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(here these are the archives they will allow me to retain the texts for the pages to come it is not a presentation of my civilization knowing that I do not know how to make a table of countries)
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Latest revision as of 19:54, 20 June 2024

here these are the archives they will allow me to retain the texts for the pages to come it is not a presentation of my civilization knowing that I do not know how to make a table of countries

My civilization

The Etiranians are one of the peoples inhabiting the Sconaphores. They primarily live in desert cities they have built using their powers. Their society is organized into clans or tribes, united by a common culture. Rites of passage and ceremonies related to their connection with the sand are very important to them. Their technology, in harmony with nature, uses local materials such as sand glass and rocks, and they heavily rely on sand magic for daily tasks, defense, and agriculture.

Their mythology tells of the origins of the Sconaphores, often linked to desert deities or spirits, and legends of heroes who mastered the powers of sand to protect their people. Historically, the Etiranians have had to defend their territory against invaders and natural disasters, and have sometimes undertaken great migrations across the desert in search of new habitats.

The Etiranians maintain diplomatic and commercial relations with their neighbors, trading desert products for other resources. They also explore ancient ruins to discover lost knowledge about their powers and continuously adapt to their environment by developing new sand control techniques and discovering hidden resources in the desert.

My specie

Sconaphores are medium-sized humanoid creatures adapted to desert environments. Their rough, sand or terracotta-colored skin allows them to camouflage effectively. They have large eyes protected by a membrane to shield them from sandstorms. Sconaphores possess the power to control sand, creating structures, weapons, and sandstorms for defense or attack. They can also blend into the sand to move quickly or hide.

the History of the Sconaphores

The Sconaphores, humanoid creatures adapted to desert environments, were created around 3000 BR by an ancient desert mage. Possessing the ability to control sand, they built numerous prosperous civilizations during their golden age (2000 BR - 1000 BR). However, internal conflicts over resources led to their weakening.

The Era of Ruin (500 BR - 0 BR) was marked by devastating attacks from human coalitions, who burned their cities and massacred their populations, nearly annihilating the Sconaphores. Only a few isolated tribes survived.

From 1 AR to 1384 AR, the Sconaphores slowly rebuilt, adapting their traditions and improving their survival and magical techniques. They formed larger and more united communities, learning from past mistakes.

Today, in 1613 AR, the Sconaphores primarily live in the deserts of Éteranie. Resilient and adaptive, they preserve their heritage and continue to thrive despite constant challenges posed by humans and their harsh environment.In fact the human coalition was just humans who were loners united against the Sconaphorian Civilization which populated the deserts the humans called their coalition the Qandi Kingdom and they the coalition nicknamed the Sconaphores "Monsters of the Deserts" during the time of the Ruins after the destruction of the ancient Sconaphorian Civilizations, some of their civilizations resisted and others were dispersed then the Qandi Kingdom was destroyed without any clue who could have destroyed them

Descriptions of the Sconaphores

The Sconaphores are medium-sized humanoid creatures adapted to desert environments. Their rough skin, in shades of sand or terracotta, provides effective camouflage. They have large eyes protected by a membrane, shielding them from sandstorms and allowing them to see in low light conditions.

They possess the ability to control sand, creating structures, weapons, and sandstorms for defense and attack. They can also blend into the sand to move quickly or hide. Their lifestyle is closely tied to the desert, using their powers for cultivation and survival.

Sconaphores live in close-knit communities, organized into tribes or clans. Their society values resilience and adaptability, with traditions centered around their connection to the sand and survival in the desert.

Language of the Etiraniens: Etirash

Phonetics- Vowels:
 - A /a/: as in "car"
 - E /ɛ/: as in "bed"
 - I /i/: as in "machine"
 - O /o/: as in "or"
 - U /u/: as in "rule"

- Consonants:

 - K /k/: as in "kite"
 - T /t/: as in "top"
 - S /s/: as in "see"
 - R /r/: rolled as in Spanish
 - N /n/: as in "nose"
 - M /m/: as in "mother"
 - P /p/: as in "pen"
 - L /l/: as in "lamp"
 - D /d/: as in "dog"
 - F /f/: as in "fun"
 - H /h/: as in "hat"
 - V /v/: as in "vase"
 - G /g/: as in "go"
 - Z /z/: as in "zoo"
 - Sh /ʃ/: as in "she"
Basic Grammar

1. Sentence Structure:

  - Word order: Subject-Verb-Object (SVO)
  - Adjectives follow the nouns they describe.
  - Verbs do not conjugate based on the subject.

2.Personal Pronouns

  - I: I
  - You (singular): Ta
  - He/She: U
  - We: Ni
  - You (plural): Va
  - They: Us

3. Verbs:

  - To eat: Mek
  - To drink: Duk
  - To go: Ran
  - To be: Sa
  - To have: Te

4. Common Nouns:

  - House: Lasha
  - Water: Nuru
  - Sand: Shara
  - Sun: Sola
  - Moon: Luna

5. Adjectives:

  - Big: Mara
  - Small: Tika
  - Hot: Fira
  - Cold: Kura
  - Fast:Zuka
  - Slow: Laka

6. Basic Expressions:

  - Hello: Solan
  - Goodbye: Haran
  - Thank you: Rala
  - Yes: A
  - No: Na

Sample Sentences

-Hello, how are you? : Solan, ta sa kala?

- I am well. : I ran kala. - Where is the house? : Lasha sa na? -He is eating bread. : U mek shara. - We have water. : Ni te nuru.

Cultural Particularities - The Etiraniens use their language to transmit ancient stories and legends about their Sconaphore ancestors. - Greetings and expressions of gratitude are very important in their culture, with the use of these expressions showing great respect toward others. - Songs and poems in Etiraniens