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Empire of Escharia
Irasterrei dai Etscharien
Esscharia flag.jpeg
Motto: Our golden Falcon, soaring through the night!
Anthem: Irastli Suran (Imperial Purity)
and largest city
Official languagesAsteri, Vasteri, Suthrii
Recognised regional languagesAsteri
GovernmentDivine Autocratic Feudal Monarchy
• Emperor
Severie I an Aeszerii
• Total
23,834,580 km2 (9,202,580 sq mi)
• 2015 census
• Density
601/km2 (1,556.6/sq mi)
very high
CurrencyEschari Rubbies (ERB)
Date formatdd-mm-yyyy CE
Driving sideright
Calling code+67
ISO 3166 codeESC
Internet TLD.Es

Escharia , officially the Empire of Escharia was a state and nation present in Eastern Rathnir that existed from 2012 to 2022. It was destroyed by its own people as they performed a great ritual called the Ascension, sacrificing their Empire to supposedly ascend to the heavens. The Empire was founded as a Kingdom and was ruled by the Aeszerii dynasty. This clan claims direct descent from the god Solaris, as its founder had seemingly divine powers when they created the Empire of Sora'eanna. The Eschari Kingdom ruled for centuries, but after the ascension of Ahrokan Avensur , the Escharian Empire would last for 34 or 26 more years depending on the calendar used.

History of the Empire


In the ancient days thousands of years ago, a group of near-humans called the Niedene dominated much of Rathnir. Later on, they would create many civilizations across the world. One of these civilizations was called Soleanna, or Sora'eanna. The Empire of Soleanna was said to have been created when Aremi Kessiar, a low peasant, was endowed by Anetos with the power of a god. He used this power to defend his village and eventually conquer his attackers. Over time he would rise to become the first Emperor of the Niedene.

One of the peoples that the Emperor Aremi would subjugate were the Etscharii. The Etscharii fought hard against Aremi before being subjugated, and the daughter of their chieftain was married into the Imperial family. Many years later, the Empire would collapse due to a great calamity that culminated in a great worldwide storm that saw many cities wiped out including Soleanna.

It is said that the royal family fled the city, but only the Emperor's unnamed son made it out of the flood. He would flee to Escharia, where he would retire to a life of peasantry in the town of Altiste. 400 years later, a child by the name of Alvrir was born. This child would change his name to Auberon as a result of his conversion to Ehrlinnen Soleannen from a trip to Thadia. This would result in him taking power of a tribe and he would begin to consolidate power. Pagan Escharians who believed in new gods opposed him, stating how the old gods failed to protect the people from the calamity. Auberon remained devout and fought them at the battle of the Lily River, where he won decisively. Auberon would go on to continue conquering until his death at the hands of an Ogre, here his son Dietras would take over and continue his father's work. He differed from his father by promoting the arts more than warfare, which led to an age of poetry and music. Dietras would reestablish the Kirrentai by retaking the ruins of Soleanna from the blightspawn, and moving surviving relics to Lileanen. Here the Kirrentai would be reformed.

Dietras would continue his crusade against the blightspawn until a great army appeared from Sparwood, seeking to ravage Nieden. Another calamity was striking the continent, as storms brewed and the influence of Solaris waned due to Kaligo's direct influence. The Blights would sack many cities until a young woman who saw her lover die in battle would take up his sword and gather refugees to defend at Mt. Gentumar. This woman was Miri an Verisza. Miri would valiantly defend the mountain by setting traps until the great demon general of the blighted appeared to destroy them once and for all. Here, Dietras would show up at the head of an army. In single combat he defeated the demon using the power of Aremi's covenant. As this happened, Miri led a counterattack with the Escharian knights, causing a total victory. Here, the two would become Saints.

Years later King Ioannis would begin launching expeditions to survey the world and was credited for naming many of the continents such as Siltor (Syltor, Forest Gate), Sierwal (Sparwood, Spearwood), Alteniksus (Alteniquia, Ancient Mesa), Nierenn (Nieden, Origin Point). His son Alseret would seek to once again establish hegemony over the other Niedene. He pursued many wars until his untimely death at the Battle of the Northern Lakes against the Northern League. His son Severie was away during this time and heard the news. This caused him to rush back home.

Foundation of the Empire

Severie an Aeszerii would be coronated as the latest Escharian King in the year 1568 ASK, with support by the people. he would have his friend Cardinal Orzren plan the development of Lileanen with him and reconnect with the Kirrentai of Corthaidh. As this happened, the Escharians would begin to combine the four main towns into one, which would be referred to as Lileanen.

Severie would seek connections with his continental neighbors of similar culture and start forging an identity with them through alliances and the Niedene Trade League. Another neighbor they had worshipped the void, and dark gods. The Escharians called this neighbor Tessel, while they went by the name Turtlonia. The Turtlonians had been harassing Escharians who entered the Nether, and so the relationship was deteriorating by this point. The relationship would deteriorate even more when the Escharian Military sought ought a bandit hiding in the Osterium Sea by the name of DagonAshibal. This bandit was seen with Turtlonians, causing outrage among the Escharians who defeated Dagon and returned to Lileanen to host an Imperial Diet.

The Imperial Diet would see diplomats from around the world attend to give their input into the King's actions. As Niedene of the Soleanna region pledged their loyalty to the cause and the nation, the Empire of Escharia was founded at this moment. The Diet concluded with war, the Escharians would sail southwards to give an ultimatum to the Turtlonians. This ultimatum required them to convert or face the Escharian Military. As they refused, First Turtlonian War began. This war would result in the Turtlonian city being destroyed and sacked by forces from Escharia, as VIR and Audalad troops flooded in for the looting. This would cause tension, and eventually the Audalidae began to believe the Escharians robbed them. This caused a war which saw Lileanen sacked, and their armory given to the Turtlonian rebels on the island of Tessel. As this happened, the city of Ausste rebelled to begin the Escharian Civil War, the rebels even fought with power from the dark gods. All seemed bleak in Escharia before the light of Solaris was brought down upon the Ausste rebels. All while the Turtlonians constantly destroyed and griefed Escharian towns. The Escharians had some hope remaining to put up a final fight.

The Turtlonians promised they would genocide the Niedene, and turn their homes into sacrificial sites for the void gods. The Escharians would recruit allies and Mercenaries to help them fight the void worshippers at the battle of Lileanen. The battle was hard fought but the Empire's forces won and destroyed the Turtlonian amy. Emperor Severie even had slain the enemy general himself. The Turtlonians had brought all of their population with as they intended to destroy and settle the city's ruins, but this turned against them as the Escharians destroyed them all. The last surviving Turtlonians fled throughout the world, while the Emperor's spies hunted them until the last one was slain in Carvay days later. The Turtlonians had gone extinct and the Escharians declared the period as Pasira Escharien, the Escharian Peace.

Escharian peace

The Emperor would recreate the Auroran Order to fight the werewolf problem in the world, as well as remake their old stronghold as his summer palace. The fortress at Gentumar would become the site where the Emperor's military expanded southwards into Sparwood. Southern Niedene refugees would flood in from Naverechniya, led by Comrade_Max. While they converted to Soleannen, some influence of their old faith would cause a few future Aurorans on Tessel to convert to Pavlovism. The Escharians would absorb neutral states in the area, with the idea of uniting the Niedene and Soleannen under one banner. In the north the UCCC (modern Western Simulami) would join happily, as well as places like Wyngale (modern Lynnmore). Not all was well however, as the Empire's former allies Yimmu-Audal and the VIR sought to corner the Escharians. The memory of the sack of Lileanen caused the Escharians to seek expansion at a rate that would keep Yimmu-Audal from getting into Nieden or Sparwood. The Escharian political idea was to put as much land between Lileanen and their enemies as they could. The Escharians set up a fake government to convince the other leaders that the old expansionist leader was just a figurehead, but rather this was orchestrated. As the VIR went into obscurity and was replaced by a much distant threat of Uldarash, the Escharian senate voted to give power back to the Emperor. The Emperor would then go on to set up colonies in Plagos and the Mesa for Terracotta and Gold, resources that were heavily sought after. This was against the wishes of the Tlahatl Summit.

As the Empire had regained a spring in its step, it saw wars happening in the mesa and decided to support the Bardonians to weaken their Uldarashi rival. At the same time the Escharians would have border disputes in the north with the country of Najer, and so they would decide to create a treaty with StarSixSeven deciding on a border. Upon discovery of both sides supporting Bardonia, they decided to change that treaty into one which would also create a triple alliance.

Trillium era

The Trillium forces would defeat Uldarash decisively and turn the tides of the world in their favor. They fought the bandit crisis as the Escharian towns of Esaritz, Wyngale, and Vorpesdorf were all sacked by Audalad raiders. Eventually in Yimmu-Audal, the Niedene of the North would rebel and Escharia would support them. At the last minute they decided to stop the rebellion for concessions, causing anger in Escharia. For supporting the rebels, the Audalidae decided to try and coup the Escharian Emperor but failed several times until the Escharians demanded compensation which they received.

They would finally create a secret relationship with their Niedene neighbor, a powerful kingdom named Egalia who would be inducted as the fourth Trillium member state. The two states grew close until Egalia officially adopted Escharian Soleannen as its state religion.

Escharia would go on to join Trillium as they demanded that the Audalidae fix their bandit problems. Emperor Severie would have disdain for the new Empress of Yimmu-Audal who did nothing to stop them, and so when the Krakowsky Mafia came to him seeking space and weapons, he obliged. This caused the assassination of Dalatra and the events that led to Emperor Severie being pressured to march on Yimmu-Audal, and so he did. The Usurpation of Yimmu-Audal occured, which led to Escharians building a fort near the border called Ikatrum Silvarii. The Escharians would go on to fight a war over this claim, until they prevailed in the Battle of Cahuarn. At Cahuarn, the Imperial forces defeated Yimmu-Audal with almost no casualties and so the Escharians launched a counter-invasion into Yimmu-Audal.

Soon after, the battle of Urnu-Arrak would occur and the victorious Trillium would bicker until it broke apart from this cold war between the states. On the other hand, there was peace and so the Soleannan Pasira began.

Neo-Soleannan Empire and the Soleannan Peace

After the war, the Escharians would allow local regions to represent themselves in the conquered territories. There was many celebrations and festivals to celebrate. The Empire grew to its maximum territorial extent as Severie I became the King of Egalia through election, and would absorb the Plagatean confederacy, along with Reyllea. The Empire became one of the cultural and political centers of the world, where it would hold summits of world leaders in the newly built Palace Archerumslyre. The Empire would give local governance to places like Yimmu-Audal, and the Emperor Severie empowered leaders like Lethal of Theionikos.

The Ascension

Bardonia, Escharia, and the Sterling Crownlands were all invested in the Region of Raykara due to its strategic importance as a crossroad between the three powers. Tensions would boil over when the Raykarans were in a civil conflict and the federal government decided to join the Empire of Escharia, who they had shared heritage with. Bardonia and the Sterling Crownlands decided to intervene as they both desired territorial concessions from Escharia, and wished to weaken the country to secure their own borders and prevent the empire from expanding. The Bardonians desired Kumberg and Oogrelon, while the Sterling Crownlands were interested in Plagos as well as a border region in Helmia with Raykara. The Bardonians had a former Raykaran as a Senator and used this as a context to declare war, while the Silver Coalition broke their while their Non-Aggression Pact and used the border dispute with Raykara and the goal of weakening of imperial influence in the region as a Casus Belli to join. Due to the abandonment of Castle Locet on the Najer border, the Escharians feared an invasion of the capital, although this wasn't a stated war goal. The threat of former allies over their desire to break the Empire and the threat to the potential capital led to the Niedene across the world to perform a ritual to rid themselves of the mortal world and return to the spirit world. A great altar was constructed near Soleanna's ruins where they would perform a chant and dance before the city of Lileanen sunk, Tessel was destroyed, and the Empire collapsed. The Surviving Soleannen would mark Emperor Severie and his Cardinal Orzren as Saints.

The empire would be overrun by vengeful spirits of the Niedene, until eventually the Aesperium Niedea formed over its ruins. These spirits would go on to destroy the armies of their former enemies in the Spirit Raids of Rathnir, such as in Hapatmitas.


Escharia was known throughout the world due to its infamy as a great power and held many relations because of it.


Escharia was the first major ally of the nation of Bardonia along with the Silver Coaliton, this led to the formation of the Trillium Alliance.

Silver Coalition-Silver Crownlands

The Silver Coalition and Escharia were friends when the Escharians sold their northern lands to the Coalition in return for friendship. They went on to form the Trillium due to the work of Star but began to grow distasteful of each other as time went on.


Carvay has held a favorable view in the eyes of the Escharian, however when Essendor took power the relation was strained. Essendors subsequent exile led to Carvay and Escharia becoming favorable in each other's eyes once more. Surprisingly the Jane Affair did not affect relations too much.


The Audalidae have long competed with the Escharians, who have been raided by Audalidae sailors since time immemorial. The Audalidae invaded Escharia's heartland and pillaged much of the countryside, leading to a hatred of the Audalidae. The Imperials began to expand so that the heartlands wouldn't be threatened once again by Audalidae raiders. This led to the wars between them and the eventual triumph of Escharia over Yimmu-Audal.

Corthaidh, Egalia, Raykara

Escharia was friends with Egalia, as they were both Soleannen and Niedene states. They would eventually join the Empire and act as a western territory for the Empire, never fully being incorporated into core status


Plagatea was a Niedene state in Plagos that eventually joined the Empire. It remained as a penal colony.

Law and Government Policy

The government of Escharia made sure that complete power was in the Emperor, due to their divine right to rule granted by their Aeszerii bloodline. Despite this absolutism, local governments had a large amount of autonomy as the central government took a hands-off approach. This was hardly an issue when the nobles who ran the land often sought advice from the enlightened emperor. Despite all this, several empire-wide edicts were put into action. There were a series of basic laws that were published. These basic laws must have been memorized by foreigners who wished to enter, as well as all civillians.

Basic laws

1. One should keep to the rules of the postulates, and respect the life of others. To take the life of another will result in the offender being pressed into servitude, or punished by death.

2. One should avoid damaging another's property, if this is done the offender must pay the afflicted party back. If they cannot afford to, they must work to repay the property.

3. One should avoid theft, if this is done then the offender should be punished by confiscation of property. If they have none, they can be pressed into servitude of the afflicted. If this theft is due to poverty, then the state should draft them into the labor corps and give them employment through these means.

4. One should avoid harming the wildlife, if found to be doing this, the offender will be fined or imprisoned. Exceptions to this include regulated hunting, and protection of property.

5. One should avoid lying to government officials or breaking an oath, to do so will result in severe punishment determined by local lords or the Imperial Court depending on its severity.

Noble Laws and Suggestions

1. The Nobles of the land must get approval before settling new lands.

2. Nobles of the land must adhere the religion and culture laws, any divergence will result in title revocation.

3. Nobles should seek council with their peers and their superiors when advice is needed.

4. Nobles must govern their lands with courtesy and with honor, to become corrupt is severely punishable.

6. Nobles should follow the Imperial Hierarchy.

Residence laws

1. Those who wish to reside in the country must worship the court of the divine and renounce their old ways.

2. Those who wish to reside in the country must adhere to Niedene languages or learn it while they stay in the Empire.

Religion and culture laws

1. Any Tesselian culture or influence is banned, and punishable by death. The study of it is punishable when not permitted by the state.

2. Any non-Soleannen religion is banned, and punishable by deportation.

3. Citizens should follow the religious hierarchy in matters of faith.

4. Abyss Mysticism, Blood Cult, and other similar faiths are punishable by death.

Foreigner laws

1. Foreign visitors must follow the laws of the land they are in.

2. Foreign merchants and students must not push for foreign ideas while they are active in Escharia.


The Escharian Economy was a mixed one, it had some government regulation but generally favored mercantilism. It prioritized the inflow of resources and sought to minimize resources heading outside of the country. The central government, however, was known to purchase a large amount of building supplies to allow the growth of many Niedene cities. In addition to this, the colonies of Fernheim, Plagos, and the Mesa Colonies resulted in further inflow of resources.

Tolerance of ethnoreligious groups

The Escharian government was notably intolerant of Non-Soleannen religions and Non-Niedene peoples. This resulted in a complete ban of Non-Niedene and Non-Soleannen within the core regions of Escharia. On the other hand, outer territories such as Yimmu-Audal, and Theionikos all had religious freedom.

The religious intolerance was largely not present in the early days of Escharia, until the Auroran Order rebelled which caused a complete ban on foreign religions in Escharia. The joining of Theionikos and Yimmu-Audal led to this ban only being present in areas which were already Soleannen, and for the preservation of local religions.

The non-Niedene intolerance came from the Turtlonian (Tesselian) wars, where the Turtlonian General promised the destruction of all Escharians and their cities would be turned into sacrificial sites to the void gods. This sense of panic caused fervor unseen in the Empire. After the entire Turtlonian population invaded, the battle began and was won by the Escharians. The Escharians reversed this promise and hunted down the surviving Turtlonians until they went extinct. The last Turtlonian is said to have fled to Carvay, but was killed by an Escharian Zissenza agent.


All past and current military group operating under Escharia

Irastli Arus

The Imperial Army was made primarily of Career Soldiers and zealots who volunteered to defend the country from any external Threats. This was known as the Irastli Arus, and consisted of several Leqetor of a millions men. The Army had many different positions including Artillery, Sniper, Machine gunner, Heavy Infantry, Sappers, Spies, and Medics.

Arkeren Karde

The Archeren Karde was an elite group of Soldiers loyal exclusively to the Emperor, acting as his personal guard and being cloaked in black and gold armor. They remained primarily protecting Castle Falkenstein, Castle Archerumslyre, and Flammastahl Temple.

Ileauras Solean

The Irastli Sikeri under Admiral Johannes von Sudenwald was one of the foremost naval forces in all of Rathnir, operating ten vessels: four Sylene-Class Frigates and six Aezenfjord-Class Corvette-Escorts, with several more under construction.


Old Escharia's home region is dominated by volcanic mountains, lush fields, and towering forests. The country had a large animal population, especially in wolves and sheep which can be found over. The northern reaches are dominated by swamps inhabited by many creatures such as wolves and boar. The forests of Escharia sport a high population of foxes which led to a lack of rabbits in the country. The Oceans off of Lileanen and Litoci are very warm but this changes when one heads south towards Rieds and Mladupol. The plains of what used to be Vorpedorf, Pferdburg, Junea, Litoci, and Neurun are very fertile which allowed the nation to host a very good food production. In contrast to this, the country experienced harsh falls and winters with blizzards often ravaging the land. In summer the country was known to possess a lot of precipitation due to large cold fronts from the east clashing with the warm west. There are many volcanic pockets and hot springs such as the caves outside of Litoci (Castrillo) which accustomed to be a popular tourist spot for old Escharian citizens.

Nieden Valley and Argentor

As one advances to the north, they encounter a much colder region dominated by chilly forests in the Vale'du'nor (Nieden Valley) with cold swamps joining them. In addition to this the fields around Welhafne (Wealthhaven) possess chilly autumns with mild summers, though noticeably chillier than in Soleanna or Escharia. This however contrasts to the warm plain around Huwaldorf which has a climate more similar to Escharia as a whole.


When one gets to Egalia, the climate remains similar to the Vale'du'nor as it is bordered by a cold sea and hemmed into colder mountains and forests like the Nieden Valley. The mountains at the border with the Nieden Valley are incredibly cold often having severe storms in the area. This area is not as Volcanic as the Eastern part of Nieden and generally as cold as northern Nieden, which makes the soil less fertile but still productive nonetheless when the Thadians give their hands up to the job. Southern Egalia is often Warmer than Nieden due to bordering the warm sand of Theionikos. The area by Alexandria has the most productive farms.


The climate of Tessel demonstrates cold highlands in the west, and a warm eastern forest.

Notable Imperials

1.Akkerei Auberon I an Aesperii

2.Iraikas Severie I an Aesperii

3.Imaere Debi d'Bianci

4.Ahrokan Maxime

5.Ahrokan Avensur

6.Aizorre Johann von Sudenwald

7.Marus Akar (Formerly)

8.Orzren Auralas