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|'''Fernando Williman'''
|'''Fernando Williman'''
| colspan="4" |<small>Indirect elections.  
| colspan="4" |<small>Indirect elections. Oil exploitation began in Bahía Segovia, but he had to face social problems, such as the worker demonstration known as the 'Red Week', and an assassination attempt in 1917 carried out by anarchist groups. He maintained the neutrality in the Great War adopted by his predecessor. In 1916 began a border dispute between Anchuria and Aururia that was resolved in the Treaty of Pablópolis (1916).

Revision as of 19:58, 26 April 2024

List of Presidents of Anchuria

  Independent   Partido Conservador/UDN   Partido Liberal   Partido Nacionalista Popular   Militar   Acción Nacional   Partido Social Anchuriano   Frente Popular   Alternativa Republicana   Compromiso Ciudadano

Portrait Name
Term of Office Political Party Vice President
1 120px Celestino Folch Mathei
(1831 - 1885)
18 July 1878 18 July 1882 Independent Emilio Rojas Castillo
First president of independent Anchuria. Folch Mathei was unanimously elected president in 1878 by the Transitional Council. Was one of the impulsors for the sanction of the Anchurian Constitution of 1879, for this he is considered the Father of the Constitution.
Refused to participate in the 1882 Anchurian elections, endorsing independent candidate Federico Rauch. For this, he was selected as his running mate, and elected as vice president. Folch Mathei didn't finish his term, as he died unexpectedly from cholera in may 1885.
2 120px Brig. Gen.
Federico Rauch Estrada
(1840 - 1919)
18 July 1882 18 July 1886 Independent Celestino Folch Mathei
(Died 16 May 1885)
Indirect elections. First president son of immigrants, as his father was an orelian military officer involved in the Anchurian War of Independence. Military officer, he bears the rank of Brigadier General.
In his first term in office, Rauch modernized the anchurian army, created the San Borja Military Academy. Also, he oversaw the creation of the first railway in Anchuria, financed with public and foreign capital with the objective of facilitate the exportation of agricultural and livestock products from the central plains of Anchuria.
Through an ammendment to the anchurian constitution, Rauch established limits for presidential reelection, so that a president can only be reelected once consecutively.
(2) 18 July 1886 18 July 1890 Partido Conservador Carlos de Anchorena
Indirect Elections. Second term. First president to be reelected. Created the Conservative Party for his reelection campaign.
His second term is largely considered the starting point of the "Conservative Hegemony" era in anchurian politics. Was succeded by his vice president Carlos de Anchorena. He continued to be one of the head figures of the Conservative Party, long after his tenure.
3 120px Carlos de Anchorena
(1839 - 1897)
18 July 1890 18 July 1894 Partido Conservador Manuel Aguirre Ferrer
Indirect elections. He continued Rauch's policies. During his mandate, Law 3520 of mandatory primary education was enacted. He also promoted the creation of public schools throughout the country. In addition, the first telegraph cables were created. One of the negative points is the beginning of the use of electoral fraud, since the Anchurian electoral system was a contested vote, which favored this practice.
Due to his delicate state of health, he decided not to run for a second term. He died shortly after, in 1897, at the age of 58, as a result of the tuberculosis that consumed him.
4 120px Miguel Ángel Suárez Ibarra
(1845 - 1923)
18 July 1894 4 September 1897 Partido Conservador Jorge Quintana Rosas
Indirect elections. He enacted laws that favored international trade, although favoring friendly interests. External debt increased, and the banking situation worsened. During his mandate, the Liberal Rebellion of 1897 occurred, which, although it failed in its objectives and was repressed by the army, led to Suárez's fall from grace as he lost the political support of his party. He resigned on July 8, 1897, and was succeeded by his vice president.
5 120px Jorge Quintana Rosas
(1843 - 1925)
4 September 1897 18 July 1898 Partido Conservador Vacant
Vice president of Miguel Suárez Ibarra, assumed the presidency after his resignation. First term. He carried out a major economic reform to try to eradicate corruption and put the accounts in order. He did not stand in the election as the Conservative Party had another candidate chosen.
6 120px Manuel García Bosch
(1861 - 1930)
18 July 1898 18 July 1902 Partido Conservador Juan Pérez Fuster
Indirect elections. He managed to solve the economic crisis, cleaning up finances and creating the Bank of Anchuria. He founded the Museum of Fine Arts, encouraged immigration and initiated a debt relief policy. Also, Bosch created the Ministry of Public Works, that lead to the construction of the first highway in the country, among other works.
(5) 120px Jorge Quintana Rosas
(1843 - 1925)
18 July 1902 14 September 1905 Partido Conservador Luis Martínez Sosa
Indirect elections. Second term. He was the candidate of the Conservative Party, so he had political support, he followed the socioeconomic reforms of his predecessors. In 1905 he had to face the last liberal armed uprising, which triggered the outbreak of the Hundred Days War, which confronted the liberals, who sought reform of the constitution to limit the powers of the executive and improve the salary conditions of the class. worker, and the central government. He resigned from the presidency in the face of the imminent victory of the liberals.
7 120px Luis Martínez Sosa
(1851 - 1928)
14 September 1905 6 October 1905 Partido Conservador Vacant
Vice president of Luis Martínez Sosa, assumed the presidency after his resignation. Victoria liberal en la Batalla de Sanclemente. Renunció a los pocos días presionado por el Congreso.
8 120px Manuel Alcorta
(1849 - 1929)
6 October 1905 20 December 1905 Independent Vacant
Provisional President appointed by Congress. He governed for 75 days until the arrival of the liberal leader Cipriano Costa Luz to the capital. Resigned from office.
9 120px Cipriano Costa Luz
(1860 - 1943)
20 December 1905 18 July 1906 Partido Liberal Vacant
Presidente provisional designada por el Congreso tras la victoria liberal en la Guerra de los Cien Días. Gobernó de forma provisoria hasta las elecciones de 1906. Completó el mandato de Martínez Sosa.
18 July 1906 18 July 1910 Partido Liberal David González Glinski
Indirect elections. Beginning of the period known as the "Liberal Republic". He reformed the 1885 constitution to limit the powers of the president, limit presidential terms, and grant rights to the working class. Established compulsory military service. Legitimized the strike and promoted collective bargaining, but during his government troops under his command caused the worker massacres known as the Tragic Week of 1909, which left dozens of people dead in the streets of San Borja.
10 120px David González Glinski
(1849 - 1929)
6 October 1910 20 December 1914 Partido Liberal Federico de Anchorena
Indirect elections. He continued the policies of his predecessor. During his government he attempted to democratize the electoral system, carrying out the reform with the Glinski Law in 1910. He promulgated Law 1725/13 on secular and compulsory education. He also oversaw the creation of numerous public schools throughout the country. He created the Ministry of Public Works, construction of the first highway in the country, among other works. It maintained neutrality before the outbreak of the Great War (1913-1917). Signed a mutual defense pact between Anchuria and Pandosia.
10 120px Héctor Bauer Acosta
(1849 - 1929)
6 October 1914 20 December 1918 Partido Liberal Fernando Williman
Indirect elections. Oil exploitation began in Bahía Segovia, but he had to face social problems, such as the worker demonstration known as the 'Red Week', and an assassination attempt in 1917 carried out by anarchist groups. He maintained the neutrality in the Great War adopted by his predecessor. In 1916 began a border dispute between Anchuria and Aururia that was resolved in the Treaty of Pablópolis (1916).