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The Reydacay Address, commonly known as "Dios, Patria, Matamoros," was a speech by President [[Xiutecuhtli Cárintecatl]], then-known as General Javier Matamoros, considered the founding father of modern Carinansia. It was delivered by Cárintecatl on the 28th of February at the Reydacay Flats which surrounded the city, to a massive crowd of hundreds of thousands of people; the remaining population of Oligi. In this address Cárintecatl formally condemned the Junta's leadership for their incompetence, which allowed Oligi to be destroyed, and he pledged prosperity for the people, as well as revenge. The speech is commonly known as such, because following the speech, the crowd collectively chanted "Dios, Patria, Matamoros" out of respect for him.
The Reydacay Address, commonly known as "Dios, Patria, Matamoros," was a speech by President [[Xiutecuhtli Cárintecatl]], then-known as General Javier Matamoros, considered the founding father of modern Carinansia. It was delivered by Cárintecatl on the 28th of February at the Reydacay Flats which surrounded the city, to a massive crowd of hundreds of thousands of people; the remaining population of Oligi. In this address Cárintecatl formally condemned the Junta's leadership for their incompetence, which allowed Oligi to be destroyed, and he pledged prosperity for the people, as well as revenge. The speech is commonly known as such, because following the speech, the crowd collectively chanted "Dios, Patria, Matamoros" out of respect for him; this is a bastardisation of the motto of the [[Imperial State of Carinansia|Imperial State]]: "Dios, Patria, Rei".

== Address ==
== Address ==

Latest revision as of 07:33, 27 April 2024

The Reydacay Address, commonly known as "Dios, Patria, Matamoros," was a speech by President Xiutecuhtli Cárintecatl, then-known as General Javier Matamoros, considered the founding father of modern Carinansia. It was delivered by Cárintecatl on the 28th of February at the Reydacay Flats which surrounded the city, to a massive crowd of hundreds of thousands of people; the remaining population of Oligi. In this address Cárintecatl formally condemned the Junta's leadership for their incompetence, which allowed Oligi to be destroyed, and he pledged prosperity for the people, as well as revenge. The speech is commonly known as such, because following the speech, the crowd collectively chanted "Dios, Patria, Matamoros" out of respect for him; this is a bastardisation of the motto of the Imperial State: "Dios, Patria, Rei".


My fellow warriors of the righteous cause, brave souls who have marched alongside me through the trials of fire and blood, hear me now! Today, we stand at the crossroads of destiny, our hearts heavy with the burden of betrayal, our spirits aflame with the fury of injustice. But let not the ashes of Oligi quench our resolve, for from the ruins of our beloved home rises the phoenix of resistance, soaring higher and fiercer than ever before!

We have witnessed the treachery of those who feigned allegiance, who whispered promises of support only to turn their backs when the hour of reckoning came. Colonel Fernandez, you stand condemned before the eyes of history for your cowardice, for your deceit. You pledged reinforcements to our cause, yet, yet, you left us to face the onslaught of tyranny alone. Know this, traitor: your betrayal shall not go unpunished. The scales of justice demand retribution, and we shall deliver it with righteous fury! Your days are numbered, scum.

We should not focus on the dishonesty of traitors, for our gaze must remain fixed upon the horizon of liberation, for what is to come is bright, and fruitful. The government that sits in opulent palaces, that feasts upon the fruits of our labor while we suffer in the shadows, it is not legitimate! It is a cancer upon the body of our nation, a festering wound that must be cleansed with the fires of revolution! Only with this, is our fated horizon possible.

We, the sons and daughters of this sacred land, refuse to bow before the false idols of oppression! We refuse to cower in fear before the tyrants who seek to silence our voices and shackle our spirits! We shall rise like the jaguar from the depths of the jungle, fierce and untamed, ready to pounce upon our oppressors with the ferocity of a hurricane! Together, we are unstoppable! United in our defiance, we shall march upon the bastions of tyranny, tearing down their walls with the force of our righteous fury! Let the drums of war sound across the land, let the banners of rebellion flutter in the winds of change! For today, we declare with one voice: we shall be free! The minuscule population of aristocrats who rule as tyrants are no match for the combined wrath of us exploited, angry commoners.

Let every street, every crevasse, every cactus of Carinansia echo with the cry of defiance! Let the oppressors tremble before the might of the people, for we shall not rest until every chain is broken until every shackled soul is set free! Our treatment in Oligi was unjust, just like their treatment of the beautiful native peoples. Together, we can free our beautiful country!

My brothers and sisters, heed the call of destiny! Join me in the fight for our liberation, for our dignity, for our future! Together, we shall forge a new era of glory and greatness for our beloved nation! Arise, warriors of the revolution! The hour of reckoning is upon us, and victory shall be ours! I promise you all, that in ten years, Alberto will be dead by our hand. Having faced blind justice at last.


Cárintecatl's address was known to have a strong impact on those present. Most of those present had lost their homes, livelihoods, and family, and were exhausted, having marched to the city from Oligi. Despite this, it is reported that Reydacay was lively and cheerful following his speech. The chants which followed the speech represent the extent to which the people placed trust in him, and marked the beginning of his cult of personality. For the years that followed, electoral statistics indicate that the vast majority of former Oligi residents and their descendants voted solely for Cárintecatl, and other PRC candidates, until the 2039 Impeachment of Fabian Xandinho Carrasco.