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Province of Fargon

File:Freethinker.png Autonomous Province of the Freethinker Commonwealth

File:Fargonflag.PNG tbc
Flag Coat of Arms

Capital Fargon City
- Head of the Assembly
Sir Alan Aiken
- Jane Foster
Legislature Fargon Assembly

Population 381,100,000
Land Area 12,300,000 Sq Miles

The Autonomous Province of Fargon is one of the constituent nations of the Freethinker Commonwealth, located in the north Atlantic, with signicant amounts of territory within the Arctic circle. It is home to approximately 350 million Fargonians, and around 60 million other Commonwealth citizens, making it the second largest territory of the Commonwealth by population, as well as by area. It has been part of the Commonwealth since the entire archipelago was annexed by the Commonwealth in 1895.

The territory is a vast island chain, and the province has a population density that rivals even the rural Mainland in its isolation. The province is comprised of tundra, tiaga and confiferous forests and several mountain chains. The local economy is built around fishing, resource extraction and maritime transport, more modern forays into tourism and professional services have added to business diversity. The significant domestic mining and extraction industries in particular provide for a highly developed standard of living.

Politically and socially distinct from the Freethinker Mainland, there is a strong regional identity within Fargon, and the history of the province has been defined in part by an evolving relationship with the Mainland. Two domestic uprisings and a low level separatist campaign defined most of the period post the Second Moonstone War, and eventually culminated in the Fargon Crisis in 2151 SC. In the aftermath of the crisis, significant political reform was undertaken and Fargon became the first "Autonomous Province" of the Commonwealth, a recognition of its sovereignty under a revised constitutional arrangement.

A follow-on independence referendum saw the Fargonians vote, by 51.2% to 48.7%, to remain as part of the Freethinker Commonwealth.


See also: Fargon Archipelago

Climate & Terrain: The Fargon Archipelago is located in the far north Atlantic, with much of the principle territory located near or above the Arctic circle. The northern edge of the islands are locked in permanent ice, and the majority of the province is either Arctic ice or tundra.

Enviromental Hazards: Snow storms and blizzards, large ice flows.

Enviromental Issues: Shrinking of ice flows from regional warming, increasing pollution levels from rapid economic growth.



See Also: Fargonian People



Prehistoric inuit cultures are believed from sporadic remains to have been present in small numbers as early as 12,000 years BP.

There was, during the 1860s (SC) a concentrated effort was made by the Freestian authorities to establish further territories linked directly to the Mainland city states rather than administered through the wider Midlonian Empire. This was obstensibly to secure further resource bases for the developing colonies, political leverage, and a relative strengthening of the nascent Freestian nation.

Initial efforts at fouding colonies abroad were unsuccessful, in part due to the bulk of avaliable funds and resources being poured into further colonisation of the Mainland.

Fargon Colonisation Campaign

The first civilian-led expeditions were moderately successful, establishing an effective permanent presence in several southern coastal areas.

Post independence and the seccessionist crisis (which mostly bypassed the far-flung northern colonies), the Freethinker Commonwealth sought to establish and secure it various colonial outposts and provinces to prevent a Midlonian counter attack.

Second Moonstone War

The only major action undertaken after these initial engagements was the occupation of the Midlonian Arctic Territories by Fargoni militia and assorted Royal Army and Royal Navy units in 1948 under the auspice of Operation Southerner. At this point in the war

1st Fargoni War

2nd Fargoni War

The Fargon Crisis

Independence Push and the Present Day

Provincial Autonomy and Government

Because of its position as a member of the Commonwealth, Fargon incorporates a number of different institutions, both domestic and from the main Freethinker Government into its main government system. The official head of state for the province is His Majesty King Percival IV, the reigning monarch of the Freethinker Royal Family, who is represented by a Governor General in the province, Sir Alan Aiken.

Although there has always been an elected Fargon Assembly since the end of the Nineteenth Century, up until the Second Fargon Insurrection it served as little more than an easily-ignored advisory body to the main Freethinker Government in Navarre. Since the insurrection and the subsequent Fargon City Accords, the Assembly has been granted significantly more power in terms of its decision making and fiscal power, introducing almost total sovereignty over most domestic policy, excluding defence and foreign affairs. The gradual withdrawal of the powers was one of the leading factors behind the events of the Fargon Crisis.

Sinces the Fargon Crisis further devolution has occured. Total control is exercised by the Assembly in all matters bar Defence and Foreign Affairs. This included the creation of a new police force, additional promotion of Fargonian culture and the creation of the Fargon Defence Force.

Fargon citizens retain their Freestian citizenship however, and travel under Freethinker passports.


The currency is that of the Freethinker Mintel, the official currency of The Freethinker Commmonwealth. However, unique designs for Fargoni-printed Mintels are issued, with different decorations and issue numbers. However, standard Mintels are also accepted and in turn Fargoni Mintels can also be used in the rest of the Commonwealth. Other currencies can be converted at the official Mintel exchange rate.

The economy of the Fargon Archipelago has come a long way since the pre-insurrection subsistence farming and fishing, though these activities remain important to many communities through the island chain. Agriculture is limited by the small amount of arable land avaliable in the sub-arctic climate, although some commercial ventures with hardier crops have been reasonably successful in supplying cereal crops. Fishing has also been significantly further industrialised and is now a major business concern, something that is not considered surprising given the heavy level of investment made after the second insurrection by the Commonwealth government.

  • Mining and Oil Extraction
  • Manufacturing
  • Retail

Tourism is perhaps the biggest of the new industries, with the region attracting several million people a year to come see its spectacular scenery and historical settlements. A popular spot for cruise ships, adventure-holiday enthusiasts and eco-tourists, Fargon has embraced this new source of revenue with open arms and the industry is now the largest single earner of foreign currency in the province. Recent relaxations on travel laws and a significant investment in new infastructure has also played an important role in boosting visitor numbers.

Policing & Customs

All revenue and taxation powers now rest with the Fargonian Assembly, however, national assets such as the Freethinker Coastguard are involved alongside provincial enforcement organisation.


Defence as a responsibility lies with the Commonwealth's Ministry of Defence, and large numbers of conventional forces are garrisoned in the region.

After the recent Fargon Crisis, the creation of the Fargon Defence Force was authorised under the auspices of the Fargoni Assembly.