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[[Category:The Ice States]]''Please note that this factbook is about the Imperial regime of the Ice States circa 1412. It may not reflect current politics in the Ice States.''
#REDIRECT [[Library:Politics of The Ice States (Imperial Regime)]]
The Empire of The Ice States is a monarchic nation, where power is shared between the Emperor and Divine Scribe. The nation is ruled predominantly by religious law, and all opposition to the ruling leadership is strictly prohibited. However, economic freedom is held politically sacrosanct, due to the belief that economic freedom benefits the economy and improves the government's favour with the populace.
Should one enter the nation, they enjoy the protection of the nation's large military and well-funded law enforcement force (which works in the same unit as the military). However, economically, they are expected to rise and fall based on their own merits, and no welfare or protection is extended to those who choose to go into poverty. They are also expected to respect Klyprer and the nation's great government.
==Government structure==
The nation's primary authority is the wise and benevolent Emperor. He maintains exclusive authority of the nation, except where this contradicts the teachings of Klyprer, the almighty. For this, the Divine Scribe, the prophet of Klyprer and the highest authority on him, maintains power to enforce all measures necessary to protect religion and abide by his divine word. The nation is also split into various Viceroyalties, and the Emperor can appoint Dukes at his discretion - current appointed Duke positions are the Dukes of Magecastle (the nation's center of diplomacy), Redwell (the nation's finances and treasury), Valenburg (construction), Siopia (populace management), Deephedge (the nation's justice system), Wintercourt (information), and Valhaven (immigration).
The current system of government was established in 1389 by the late Emperor Sotolo I shortly after the formation of regime that is now The Empire. Sotolo I believed that absolute rule was needed to ensure that no entity could overthrow the government's benevolent rule, but the prophet of the Klyprer religion (the Divine Scribe) needed to also have strong power in the nation to both ensure the favour of Klyprer, and utilise his divine wisdom.
==National leaders==
The nation's current ruler is Emperor Sotolo II, who assumed the throne in 1406 after the death of his father, Emperor Sotolo I. Ideologically, he seems to parrot his father in most of his beliefs, but has a very different personality. Unlike his father's wide public life, he maintains a high degree of privacy in his life, and is rarely seen outside of the royal castle. He is increasingly fearful about being unable to maintain his benevolent rule, and has resorted to a variety of measures to curb back on political freedoms.
The current Divine Scibe is Divine Scribe Theodore Lowney, who will serve another 10 years before his 50-year term is complete and his successor is chosen by Klyprer. Unlike Emperor Sotolo II, he is regularly seen around the nation. Other than being the Divine Scribe, he is also known as a prominent socialite.
The nation's military has been run since 1410 by General Burkes. Under Burkes' leadership, the military has seen substantial growth, including the creation of the separate "conscript" and "volunteer" titles available, and the merging of the military with the nation's police force. Burkes is a formidable and highly adroid warrior, and is widely feared and respected among the Empire.
Other leaders in The Empire include Lionel Catanch, Viceroy of Isborgir, Dane Angland, Viceroy of Ormont, August Freeman, Viceroy of Oldwitch, James Hince, Viceroy of Southport, Jeramy Vliet, Duke of Magecastle, Charles Storm, Duke of Redwell, Carl Tonge, Duke of Deephedge, Alexander Leahy, Duke of Valenburg, Simon Blotsky, Duke of Siopia, Nicholas Lucier, Duke of Wintercourt, and Wilber Vanderen, Duke of Valhaven.
==Government policies==
Economically, the nation's economy is kept as unrestricted as possible. No restrictions currently exist specifically on the economy, other than a 15% linear tax rate; however, some civil policies may indirectly interfere on the economy. 80% of this taxed funding is used for the military, and the rest is primarily used for administration and promoting religion. Slavery is specifically permitted, and the government may force a person to serve as a slave in response to dissent or other crimes.
Political freedom is effectively non-existent in the Empire. Speaking (or communicating) against the nation's leadership carries the punishment of death, slavery, or life imprisonment. Included is participation in protests against any government policy, insult at any participant in the government, and flag-burning. The military is immediately deployed to known protests to prevent or cease them, regardless of riot status.
All religions other than the religion of Klyprer are prohibited to the fullest extent. Suspected participants are coerced to worship Klyprer, and should they refuse, they are to be imprisoned for life or condemned to slavery. The teachings of Klyprer also mean that a variety of domestic policies are employed that have been ordered by Klyprer - included is regular animal and human sacrifices which citizens are required to attend at least once per year, strict prohibition of homosexuality, prohibition of adultery and the prompt execution or forced abortion of those born to adultery, mandated circumcision, and servant status of women.
Non-religious civil policies enacted in The Empire are largely centered around curbing opposition and maintaining a strict, orderly society. For example, prudist measures are in force, national curfews can be (and regularly are) called by the Emperor for any reason, euthanasia is banned, and daily pledges of allegiance in schools are mandatory. 3 years of active service in the nation's military is also mandatory for those that reach 17 years of age, followed by 10 years of service in the reserves.
A wide controversy exists in the Empire regarding its membership in the World Assembly. Many of the Empire's policies are prohibited by World Assembly law, and the nation thus does not maintain membership in the World Assembly, and instead maintains Magecastle Embassy Building A5 as its own de jure independent nation. This is controversial due to the legitimisation some believe it provides to the World Assembly. The mission has authored one World Assembly resolution to date.

Latest revision as of 02:49, 6 May 2023