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|common_name =Locotima
|common_name =Locotima
|status =Constitutional Monarchy
|status =Constitutional Monarchy
|image_flag = [[File:Locotima.jpg|thumb]]
|image_flag = [[File:Locotima.jpg|150px]]
|flag_border =no
|flag_border =no
|image_coat = https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/593348838861832192/936575852685189120/Untitled333_20211022214612.png  
|image_coat = [[File:DC172FC5-B38C-48A3-B2B2-83202FF12FCB.png|150px]]
|national_motto =God save the Queen
|national_motto =God save the Queen
|national_anthem = God save the Queen     
|national_anthem = God save the Queen     
|royal_anthem = God save the Queen     
|royal_anthem = God save the Queen     
|image_map = https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/886993734288429128/947090111391227964/Untitled449_20220226121742.png 
|image_map = Locotima Globe Map.png
|loctext = Locotima is a country in Northern Takaria and Eastern Elisia           
|loctext = Locotima is a country in Northern Takaria and Eastern Elisia           
|map_caption = Map of Takaria     
|map_caption = Location of Locotima   
|capital = Hedbury  
|capital = Hedbury  
|largest_city = Hedbury
|largest_city = Hedbury
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|calling_code = +381
|calling_code = +381
[[category: Nations on Telrova]]
Locotima, officialy United Kingdom of Locotima is a country in Takaria, surrounded by [[Tsanga]] and [[Austerland]] to the north, and [[Adalwulf]] to the South, to the west and east, Locotima is surrounded by ocean. Locotima is the founder state of the [[Telrovan Union]] together with 6 other countries.
[[Hedbury]] serves as the national capital and it is also the most populated city in the country with around 25 million residents. Other famous cities include:
• [[Heeldorado]]
• [[Big Ricka]]
• [[Small Ricka]]
• [[Blondon]]
• [[Snowdon]]
The Kingdom has 120 million citizens where most come from the mainland area.
The official language is Locotimian, there are 5 other recognized minority languages, Avalonian,
Aegian, Rickan, Lokosh and Takarian.
Locotima is recognizable by it's mostly flat terrain, only at the very north of the country alongside the border with [[Tsanga]] mountains can be found. Other then mountains, [[Saah desert]] is located at the very south, near [[Heeldorado]].
United Kingdom of Locotima used to be a dominant colonial power throughout XIX and XX century, with various colonies all across the globe, [[Timiskrane|Angrosia]] being the most important one. Most colonies were abandoned or given independence during the reign of [[King George II]].
Locotima mostly relies on exports of oil, machinery, military equipment, weapons, metals, and tourism. Capital and private ownership are allowed, and there is a noticeable gap between the income of the highest and lowest class.
The nation has an excellent education system, primary and high school are mandatory, Hedbury University is ranked 6th in the top 10 Telrovan Universities.
==Ancient times==
[[Locotimian Empire]] was first formed in 134AC after multiple tribes in Northern Takaria united into one country. [[King Psezalon]] declared Locotima an Empire in 332AC after gaining control of most parts of Northern Takaria. The empire had its ups and downs through its ancient times but people were satisfied with the ruling and they looked at their leaders as gods. Locotimians had a saying "God gave his power to our Emperor, therefore he should be praised". And then the dark age arrived, the middle century.
==Middle Century==
During the XV century Locotimian Empire suffered major loses both economically and teritorially. Invasions from South forced Locotima to find a solution and survive these invasions. Southern Kingdoms were beaten after a [[7 year war]] and Locotimian Empire expanded to the South gaining control over central Takaria. During the XVI and XVII centuries, Locotimian Empire was one of the most powerful empires in Telrova, feudalism was growing and many famous sites were built, such as [[Locothingham Palace]], [[Hedbury Castle]], [[Snowdon Fortress]]...
during the XVIII century many inventions made Locotima stick out as a progressive country.
==New Age==
XIX century, also called Golden Age was a period when Locotimian Empire gained control over most regions in Takaria, ships were traveling all over the ocean, schools were no longer a part of the church, church started loosing power in the Empire. Feudalism was officialy banned in 1885, and many activists started their fights for certain rights.
• [[Feminism]] was a mostly women led act fighting for equality of men and women. Other than that, they fought for voting rights, and within the next 15 years (1900) they gained their right to vote, to have a job, and get a salary. In 1925 Feminists announced their victory for basic human rights after [[Joanne Smith]] got the highest salary in a man owned company. Soon most women got equal salaries to the other gender. Divorce was legalized in 1878 when [[Empress Tatiana]] divorced [[Duke Francois]].
• In the XX century, modern political parties were formed and state media was less government controlled. Privatisation was growing with over 60% private owned land. Some of the poltical parties formed were: [[Radical Party]], [[Socialist Party]], [[Liberal Party]]
First car was created in Locotima in late 1890s, and soon after all wealthy people owned one, in 1940s cars became an ordinary thing to see on the streets, they were no longer considered high class vehicles, and roads and infrastracture were built.
For the first time ever, a leader was assasinated, [[Emperor William VI]] was assasinated while taking his afternoon walk in the [[South Hedbury Park]]
by 1980s Locotima had a colony in most continets, the most important being [[Angrosia]].
==Colonial past==
Locotimian Empire was a huge colonial empire in the XX century, most of the money arrived from these overseas colonies. [[Angrosia]] was the best developed region still under foreign rule.Locotima carried out an aggressive policy of industrialization and development in the region. Mainly due to it's rich natural resources, which the royal family desired more efficient extraction. Roads were built, mines were opened, and migrant workers flooded the area. This alone was not a bad development, as the increased GDP allowed the Angrosian standard of living to be raised drastically. Still geography remained Angrosia's biggest challenge, many of these mining and forestry settlements were far inland, and even the migrant workers began feeling more solidarity with one another. Many realized, correctly, that the Locotimian colonial authorities simply did not have the resources to patrol, let alone investigate, the entire country. While port and trade settlements remained extremely loyal to the Crown, the interior became more and more of a wild west as people realized that the laws didn't need to apply to them, because in 90% of the cases, the authorities simply would not come. Local militias were established, off the books mining operations, even cases of workers hiding money in caves they had mapped out, so they didn't have to pay taxes. Locotima tried several times to send in the military, but they couldn't out manoeuvre the locals, whose knowledge of the land made them one step ahead. The Royal Family tried to create local battalions known as the Angrosian army, but they were often simply paid off by the locals to not enforce laws, or simply conspired to pretend to while engaging in the illegal conduct themselves. This agony ended when [[Queen Victoria]] granted Semi-autonomy to the region in 1947. Later on [[King George II]] granted [[Angrosia]] full independence. The body of [[Queen Victoria]] is still located in the [[Saint Catharine's cathedral]] in modern day [[Timiskrane]].
==21st century==
In the year 2000, exactly at midnight between December 31st 1999 and January 1st 2000, Locotimians had a huge parade, and most restaurants and nightclubs were opened until the morning. This was the largest celebration ever to happen in Locotima ever since the coronation of Queen Victoria in 1919.
Locotimian architecture accepted modern ideas and skyscrapers were built, during this period, a completely new city was built in the [[Saah desert]], called [[Heeldorado]]. This city used to be everyone's pride because it was ahead of it's time and it was a very modern and developed city, over 2,000,000 [[Hedbury]] residents moved to [[Heeldorado]] to start a new life.
Locotima followed the modern ways and in 2024, Locotima together with 6 other nations formed the [[Telrovan Union]] shortly after, TU gained new members, had it's own currency, and had members in almost all continents. In 2025 [[Telrovan Union]] signed a [[joint declaration of peace]] with the [[United Federation of Telrova]].
In 2024/2025 Locotima fought 3 wars against a separatist group located in the Avalonian territory.
==Avalonian War for Independence==
[[List of Wars on Telrova|Avalonian-Locotimian]] war 10 March 2024 - 17 March 2024
(7 days) were wars fought between [[Avalon]] and Locotima over Avalonian land. Although [[Telrovan Union]] fought on the Locotimian side, many foreign powers including [[Fleet of Oceans]] managed to block their help and Avalon became a republic. On 17th of March of 2024, Locotima officially recognized Avalon as a sovereign state. Over 120,000 civilians were killed and injured, and over 300,000 people were left homeless.
==Nikeist-Avalonian War==
[[List of Wars on Telrova|Nikeist-Avalonian]] war from 1st of November until the 26th of December was a war fought against a Nikeist terrorist group that enforced their political regime based on religious beliefs named Nikeism. Locotimian armed forces reacted after the terrorist leader [[Malik]] announced his plans to expand his regime to Locotima aswell. In just 5 days Locotimian forces couped the terrorist government and peace was restored. Today, in the outskirts of Blondon you can find a crashed [[Fleet of Oceans]] ship that helped restore peace in the region. In just a few months in a national referendum, Avalon decided to join United Kingdom of Locotima once again.
Locotima itself is mainly flatland, however in the north and south along borders with other countries, high mountains can be found. In the south near the city of [[Heeldorado]] there is a hot desert. Plants that grow are typical for [[Mediterranean climate]] that is present throughout the country. The more you go south you can find Firs and other trees and plants typical for colder weather. Animals of all sorts typical for the present weather are present. The highest mountain peak is [[The Golden Horn]] near the border with [[Adalwulf]], it is 1221 meters high. The lowest point is [[Lake Ausborn]] with -85 meters below the sea level.
Being naturally rich in oil and minerals, the two mentioned make up almost 60% of the GDP. The minerals that Locotima mostly exports to the outside world are Aluminium, Gold, Diamonds and others. Other than oil and minerals, Locotima is also dependant on tourism which makes up around 8% of the GDP. There are many touristic destinations in Locotima, some of them are, [[Locothingham Palace]], castles, [[Hedbury Marina]], [[Hedbury Bridge]], [[Heeldorado aquarium]]...
Locotimian largest trading partners in terms of trade value are:
[[Timiskrane]], [[Orrinocov]], and [[Hockeyyeckoh]]. Largest exports include fighter jets and oil.
Locotima's census reported a population of 110 932 899 in 2023,
of which 98.7% were citizens. The most populous region is Hedbury with a litle over 21 million people. The least populous is the very North and the region of Saah desert. Only about 5 million people live in the Northern parts of Locotima, while not even 1 million people live in the Saah desert region. The median age is 33.6. First generation immigrants make up 7% of the total population most of which live in bigger cities. It is uncommon for majors (18+) to live with their parents, with only 8% doing so.
The dominant ethnicity Craevelonian (Locotimian) with 78.5% belonging to that group. Around 10% of the population is Avalonian, the percentage of Avalonians has started decreasing since 1990s, around 4.5% of the population is Lokosh, and other 7% is composed of different immigrants from all around Telrova.
The largest sources of Locotimian immigration were:
[[Timiskrane]], [[Tsanga]], [[Les Iles Orientales]].
=Traditional clothing=
Given the high temperatures Locotimian national dress is a thin white dress with red and black motives near the bottom of the dress, traditional clothing for men consists of thin white pants with a thin white shirt, both men and women usually wear a traditional hat.
Locotimian Broadcasting News Service (LBNS) established in 1952 serves as the national broadcaster for the country. It operates in the Locotimian mainland but also in Big Ricka. Other than LBNS, private broadcasting companies are not rare. The right to media and independent press is guaranteed by Locotimian constitution. The LBNS operates 5 radio stations, 4 TV channels and 2 printed newspapers. There are 7 major private broadcasting companies in Locotima, and 3 major printed newspaper companies.
Locotimian official sport is rowing, which has been practiced since the early 1830s. Locotima has achieved many successes in this sport throughout history, and it is the most financed sport by the Royal Family. Other famous sports include: Sailing, Swimming, Football, Basketball and horse riding
The Kingdom of Locotima celebrates 10 statutory holidays which include:
•New Year-1st of January
•Christmas-7th of January
•Unification day-March 11th
•Labor day-1st of May
•The Queen's birthday-14th of July
•Army day-1st of August
•Mother's day-7th of August
•Father's day-14th of August
•Litteracy day-1st of September
•World Health Day

Latest revision as of 13:09, 4 July 2022

The Kingdom of Locotima
Coat of arms
Motto: God save the Queen
Anthem: God save the Queen
Royal anthem: God save the Queen
Location of Locotima
Location of Locotima
StatusConstitutional Monarchy
LocationLocotima is a country in Northern Takaria and Eastern Elisia
and largest city
Official languagesLocotimian, Lokosh
Recognised national languagesLocotimian, Lokosh
Recognised regional languagesAvalonian, Lokosh
Ethnic groups
Locotimians, Avalonians, Lokosh
Orthodox Christianity
GovernmentConstitutional monarchy
• Queen
Margaret Windsor
• Prime Minister
Mary Banks
• Tribe unification in 111
march 11th 111
• Total
1,741,521.6 km2 (672,405.2 sq mi)
• 2022 estimate
120 million
• Density
433/sq mi (167.2/km2)
GDP (nominal)estimate
• Total
3.7 trillion
• Per capita
HDI (2025)0.991
very high
CurrencyLumina (LMI)
Driving sideright
Calling code+381
Internet TLD.Lt

Locotima, officialy United Kingdom of Locotima is a country in Takaria, surrounded by Tsanga and Austerland to the north, and Adalwulf to the South, to the west and east, Locotima is surrounded by ocean. Locotima is the founder state of the Telrovan Union together with 6 other countries. Hedbury serves as the national capital and it is also the most populated city in the country with around 25 million residents. Other famous cities include: • HeeldoradoBig RickaSmall RickaBlondonSnowdon

The Kingdom has 120 million citizens where most come from the mainland area. The official language is Locotimian, there are 5 other recognized minority languages, Avalonian, Aegian, Rickan, Lokosh and Takarian. Locotima is recognizable by it's mostly flat terrain, only at the very north of the country alongside the border with Tsanga mountains can be found. Other then mountains, Saah desert is located at the very south, near Heeldorado.

United Kingdom of Locotima used to be a dominant colonial power throughout XIX and XX century, with various colonies all across the globe, Angrosia being the most important one. Most colonies were abandoned or given independence during the reign of King George II.

Locotima mostly relies on exports of oil, machinery, military equipment, weapons, metals, and tourism. Capital and private ownership are allowed, and there is a noticeable gap between the income of the highest and lowest class. The nation has an excellent education system, primary and high school are mandatory, Hedbury University is ranked 6th in the top 10 Telrovan Universities.


Ancient times

Locotimian Empire was first formed in 134AC after multiple tribes in Northern Takaria united into one country. King Psezalon declared Locotima an Empire in 332AC after gaining control of most parts of Northern Takaria. The empire had its ups and downs through its ancient times but people were satisfied with the ruling and they looked at their leaders as gods. Locotimians had a saying "God gave his power to our Emperor, therefore he should be praised". And then the dark age arrived, the middle century.

Middle Century

During the XV century Locotimian Empire suffered major loses both economically and teritorially. Invasions from South forced Locotima to find a solution and survive these invasions. Southern Kingdoms were beaten after a 7 year war and Locotimian Empire expanded to the South gaining control over central Takaria. During the XVI and XVII centuries, Locotimian Empire was one of the most powerful empires in Telrova, feudalism was growing and many famous sites were built, such as Locothingham Palace, Hedbury Castle, Snowdon Fortress... during the XVIII century many inventions made Locotima stick out as a progressive country.

New Age

XIX century, also called Golden Age was a period when Locotimian Empire gained control over most regions in Takaria, ships were traveling all over the ocean, schools were no longer a part of the church, church started loosing power in the Empire. Feudalism was officialy banned in 1885, and many activists started their fights for certain rights.

Feminism was a mostly women led act fighting for equality of men and women. Other than that, they fought for voting rights, and within the next 15 years (1900) they gained their right to vote, to have a job, and get a salary. In 1925 Feminists announced their victory for basic human rights after Joanne Smith got the highest salary in a man owned company. Soon most women got equal salaries to the other gender. Divorce was legalized in 1878 when Empress Tatiana divorced Duke Francois.

• In the XX century, modern political parties were formed and state media was less government controlled. Privatisation was growing with over 60% private owned land. Some of the poltical parties formed were: Radical Party, Socialist Party, Liberal Party

First car was created in Locotima in late 1890s, and soon after all wealthy people owned one, in 1940s cars became an ordinary thing to see on the streets, they were no longer considered high class vehicles, and roads and infrastracture were built.

For the first time ever, a leader was assasinated, Emperor William VI was assasinated while taking his afternoon walk in the South Hedbury Park

by 1980s Locotima had a colony in most continets, the most important being Angrosia.

Colonial past

Locotimian Empire was a huge colonial empire in the XX century, most of the money arrived from these overseas colonies. Angrosia was the best developed region still under foreign rule.Locotima carried out an aggressive policy of industrialization and development in the region. Mainly due to it's rich natural resources, which the royal family desired more efficient extraction. Roads were built, mines were opened, and migrant workers flooded the area. This alone was not a bad development, as the increased GDP allowed the Angrosian standard of living to be raised drastically. Still geography remained Angrosia's biggest challenge, many of these mining and forestry settlements were far inland, and even the migrant workers began feeling more solidarity with one another. Many realized, correctly, that the Locotimian colonial authorities simply did not have the resources to patrol, let alone investigate, the entire country. While port and trade settlements remained extremely loyal to the Crown, the interior became more and more of a wild west as people realized that the laws didn't need to apply to them, because in 90% of the cases, the authorities simply would not come. Local militias were established, off the books mining operations, even cases of workers hiding money in caves they had mapped out, so they didn't have to pay taxes. Locotima tried several times to send in the military, but they couldn't out manoeuvre the locals, whose knowledge of the land made them one step ahead. The Royal Family tried to create local battalions known as the Angrosian army, but they were often simply paid off by the locals to not enforce laws, or simply conspired to pretend to while engaging in the illegal conduct themselves. This agony ended when Queen Victoria granted Semi-autonomy to the region in 1947. Later on King George II granted Angrosia full independence. The body of Queen Victoria is still located in the Saint Catharine's cathedral in modern day Timiskrane.

21st century

In the year 2000, exactly at midnight between December 31st 1999 and January 1st 2000, Locotimians had a huge parade, and most restaurants and nightclubs were opened until the morning. This was the largest celebration ever to happen in Locotima ever since the coronation of Queen Victoria in 1919.

Locotimian architecture accepted modern ideas and skyscrapers were built, during this period, a completely new city was built in the Saah desert, called Heeldorado. This city used to be everyone's pride because it was ahead of it's time and it was a very modern and developed city, over 2,000,000 Hedbury residents moved to Heeldorado to start a new life.

Locotima followed the modern ways and in 2024, Locotima together with 6 other nations formed the Telrovan Union shortly after, TU gained new members, had it's own currency, and had members in almost all continents. In 2025 Telrovan Union signed a joint declaration of peace with the United Federation of Telrova.

In 2024/2025 Locotima fought 3 wars against a separatist group located in the Avalonian territory.

Avalonian War for Independence

Avalonian-Locotimian war 10 March 2024 - 17 March 2024 (7 days) were wars fought between Avalon and Locotima over Avalonian land. Although Telrovan Union fought on the Locotimian side, many foreign powers including Fleet of Oceans managed to block their help and Avalon became a republic. On 17th of March of 2024, Locotima officially recognized Avalon as a sovereign state. Over 120,000 civilians were killed and injured, and over 300,000 people were left homeless.

Nikeist-Avalonian War

Nikeist-Avalonian war from 1st of November until the 26th of December was a war fought against a Nikeist terrorist group that enforced their political regime based on religious beliefs named Nikeism. Locotimian armed forces reacted after the terrorist leader Malik announced his plans to expand his regime to Locotima aswell. In just 5 days Locotimian forces couped the terrorist government and peace was restored. Today, in the outskirts of Blondon you can find a crashed Fleet of Oceans ship that helped restore peace in the region. In just a few months in a national referendum, Avalon decided to join United Kingdom of Locotima once again.


Locotima itself is mainly flatland, however in the north and south along borders with other countries, high mountains can be found. In the south near the city of Heeldorado there is a hot desert. Plants that grow are typical for Mediterranean climate that is present throughout the country. The more you go south you can find Firs and other trees and plants typical for colder weather. Animals of all sorts typical for the present weather are present. The highest mountain peak is The Golden Horn near the border with Adalwulf, it is 1221 meters high. The lowest point is Lake Ausborn with -85 meters below the sea level.


Being naturally rich in oil and minerals, the two mentioned make up almost 60% of the GDP. The minerals that Locotima mostly exports to the outside world are Aluminium, Gold, Diamonds and others. Other than oil and minerals, Locotima is also dependant on tourism which makes up around 8% of the GDP. There are many touristic destinations in Locotima, some of them are, Locothingham Palace, castles, Hedbury Marina, Hedbury Bridge, Heeldorado aquarium...


Locotimian largest trading partners in terms of trade value are: Timiskrane, Orrinocov, and Hockeyyeckoh. Largest exports include fighter jets and oil.



Locotima's census reported a population of 110 932 899 in 2023, of which 98.7% were citizens. The most populous region is Hedbury with a litle over 21 million people. The least populous is the very North and the region of Saah desert. Only about 5 million people live in the Northern parts of Locotima, while not even 1 million people live in the Saah desert region. The median age is 33.6. First generation immigrants make up 7% of the total population most of which live in bigger cities. It is uncommon for majors (18+) to live with their parents, with only 8% doing so.


The dominant ethnicity Craevelonian (Locotimian) with 78.5% belonging to that group. Around 10% of the population is Avalonian, the percentage of Avalonians has started decreasing since 1990s, around 4.5% of the population is Lokosh, and other 7% is composed of different immigrants from all around Telrova. The largest sources of Locotimian immigration were: Timiskrane, Tsanga, Les Iles Orientales.

Traditional clothing

Given the high temperatures Locotimian national dress is a thin white dress with red and black motives near the bottom of the dress, traditional clothing for men consists of thin white pants with a thin white shirt, both men and women usually wear a traditional hat.


Locotimian Broadcasting News Service (LBNS) established in 1952 serves as the national broadcaster for the country. It operates in the Locotimian mainland but also in Big Ricka. Other than LBNS, private broadcasting companies are not rare. The right to media and independent press is guaranteed by Locotimian constitution. The LBNS operates 5 radio stations, 4 TV channels and 2 printed newspapers. There are 7 major private broadcasting companies in Locotima, and 3 major printed newspaper companies.


Locotimian official sport is rowing, which has been practiced since the early 1830s. Locotima has achieved many successes in this sport throughout history, and it is the most financed sport by the Royal Family. Other famous sports include: Sailing, Swimming, Football, Basketball and horse riding


The Kingdom of Locotima celebrates 10 statutory holidays which include:

•New Year-1st of January •Christmas-7th of January •Unification day-March 11th •Labor day-1st of May •The Queen's birthday-14th of July •Army day-1st of August •Mother's day-7th of August •Father's day-14th of August •Litteracy day-1st of September •World Health Day