Vitosian Survivor Season 15: In-Depth Episode Synopsis Part 2: Difference between revisions

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With a vote of 5-4-3, '''Mike''' is the seventh castaway voted out and is the first member of the jury.
With a vote of 5-4-3, '''Mike''' is the seventh castaway voted out and is the first member of the jury.

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| {{VitoTribebox3|ablohk|On '''Ablohk''' (Alicia, Andrew, Brandon, Cody, Dean, Jack, Kaylyn, Kyle, Libby, Mike, Sarah, Shontelle), as they head back to camp, '''''Brandon CCs that he is still incredibly shocked over what just happened. He doesn't know how to respond to all of it. Andrew CCs that, to him, Mike must have masterminded Hayes' elimination. So getting rid of Mike was more necessary than Brandon right now. Kyle CCs that, after Cody mentioned that things may have flipped on him after Cody told Mike that Dean and Jack were the weakest, it really solidified what Hayes said about those three being a trio. At that point, Mike was gone.''''' At camp, Brandon, openly, says that he is so confused about the vote and wonders why it wasn't him. Kyle tells Brandon that Mike was playing everybody so he had to go. '''''Brandon CCs that, since Kyle took his closest ally out, he will make sure that Kyle leaves next.'''''}}
!Opening Credits
| {{VitoTribebox3|ablohk|In the morning, '''''Shontelle CCs that she was denied taking Sarah out twice so, this time, she wants her gone for sure.''''' Shontelle is at the water well with Cody and Kyle. She says that she was a good vote for them twice so she wants Sarah out next. Kyle says that a promise is a promise. Cody says that Sarah should be considered GONE at this point. She thanks them and says that she wants to stick with them, to which Cody and Kyle say that they are fine with that. '''''Cody CCs that he does consider Shontelle to be loyal. Since she helped them with two particular votes, he wants to return the favour.''''' Cody says that Shontelle helped save him during the pre-merge and she didn't have to do that so he is ready to vote how she wants. '''''Shontelle CCs that, yeah, she had to be blunt, but she feels like they will keep their word.''''' Brandon talks with Sarah in the shelter and says that there is no doubt that Kyle wants him out next and Shontelle wants her out next so it makes sense to come together and take the both of them out. Sarah says that she is down for that, '''''CCing that she needs a lifeline so, if Brandon is offering, she will take.''''' She says that she wants Shontelle out and, after that, she will vote for Kyle. Brandon wonders if that is a good idea. Sarah says that the plan will just depend on if Kyle wins immunity or not, to which he says that he is fine with that. '''''Sarah CCs that it is time to change the game around. She will make sure that Shontelle leaves. Brandon CCs that Kyle is as good as gone.''''' Dean, Jack, and Brandon are at the water well. Brandon says that he spoke with Sarah and the plan is Shontelle if Kyle wins immunity and Kyle if he loses immunity. Dean and Jack say that they are fine with the plan. '''''Dean CCs that the power is out of his hands for a bit so, if he has to sit back and be a follower, he will do that for a couple of rounds but he refuses to be seen as a coattail rider.''''' Jack says that Brandon mentioned that he is a musician but never expanded upon that. Brandon says that his stage name is "Doc D" but he never mentioned that to anybody but Mike because of why he called himself that. '''''He CCs that it is time to entrust Dean and Jack with a bit more info about him.''''' He says that being a musician is a hobby while his real occupation is a chemist. He says that Doc D is due to him being a chemist and his last name starting with D. '''''Jack CCs that he was really surprised to find out that Brandon had a PhD.''''' Brandon says that he made the stage name before he changed his last name. Jack asks why he did that, to which Brandon comments that his family never gave him support so he didn't want to be associated with them anymore so he changed his last name from Davidson to Dyson. '''''Brandon CCs that the Brandon of the past is gone.''''' Jack says that he wanted to do the same thing for the same reason. Brandon asks if he got support after coming out, to which Jack says that he didn't at first so he was planning on changing his last name to another surname but things changed when his siblings started to give him support. '''''Jack CCs that he isn't going to reveal what he used to be known as because that was never him. He just wants to let people know that they all deserve happiness and hopes that they can get the support they deserve.''''' Jack says that he knows his parents will come around one day. If they don't, it sucks but he knows that he has some sort of support.}}
| At the Challenge Arena, '''Dean''' wins Reward and chooses to bring ''Kaylyn and Libby'' with him, '''''CCing that doesn't want to expose who he is with so this will be a good opportunity to get more allies onto his side.'''''
| At the reward, which is a helicopter ride ('''''Dean CCs that he has only done this once and he loves the experience. Kaylyn CCs that the view was absolutely gorgeous. Libby CCs that she was hesitant because of her fear of heights but the game has been helping her with that, thanks to the challenges. Now, she can enjoy the ride ... for the most part''''') and a nice picnic, Kaylyn and Libby thank him for bringing them along. Dean says that they haven't had the chance to talk much so he wanted the opportunity to get to know them. Libby asks about his personal life. Dean says that his family life is good. '''''Dean CCs that it is hard for him to say anything because he has his reasons for winning but saying them could get him targeted. He wants to give back to his mom.''''' He says that it was just his mom [Laura Forsberg-Walker], him, and his younger brother [Trevor Forsberg]. He says that he is related to Lizzie through his mom and Forsberg is his mom's surname. He asks about them. Kaylyn says that she is an interior designer and that she was inspired by watching interior design shows growing up. She says that her family life is good, although she never got along with her older sister. Libby says that she is turning 31 in 3 months and, that, she has a six year old daughter named Olivia who she loves very much. '''''Kaylyn CCs that it was a very relaxing reward and she is glad that she got to experience it. Libby CCs that, for a bit, she got to relax and not worry about being targeted.'''''
| {{VitoTribebox3|ablohk|Dean and Jack are in the shelter. Dean wonders if anybody will catch onto the two of them. Jack jokes that they have been laying low so much that people may forget that they are in the game. '''''Dean CCs that he doesn't want to lay low. He wants to make big moves but he has to wait, especially after the Hayes vote.''''' Dean says that the two of them are friends for life, for sure. Jack agrees. '''''He CCs that Dean has been an amazing friend and ally for him in this game. He will never forget this.''''' Jack asks if Kaylyn and Libby are good with him now. Dean says that he thinks they are and, if they are good with him (D), they will be good with him (J). Sarah talks with Alicia. She says that she gets that Shontelle wants the people who voted Angel out but she wasn't planning on targeting her. '''''Sarah CCs that it has been awhile so ... she has forgotten if voting out Shontelle was a plan or not. However, Alicia seems to be close to Shontelle so she hopes to convince her of that.''''' Alicia says that, personally, she would prefer to get out Libby or Andrew as she feels like those two are the most influential. Sarah says that she is fine with Andrew. '''''She CCs that she wants to smooth things over with Shontelle and vote out Andrew. After that, she can go as she wants to catch her off guard.''''' Later, Sarah talks with Kaylyn about voting for Andrew and then blindsiding Shontelle during the next vote. Kaylyn is confused, '''''CCing that the last thing they need is to get more people against them. Shontelle won't vote with them to take out Andrew especially after how they voted during the last Tribal Council.''''' Sarah says that they need to make sure that Shontelle is caught off guard when they blindside her. She says that it'll be good for their game. Kaylyn says that they might as well try and get the votes or an idol. '''''Kaylyn CCs that the best way to get Shontelle out is with an idol.''''' Sarah comments how that is a great idea. '''''She CCs that she is watching herself get more and more aggressive in the game but it is the Final 11 and she needs to step it up.''''' Alicia notices Sarah searching for the idol while she gets fruit. '''''She CCs that she knows that Shontelle is in trouble if Sarah finds the idol. It makes her wonder why she is in such a panic to find one.''''' Alicia and Sarah then hunt for the idol with '''''Sarah CCing that she noticed that Alicia is, now, looking for the idol but she does not trust her one bit.''''' Alicia then finds the idol but pretends to keep looking. '''''She CCs that it sucks to have to deceive Sarah like this but she needs to look out for her and Shontelle.'''''}}
| '''KYLE''' wins Immunity! '''''He CCs that he needed security tonight. He just hopes that he doesn't have to win out in order to get to the end.'''''
| {{VitoTribebox3|ablohk|'''''Sarah CCs that she may not have found the idol but there is still the whole "voting for Andrew" thing. Alicia CCs that a part of her wants to believe Sarah about the Andrew vote but she is unsure right now.''''' Andrew, Cody, and Kyle are in the shelter.  Andrew says that he is still good for the plan of voting Shontelle's way to secure her as an ally, '''''CCing that Shontelle is the honorary fourth member of their alliance but the final three will be them. They have been allied since the old alliance days so he feels like they have that bond.'''''}}
| AT TRIBAL COUNCIL, Sarah says that she spoke with Alicia beforehand and wanted to give Shontelle the same spiel. She no longer thinks that targeting Shontelle is good for her game and, that, they need to overthrow the boys and vote for Andrew. Dean gets confused about "overthrowing the boys". He says that he can't be overthrown if he wasn't in power. Jack speaks up and says that he doesn't think a gender war is a good idea. Sarah says that she knows that, if the girls keep going at each-other, they will go out one by one. Jack says that Mike was not a girl so there is no argument saying that this would happen or is happening. Sarah, audibly, groans and tells Alicia to play her idol on her, getting shocked reactions. Alicia says that she did not find an idol while Sarah says that they were both looking and SHE didn't find it. Alicia tells Sarah that she is doing a fantastic job rallying votes. Kaylyn whispers to Sarah that she needs to stop. Sarah tells Kaylyn that this is her last chance to rally votes. Kyle tells Sarah that she is doing a great job.<br />
<br /><br/><br/><br/><br/><br /><br/><br/><br/><br/><br /><br />
Alicia votes for '''Sarah'''<br />
Andrew votes for '''Sarah'''<br />
Brandon votes for '''Sarah'''<br />
Cody votes for '''Sarah'''<br />
Dean votes for '''Sarah'''<br />
Jack votes for '''Sarah'''<br />
Kaylyn votes for '''Sarah'''<br />
Kyle votes for '''Sarah'''<br />
Libby votes for '''Andrew'''<br />
Sarah votes for '''Andrew'''<br />
Shontelle votes for '''Sarah'''<br />
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With a vote of 9-2, '''Sarah''' is the eighth castaway voted out and is the second member of the jury.

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| {{VitoTribebox3|ablohk|as they head back to camp, '''''Kaylyn CCs that she just lost her closest ally and what sucks is that she tried to stop Sarah from digging herself deeper but was not successful at all.''''' At camp, Brandon comments on how crazy that Tribal was. '''''Kaylyn CCs that she chose to vote out Sarah because, while she was defending herself, she ended up isolating herself from everybody BUT Libby and her and she knew, at that point, that she was a sinking ship.''''' Andrew asks who the 2nd vote for him to go was. Libby says that Kaylyn and Sarah were close so it was, obviously, her. '''''Kaylyn CCs that, when Libby threw her under the bus like that, she was shocked. She knew that, at this point, she was alone in the game.''''' Kaylyn says that she voted Sarah out after she kept digging herself deeper. Libby says that she doubts it. '''''She CCs that Kaylyn flipped, which put her in an awkward situation, so this is revenge for that. So, yes, she voted for Sarah to pin it against her.''''' Libby says that her and Sarah had a tight connection due to their connection with other players PLUS she heard her whisper to Sarah that she should stop. Kaylyn says that she told Sarah to stop because she kept digging herself deeper PLUS it was her (L) and Sarah who orchestrated Angel's blindside as Libby was really close with Jessica. '''''Jack CCs that it is insane that Kaylyn and Libby are going at it right now. Kaylyn CCs that she is, truly, alone in this game and she doesn't need Libby putting the final nail in her coffin.'''''}}
!Opening Credits
| {{VitoTribebox3|ablohk|In the morning, Andrew, Cody, and Kyle are at the water well. Cody comments how insane last night was. Kyle agrees and says that, at least, Sarah went out with a bang. '''''Kyle CCs that Sarah went nuts during Tribal and it became that much easier to keep their word to Shontelle. Now, that means that they have her in their back pocket for the rest of the game. Cody CCs that, while Andrew and Kyle are focused on Tribal, what he meant by last night was Kaylyn versus Libby. Andrew CCs that the Brogade took out Mike and Sarah. Now, they need to think of who could be next.''''' Andrew says that, despite what happened last night, if they get cocky, he will kick all of their asses. The other two promise and chuckle. Andrew says that they can't get like other people and act like they are superior. Kyle tells him not to worry about that. Cody says that the next move should be Brandon as he may want revenge against Mike. Kyle feels like it will just be a non stop cycle of revenge. Andrew says that that is how the game operates. '''''He CCs that Brandon is top priority right now. He feels for Brandon as he WAS a part of the original alliance and a part of all of this bugs him BECAUSE they used to be an alliance. However, the game has moved on and so should he.''''' Cody says that Brandon will understand that they got revenge for Hayes. All three of them do a shoutout to Hayes. Kyle says he blames himself for Hayes going as he got him to also vote for Brandon. '''''Kyle CCs that Mike the mastermind is gone and he may target Brandon as well unless he talks to him.''''' Brandon and Kyle sit down in the shelter. Kyle says that he wants to talk to him because he knows that Brandon wants him out for what happened with Mike. Brandon tells him that Mike was like a father figure to him in the game and it hurts a bit more because he lacks that in real life. Kyle tells Brandon that he understands but he shouldn't let that be his story. '''''Brandon CCs that he wants to take out Kyle for Mike so badly.''''' Kyle tells him that he wanted Mike out because of what happened to Hayes. He said that he could've tried to target Brandon but he knew that he was targeted in the first place BECAUSE of how hard he played. Brandon says that he understands why Mike left but it is still hard for him. Kyle says that the two of them will bond a lot after the game and he wants Brandon to focus on the "now". '''''Brandon CCs that Kyle is, absolutely, right.''''' Elsewhere, Cody talks with Shontelle by the water. He says that, now that Sarah is gone, he hopes that she is loyal. Shontelle says that she is, one hundred percent, loyal. '''''She CCs that Cody kept his word after she kept hers and she is very grateful.'''''}}
| '''CODY''' wins Reward and chooses to share the reward (a trip to a local village) with ''Andrew, Brandon, Kyle, and Shontelle''.
| During the reward, '''''Shontelle CCs that she feels blessed with this opportunity. Cody CCs that he chose Brandon to make him feel welcomed BECAUSE he wants to be allied with Brandon again. Brandon CCs that he has bonded with the other four quite a bit and feels more secure with them. Shontelle CCs that she can see this being a Final 5 for her. Cody CCs that they managed to solidify a Final 5 and that is exactly what he wanted. Now, the voted can be, easily, controlled.'''''
| {{VitoTribebox3|ablohk|Libby talks to Alicia about how Kaylyn is a massive danger to all of them, '''''CCing that it is time to send Kaylyn packing.''''' Alicia says that she will think about it, '''''CCing that she does not trust Libby one bit and she doesn't know why she keeps thinking that she will flip so easily.''''' Kaylyn talks with Dean and Jack and says that Libby turning on her shows that she will turn on anybody really quickly. Jack says that he was so confused over last night. '''''Kaylyn CCs that she will spill any truth to get her out.''''' Kaylyn says that Sarah came up with the idea to send Shontelle out and Libby was on board, saying she can flip Jessica. So, Angel goes and then they decided to target Shontelle at the merge. Suddenly, she (Kaylyn) is on the outs. '''''Jack CCs that he feels for Kaylyn. He adds that Sarah and her may have been close but Libby turning on her makes him suspicious.''''' Andrew, Brandon, Cody, Kyle, and Shontelle return. '''''Shontelle CCs that the reward was so worth it on so many levels. If she can end up in the finale with Andrew and Kyle, she may get the vote because they were already voted out once.''''' Kaylyn talks to Shontelle and says that, yes, she voted out Angel but she was not one of the two people that kickstarted the idea. Libby had Jessica in her back pocket and she, Kaylyn, was close with Sarah, which she will admit. Shontelle tells Kaylyn that she isn't going on a warpath for Angel anymore so she doesn't have to worry. '''''Kaylyn CCs that she REALLY needs Shontelle on her side.''''' It is the next morning and Brandon, Dean, and Jack are at the water well. Dean says that they can take the opportunity to get out one of the stronger guys depending on who wins immunity. Jack agrees. '''''Brandon CCs that, since he is WITH the stronger guys now, he is opposed to this idea. His plan is to take out Kyle but that will wait until later. He is the inside man right now and he can't act immediately.''''' Brandon says that they could target Alicia. Dean says that Alicia has been laying low and doesn't have the numbers. Brandon says that he can control how the guys vote. '''''Dean CCs that this is the third conversation he has had with Brandon about this and he seems really fixated on keeping the other guys safe since the Reward. Brandon CCs that revenge will come later. He needs to think long-term.''''' Dean and Jack are sitting by the water. Jack says that Brandon is really sketching him out. '''''Jack CCs that he can't get a good read on him and it seems like he has made a new alliance.''''' Dean says that they are in danger if Brandon flips and tells the others that they plan to target the stronger guys. Jack says that they may have to flip first. Dean says that flipping on Brandon may be the best move for them. '''''Dean CCs that the game changes every hour. Right now, it looks like Brandon doesn't see them as the Final 3 alliance they had when Mike left.'''''}}
| '''CODY''' wins Immunity!
| {{VitoTribebox3|ablohk|Kaylyn talks to Cody about how it would benefit all of them if Libby were to go. '''''Kaylyn CCs that this is her last chance.''''' She says that she will be eternally loyal to him if she votes with him. '''''She CCs that she won't be but she just wants Libby gone.''''' Cody says that he will do what he can, '''''CCing that he can gain Kaylyn's loyalty with this and that will give them the numbers advantage going into next round.''''' Cody talks with Brandon and Andrew about targeting Libby since it appears to be her versus Kaylyn right now. The two of them say that they are good with that. '''''Brandon CCs that he hopes that Mike can forgive him for not taking a shot at Kyle right now but he wants to take advantage of having the numbers to get farther before he strikes.''''' Cody talks with Shontelle and tells her that it may be good to target Libby right now. She says that she can get behind that, '''''CCing that Libby is very untrustworthy so she is good with the plan.''''' Later, Jack approaches Brandon in the shelter and asks if they could meet up by the water well later. Brandon says that he is good right now as he has his mind made up with the vote. After sitting there for 10 seconds, Jack asks who he is voting for. Brandon says that the majority want to split up Kaylyn and Libby. '''''Jack CCs that Brandon won't give him a straight answer and it feels like he has moved on from him and Dean at this point.''''' Jack talks to Dean about what happened. Dean says that Brandon needs to go. Dean talks with Libby about how it looks like the votes are there for her to go and he is unsure if he wants that, '''''CCing that he really wants Libby to find an idol, even if he has to help her find one.''''' Libby says that she will threaten everybody with her idol if it comes to that. '''''Dean CCs just saying "nevermind".'''''}}
| AT TRIBAL COUNCIL, as Kaylyn and Libby argue who should go between them, Libby takes out her idol and says, loudly, that she is NOT going home. Cody whispers to Kaylyn that he has a plan then says, out loud, that it appears that the only person to vote for is Kaylyn. He then whispers to Brandon and Shontelle, who are right next to him, about the plan and to pass it on to Andrew and Kyle. After the votes are read, Libby plays her idol.<br />
<br /><br/><br/><br/><br/><br /><br/><br/><br/><br/><br /><br />
Alicia votes for '''<strike>Libby</strike>'''<br />
Andrew votes for '''<strike>Libby</strike>'''<br />
Brandon votes for '''<strike>Libby</strike>'''<br />
Cody votes for '''<strike>Libby</strike>'''<br />
Dean votes for '''Kyle'''<br />
Jack votes for '''Kyle'''<br />
Kaylyn votes for '''<strike>Libby</strike>'''<br />
Kyle votes for '''<strike>Libby</strike>'''<br />
Libby votes for '''Kaylyn'''<br />
Shontelle votes for '''<strike>Libby</strike>'''<br />
<br />
With a vote of <strike>(7)</strike> 2-1, '''Kyle''' is the ninth castaway voted out and is the third member of the jury.

Latest revision as of 05:11, 11 March 2024

This is the Part 2 of the Episode Synopsis for Vitosian Survivor Season 15!

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Episode 6

Episode 6
On Yesard, on the way back to camp, Mike CCs that Tribal was insane. This was the first and, hopefully, only time that the Brandon versus Kyle rivalry got to the point of a screaming match. With Kyle gone, it may bring the old alliance back together. He wonders if he made the right choice. Brandon CCs that, at Tribal, he fought for Kyle to go and it worked. He assumes the other vote for him was Hayes and he blames Kyle for that, not Hayes. At camp, Cody says that he thought he talked Kyle out of it but, apparently not. Cody CCs that he could've left that evening so he had to help put the target on Kyle. At this point, he s just trying to protect himself. Brandon tells Hayes that he knows that he was the 2nd vote but says that he blames Kyle for that, to which Hayes is grateful. Hayes CCs that Tribal Council was so chaotic that he didn't want to speak up. It turns out that laying low was the best decision he made in the evening. Dean asks why he was targeted, to which Cody speaks up and says that he felt like Dean was the weakest in the tribe. The two get into a screaming match as Dean argues that he is not the weakest while Cody argues that he was. Dean CCs that, since Cody spoke up, the crosshairs are on him now.
Opening Credits
On Grezant, in the morning, Kaylyn and Sarah are sitting down at the water well. Sarah says that she started dating Gabby back in Grade 10 and her family was very supportive of them. She was often asked why she changed her name when her and Gabby got married and she did because her maiden name was so common and so boring. Kaylyn asks what her maiden name was, to which Sarah says that it was Smith. Sarah CCs that she is doing this for Gabby and her. Even thought he game is stressful, she can't lose focus on the prize. Kaylyn CCs that her family is very supportive of her and Stephanie as well and she hopes that it is a lasting relationship. Sarah says that she hopes that it works and she wants to be invited to the eventual wedding. She CCs that, growing up, she used to be the entitled brat but, around the age of 15, she had isolated everybody. When she decided to change, she became more open minded as well and that is when she started to discover other aspects of her life. Sarah asks if she has any siblings. Kaylyn says that she has an older brother named Jesse and a younger sister named Caroline. She says that there is a two year difference between her and the others. Sarah says that she is the oldest of four girls. She says that her younger siblings are named Kayla, Megan, and Amy, who is the youngest. Sarah CCs that it is amazing to find a good friend like Kaylyn in a tough game like this. It makes things more tolerable. Kaylyn CCs that she feels lucky to find a good, trustworthy ally like Sarah. She says that, after the game, she wants to keep in contact.
On Yesard, Mike CCs that his entire game has been socializing with others. He likes to idea of being the leader of an alliance but he knows he needs to be careful. Dean and Jack are alone in the shelter. Jack comments how tough the game has been so far. He CCs that he was not expecting the game to be so stressful but he is lucky to have a friend like Dean around. Dean jokes about how they went from being on the bottom to being on top and then on the bottom again. Jack jokes that they may be on the top again. Dean says that he has no idea where they stand. Dean CCs that he has been super good friends with Jack since the beginning. The two of them have supported and protected each-other. Dean says that, with everybody targeting each-other, maybe they can get Cody out. Jack says that he is good with that plan. Jack CCs that they joke about everything and have a lot in common so he expects them to talk outside the game as well.
Cornilio Roquez, the host, announces that a tribe swap will occur.

New Grezant:
Cody, Brandon, Jessica, Kaylyn, Sarah, Shontelle.

New Yesard:
Alicia, Dean, Hayes, Jack, Libby, Mike.


Andrew arrives on Exile. He CCs that he is grateful for the immunity but it takes away from potential bonding time and he needs that. He hopes that this doesn't bite him in the ass.
On Yesard (Alicia, Dean, Hayes, Jack, Libby, Mike), Libby CCs that she is VERY worried as Alicia and her were on different sides PLUS the four guys could be working together. Mike welcomes Alicia and Libby to the Yesard camp. Mike CCs that he has no idea if the four guys WOULD team up but it is a huge possibility. Hayes talks to Jack and says that they have no idea how much the girls bonded so it may be dangerous to let Grezant win immunity. Jack agrees. Hayes CCs that the good thing about the swap is that he may still be in the majority as long as nobody tries anything funny. Hayes tells Jack that he is with them, for sure. Jack CCs that he and Dean are unsure about moving forward with Andrew, Cody, and Hayes. Jack talks with Dean. Dean says that he can't trust those three. Jack says that Andrew is exiled, Cody is on Grezant BUT Hayes is with them. Dean says that, if they blindside Hayes, that would be epic but it would be hard to do. Dean CCs that it is time for the two of them to get back on top and he will do whatever it takes to get back on top, even if that means organizing a huge blindside.
On Grezant (Cody, Brandon, Jessica, Kaylyn, Sarah, Shontelle), Cody CCs that the tribe swap may have been the worst thing to happen to him and Brandon. Kaylyn welcomes Cody and Brandon to Grezant. She CCs that the girls have majority over Cody and Brandon. A part of her wants to throw the challenge to give the girls a better chance at merge. Jessica gives a "tour" of the shelter. Cody CCs that he needs to either throw Brandon under the bus or find a crack within the four girls. Jessica and Brandon talk in the shelter, alone. Brandon asks her if there is anything they need to know. He CCs that he and Cody were put in a tough spot. Hopefully, he can get info to get out of it. Jessica says that Shontelle's closest ally was voted out. She was pretty upset but things seem fine now. Brandon CCs that he found a lead. He talks with Cody and says that Shontelle's closest ally was voted out last tribal. Cody thinks that they can use that to flip Shontelle over onto their side.
On Yesard, Alicia CCs that she has been trying to rub Dean's ego. The only problem is that Dean lacks one. Alicia says that she will do anything for him in the game if he keeps her safe. Dean says that he has no idea where he is voting but he will inform her. Alicia CCs that it is frustrating that Dean won't budge and it may mean that she is the next one to go. Alicia talks with Libby and says that the two of them are in major trouble right now. Libby says that she got that feeling from Mike as well. Libby CCs that her and Alicia are screwed so it may be one of them going next. Hayes is talking with Mike and Jack. He says that it may be good to get to know Alicia and Libby. He feels like some of them are very paranoid about the old Grezant tribe dynamics. They agree. Dean approaches them and Mike talks about taking Alicia out and bringing Libby in to go after the other tribe, to which Dean agrees to. Mike CCs that a part of him wants to throw the challenge to ensure that Brandon is safe. Mike says that they should throw the challenge as it'll mean that Cody and Brandon will be safe. Dean, Hayes, and Jack agree. Alicia and Hayes are in the shelter together. Hayes CCs that, when the tribe swap happened, he was worried about tribe dynamics but his old tribe were not that close. Hayes tells Alicia that he is happy that there was a tribe swap. He says that his tribe was constantly targeting each-other. Alicia CCs that she doesn't know if this is true or not but this is good if it is. Alicia tells him that she was worried when she came over but that is reassuring.
GREZANT wins IMMUNITY! Kaylyn CCs that she came up with the idea to throw the challenge to help get Cody or Brandon out but it appears that Yesard was, somehow, worse.
On Grezant, Sarah CCs that Cody and Brandon got really lucky. Cody CCs that they noticed the girls throwing the challenge so it was up to him and Brandon to win the challenge for them. Shontelle congratulates the tribe on the win.
On Yesard, Dean CCs that the plan to throw the challenge worked perfectly! He says that the plan is working far better than he thought it would. Mike talks to Hayes and says that it may be good to send Libby out instead. Hayes says that he is alright with that. Libby talks to Hayes and tells him that she will be super loyal to him. She CCs that she may be on the way out. She will promise Hayes the WORLD to get his vote to stay. Plus, he looks influential and can help take Alicia out. Hayes and Alicia are in the water. He says that he's asked and the plan is to vote Libby out and keep her. Alicia says that she is alright with that. Hayes says that he wants to ally with her. He CCs that he really vibes with Alicia. She seems trustworthy.
AT TRIBAL COUNCIL, Kyle joins them but sits away from them. Dean starts by saying that a plan is in place and, that, the tribe THREW the challenge to achieve that plan. Alicia and Libby begin to campaign for their lives. As the vote ties, Hayes has a massively shocked face. Libby laughs and says that she just realized that the "plan" was for Hayes to go, which gets Hayes to ask Dean, Jack, and Mike if that was true. He says that he will be loyal to them!


Alicia votes for Libby
Dean votes for Hayes
Hayes votes for Libby
Jack votes for Hayes
Libby votes for Alicia
Mike votes for Hayes

Kyle votes for Libby

Alicia votes for Libby
Dean votes for Hayes
Hayes can not vote
Jack votes for Hayes
Libby can not vote
Mike votes for Hayes

Kyle votes for Alicia

With a vote of 3-3-1/3-2, Hayes Bierwirth is the fifth castaway voted out.

Episode 7

Episode 7
On Yesard (Alicia, Dean, Hayes, Jack, Libby, Mike), on the way back to camp, Libby CCs that Dean, Jack, and Mike came together to blindside Mike and she is downright impressed with how it all went down. She doesn't understand why they were told, though. At camp, Dean CCs that he proposed the idea to trick Hayes. He felt like he could have jumped ship to Alicia and Libby if he knew. Jack CCs that he is impressed that Dean's plan worked. Hopefully, Hayes doesn't come back. Mike says that what happened had to be done. He says that Hayes was a super respectable person but was just untrustworthy. Mike CCs that he wants to claim part of the move for his acting but the main credit goes to Dean and his quick thinking. With Hayes out, they can see about working with the girls. Mike says that, since Hayes is gone, he wants them to know that they can work together. Alicia is confused as to why they weren't told of the plan. Alicia CCs that Mike spews some BS about wanting to work together but, since they weren't told, it is obvious the trio doesn't trust them.
Opening Credits
On Grezant (Cody, Brandon, Jessica, Kaylyn, Sarah, Shontelle), in the morning, Sarah talks with Jessica about how they need to take Brandon out first. She CCs that the guy knows the game well and has a lot of knowledge. However, she can mess up at any moment so she is fighting hard like every day could be her last. Jessica says that she is perfectly fine with that plan, CCing that, since Charlotte left, she has laid low and tried to work on socializing more. So far, it has worked out well for her and she is very proud of herself. Jessica says that, after Brandon, they can go after Cody. Sarah says that she is fine with that. Jessica CCs that she feels really secure with Kaylyn, Sarah, and Shontelle. However, one of the boys could have the idol. Sarah says that a part of her has a plan because of the girls speculating about an idol: splitting the votes. Sarah CCs that, if they split the votes between Cody and Brandon, they can take out of them out in the revote since the two of them won't be able to vote. Jessica comments that the plan is genius. Elsewhere, Kaylyn and Shontelle talk. Shontelle says that Leonda and her watch the show together, which is how she got into it. Kaylyn says that it was the same for her and her ex. Shontelle CCs that, despite how she feels about Jessica and Sarah, she feels like she has a good friendship with Kaylyn. the two of them talk a lot about the outside life. Kaylyn says that Stephanie loves the show so it worked out. In fact, that is how they stated to bond. Shontelle says that it has come full circle as Kaylyn is now on the show. Kaylyn CCs that she feels like she has a lot to prove on the show and she hopes that she is making people proud back home. She has been strategizing and expanding her bonds on the island everyday. Kaylyn tells Shontelle that she has been having a blast on the island so far. The game is tougher than she imagined but she is okay with that. Shontelle tells her to never give up and always think logically. Kaylyn CCs that she has been starting to bond with Shontelle more and more and feels like they could be really good allies.
At the Challenge Arena, Andrew returns as Cornilio reveals that Hayes went home last night, to the visible surprise of Cody and Brandon. Cody CCs that he didn't think that Hayes was in trouble. He felt like Hayes was socially good with everybody. Andrew joins Yesard. YESARD wins a feast reward.
On Yesard (Alicia, Dean, Hayes, Jack, Libby, Mike), Andrew CCs that he can just imagine his family looking shocked as the game gets more and more chaotic around him. He jokes that something big always happens while he is gone. He then says that a part of him is relieved as that means that he can slip under the radar. Everybody digs in to the feast. Alicia CCs that, after all the stress, she is ecstatic that she helped win a feast! Jack CCs that this is a good time for everybody to relax again and for the game talk to pause. Jack says that the only person's occupation he doesn't know is Alicia's. Alicia says that she is a multimedia production assistant. She says that she has been doing that for two and a half years now. She says that they should go around and ask people questions about themselves. She asks Jack about how he became a locomotive inspector. Jack says that it is the Nordin family business. Jack CCs that his grandpa founded the company. While it is optional to help the family business, he chose to do so because his family has been kind and supportive to him. Jack asks Andrew about his family. Andrew says that he has two older sisters (Michelle and Rosie) who are twins. He says that his parents are divorced and have been since he was 15 so he was living with his dad until college at that point. He says that his parents are still friends and are now married to other people. Andrew CCs that he really respects and adores his family. He knows that they are supportive of his dream to be on the show.
On Grezant (Cody, Brandon, Jessica, Kaylyn, Sarah, Shontelle), there is a montage of Cody finding the Grezant idol. He CCs that this will be so useful if the plan fails. Cody sits down with Shontelle in the shelter. Cody CCs that Shontelle, previously, told her about Jessica and Libby backstabbing her and taking out her closest ally, Angel. He wants to use that to flip her vote to his side. Cody says that he wants to offer her a way to avenge Angel. He says that, if they lose, he plans to vote for Jessica and, if she wants to, it'll be a good way to get back at them since Libby isn't on the tribe right now. Shontelle says that it is tempting. She CCs that she wonders if a move against Jessica and Libby would be too soon. At the same time, this could be the only chance she gets before they get back together at merge and take HER out next. Shontelle says that a part of her wants to vote for Sarah as she was the one behind the vote. Cody says that, while that is true, Jessica and Libby WERE Shontelle's allies and they backstabbed her and may do so again. Cody CCs that he wants to control this vote, even if he has to strong-arm everybody to do so. Sarah can go later. He says that, after Jessica, they can target Libby and Sarah in any order Shontelle wants. Shontelle CCs that she will have to think about this as she isn't sure if she can trust Cody.
On Yesard (Alicia, Dean, Hayes, Jack, Libby, Mike), Alicia CCs that, with the feast over, it is time to think about who to vote out next. If Dean, Jack, and Mike are all together, maybe it will be good to try and either flip Andrew or get the guys to vote Andrew out to avoid a tie. Alicia tells Libby that it is super obvious that Dean, Jack, and Mike are a trio. Libby agrees. Alicia suggests they make it a unanimous vote against Andrew as it will either be him or one of them. Libby CCs that Alicia has a really good point. With Dean, Jack, and Mike in charge, THEY decide the vote. Alicia says that she will talk to Jack if she talks to Mike. Libby says that she is okay with that. Alicia CCs that she plans to wait as, if the plan backfires, it'll look like Libby was behind it, not her. Libby talks to Mike and says that she was thinking about targeting Andrew. Mike asks why. Libby says that Dean, Jack, and Mike are a trio and she would rather work with them than against them. Mike CCs that, if Libby thinks that the three of them are together, she could spread that around to everybody. Mike talks with Andrew and says that Libby is throwing him under the bus HARD. He says that it may be good to target her if they lose. Andrew agrees. Mike CCs that Libby messed up badly.
YESARD wins Immunity!
On Grezant (Cody, Brandon, Jessica, Kaylyn, Sarah, Shontelle), Brandon CCs that it is almost showtime! Tonight, there is a small chance that one of the girls will go. If they fail, at least they tried. Jessica CCs that she feels safe. Brandon asks Cody if he thinks Shontelle will flip. Cody says that he hopes so, CCing that he put in a lot of work. Kaylyn tells Shontelle that tonight will solidify the four girls as an alliance moving forward. She says that they now have to decide between Cody and Brandon. Shontelle says that she would like to target Brandon, CCing that she feels like she has been, slowly, bonding with Cody. At the same time, he could be manipulating her. Shontelle changes her mind and says Cody. She CCs that she has a lot to think about. Does she side with the girls or with the guys? Does she take out Cody, who could be a strategic threat or take out Jessica for backstabbing her? Cody brought up so many good points so she is super conflicted. Cody is sitting with Brandon. He CCs that he plans to make Tribal more interesting. He plans to leave the idol behind. If the plan fails, then he will let Brandon know where it is.
AT TRIBAL COUNCIL, Hayes joins them but sits away from them. As usual, the castaways can't talk to him and he can't talk either. While Kaylyn and Sarah talk about how this vote is important and how a threat will leave tonight, Cody stands up and announces that he is targeting Jessica as she backstabbed Shontelle by getting out Angel and will backstab her again. Jessica argues that her and Shontelle are fine now. Cody argues that Shontelle was never informed about the Angel plan so why would Jessica be suddenly trustworthy now after a fake promise. Jessica then says that she plans to target Cody and Shontelle can side with her.


Cody votes for Jessica
Brandon votes for Jessica
Jessica votes for Cody
Kaylyn votes for Cody
Sarah votes for Cody
Shontelle votes for Jessica

Hayes votes for Jessica

With a vote of 4-3, Jessica is the sixth castaway voted out.

Episode 8

Episode 8
On Grezant (Cody, Brandon, Jessica, Kaylyn, Sarah, Shontelle), as they walk back to camp, Sarah CCs that she was, completely, blindsided. It appears that Shontelle flipped and Cody got what he wanted. Kaylyn CCs that it shocked her to see Shontelle flip on Jessica but a part of her shouldn't be surprised as Jessica, Libby, and Sarah were behind Angel going. Sarah CCs that it is clear that Shontelle is not on her side so she plans to take her out soon before she strikes. At camp, Shontelle CCs that she is doing this for her wife, Leonda, and her children, Marissa and Lina. At the end of the day, Jessica backstabbed her once and would have done so again so she made the move and she has no regrets. Shontelle tells Kaylyn and Sarah that she flipped on Jessica because of what happened to Angel. Cody CCs that tonight was perfect. He was open about who he wanted gone, which clued Hayes in, and he managed to get Shontelle to flip. Sarah says that it is what it is and they can move on from that. She CCs that the other people who voted Angel out were Libby and the Danger Duo. If Shontelle wants to avenge Angel, it is time to throw Libby under the bus. Kaylyn says that she is surprised that Cornilio made it clear that it wasn't jury yet. Brandon says that one more person will be re-entering the game and he assumes that jury will start at that point. Brandon CCs that he wants whoever comes in to go right back out, especially if it is Kyle as he was behind Kyle going home.
Opening Credits
After the opening credits, in the morning, it shows Charlotte, Angel, Kyle, Hayes, and Jessica all in the living room. Charlotte CCs that she wants to get back into the game because it has been 12 days since she was voted out and she is ready to get back in and take Alicia out. Angel CCs that she isn't after revenge. The name of the game is adaptability so she needs to change her game. Kyle CCs that Brandon made his move so he plans to return the favour. He knows that Brandon WILL target him again so he plans to strike before he strikes again. Hayes CCs that Dean, Jack, and Mike pulled off an amazing blindside. If he returns, he knows that he NEEDS to split up that trio. He has told everybody his theory and they all agree that they need to be split up. Jessica CCs that she is so confused that she doesn't know WHAT she is going to do.
On Grezant (Cody, Brandon, Jessica, Kaylyn, Sarah, Shontelle), in the morning, Sarah tells Kaylyn, alone, that they need to strike at Shontelle next. She CCs that Shontelle may want to take out everybody involved in Angel's elimination. She says that Shontelle is on a warpath and Jessica won't be the only casualty. Kaylyn agrees and says that they need to talk to Libby as soon as the merge happens. Kaylyn CCs that her and Sarah are on the bottom so they need to act fast. Shontelle tells Cody that she wants the two of them to work together as it is clear that they have similar objectives. Cody says that he would love that, CCing that Shontelle is trustworthy and he values that in an ally. Shontelle says that she plans to target Sarah next and asks who he wants gone. Cody says that he is fine with Sarah and says that he also wants Brandon gone. Shontelle CCs that her and Cody could be a force to be reckoned with and she is excited to see what they do in the game moving forward.
On Yesard (Alicia, Dean, Hayes, Jack, Libby, Mike), Mike, Dean, and Jack are in the shelter. Mike tells them that, if they can get Brandon on board, they could be a very powerful foursome. Dean and Jack agree. Mike CCs that he and Brandon have bonded a lot. He will not move forward with Dean and Jack unless he can secure Brandon's safety. Dean CCs that he feels like he can trust Mike and Brandon and, of course, he trusts Jack above all others in the game. Mike says that they can't meet up too much but he does want them to know that he cares a lot about the loyalty they have shown to each-other. He CCs that he isn't this deceitful person in real life. The game, to him, is an experiment and an opportunity to win money to help his family and he is taking advantage of every opportunity in the game as one should be. There is a mini montage of Libby finding an idol. She CCs that, with the merge coming up, she needs this because she has no idea what will happen next.
Charlotte, Angel, Kyle, Hayes, and Jessica come out into the Challenge Arena as the remaining castaways sit down around the challenge itself. In the end, KYLE wins his way back into the game. Kyle CCs that it is amazing that he is getting a 2nd shot in the game. He says that he will NOT waste it. Cornilio then announces that, as of now, both jury AND the merge will begin.
On Ablohk (Alicia, Andrew, Brandon, Cody, Dean, Jack, Kaylyn, Kyle, Libby, Mike, Sarah, Shontelle), Kyle CCs that he knows that he is on the outs immediately but it is what it is. He plans to get into the majority somehow and then strike. Everybody congratulates Kyle for getting back into the game. Brandon CCs that he wants to get Kyle back out as he is too big of a threat for him moving forward. He knows that Kyle wants him out too. Sarah CCs that, as the game goes on, she is getting more and more strategic. To her, she wants Kyle to be a shield for her and Kaylyn. Andrew CCs that he did not vote Kyle out so he knows that him and Kyle are good. Plus, they both won their way back into the game. Andrew and Kyle are in the shelter alone. Andrew says that they were both voted out and they both won their way back into the game. Kyle says that he knows where he is going with this and he wants to head to the end with him. Kyle CCs that Andrew is a very loyal guy and he knows that he can trust him. Kyle says that he wants to make sure that he is good with everybody before moving forward. Andrew notes how good of an idea that is. Kyle is talking with Alicia alone. He says that they never had a chance to work with each-other and he wants that moving forward with her. He CCs that he was reckless before. Now, he plans to be more smart about how he plays the game because he won't have a third shot at it. Alicia says that she is unsure because he hasn't worked with him. Kyle says that it would be a good opportunity BECAUSE they haven't before. Alicia CCs that she just doesn't know. She says that she knows that Kyle was called out for being a manipulator so that is why she is so conflicted. Brandon and Mike are at the water well. Mike CCs that it is amazing that he and Brandon can actually strategize together again. He is his closest ally and he wants to make sure that they are both safe. Mike tells Brandon that he has secured a four person alliance with them, Dean, and Jack. Brandon says that he is so grateful that Mike did that for him. He CCs that he trusts Dean and Jack so this is perfect ad he really trusts Mike, who is his number one in the game. Dean, Jack, Brandon, and Mike are at the water well. Mike says that they need to solidify this four right now. They all put their hands in the middle. Dean CCs that this is a good four moving forward. Jack CCs that this will give him a good opportunity to bond more with Brandon and Mike. Mike CCs that they can run the game if they play their cards very carefully. Brandon says that the four of them need to take Kyle out as he will go after the four of them. Mike agrees as he also voted for him and, if Kyle strikes at them, the four of them won't be allied for long, so to speak. Brandon says that they are four out of twelve votes so, if they all get side alliances, they could be eight votes. Brandon CCs that he needs to make this move quickly. Kaylyn sits Libby down in the shelter. She says that they can't trust Shontelle as she flipped on Jessica because of the Angel vote. Libby says that Shontelle may come after the other three votes then so, naturally, they need to take Shontelle out. Libby CCs that it has become clear that Shontelle is the biggest threat to her moving forward. Kaylyn says that it may be hard if Kyle also wants to take revenge, which Libby says makes sense as he WAS voted out. Kaylyn thinks that they can try and use that to keep Kyle and his target in the game as they will just go after each-other. She CCs that they need shields in the game, especially with the lack of numbers on their side right now. At the water well, Andrew, Kyle and Cody discuss an alliance. Cody says that they should make it official and head to the Final 3 together. Andrew suggests "Brogade" as they are a "brigade". The others like it. Cody CCs that it will be a test to see if this alliance lasts two Tribal Councils but he trusts Andrew and Kyle.
ANDREW wins Immunity! He CCs that he was unsure if he needed it but at least that means that nobody else did.
At the water well, Mike tells Brandon that, after the game, his offer for him to come over for dinner still stands. He says that he has enjoyed getting to know him and feels like the rest of the family will like him as well. Mike CCs that Brandon deserves the best and he wants to help him in anyway he can. The two hug. Brandon CCs that getting to know Mike has been amazing. A part of him really feels like Mike is a father figure for him. Mike says that the two of them will kick ass and get to the finals together, for sure. He CCs that he has been working hard to gain influence in the tribe and he plans to use that to make sure nobody comes after the four person alliance. Kyle talks to Andrew and says that he and Hayes voted for Brandon, Andrew and Cody voted for Dean, and that just leaves Dean, Jack, Brandon, and Mike. Andrew asks if he plans to take revenge. Kyle says that he wants to know what the votes are. Andrew CCs that it may be good to figure out the two votes for Kyle as it is obvious that certain people may try to get him out again. Cody approaches them and Kyle says that he is trying to figure out the votes and he knows who voted for Brandon and who voted for Dean. Cody says that Dean and Jack voted for him after the word got out that he was voting for Dean. Andrew says that Brandon and Mike must have voted for Kyle then. Kyle is confused, saying that he felt like he could trust Mike, CCing that the vote made no sense to him as Mike was one of the most trustworthy people to him. Cody says that it looks like Brandon and Mike could be together, CCing that Tribal will be very interesting tonight.
AT TRIBAL COUNCIL, Kyle mentions that his vote is going to somebody who he felt betrayed people in the game. Sarah then chimes in and says that, to her, that person would be Shontelle as the Jessica vote only makes sense that way. Shontelle then calls Sarah delusional, saying that Angel and her were blindsided so, of course, she would strike back. Sarah and Shontelle get into a verbal argument over who is more delusional. Kyle then gets up and goes to Shontelle, whispering that he will vote for Sarah if she helps him take out the one person with the most influence. Shontelle the gets up and joins Kyle and Andrew and whispers that, if she does this, she wants a guarantee that Sarah will go next. Sarah then gets up and tells Alicia that Shontelle will betray everybody and anybody to get what she wants to it is good that they go after her now. Kyle, without whispering, says that Shontelle will get her wish, for sure. Mike says that he has no idea what is going on while Brandon tells him that Kyle wants him gone and is trying to rally votes while at Tribal. Shontelle tells Kyle that she is in and Alicia comes by and Kyle whispers the target in her ear (Mike).


Alicia votes for Mike
Andrew votes for Mike
Brandon votes for Kyle
Cody votes for Mike
Dean votes for Kyle
Jack votes for Kyle
Kaylyn votes for Shontelle
Kyle votes for Mike
Libby votes for Shontelle
Mike votes for Kyle
Sarah votes for Shontelle
Shontelle votes for Mike

With a vote of 5-4-3, Mike is the seventh castaway voted out and is the first member of the jury.

Episode 9

Episode 9
On Ablohk (Alicia, Andrew, Brandon, Cody, Dean, Jack, Kaylyn, Kyle, Libby, Mike, Sarah, Shontelle), as they head back to camp, Brandon CCs that he is still incredibly shocked over what just happened. He doesn't know how to respond to all of it. Andrew CCs that, to him, Mike must have masterminded Hayes' elimination. So getting rid of Mike was more necessary than Brandon right now. Kyle CCs that, after Cody mentioned that things may have flipped on him after Cody told Mike that Dean and Jack were the weakest, it really solidified what Hayes said about those three being a trio. At that point, Mike was gone. At camp, Brandon, openly, says that he is so confused about the vote and wonders why it wasn't him. Kyle tells Brandon that Mike was playing everybody so he had to go. Brandon CCs that, since Kyle took his closest ally out, he will make sure that Kyle leaves next.
Opening Credits
In the morning, Shontelle CCs that she was denied taking Sarah out twice so, this time, she wants her gone for sure. Shontelle is at the water well with Cody and Kyle. She says that she was a good vote for them twice so she wants Sarah out next. Kyle says that a promise is a promise. Cody says that Sarah should be considered GONE at this point. She thanks them and says that she wants to stick with them, to which Cody and Kyle say that they are fine with that. Cody CCs that he does consider Shontelle to be loyal. Since she helped them with two particular votes, he wants to return the favour. Cody says that Shontelle helped save him during the pre-merge and she didn't have to do that so he is ready to vote how she wants. Shontelle CCs that, yeah, she had to be blunt, but she feels like they will keep their word. Brandon talks with Sarah in the shelter and says that there is no doubt that Kyle wants him out next and Shontelle wants her out next so it makes sense to come together and take the both of them out. Sarah says that she is down for that, CCing that she needs a lifeline so, if Brandon is offering, she will take. She says that she wants Shontelle out and, after that, she will vote for Kyle. Brandon wonders if that is a good idea. Sarah says that the plan will just depend on if Kyle wins immunity or not, to which he says that he is fine with that. Sarah CCs that it is time to change the game around. She will make sure that Shontelle leaves. Brandon CCs that Kyle is as good as gone. Dean, Jack, and Brandon are at the water well. Brandon says that he spoke with Sarah and the plan is Shontelle if Kyle wins immunity and Kyle if he loses immunity. Dean and Jack say that they are fine with the plan. Dean CCs that the power is out of his hands for a bit so, if he has to sit back and be a follower, he will do that for a couple of rounds but he refuses to be seen as a coattail rider. Jack says that Brandon mentioned that he is a musician but never expanded upon that. Brandon says that his stage name is "Doc D" but he never mentioned that to anybody but Mike because of why he called himself that. He CCs that it is time to entrust Dean and Jack with a bit more info about him. He says that being a musician is a hobby while his real occupation is a chemist. He says that Doc D is due to him being a chemist and his last name starting with D. Jack CCs that he was really surprised to find out that Brandon had a PhD. Brandon says that he made the stage name before he changed his last name. Jack asks why he did that, to which Brandon comments that his family never gave him support so he didn't want to be associated with them anymore so he changed his last name from Davidson to Dyson. Brandon CCs that the Brandon of the past is gone. Jack says that he wanted to do the same thing for the same reason. Brandon asks if he got support after coming out, to which Jack says that he didn't at first so he was planning on changing his last name to another surname but things changed when his siblings started to give him support. Jack CCs that he isn't going to reveal what he used to be known as because that was never him. He just wants to let people know that they all deserve happiness and hopes that they can get the support they deserve. Jack says that he knows his parents will come around one day. If they don't, it sucks but he knows that he has some sort of support.
At the Challenge Arena, Dean wins Reward and chooses to bring Kaylyn and Libby with him, CCing that doesn't want to expose who he is with so this will be a good opportunity to get more allies onto his side.
At the reward, which is a helicopter ride (Dean CCs that he has only done this once and he loves the experience. Kaylyn CCs that the view was absolutely gorgeous. Libby CCs that she was hesitant because of her fear of heights but the game has been helping her with that, thanks to the challenges. Now, she can enjoy the ride ... for the most part) and a nice picnic, Kaylyn and Libby thank him for bringing them along. Dean says that they haven't had the chance to talk much so he wanted the opportunity to get to know them. Libby asks about his personal life. Dean says that his family life is good. Dean CCs that it is hard for him to say anything because he has his reasons for winning but saying them could get him targeted. He wants to give back to his mom. He says that it was just his mom [Laura Forsberg-Walker], him, and his younger brother [Trevor Forsberg]. He says that he is related to Lizzie through his mom and Forsberg is his mom's surname. He asks about them. Kaylyn says that she is an interior designer and that she was inspired by watching interior design shows growing up. She says that her family life is good, although she never got along with her older sister. Libby says that she is turning 31 in 3 months and, that, she has a six year old daughter named Olivia who she loves very much. Kaylyn CCs that it was a very relaxing reward and she is glad that she got to experience it. Libby CCs that, for a bit, she got to relax and not worry about being targeted.
Dean and Jack are in the shelter. Dean wonders if anybody will catch onto the two of them. Jack jokes that they have been laying low so much that people may forget that they are in the game. Dean CCs that he doesn't want to lay low. He wants to make big moves but he has to wait, especially after the Hayes vote. Dean says that the two of them are friends for life, for sure. Jack agrees. He CCs that Dean has been an amazing friend and ally for him in this game. He will never forget this. Jack asks if Kaylyn and Libby are good with him now. Dean says that he thinks they are and, if they are good with him (D), they will be good with him (J). Sarah talks with Alicia. She says that she gets that Shontelle wants the people who voted Angel out but she wasn't planning on targeting her. Sarah CCs that it has been awhile so ... she has forgotten if voting out Shontelle was a plan or not. However, Alicia seems to be close to Shontelle so she hopes to convince her of that. Alicia says that, personally, she would prefer to get out Libby or Andrew as she feels like those two are the most influential. Sarah says that she is fine with Andrew. She CCs that she wants to smooth things over with Shontelle and vote out Andrew. After that, she can go as she wants to catch her off guard. Later, Sarah talks with Kaylyn about voting for Andrew and then blindsiding Shontelle during the next vote. Kaylyn is confused, CCing that the last thing they need is to get more people against them. Shontelle won't vote with them to take out Andrew especially after how they voted during the last Tribal Council. Sarah says that they need to make sure that Shontelle is caught off guard when they blindside her. She says that it'll be good for their game. Kaylyn says that they might as well try and get the votes or an idol. Kaylyn CCs that the best way to get Shontelle out is with an idol. Sarah comments how that is a great idea. She CCs that she is watching herself get more and more aggressive in the game but it is the Final 11 and she needs to step it up. Alicia notices Sarah searching for the idol while she gets fruit. She CCs that she knows that Shontelle is in trouble if Sarah finds the idol. It makes her wonder why she is in such a panic to find one. Alicia and Sarah then hunt for the idol with Sarah CCing that she noticed that Alicia is, now, looking for the idol but she does not trust her one bit. Alicia then finds the idol but pretends to keep looking. She CCs that it sucks to have to deceive Sarah like this but she needs to look out for her and Shontelle.
KYLE wins Immunity! He CCs that he needed security tonight. He just hopes that he doesn't have to win out in order to get to the end.
Sarah CCs that she may not have found the idol but there is still the whole "voting for Andrew" thing. Alicia CCs that a part of her wants to believe Sarah about the Andrew vote but she is unsure right now. Andrew, Cody, and Kyle are in the shelter. Andrew says that he is still good for the plan of voting Shontelle's way to secure her as an ally, CCing that Shontelle is the honorary fourth member of their alliance but the final three will be them. They have been allied since the old alliance days so he feels like they have that bond.
AT TRIBAL COUNCIL, Sarah says that she spoke with Alicia beforehand and wanted to give Shontelle the same spiel. She no longer thinks that targeting Shontelle is good for her game and, that, they need to overthrow the boys and vote for Andrew. Dean gets confused about "overthrowing the boys". He says that he can't be overthrown if he wasn't in power. Jack speaks up and says that he doesn't think a gender war is a good idea. Sarah says that she knows that, if the girls keep going at each-other, they will go out one by one. Jack says that Mike was not a girl so there is no argument saying that this would happen or is happening. Sarah, audibly, groans and tells Alicia to play her idol on her, getting shocked reactions. Alicia says that she did not find an idol while Sarah says that they were both looking and SHE didn't find it. Alicia tells Sarah that she is doing a fantastic job rallying votes. Kaylyn whispers to Sarah that she needs to stop. Sarah tells Kaylyn that this is her last chance to rally votes. Kyle tells Sarah that she is doing a great job.


Alicia votes for Sarah
Andrew votes for Sarah
Brandon votes for Sarah
Cody votes for Sarah
Dean votes for Sarah
Jack votes for Sarah
Kaylyn votes for Sarah
Kyle votes for Sarah
Libby votes for Andrew
Sarah votes for Andrew
Shontelle votes for Sarah

With a vote of 9-2, Sarah is the eighth castaway voted out and is the second member of the jury.

Episode 10

Episode 10
as they head back to camp, Kaylyn CCs that she just lost her closest ally and what sucks is that she tried to stop Sarah from digging herself deeper but was not successful at all. At camp, Brandon comments on how crazy that Tribal was. Kaylyn CCs that she chose to vote out Sarah because, while she was defending herself, she ended up isolating herself from everybody BUT Libby and her and she knew, at that point, that she was a sinking ship. Andrew asks who the 2nd vote for him to go was. Libby says that Kaylyn and Sarah were close so it was, obviously, her. Kaylyn CCs that, when Libby threw her under the bus like that, she was shocked. She knew that, at this point, she was alone in the game. Kaylyn says that she voted Sarah out after she kept digging herself deeper. Libby says that she doubts it. She CCs that Kaylyn flipped, which put her in an awkward situation, so this is revenge for that. So, yes, she voted for Sarah to pin it against her. Libby says that her and Sarah had a tight connection due to their connection with other players PLUS she heard her whisper to Sarah that she should stop. Kaylyn says that she told Sarah to stop because she kept digging herself deeper PLUS it was her (L) and Sarah who orchestrated Angel's blindside as Libby was really close with Jessica. Jack CCs that it is insane that Kaylyn and Libby are going at it right now. Kaylyn CCs that she is, truly, alone in this game and she doesn't need Libby putting the final nail in her coffin.
Opening Credits
In the morning, Andrew, Cody, and Kyle are at the water well. Cody comments how insane last night was. Kyle agrees and says that, at least, Sarah went out with a bang. Kyle CCs that Sarah went nuts during Tribal and it became that much easier to keep their word to Shontelle. Now, that means that they have her in their back pocket for the rest of the game. Cody CCs that, while Andrew and Kyle are focused on Tribal, what he meant by last night was Kaylyn versus Libby. Andrew CCs that the Brogade took out Mike and Sarah. Now, they need to think of who could be next. Andrew says that, despite what happened last night, if they get cocky, he will kick all of their asses. The other two promise and chuckle. Andrew says that they can't get like other people and act like they are superior. Kyle tells him not to worry about that. Cody says that the next move should be Brandon as he may want revenge against Mike. Kyle feels like it will just be a non stop cycle of revenge. Andrew says that that is how the game operates. He CCs that Brandon is top priority right now. He feels for Brandon as he WAS a part of the original alliance and a part of all of this bugs him BECAUSE they used to be an alliance. However, the game has moved on and so should he. Cody says that Brandon will understand that they got revenge for Hayes. All three of them do a shoutout to Hayes. Kyle says he blames himself for Hayes going as he got him to also vote for Brandon. Kyle CCs that Mike the mastermind is gone and he may target Brandon as well unless he talks to him. Brandon and Kyle sit down in the shelter. Kyle says that he wants to talk to him because he knows that Brandon wants him out for what happened with Mike. Brandon tells him that Mike was like a father figure to him in the game and it hurts a bit more because he lacks that in real life. Kyle tells Brandon that he understands but he shouldn't let that be his story. Brandon CCs that he wants to take out Kyle for Mike so badly. Kyle tells him that he wanted Mike out because of what happened to Hayes. He said that he could've tried to target Brandon but he knew that he was targeted in the first place BECAUSE of how hard he played. Brandon says that he understands why Mike left but it is still hard for him. Kyle says that the two of them will bond a lot after the game and he wants Brandon to focus on the "now". Brandon CCs that Kyle is, absolutely, right. Elsewhere, Cody talks with Shontelle by the water. He says that, now that Sarah is gone, he hopes that she is loyal. Shontelle says that she is, one hundred percent, loyal. She CCs that Cody kept his word after she kept hers and she is very grateful.
CODY wins Reward and chooses to share the reward (a trip to a local village) with Andrew, Brandon, Kyle, and Shontelle.
During the reward, Shontelle CCs that she feels blessed with this opportunity. Cody CCs that he chose Brandon to make him feel welcomed BECAUSE he wants to be allied with Brandon again. Brandon CCs that he has bonded with the other four quite a bit and feels more secure with them. Shontelle CCs that she can see this being a Final 5 for her. Cody CCs that they managed to solidify a Final 5 and that is exactly what he wanted. Now, the voted can be, easily, controlled.
Libby talks to Alicia about how Kaylyn is a massive danger to all of them, CCing that it is time to send Kaylyn packing. Alicia says that she will think about it, CCing that she does not trust Libby one bit and she doesn't know why she keeps thinking that she will flip so easily. Kaylyn talks with Dean and Jack and says that Libby turning on her shows that she will turn on anybody really quickly. Jack says that he was so confused over last night. Kaylyn CCs that she will spill any truth to get her out. Kaylyn says that Sarah came up with the idea to send Shontelle out and Libby was on board, saying she can flip Jessica. So, Angel goes and then they decided to target Shontelle at the merge. Suddenly, she (Kaylyn) is on the outs. Jack CCs that he feels for Kaylyn. He adds that Sarah and her may have been close but Libby turning on her makes him suspicious. Andrew, Brandon, Cody, Kyle, and Shontelle return. Shontelle CCs that the reward was so worth it on so many levels. If she can end up in the finale with Andrew and Kyle, she may get the vote because they were already voted out once. Kaylyn talks to Shontelle and says that, yes, she voted out Angel but she was not one of the two people that kickstarted the idea. Libby had Jessica in her back pocket and she, Kaylyn, was close with Sarah, which she will admit. Shontelle tells Kaylyn that she isn't going on a warpath for Angel anymore so she doesn't have to worry. Kaylyn CCs that she REALLY needs Shontelle on her side. It is the next morning and Brandon, Dean, and Jack are at the water well. Dean says that they can take the opportunity to get out one of the stronger guys depending on who wins immunity. Jack agrees. Brandon CCs that, since he is WITH the stronger guys now, he is opposed to this idea. His plan is to take out Kyle but that will wait until later. He is the inside man right now and he can't act immediately. Brandon says that they could target Alicia. Dean says that Alicia has been laying low and doesn't have the numbers. Brandon says that he can control how the guys vote. Dean CCs that this is the third conversation he has had with Brandon about this and he seems really fixated on keeping the other guys safe since the Reward. Brandon CCs that revenge will come later. He needs to think long-term. Dean and Jack are sitting by the water. Jack says that Brandon is really sketching him out. Jack CCs that he can't get a good read on him and it seems like he has made a new alliance. Dean says that they are in danger if Brandon flips and tells the others that they plan to target the stronger guys. Jack says that they may have to flip first. Dean says that flipping on Brandon may be the best move for them. Dean CCs that the game changes every hour. Right now, it looks like Brandon doesn't see them as the Final 3 alliance they had when Mike left.
CODY wins Immunity!
Kaylyn talks to Cody about how it would benefit all of them if Libby were to go. Kaylyn CCs that this is her last chance. She says that she will be eternally loyal to him if she votes with him. She CCs that she won't be but she just wants Libby gone. Cody says that he will do what he can, CCing that he can gain Kaylyn's loyalty with this and that will give them the numbers advantage going into next round. Cody talks with Brandon and Andrew about targeting Libby since it appears to be her versus Kaylyn right now. The two of them say that they are good with that. Brandon CCs that he hopes that Mike can forgive him for not taking a shot at Kyle right now but he wants to take advantage of having the numbers to get farther before he strikes. Cody talks with Shontelle and tells her that it may be good to target Libby right now. She says that she can get behind that, CCing that Libby is very untrustworthy so she is good with the plan. Later, Jack approaches Brandon in the shelter and asks if they could meet up by the water well later. Brandon says that he is good right now as he has his mind made up with the vote. After sitting there for 10 seconds, Jack asks who he is voting for. Brandon says that the majority want to split up Kaylyn and Libby. Jack CCs that Brandon won't give him a straight answer and it feels like he has moved on from him and Dean at this point. Jack talks to Dean about what happened. Dean says that Brandon needs to go. Dean talks with Libby about how it looks like the votes are there for her to go and he is unsure if he wants that, CCing that he really wants Libby to find an idol, even if he has to help her find one. Libby says that she will threaten everybody with her idol if it comes to that. Dean CCs just saying "nevermind".
AT TRIBAL COUNCIL, as Kaylyn and Libby argue who should go between them, Libby takes out her idol and says, loudly, that she is NOT going home. Cody whispers to Kaylyn that he has a plan then says, out loud, that it appears that the only person to vote for is Kaylyn. He then whispers to Brandon and Shontelle, who are right next to him, about the plan and to pass it on to Andrew and Kyle. After the votes are read, Libby plays her idol.


Alicia votes for Libby
Andrew votes for Libby
Brandon votes for Libby
Cody votes for Libby
Dean votes for Kyle
Jack votes for Kyle
Kaylyn votes for Libby
Kyle votes for Libby
Libby votes for Kaylyn
Shontelle votes for Libby

With a vote of (7) 2-1, Kyle is the ninth castaway voted out and is the third member of the jury.