCs that he silenced the two people he wants out the most.''''' Josie thanks Zhian for the silence as now she doesn't have to worry about who she will vote for since she can't. '''''She CCs that she will be worried about his campaigning though.''''' Brandi and Zhian are alone at the water well. Brandi says that she knows that he wants Ambra, Angie and Josie out. '''''She CCs that it is clear to her that Angie and Josie are highly on his list than Ambra due to his decision but she can't have that.''''' Brandi says that Ambra is openly campaigning to get her ''and'' him out. Yes, they can go after Angie or Josie but Ambra is dangerous because people are underestimating her. '''''Zhian CCs that she DOES have a point and Brandi has been super trustworthy.''''' Ambra is in the shelter with Rowan, Kaye and Josie. She says that Brandi is playing under the radar right now but she is super dangerous and is very determined to do what she wants. '''''Ambra CCs that it's now or never. She needs Brandi out before she gets backstabbed again.''''' Rowan, Enrico, Millie and Kaye (''The Placeholders'') are in the water. Enrico asks everybody who they want out. Kaye says that Ambra and Brandi are full-on campaigning now. Rowan says that with votes being split and two people not in the alliance being silenced, the four of them could control the vote and send anybody packing. '''''He CCs that this is great for them if they want to take out a third party.''''' Millie says that, as things stand, they may be powerful but, if they get too confident, they will crumble. Enrico agrees and says that they have to decide between a random third person or going with Ambra or Brandi. He says that people have lessened on Zhian despite being exposed a few days ago. '''''Enrico CCs that Zhian laid low and played things smart and only three people want him out. They could easily send him packing but they can't let the power go to their heads.''''' Millie says that Brandi seems really trustworthy now with the other three agreeing. Kaye says that Brandi has done a complete 180 and is much more trustworthy but, if they vote out Ambra, Angie and others could easily target them. '''''Kaye CCs that this is an incredibly important decision.''''' Ambra is in the shelter with Gabby. She tells Gabby that, if she helps her take out Brandi, she will vote out Josie next, no questions asked. Gabby says that Ambra's proposal is very tempting. '''''Ambra CCs that she is playing every angle imaginable. Gabby CCs that, in a way, she can't decide.''''' After Gabby leaves, Ambra sits alone in the shelter. She says that she has an idol but she doesn't think she will need it. She says that everybody knows how Brandi is and how dangerous she is.
|AT THE TRIBAL COUNCIL, Ambra and Brandi both say that their rivalry ends tonight. After the voting, Ambra plays her idol with Brandi congratulating her as the votes are being read.<br />
<br />
Ambra votes for '''Brandi'''.<br />
Angie is ''SILENCED''.<br />
Brandi votes for '''<strike>Ambra</strike>'''.<br />
Gabby votes for '''Brandi'''.<br />
Enrico votes for '''<strike>Ambra</strike>'''.<br />
Josie is ''SILENCED''.<br />
Kaye votes for '''<strike>Ambra</strike>'''.<br />
Millie votes for '''<strike>Ambra</strike>'''.<br />
Rowan votes for '''Brandi'''.<br />
Zhian votes for '''<strike>Ambra</strike>'''.<br />
<br />
With a vote of 3-0, '''BRANDI''' has been eliminated. Ambra is shocked.

Latest revision as of 20:08, 29 February 2024

This is the Part 2 of the Episode Synopsis for Vitosian Survivor Season 23!

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Episode 6

Episode 6
On the way back to camp, Angie CCs that her, Enrico, and Kaye decided on Saahira an hour before the Tribal. They couldn't risk voting Brandi and then her using the idol. Enrico CCs that he is, now, part of a very trustworthy three-person alliance with Angie and Kaye and he is ecstatic. Brandi CCs that she was so happy that she wasn't targeted as she wanted to get closer to the merge before using the idol. Enrico openly wishes Saahira the best.
On the way back to camp, Kamlyn CCs that she is so glad that Kole is now gone. Rowan CCs that it is good riddance.
Opening Credits
In the morning, Zhian CCs that, last night, he made an alliance with himself, Josie, Rowan, Tiffany and Gabby. However, he is having some second thoughts. Zhian approaches Josie, expressing doubts about their current alliance and suggesting they explore new options. Josie says that they could but the alliance was just made last night. Josie CCs that the game could be getting to Zhian but this now makes her want to look at other options as well. Zhian engages in a conversation with Gabby. He talks about having a secret alliance within the alliance. He CCs that he doesn't know if he can trust everybody so he'll start with Gabby. Gabby is receptive to it. Millie, walking close by, catches a glimpse of them but can't hear any details. Millie CCs that a part of her wants to trust Zhian and Gabby but, sometimes, she finds it difficult. Millie is talking with Kamlyn about potentially targeting Zhian or Gabby. Kamlyn says that she is perfectly fine with that, CCing that she has toned down her game and people have been approaching her more. People like Millie for example. Tiffany ends up close by when she overhears Millie say to Kamlyn that she doesn't know if Tiffany would follow the plan. Tiffany CCs that she is curious about this plan. She thinks that Millie and Kamlyn don't trust her. Rowan is sitting on the sand. He CCs that he is feeling uncertain about his current alliance with Josie, Zhian, Tiffany, and Gabby and wants to explore other options. He approaches Millie and suggests the idea of forming a strong alliance. She is receptive to that. Millie CCs that she trusted Rowan before but, now, he had the idea of a majority alliance. Finding Devon in the shelter, Rowan and Millie approach him cautiously, aware that their conversation needs to remain confidential. They pitch the idea of forming a new alliance together, emphasizing the potential strength and stability it could provide. Rowan CCs that he has always trusted Devon so he needs him in this alliance. Devon is all for it, CCing that he trusted the two of them already so making it official is great.
On Napilui, Rio is alone in the shelter. He CCs that he's been watching Survivor since Season 5 was airing. A part of him actually grew up with the show. He would watch this show with his family every week that it was on and he dreamed of being on the show. His family got into the show when his mom's friend, Alannah Vurner, competed. Rio is talking with Angie in the shelter. He says that, so far, they have lost Taarif, Dean and Saahira. He says that he would've preferred Taarif staying. Angie agrees. Rio CCs that he doesn't know where he sits with his tribe so it's time for him to make something happen. Rio says that they need to ensure one of Ambra or Brandi leaves soon because that chaos at merge would be bad for them. Angie disagrees and says that the two of them staying at merge could be beneficial to them. Rio CCs that Angie may be allied with one of them if she is saying this. That just means that he could be expendable to her. Later, Rio is swimming alone in the water. He CCs that he was so excited to be on the show and it's been everything he dreamed of it being. He was also worried about being the first one out but, thankfully, he survived. Kaye is with Ambra in the shelter. Ambra says that it's now down to six members of the tribe. Ambra CCs that five people have left their tribe and Brandi is still here. Kaye says that anything could happen at this point. She CCs that she really likes Ambra and wants to work with her. If she joins the alliance, that just means Brandi and Rio would be on the outs and she really likes Rio as well.
On Leduaranor, Gabby is in the shelter with her tribe. She discusses taking a risk and going to the other tribe to gain information. Gabby CCs that, admittedly, a part of her plans to do this to get more allies as well but only if she can sell the idea of mutiny to the tribe. Otherwise, she loses their trust. Kamlyn and Tiffany see no issue with it. Tiffany tells her to be careful, though.
Everybody gathers at the Challenge Arena where the host tells them that, before they do the Reward Challenge, he has an offer. Should anybody step forward, they will be able to mutiny to the other tribe. Gabby CCs that her longterm plan starts now. Gabby steps forward and heads to the other tribe. Zhian mumbles to himself and rolls his eyes, CCing that, in order for Gabby to not be voted off, they need to sell that Gabby was on the outs. As time is about to run out, Tiffany steps forward. Rowan CCs that Tiffany had to be a spy. Unfortunately for her, she got no info. Tiffany CCs that she wants to see if she can take out Enrico as he's taken over the tribe.

Napilui wins Reward!
On Leduaranor, Kamlyn CCs that Tiffany switching back was not a good look. The entire tribe trusted her. In the shelter, Kamlyn tells Josie and Millie that she wants to make it to merge and vote out Tiffany. Millie says that there are probably bigger fish to fry than Tiffany. She CCs that Kamlyn's not looking at the bigger picture and she is being blinded ... again. First, it was Devon and, now, it is Tiffany. Devon is at the water well with Zhian and Millie. He says that they should get Rowan and make an alliance and head to the Final 4 together. He CCs that he already has an alliance with Rowan and Millie but he'd also like to add Zhian to the alliance.
On Napului, everybody welcomes Gabby and Tiffany to the alliance. Gabby CCs that what she did was a huge risk but, maybe, it'll pay off. Everybody is in the shelter. Gabby says that she was on the way out and she would like a new allegience, which is why she flipped. Tiffany says how that surprises her, CCing that she knows what Gabby is up to. She plans to manipulate the entire tribe. Gabby CCs that, for some odd reason, Tiffany is trying to blow her cover. Gabby tells Tiffany that she wouldn't know what that was like as everybody loved her on the tribe. Tiffany says that she had not once heard her name. Gabby says that, maybe, for all they know, she was on the outs as well. Tiffany shrugs and says that, perhaps, that is true. Kaye CCs that she doesn't know who to believe in the moment.
On Leduaranor, Millie, Josie and Kamlyn are in the shelter. Kamlyn says that she may not have been the most trustworthy alliance member but she wants to change that. She proposes a Final 3 alliance between them. The other two accept. Kamlyn CCs that she started to notice people be a little distant towards her. She sort of figured that ... maybe ... she was playing a bit too hard. Gabby CCs that nobody on the tribe trusts Kamlyn but she is willing to give her a second chance. Zhian is talking to Rowan and tells him that Gabby and Josie will go so far in the game and, with Gabby gone, maybe they should go after Josie. Zhian CCs that a big move for him would be Josie, who everybody loves on the tribe. Rowan says that he isn't sure right now but is completely open to making sure they find a target that would help the both of them. Rowan CCs that he isn't too sure about Zhian at the moment as he, himself, is good with Josie. Devon is alone in the shelter. Millie comes and sits beside him and asks what is on his mind. Devon says that the game is crazy and he feels as though the pressure is starting to get to everybody. Millie says that she can see that. Devon says that his main target is still going to be Kamlyn as she has been gunning for him hard for the past two weeks now. Millie says that she would, definitely, vote her out when given the chance. Devon CCs that, judging from this talk alone, he knows he can trust Millie. Millie CCs that Devon is somebody she wants around for awhile.
Leduaranor wins Immunity! They choose to silence Tiffany.
On Napului, Tiffany CCs that a part of her should have seen this coming. At this point, she can't return to the other tribe, even though she wanted to the next chance she got. Brandi is in the shelter with Angie. Brandi tells her that, this round, she wants to be a vote for her. She CCs that she needs to get back to the top and this is the best way. Angie says that she doesn't have a target right now but she will, definitely, consider that. Brandi says that she knows that she may be on the outs but she would rather work with her. Angie appreciates that, CCing that she doesn't know if she can really trust her but she will use an extra vote. Ambra is with Tiffany in the water. She says that Brandi needs to go as soon as possible. Tiffany says that they need to watch out for Enrico, Kaye and Brandi. Ambra says that, if those three are allied, it makes even more sense to go after Brandi since that will be good for the both of them. Tiffany agrees. Ambra CCs that Brandi wants her out no matter what so she needs to strike first. Enrico is alone in the shelter, relaxing. Gabby comes up to him and sits down. She says that, whoever he wants out, he'll vote for. Enrico thanks her and says that the tribe may or may not have a unified target. He CCs that, to him, Gabby or Tiffany would be perfect but there is always somebody else that could be the better option to go. Gabby says that, if he keeps her, she'll be completely loyal to him. She CCs that she doesn't know who the target will be and she isn't the best situated on the tribe so this could easily be the end for her.
AT THE FIRST TRIBAL COUNCIL, Tiffany says that her target is Enrico but, since she can't vote, everybody else needs to vote for him. Enrico says that Tiffany isn't trustworthy as she has betrayed both tribes at this point. Before the votes are read, Brandi plays her idol.

Ambra votes for Brandi
Angie votes for Tiffany
Brandi votes for Tiffany
Enrico votes for Tiffany
Gabby votes for Tiffany
Kaye votes for Tiffany
Rio votes for Tiffany

Tiffany is voted out.

Episode 7

Episode 7
On Napului,
Opening Credits
In the morning, Kaye and Angie are in the shelter. Kaye tells Angie that she is related to Deborah and Margie Liguori. Angie recognizes them as dangerous mobsters who were arrested many years ago. Kaye said that they were arrested when she was 21 and, now, she is 42. She moved out of her province and changed her name. Kaye CCs that she was born as Margaret Kaye Liguori but, after her mother and grandmother were arrested, she changed her name so that she could continue to live a normal life as the Liguoris are feared in Ciunia. She changed her name to Kaye Maria-Leigh Galano and, now, she is married with two kids. Angie sympathizes with her. Kaye said that she wanted to give her kids a mother figure who would always be there for them as her mother figure was too busy, as one would imagine. Kaye says that she will do whatever it takes to give her kids a fantastic life. Reuben and Alexia are very important to her, along with her amazing, supportive husband, Milo. She says that she wants to win this game for them and give them the life that they deserve. Kaye CCs that she went through a lot and she wants her kids to have as much as she can offer them. She is so happy to have a great family. Angie CCs that she feels for Kaye and is happy that she was open about her story.
On Leduaranor, Devon is talking with Rowan in the shelter. Devon CCs that this has been an amazing experience. He had his doubts but he is shocked that he has made it this far. Rowan says that, despite the game being really hard and taxing at times, he's had a blast. Devon says that his sister is the reason why he applied and, beforehand, he's only seen a couple seasons because of her. Rowan hopes that his experience will cause him to watch past seasons. Devon says it will and CCs that, no matter how far he makes it, he will cherish the experience Rowan says that he misses his family back in Entrofeira but he will persevere for them. Rowan CCs that one of the reasons his mother would hit him is because he is gay so to be with a family that accepts him means a lot. He, absolutely, loves the Raptis' and is proud to be a member of their family. As far as he is concerned, he has always been a Raptis, even if it took awhile for that to happen legally. Rowan says that he would love it if they made it far together as he respects Devon quite a bit. Devon says the same and wonders if he's up for a Final 2 together. Rowan says that he would love that. Devon CCs that he feels like he can trust Rowan a lot, which is not something he feels for most of his tribe. Rowan tells Devon that he had a family member be on the show before. Devon asks who. Rowan says Susannah Henriques was his birth mother. A lot happened that people didn't know about and he and his brother would later get adopted by a much better family. Devon says that he is sorry to hear about that. Rowan thanks him and wanted to tell him that as he knows that Devon's sister, Rudi, was on the show before so they have that connection. Devon CCs that he wasn't expecting that connection but this makes him trust Rowan a lot more. Devon thinks that they should go after Kamlyn. Rowan says that he is up for it as she has made more enemies than friends on the tribe. Zhian is talking to Josie about whether or not anybody will vote Kamlyn out in the future. Zhian thinks that Kamlyn can be a massive threat while Josie thinks that Kamlyn isn't as she is just an extra vote to people. Josie CCs that what she said is a rude thing to say but nobody trusts Kamlyn. She has made alliances and broken them with everybody on the tribe.. Rowan is talking with Millie at the water well. Millie says that she is unsure if the merge will even start at Final 12 as they haven't had a Tribe Swap yet so getting rid of Kamlyn may be a horrible decision for them. Rowan agrees but that all depends on how she acts over the next couple of days. Rowan CCs that Kamlyn is a wildcard. She's broken promises to everybody at this point. Rowan also brings up her going on an Immunity streak if they make the merge. Millie agrees and says that getting rid of her now may be the best choice. Millie CCs that she wants to ally herself with Kamlyn but she doesn't know if she will be the next alliance member thrown under the bus. Kamlyn is talking with Josie about targeting Zhian as, if he doesn't leave soon, he won't leave ever. She says that, while she isn't the most trusting of her or Devon, Zhian needs to go. Josie appreciates it and CCs that Kamlyn openly telling her that she doesn't trust her or Devon doesn't sit right with her. You don't tell somebody to their face that you don't trust them. Devon is talking with Millie in the water. Devon says that, when it comes to the merge, he thinks that they can use the other tribe's infighting against them and take majority. Millie thinks that they could but, also, backstab some of their own allies in the process. Devon says that he is down with that. Devon CCs that the game has been exciting so far and, when they reach the merge, it should be easy to take majority. He says that he's regained the trust of the tribe and he wants to use that. Rowan is talking with Josie in the shelter. Rowan says that he really wants to stick with her. Josie agrees and says that she can't see herself betraying him. Rowan CCs that he is being genuine with Josie as she is a fantastic person.
On Napului, Ambra CCs that she needs to find an idol if she has any shot at trying to survive. Brandi having the idol shocked her so she needs to find it before Brandi does. There is a small montage of Ambra finding an idol. She CCs that she is ecstatic and is ready to try and use this for a big move in the merge. Although, knowing her luck, the idol will be wasted. As Ambra heads back to the camp, she CCs that she wants to do whatever she can to ensure that Brandi is eliminated. She says that she respects Brandi as a person but, in the game, it's a race to see who can get the other eliminated first. Gabby and Rowan are talking in the shelter. Gabby says that she really misses Sarah. Angie tells Gabby that Sarah is, no doubt, proud of her for making it to the Final 13 and that Gabby should be proud of herself as well. Angie says that she is here if she needs to talk. Gabby CCs that Sarah is the most important person in her life right now and she wants to win this for them. She says that she can't let the game get to her. At camp, Rio is alone in the shelter, CCing that he will do whatever it takes to gain the power needed to take over the game. He says that he has come this far and he won't throw away any opportunities. Rio is with Enrico at the water well and says that, out of everybody here, he trusts Enrico the most. Enrico says that he really trusts Rio so he is glad to hear about that. Enrico CCs that Rio is the most trustworthy person outside of his alliance. Rio is then talking with Kaye and tells her that he would love to have a finals alliance with her. Kaye is completely up for that. Rio is with Ambra and says that he would like nothing more than to head to the end with her. Rio CCs that he doesn't plan to make an alliance with everybody on the tribe as that would leave him trapped when they lose immunity.
Napului wins Reward!
On Leduaranor, Zhian and Josie are talking by the water well. Josie wonders if they will be alright in the merge, CCing that, since it is the game, she has no problems playing all sides. Plus, she has to keep her and Rowan's names out of peoples' mouths. Zhian hopes so and says that they will have to work on befriending everybody on the other tribe so that they can make new alliances. Zhian CCs that he wants to make an alliance consisting of both people from this tribe and the other and make sure that they are the final contestants remaining. Out of the people in this tribe, he wants Gabby and Tiffany with him as he trusts Gabby a lot and Tiffany is a sweetheart. Zhian thinks that her and Ava would be really good friends.
On Napului, Ambra and Enrico are talking in the shelter. Ambra says that she remembers being on anxiety medication all throughout high school. Enrico comments on how that must've been hard. Ambra says that it was and, that, discovering her passion for journalism in Grade 11 helped out more and more as time went on. She said that it was a dream for her to pursue it and she fulfilled it. Growing up, she was unsure but she knew that she had to pursue something with writing and it was her best friend that helped her realize what she wanted to do with her life. Enrico says that it's amazing when you have friends like that. Ambra agrees. She CCs that it's nice to have somebody that she can trust. Some days, she isn't really sure. Brandi is walking on the beach alone, CCing that, since her decision to vote out Dean, she has been tanking her game hard and she can't help but laugh. She says that she has a really good sense of humour and nothing phases her too much. Brandi comments that she is a walking tutorial on how not to play the game. She laughs to herself, CCing that she loves self-deprecating humour as, if you can't laugh at yourself, what CAN you laugh at? Brandi says that the first rule is to avoid going on a massive power trip when you think you are in power. Brandi says that the second rule is making sure that you don't make a Final 2 deal with every person on the tribe, even though one of them was, completely, genuine. Brandi CCs that the merge is going to be fun, whenever it happens. Assuming she gets there.
Napului wins Immunity! Millie is silenced.
On Leduaranor, Millie CCs that she really doesn't mind being silenced as all that means is that she can fly under the radar and nobody has to worry about her vote. Zhian is talking with Josie about what to do when the merge comes. He says that they can use the infighting to recruit people from the other tribe to go after threats like Millie and Rowan. Josie agrees and CCs that she plans to be loyal to Rowan but she wants to wait until she has to choose between them before deciding if she passes that info to him or not. At the same time, she doesn't see herself betraying him. Kamlyn is telling Millie that she plans to target Devon, Rowan, or Zhian and wants to know which person she is comfortable with. Millie appreciates that she is asking her opinion and says that she really likes Rowan and Devon and doesn't know Zhian too much. Kamlyn CCs that, while Devon is her rival, she also sees Rowan and Zhian as huge threats as well. She says that Josie is another rival of hers but she feels like she can get Josie on her side again. Kamlyn is talking with Josie and says that, if she could keep Devon, Rowan, or Zhian, who would she keep? Josie asks Kamlyn her motive for asking a question like that. Kamlyn says that she just wants to know. Josie tells Kamlyn that she would keep Rowan and CCs that she doesn't want to yell at Kamlyn right now, especially since something is, probably, going on. Josie is talking to Rowan at the water well and tells him to watch out for Gabby when the merge comes as she brought up his name quickly during the Immunity Challenge. Rowan really appreciates the information and says that they need to be the Final 2 for sure. Josie says that she would love that. Rowan CCs that, at this point, he definitely considers Josie to be his number one ally. Kamlyn CCs that, despite wanting Zhian out, she isn't too sure. Kamlyn is with Rowan in the water. She asks him if Devon or Zhian should go. Rowan is confused on the wording of the question and says that he thinks the two could be targeted at the merge as opposed to now. Kamlyn asks who he would want to target and he says Millie, CCing that only having six people on the tribe makes it really hard, especially when his target, like others, is Kamlyn.
DURING TRIBAL COUNCIL: Kamlyn feels paranoid and uses her idol.

Devon votes for Kamlyn
Josie votes for Kamlyn
Kamlyn votes for Devon
Millie can not vote
Rowan votes for Kamlyn
Zhian votes for Kamlyn

Devon is voted out.

Episode 8

Episode 8
On Leduaranor, when they get back to camp, Millie CCs that she was shocked by what happened but she respects Kamlyn for the move. Kamlyn CCs that they all wanted her out and she is still here. Kamlyn mocks all of them for trying to get rid of her. She goes off on Josie, believing that Josie never had her back to begin with. Josie argues that the game is getting to Kamlyn and she is acting erratic. Josie CCs that Kamlyn is the reason why she stopped having her back. Kamlyn starts yelling at Josie for her disrespect while Josie says that Kamlyn shouldn't have signed up for an experience that she couldn't handle. Kamlyn says that she can handle herself fine and, maybe, she shouldn't gotten rid of her instead of Devon. Josie is curious as to why Devon left. Kamlyn said that she had to choose between Devon, Rowan, and Zhian. Zhian CCs that he is shocked that Kamlyn openly admitted to that. Rowan CCs that all Kamlyn is doing is ensuring that nobody on the tribe will trust her again. People always make comebacks. Rowan says that he's glad that he is here to help ensure that Kamlyn leaves soon since he was a target of hers, apparently. Zhian asks Kamlyn why she is so reckless and why she keeps digging a hole for herself. Millie tries to break up the fighting. She CCs that she was not expecting any of this. Kamlyn begins to yell at the top of her lungs that Rowan and Zhian will be going next. Kamlyn CCs that she will ensure that.
Opening Credits
On Napului, Ambra is talking with Angie in the shelter. Ambra CCs that she really trusts Angie in the game and hopes to go to the end with her. She mentions that her upbringing was alright but she grew up as an outsider until college. She says that she worked on her appearance, worked on her social anxiety, and forced herself to get into a better mindset. Angie says that Ambra should be proud of herself for her change. Ambra says that she is but also says that she hates how she's been acting on the island and, that, even though she doesn't like Brandi, the rivalry has been going on for far too long. Angie agrees and CCs that she is glad that Ambra is self-aware as a part of her still wants to stick with her. Angie says that she didn't go through anything during her childhood but she's watched friends suffer and has tried to be there for them. Ambra says that she feels really comfortable talking with Angie, with Angie agreeing. Enrico and Kaye are by the water well. Enrico says that he really respects how calm and collected Kaye has been and says that she's been through a whirlwind of events and can still keep her cool most of the time. Kaye says that it takes some effort but there is no point in her lashing out, even at somebody like Kole Hachette. Kaye CCs that she is so glad Kole was taken out when he was because he just wasn't respectful to anybody on the tribe. Enrico says that, before this, he has only gotten furious one other time that he can remember. Kaye comments that Enrico has had a really interesting life. Enrico laughs and says that everyday is an adventure with Enrico Brighton. Rio is in the shelter alone, CCing that he has a plan when merge comes. He plans to throw the first Immunity and lay low. Rio talks with Gabby and says that he feels comfortable with the two of them being a power duo. He CCs that his mission is to let others paint targets on their backs for suggesting targets while he works on the social game.
On Leduaranor, Millie and Zhian are in the shelter. Zhian says that he wants Kamlyn out for multiple reasons now. Beforehand, he went along with what others wanted but, now, he has a vendetta. Millie says that she wants Kamlyn out to avenge Devon. Zhian CCs that Kamlyn made her targets clear so, as long as she is in the game, he is in massive trouble. Millie CCs that Devon came in with a massive target and he was misunderstood. Rowan is with Kamlyn at the water well. He tells her that he only turned against her because she was playing so hard and made herself look very untrustworthy. She was warned by a few people who genuinely cared that she needed to slow down, especially on the paranoia. He CCs that everybody else on the tribe is pissed after last night except for him and Millie. A few times, he pulled her aside and gave her a warning about how she may be coming across. He intended for that to help her realize but, instead, it may have fueled her paranoia. Kamlyn says that nobody on the tribe ever had her back. Rowan said that he did but he gave her no other choice. He says that it is very possible to bounce back from this but she is making it very hard on herself. Rowan CCs that she admitted to him, before the vote, that she was considering him. That is what fully turned him against her at Tribal.
1 Hour Before Tribal

Kamlyn is with Rowan in the water. She asks him if Devon or Zhian should go. Rowan is confused on the wording of the question and says that he thinks the two could be targeted at the merge as opposed to now. Kamlyn asks who he would want to target and he says Millie. ... ... Kamlyn then says that Millie isn't an option for her and she's been asking others between Devon, Zhian ... or him. Rowan is shocked. Kamlyn says that he needs to choose or he could go.
Rowan CCs that the strong-arm approach plus her revealing that she is asking people to potentially target him is what told him that she needs to go. Rowan says that he was considering going after her a couple rounds ago but he had hoped that she could be somewhat trustworthy. Rowan says that her then going after Josie at camp, as well as stating him and Zhian as alternative targets to their faces really did her no favours. He says that it also seems like she was going after Devon, him and Zhian for awhile. Kamlyn says that she's had them as her main targets since very, very early on but she is willing to drop Rowan as a target. Rowan says that he is honoured and CCs that he was wary of Kamlyn since Day 10 or 11. It was before the Dean vote. He tried to be an ally and then he heard from Gabby that Kamlyn wanted him out. He didn't believe her but then Kamlyn came up to him with four--legit four--different targets. Then, he started to notice her being very erratic so he kept a close eye but just didn't know if he could trust her or not. Kamlyn CCs that Rowan is not afraid to say what is on his mind and, in hindsight, he was actually the most trustworthy person to her and she still wanted him out. So, maybe it is good for her to not target Rowan anymore.
It is time for the merge! Everybody participates in the Reward Challenge and they all win a chocolate feast!
On the Vongane merge tribe, as everybody is enjoying the Reward, Rio CCs that he can not believe that he made it to the merge! He is so happy that he managed to do this! Josie talks about her restaurant business, which fascinates most of the tribe mates. She CCs that she is so happy with her life on the outside and playing her favourite game has been a joy as well. When asked, Zhian talks about how he and Ava got into vlogging: they wanted to document their lives together and to, hopefully, inspire people to pursue their dreams. Josie asks Kaye what inspired her to become a realtor. Kaye says that she grew up loving interior design and architecture but didn't have the passion to design or build homes. She had more of a passion showing off the works of others and helping people find their first home or, even, their dream home. Zhian says that he really respects that and CCs that Kaye's ambitions remind him of his and Ava's. All three of them want to help the lives of others in their own way. Later, in the new shelter, Gabby tells Millie and Josie that Ambra and Brandi absolutely hate each-other. She CCs that she mutinied to act as a spy and indeed she did. However, she isn't loyal to her whole tribe. Just Millie, Josie and Rowan. At the water well, Gabby tells Rowan that Ambra and Brandi are, no doubts, on the outs. Their constant arguments have isolated them. She CCs that Ambra and Brandi will always target each-other so she would rather have them around as targets. Later, Rowan talks with Angie and says that she looks kind of stressed out. Angie chuckles and says that her tribe was a train wreck. Rowan says that his tribe had it's own constant moments of drama as well. He says that he wants Kamlyn out as soon as possible and suggests that they go after eachother's targets. Angie says that she would love that. Rowan says that, if she ever wants to vent, though, he's here for her and, as far as he can tell, she comes across as trustworthy. Angie thanks Rowan and says that she really trusts him as well. Rowan CCs that he is beyond 100% genuine with Angie. Angie CCs that Rowan is a stand-up guy and trusts him a bit more in the game. She doesn't know about a Finals deal though. Brandi and Ambra are in the shelter. Brandi CCs that she knows that her and Ambra are being used at this point. She's caught on. She tells Ambra that she (Brandi) was very stupid in the pre-merge. She overplayed and it cost her a lot. She says that she should've stuck with her and had that Final 4 with them, Taarif and Dean. Ambra says that Brandi really screwed things up, for sure. Brandi says that she has no doubts that the only reason the two of them are still in the game is because everybody knows they will only go after each-other. Ambra says that she isn't completely sure on that but it makes sense. Ambra CCs that it seems like Brandi wants to end the rivalry but she doesn't know if she should. Rio is with Josie in the shelter. He says that he doesn't believe in tribe loyalty like tribe versus tribe. Josie says the same. Rio says that he would love to work with her. She says the same. Rio CCs that, even now, his main focus is his social game. He wants people to trust him. Enrico is approaching the back of the shelter when he overhears the conversation. He CCs that Rio is a very good social player. He's starting to catch on that he may be allied with most of the people in the game.
At the Challenge Arena, the host, Cornilio Roquez, says that the twist today is that four people will win immunity but those who do can not go to Tribal Council. Everybody is shocked. Ambra, Brandi, Kamlyn and Kaye win Immunity!
Brandi CCs that the twist was insane and reminded her of Season 17. Kaye CCs that winning Immunity was not something she needed to do but, at least, she doesn't have to worry about any blindsides against her. Back at camp, Kamlyn tries to get verbal with Josie, only for Josie to call Kamlyn out for her behaviour again. Josie CCs that she is completely done with Kamlyn. She wants nothing to do with her. Kamlyn brags about winning Immunity but Josie retorts that Kamlyn can win every Immunity challenge and still lose in the end because of how intolerable she is. Gabby and Kaye side with Josie. Kamlyn says that she chose to send Devon home with her idol over her. Josie says that she isn't going to be grateful just because Kamlyn wants another excuse to be entitled. Gabby CCs that she can't believe how entitled Kamlyn is. Josie CCs that everybody is starting to see her for who she is. Later, Enrico is with Kaye, Millie and Rowan in the shelter. Enrico says that, right here, are the people he trusts the most. He says that they all got along, especially after the merge started, and he thinks that they could be an amazing Final 4 alliance. He CCs that him and Rio are very similar in that they are looking to build an army. This group of four, though, is the one he wants to travel with the most in the game. Millie thinks that, if they decide to stick together, they should name themselves something. Enrico says that he isn't too sure. Same with Rowan. Kaye suggests The Placeholders as a placeholder name until they think of something. Everybody agrees to that. Kaye CCs that they are now, officially, The Placeholders! At least for now. Enrico CCs that the name is hilarious. Angie is with Gabby and Rio in the water. She says that a part of her wanted to go after Zhian but, now, only after Kamlyn goes. Gabby and Rio say that they understands that. Angie says that the two of them should go down the list of castaways and choose the best target for them. Angie CCs that the first vote at merge could decide a lot. Rio wonders if it matters if anybody else who is mad at Kamlyn goes first as everybody will take her out the moment they get a chance. Gabby and Angie don't think so. Rio CCs that he doesn't plan to choose the target but he doesn't want them to be super limited. Angie says that she doesn't want Millie out, especially this early. The other two agree. Gabby says that Josie isn't an option for her, again, not this early. Angie and Rio understand. Angie says that leaves them with Rowan and Enrico. Gabby says that she is conflicted. Angie suggests Rowan since she would rather target Enrico later. Angie CCs that Enrico is one of her closest allies and, while she would have gone after Josie, Gabby said that Josie wasn't an option for her this early. So, Rowan it is. Kamlyn is talking to Millie and says that, naturally, she wants Josie out. Millie says that she won't consider Josie an option for her. Millie CCs that she's had enough of Kamlyn.

Angie votes for Rowan
Enrico votes for Rio
Gabby votes for Rowan
Josie votes for Millie
Millie votes for Rio
Rio votes for Rowan
Rowan votes for Rio
Zhian votes for Angie

On the revote:

Angie votes for Rowan
Enrico votes for Rio
Gabby votes for Rowan
Josie votes for Rio
Millie votes for Rio
Zhian votes for Rio

The first member of the jury is ... Rio.

Episode 9

Episode 9
Everybody else is at Tribal Council while Ambra, Brandi, Kamlyn and Kaye are in the shelter. Kamlyn says that she doesn't care who goes since she isn't in any trouble. Brandi says that she relates. Brandi CCs that she has recognized her mistakes and is trying to better her social game. She has another 3 days to get in everybody's good graces. Kaye says that the missing four votes could easily be detrimental to everybody's plans. She CCs that Enrico has a specific target that she is unsure will go home or should even go home but she doesn't have a vote. As everybody returnt o plan, Kaye is the first to notice and state that Rio is gone. She CCs that Enrico managed it somehow. Millie says that it was a tie between Rio and Rowan and Rio went to jury. Rowan CCs that he almost went home, despite all the work he did in the pre-merge. He needs to figure out the three people that initially voted for him. Brandi says that every Tribal she's been in has never been unanimous and this is no exception. She says that she is surprised that Rio ended up being the person going home, mainly due to his social game. Ambra CCs that Brandi brings up a good point. Rio going home means anybody can go home at this point. Brandi CCs that others are aiming for big targets, which is good for her. Enrico CCs that he made an enormous move and that could easily paint a target on his back.
Opening Credits
Zhian is talking with Millie, saying that, throughout the pre-merge, he has grown to respect her. Zhian CCs that he does, genuinely, respect Millie and wants to go far with her. He says that he is positive that everybody at home will be proud of her. Millie thanks him and CCs that it is getting harder and harder for her everyday but she has her reasons for not giving up so she can't. She says that she's proud of herself for making it to the Final 11 and it's been an insane 3 weeks so far. She says that she has to get to the end and she knows that, if she tries hard enough, she'll make it there. There is a small montage of Angie finding the merge idol. Angie CCs that she is in it to win it so she needs to do whatever she can to ensure her safety. As Angie searches, Ambra is also seen finding it. After finding it, Ambra CCs that she can't believe she found it! She has been looking for three days! Josie is talking with Zhian about how she can't trust Gabby too much. Zhian CCs that it is time for Zhian Taaj to make some waves. Zhian decides to tell Gabby about it and secure a Final 2 with her in the process as they are both content creators. They agree and Gabby says that she is shocked Josie wants her out. Zhian suggests that they go after Josie once Kamlyn wins Immunity again. Zhian CCs that it is time to play hard. He says that he needs to build up a resume for the end and, to do that, he needs some moves in his back pocket. He says that he cherishes Josie and really respects her but he feels like he can trust Gabby even more and the option was to go after Gabby or to go after Josie. Gabby says that she really appreciates Zhian telling him and hopes that they can make it to the end together. Gabby CCs that she is so grateful Zhian told her this. Elsewhere, Angie and Millie are talking. Angie says that she is unsure if she can trust Zhian or Kaye and asks her opinion on them. Millie says that she adores the both of them and CCs that she can't trust Angie too much but thinks that it is better to leave Zhian and Kaye in the dark. Angie says that, if Millie adores them, they must be good. Angie CCs that she can't trust Millie as she trusts and adores everybody and has not contributed to any strategy talks. In a way, she may be one of the biggest threats due to being such a wildcard and, if Zhian or Kaye target her, she knows that Millie may be the next one to go. Enrico and Kaye talk in the shelter about targeting Angie and Gabby instead of Kamlyn and leaving Kamlyn to target Josie down the road. Enrico CCs that it is good to leave two people targeting each-other. Josie overhears this, CCing that she is shocked about this and talks to Rowan about what Enrico and Kaye were talking about. Rowan says that he'll vote with her (Josie) so she doesn't need to worry. Josie thanks him and says that, after Kamlyn goes, she wants to target Enrico and Kaye next. Rowan CCs that he trusts Josie over all others in the game right now but he is also very loyal to The Placeholders. Ambra is talking with Angie about Brandi leaving. Angie confesses that the rivalry made her question her allegiance with Ambra but she doesn't have to worry anymore. Ambra thanks Angie for the honesty. Ambra CCs that Brandi is both good and bad for her game. The rivalry made others leave both of them in the game butshe knows that Brandi will target her sooner than later again. Zhian notices Ambra and Angie together and CCs that he wants to establish another target just in case Kamlyn wins Immunity. Zhian tells Kaye that he has been noticing Ambra and Angie together quite a bit. Kaye thanks him for the info.
Gabby wins Reward, CCing that this will be an amazing opportunity to relax and recharge, and chooses to share it with Zhian. During the Reward segment, Gabby says that a part of her can't trust Kaye. Zhian brings up Ambra and Angie being together so much and Gabby admits that them being around each other so much may be a problem. Zhian CCs that a part of him feels really bad for lying and doesn't want to show people that lying is a good thing. He says that he wants to be a role model and, at least, he can admit to his mistake. Zhian thanks Gabby again for bringing him. Gabby thanks him for being so trustworthy, CCing that Zhian is a massive threat to win the game but, as long as he is loyal, she has no problems being cutthroat as that's the nature of the game.
Angie CCs is suspicious about Gabby choosing Zhian when they are both content creators and thinks that they have an alliance. Angie talks to Ambra about it, who understands her being suspicious. Ambra tells Angie that, perhaps, they should target one of them. Angie fully agrees, CCing that she would love to send one of them home. Ambra CCs that Angie brings up a lot of good points so she trusts what she has to say. Brandi is in the shelter with Josie, Rowan and Kaye. She tells a story about college days, which makes them laugh. Brandi CCs that she has done a 180 compared to the pre-merge. Kaye CCs that Brandi seems to be more calm and not trigger-happy like the pre-merge. Gabby and Zhian return and Gabby CCs that she really wants to confront Josie as she is a snake in the game but she can't. She can't ruin her game when she has to think about her and Sarah's future. Kamlyn is alone in the water and CCs that this is the opportunity to take out her biggest threat: Josie. Kamlyn is seen talking to Rowan, Enrico and Kaye separately about targeting Josie. As Kamlyn talks to Millie, Josie overhears her and goes up to her. Josie CCs that she's had enough. Kamlyn CCs that Josie overhearing her does nothing. Josie and Kamlyn end up getting into a screaming match. As it ends, Josie CCs that she wants Kamlyn out no matter what. Kamlyn CCs that she is confident that Josie is going. Millie CCs that the drama is insane to witness. Angie CCs that Josie and Kamlyn may easily stay but now there are two rivalries that may be staying and that isn't good for her. There is a small montage of everybody trusting Zhian. Rowan CCs that Zhian is great to talk to. Zhian CCs that he is doing his best to play a great social game. However, Angie, Ambra and Josie are not impressed. The three of them get together and talk about how Zhian needs to go sooner than later. Angie CCs that Zhian is on everybody's good graces and that makes him a major target. Josie then brings up how Zhian is saying how the two of them are an alliance. Angie manages to calm Ambra down, who wants to call Zhian out for his "nice guy facade". Josie thinks that Zhian is, genuinely, a great guy and is just playing the game just like everybody else. Ambra agrees and calms down but says that Zhian is at the top of her list. Ambra CCs that, yes, Zhian is higher on her list than Brandi. Later, Enrico decides to get naked again and runs around, flailing his arms. He CCs that he is having the time of his life while also being an under the radar observer. He is limiting his strategy talks to The Placeholders while playing up his social game to everybody else. Enrico tells another funny story to Josie, Brandi and Millie. Enrico CCs that, after Zhian went gung-ho on strategy talks, he slowed his down and now there is talk of Zhian being a target. So, he made a good call.
Josie, barely, beats Kamlyn in the Individual Immunity Challenge. She then silences Kamlyn and Zhian.
Back at camp, Zhian CCs that he is shocked over being silenced. Kamlyn and Josie get into a huge argument. When things finally calm down, Zhian CCs that he has something on his chest. Zhian asks her, in front of everybody, why he was Silenced when he thought that they were on good terms. Josie calls him out for throwing Ambra and Angie under the bus. Josie CCs that she is not lettign Zhian get away with this either. Zhian tries to make the excuse that he saw them together a lot and assumed things. Ambra then says that it is easy to see Gabby and Zhian as an alliance due to them both being content creators, which sparks an argument between Ambra and Gabby, who CCs that Ambra had no reason to bring her into this. Kamlyn walks away, CCing that she is, for sure, safe at this point. She tries to find an idol but to no avail. The Placeholders meet together and Rowan says that, while there are many targets, it is best to focus on Kamlyn. The others agree. Rowan CCs that the amount of people now targeted in front of all four of them is amazing. Ambra and Angie, however, talk with Kamlyn and they try to campaign for Zhian to go this time and for Josie to go next time. Kamlyn says that she will think about it.
AT THE TRIBAL COUNCIL, Kamlyn tries her hardest to campaign for Josie to go next and for Zhian to go this time for being untrustworthy, as Ambra and Angie pointed out. Numerous arguments erupt.

Ambra votes for Kamlyn.
Angie votes for Kamlyn.
Brandi votes for Kamlyn.
Gabby votes for Kamlyn.
Enrico votes for Kamlyn.
Josie votes for Kamlyn.
Kamlyn is SILENCED.
Kaye votes for Kamlyn.
Millie votes for Kamlyn.
Rowan votes for Kamlyn.

With a vote of 8-0, KAMLYN has been eliminated.

Episode 10

Episode 10
Back at camp, Josie CCs that she is ecstatic that Kamlyn has left and, now, she can really focus on the game. She says that her rivalry with Kamlyn was, truly, a battle for her but, now, it is over. At camp, Josie thanks everybody. Gabby says that Kamlyn brought it on herself for how she acted. Rowan adds that Kamlyn really shouldn't have went after Josie for no reason like she did. Gabby CCs that her #1 target is Josie as she can't trust her at all. She has a few people under her belt as is and that makes her dangerous. Zhian sits down at the shelter. He CCs that Tribal was absolutely insane and he doesn't know what to think now.
Opening Credits
In the morning, Rowan notices that Josie is upset and goes over to comfort her. He CCs that he saw Josie this morning and couldn't help but empathize with her. Josie talks to Rowan about her daughter, Marie, and how she has tried her hardest to give her a great upbringing. Rowan tells Josie that he is sure that Marie looks up to her and is proud to call her her mom. Josie really appreciates Rowan saying that and CCs that she feels weak because she's needed reassurance because she misses her family so much. Rowan tells Josie that she is an amazing woman with a strong business and a husband and child that loves her and is, no doubt, proud of her. Rowan tells Josie that she will feel much better when they reach the Family Visit around the Final 8. He tells her to think about that and aim for it. Josie thanks him again. Rowan CCs that he wants to be there for his friends when they are down and, hopefully, make them smile again. Ambra is talking with Rowan in the shelter, saying that she has loved the experience so far is so proud of herself for making it far. She says that she used to dream about being on the show. Rowan says the same thing and says that it's still surreal to him. Ambra wonders what the Reward Challenge will be. Rowan is debating if he should win it or not. In the shelter, Rowan is talking with Enrico about how every member of The Placeholders have made it to the Final 10. Enrico says that he is so happy about that, CCing that he had no faith in the beginning that he would even make it to the merge. Enrico and Zhian are at the water well. Zhian says that, in the span of hours, he became a massive target to people. Enrico says that he has no intention of voting Zhian out. Zhian says that he really wants Ambra and Angie out sooner than later, preferably one of them going next. Enrico CCs that Zhian is a shield in front of him. He has no reason to send him home when he could take out one of Ambra or Angie. Alone in the shelter, Brandi tells Ambra that she doesn't expect her to trust her so easily but she promises Ambra that she won't vote for her and hopes to slowly build back that trust. She tells Ambra that she won't even name targets. She will do what Ambra wants. Brandi CCs that the one relationship she really needs to fix is Ambra's. She betrayed her due to paranoia and now she needs to make amends. Ambra thanks her for at least acknowledging that trust needs to be rebuilt. She says that they can start on a clean slate but she will be wary. Brandi says that what she is saying is understandable. Ambra CCs that she trusted Brandi at the beginning and it was the worst mistake in the game. Brandi seems to be a bit better but she doesn't know if she can trust her again in the game. Brandi CCs that she is being completely genuine with her. If things don't work out, she definitely wants Ambra to know that there is no trick this time. Enrico is with Ambra and Josie. He tells them a crazy story about hanggliding that they find very entertaining. Enrico is then telling Kaye about a story of him skydiving. He CCs that he used to be scared of everything when he was younger. That is why nothing phases him in the challenges in both Gavino's Challenge and Survivor. When he turned 20, he decided that he wanted to not let fears stop him.
At the Challenge Arena, Cornilio Roquez tells the audience that he is bringing back a few past castaways for a couple of ... decisions.

Eric Porta, Taarif Ashraf, Dean Talley, Saahira Salameh, Kole Hachette, Tiffany Fidalliques and Devon Serra all walk out.
Devon CCs that he is shocked that all of the pre-jurors are back. He is expecting a battleback and he would not be opposed to that. Cornilio Roquez tells everybody to sit down as he has a couple of announcements. Saahira CCs that she is really excited. She has no idea what's going on but she is stoked to find out. Cornilio says that there is a challenge that will determine a very, very special opportunity but they will also notice a booth close by. Soon, they will all vote on who will be exempt from the following Reward Challenge. After that, they will all compete in the challenge behind him. Before they get to that, he asks how everybody is doing. Eric says that he is surprised Zhian isn't out yet. Taarif says that he is really shocked Brandi is still in the game. Taarif CCs that, in the game, Brandi was a force to be reckoned with. If she gets to the end somehow, she deserves to win. Cornilio says that two others were voted out but will not join them as they are on the jury as he does not want them influencing their votes in any way. He asks them who they think was voted out. Devon, without a beat, says Kamlyn. Taarif says Brandi and Kole says Gabby. Nobody else guesses. Dean CCs that a part of him is conflicted about Brandi as that is his number one ally who was loyal to him. A part of him hopes she is still in. Cornilio says that Rio was voted out ... followed by Kamlyn. Devon cheers while others laugh at the sudden cheering. Cornilio says that they will now vote for who will be exempt from the Reward Challenge.
Eric votes for Zhian
Taarif votes for Brandi
Dean votes for Ambra
Saahira votes for Brandi
Kole votes for Rowan
Tiffany votes for Brandi
Devon votes for Kaye

Cornilio announces that, with three votes, Brandi will be exempt. He now says that everybody will now compete for two spots. Spots for what? Playing next season. Tiffany CCs that this is her opportunity to right her wrongs by playing better next season. Kole CCs that he is ready to easily win this.

The two people competing for next season are ... Saahira and Devon! Devon CCs that he is READY for the next season! Saahira CCs that she knows what needs to be done. She's learned her lesson.

At the Challenge Arena, Cornilio tells everybody that he brought back the pre-jurors to decide who will be exempt from the Reward Challenge today. He says that they voted ... Brandi, who openly says that she is not surprised.
Rowan wins Reward (day at the spa) and takes Josie, Kaye, and Millie, stating his reason that the three of them are married and have kids so he wants to give them some time to relax as he can't relate to their struggles as mothers. Millie CCs that she struggled not breaking down after hearing that. Rowan CCs that the three of them really needed this. During the Reward segment, Rowan tells the three of them that he really respects them and sees them struggling at times as they miss their life at home and he wants to help them out in any way he can and that is why he brought them. All three of them really appreciate it. Kaye CCs that she has been struggling recently as she misses her kids and her husband and really wants to see them. She really needed this but she also needs to head to the Family Visit. Later, Kaye tells Millie that she really respects Rowan a lot. Millie also agrees and says that she can't see herself voting him out. Kaye CCs that it is just occuring to her how big of a threat Rowan can be. He seems genuine but she has no doubt that he is a social threat as well.
In the shelter, Ambra is lying down, CCing that she thinks that it may be good to get Brandi out before she backstabs her again. Ambra is telling Angie that she would feel much calmer once Brandi left. Angie knows and says that she is there for Ambra and will vote out Brandi. Ambra thanks her and CCs that she has been planting more seeds, albeit more subtlely, that Brandi should go. Angie CCs that Brandi seems to be much more trustworthy now but she feels loyal to Ambra. She says that she can't find herself hating her and hopes that they can truly mend things after the game but, right now, Brandi is a huge threat to her game. Angie says that people wanted to leave Ambra and Brandi in as they would go after each other but, in the end, it's not healthy and it's time that Brandi left. Ambra says that she is still confused as to why Taarif left as he was such a kind soul and didn't do anything wrong. Angie says that Brandi thought Taarif was too big of a wildcard. Angie CCs that she finds it hard to trust Brandi herself but notices the efforts made at the merge. Rowan, Josie, Kaye, and Millie return. Enrico is with Zhian and Gabby in the shelter. He tells them that he really feels trust between the three of them. Zhian and Gabby agree. Enrico CCs that he's decided that he needs more allies. Gabby tells Enrico that the next few targets should, definitely, be Angie, Ambra and Josie in any order. Enrico says that he is perfectly fine with that. Gabby CCs that Josie can't be trusted but, as Zhian is her closest ally, she wants to consider the two who want him out as well. Zhian CCs that him and Gabby have beef with Josie so that is one target they definitely have in common. He CCs that Ambra and Angie need to be split up but he doesn't feel the need to take out Josie. So, he is thinking Angie or Ambra goes and then he will target Gabby and earn Josie's trust. Ambra and Brandi are in the water. Brandi says that it is great that they are able to mend things. Ambra says that she likes the effort but she is still unsure. Brandi says that, surely, she has noticed that she is not playing like how she did in the pre-merge. Ambra says that she's noticed. Brandi CCs that she has been trying for over a week. If Ambra won't start trusting her soon, she will have to conclude that nothing can be done about it and move on. Brandi is with Josie in the shelter. She tells Josie that she is a loyal vote. She will consider to prove in the merge that she is loyal to people. Josie appreciates it and says that, if she wants Gabby gone, if Brandi will vote for her. Brandi says that she doesn't trust Gabby and will vote her out 100%. She CCs that she is telling Josie what she wants to hear but, at the same time, she does trust Josie over Gabby so that works out. Brandi is with Enrico at the water well and says that she is super conflicted about Ambra. She says that she doesn't think Ambra will ever trust her again in the game. Enrico says that he wouldn't as Ambra spoke to him less than 20 minutes ago about how she needs to go. Enrico CCs that he isn't lying. Ambra has been campaigning a lot since Kamlyn left that it is time for Brandi to go. However, he disagrees. Brandi says that she will admit to trying to make amends but Ambra gave her nothing to go off of. Brandi CCs that now it's time to move on from trying with her.
Zhian wins Immunity and silences Angie and Josie.
Angie CCs that she isn't surprised about Zhian's decision. What she IS surprised about is that it wasn't her and Ambra. Zhian CCs that he silenced the two people he wants out the most. Josie thanks Zhian for the silence as now she doesn't have to worry about who she will vote for since she can't. She CCs that she will be worried about his campaigning though. Brandi and Zhian are alone at the water well. Brandi says that she knows that he wants Ambra, Angie and Josie out. She CCs that it is clear to her that Angie and Josie are highly on his list than Ambra due to his decision but she can't have that. Brandi says that Ambra is openly campaigning to get her and him out. Yes, they can go after Angie or Josie but Ambra is dangerous because people are underestimating her. Zhian CCs that she DOES have a point and Brandi has been super trustworthy. Ambra is in the shelter with Rowan, Kaye and Josie. She says that Brandi is playing under the radar right now but she is super dangerous and is very determined to do what she wants. Ambra CCs that it's now or never. She needs Brandi out before she gets backstabbed again. Rowan, Enrico, Millie and Kaye (The Placeholders) are in the water. Enrico asks everybody who they want out. Kaye says that Ambra and Brandi are full-on campaigning now. Rowan says that with votes being split and two people not in the alliance being silenced, the four of them could control the vote and send anybody packing. He CCs that this is great for them if they want to take out a third party. Millie says that, as things stand, they may be powerful but, if they get too confident, they will crumble. Enrico agrees and says that they have to decide between a random third person or going with Ambra or Brandi. He says that people have lessened on Zhian despite being exposed a few days ago. Enrico CCs that Zhian laid low and played things smart and only three people want him out. They could easily send him packing but they can't let the power go to their heads. Millie says that Brandi seems really trustworthy now with the other three agreeing. Kaye says that Brandi has done a complete 180 and is much more trustworthy but, if they vote out Ambra, Angie and others could easily target them. Kaye CCs that this is an incredibly important decision. Ambra is in the shelter with Gabby. She tells Gabby that, if she helps her take out Brandi, she will vote out Josie next, no questions asked. Gabby says that Ambra's proposal is very tempting. Ambra CCs that she is playing every angle imaginable. Gabby CCs that, in a way, she can't decide. After Gabby leaves, Ambra sits alone in the shelter. She says that she has an idol but she doesn't think she will need it. She says that everybody knows how Brandi is and how dangerous she is.
AT THE TRIBAL COUNCIL, Ambra and Brandi both say that their rivalry ends tonight. After the voting, Ambra plays her idol with Brandi congratulating her as the votes are being read.

Ambra votes for Brandi.
Angie is SILENCED.
Brandi votes for Ambra.
Gabby votes for Brandi.
Enrico votes for Ambra.
Josie is SILENCED.
Kaye votes for Ambra.
Millie votes for Ambra.
Rowan votes for Brandi.
Zhian votes for Ambra.

With a vote of 3-0, BRANDI has been eliminated. Ambra is shocked.