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|'''''Corinne DRs that she is so confused but the one thing she is certain about is that Ingrid had a small smile the moment the nominations were made.''''' Corinne asks if she can talk to Brynn, who invites her up immediately. '''''Chanel DRs that Corinne is mostly up due to being a pawn as a lot of people see her as gullible and not willing to make a move in the game. The only person that seems like a friend to her inside the game is Saundra, who people want out due to being a wildcard. As for HER, she has every reason to be confused ... and concerned.''''' Avril leads Chanel into the store room. '''''JJ DRs that, if she isn't careful, she may find herself exiting the house due to how close they are and he wants to protect her as much as possible.''''' Avril tells Chanel to not worry as she will protect her and make sure that she stays this week. Plus, Corinne has pissed people off this week. Chanel says that she really appreciates it and hopes that Brynn has a backdoor plan if Corinne wins. '''''Avril DRs that she isnt worried.''''' In the HOH room, Brynn tells Corinne that her name was brought up. Apparently, she was talking huge trash about Joseph and Avril. Corinne  but she would like her to stay, personally. Corinne appreciates that and asks if Ingrid Hargrave brought her name up. '''''Brynn DRs that, six hours before the nomination ceremony, Ingrid came and spoke to her. Either Ingrid is playing too hard or Corinne is guilty.''''' Brynn mentions Ingrid bringing up the vote for Joseph and most of the house didn't want Joseph to leave due to what he did for Shaun. '''''Corinne, in the DR, is speechless.''''' Corinne mentions that Ingrid told her that everybody was voting for Joseph and, that, she didn't want to be in the minority. She, herself, felt like Thomas was going but Ingrid said that Thomas was too big of a threat that people would go after him later. Brynn also tells Corinne that Ingrid told her that she was talking mad trash about Joseph and making it super personal. Corinne denies all of this. '''''Corinne calls Ingrid a b***h in the DR and says that she is done being her "puppet".''''' Brynn says that she doesn't know what happened for sure as she has heard two different sides. Corinne understands and goes to leaves. She says that she has no intention of going after Joseph atm before leaving the room. '''''Brynn DRs that Corinne was geniunely upset so, maybe, she was telling the truth.''''' Corinne finds Saundra doing her makeup in the bathroom and tells her what Brynn said. Saundra is pissed and suggests that they call her out right away. Corinne says that she wants her game exposed so badly. Colin enters the bathroom and overhears. He tells Saundra to be careful if she wants to call anybody out because people will see her as that kind of person. Saundra appreciates Colin looking after her but Ingrid needs to be exposed and she needs to go. '''''Colin DRs that he's gotten along with Saundra, unlike others, and he would rather not see her go. Saundra DRs that Colin is a sweet boy but she wants to do this for Corinne.''''' Most of the houseguests are in the living room. The moment Corinne and Saundra enter, Corinne calls Ingrid a cowardly, little b***h. Everybody's heads turn. '''''JJ DRs that he can't believe what he just heard. Ingrid DRs that she has Corinne in the palm of her hand so she was surprised to hear her say that.''''' Corinne then says how ''she'', Ingrid, was the one who gave the okay for a Joseph blindside and convinced her that everybody was going after Joseph, which ''she'', Corinne, didn't want but felt like she had no other choice but to oblige. After that, she finds out that she, Ingrid, turned her back on her and damaged ''her'' game for no reason other than she is a cold, heartless, b***h. She says that she ''never'' said anything personal about Joseph, who she says is incredibly sweet. Saundra then notes that it was fishy how Ingrid was mentioning that Avril and Colin could be dating due to them being flirty the day before. JJ, ''immediately'', walks away. '''''JJ DRs that he is pissed at Ingrid right now.''''' Avril says that what she is saying is not true and Colin backs her up. Saundra points her finger at Ingrid, accusing her of starting drama and betraying allies. Ingrid is speechless and tries to excuse herself from the conversation. Ingrid then lies and says that it was ''Saundra'' who started all of this by saying this to ''her''. Saundra yells at Ingrid about how that doesn't make sense and that she is acting unstable. Saundra then says, to Ingrid, that she is beyond untrustworthy and she has proven that so many times since she has walked through the front door. '''''Brynn DRs, wondering if she should backdoor Ingrid. Avril DRs that she is unsure if she can trust Ingrid at this point. Piers DRs that he did not expect this and is now considering targeting Ingrid.''''' Saundra said that she has involved Corinne, Joseph, Avril, and Colin in her lies and, yeah, that's the nature of the game but she's been caught. Colin chimes in and tells everybody that, not once, has he and Avril ever flirted. Avril says that she is in a relationship and ''everybody'' knows that and she would never cheat on her boyfriend. She leaves the room in tears. '''''In the DR, Avril hopes that JJ didn't believe what was said as he walked away immediately after Saundra brought up what Ingrid said.''''' Ingrid then says that she was just pointing out how it looked like Colin and Avril were flirting. Corinne comments on how it's nice that Ingrid had admitted to starting a false rumour. '''''Corinne DRs that Ingrid made it very personal.''''' '''The Foundation''' are in the HOH room, discussing the argument. Piers thinks that Saundra could be lying. Joseph doubts it as Saundra was right about Thomas. Piers brings up how, if they take Ingrid out, they are, simply, taking out anybody that Saundra gets into a fight with and, Thomas probably said those things due to pressure. '''''Piers DRs that he will NOT play Saundra's game. After thinking about it, Ingrid cant go this week.''''' Later, Avril and JJ are talking. JJ says that she trusts her and only left because of the drama and the BS that he didn't want to put up with. Avril says how she was afraid that JJ would believe the rumour. Colin comes in and asks if Avril is alright. Avril says that she is fine and is just a little upset atm. Colin offers to get them both something to drink, which Avril and JJ appreciate. '''''Colin DRs that he hates that Ingrid got her involved in this.''''' As Colin leaves, JJ points out how he is a very good friend. Chanel enters and asks Avril if she is okay. Avril replies the same way and she sits down with them. Joseph and Shaun are in the store room. Shaun asks him about Corinne admitting to voting him. Joseph says that he is fine as her reasoning made sense. Shaun mentions how he was very surprised when Corinne, of all people, went after Ingrid. Joseph says that Corinne going after her like that makes it seem like what she said was true. '''''Shaun DRs that, if anybody plans to go after his Dad, he'll make sure to evict them.'''''
|'''''Corinne DRs that she is so confused but the one thing she is certain about is that Ingrid had a small smile the moment the nominations were made.''''' Corinne asks if she can talk to Brynn, who invites her up immediately. '''''Chanel DRs that Corinne is mostly up due to being a pawn as a lot of people see her as gullible and not willing to make a move in the game. The only person that seems like a friend to her inside the game is Saundra, who people want out due to being a wildcard. As for HER, she has every reason to be confused ... and concerned.''''' Avril leads Chanel into the store room. '''''JJ DRs that, if she isn't careful, she may find herself exiting the house due to how close they are and he wants to protect her as much as possible.''''' Avril tells Chanel to not worry as she will protect her and make sure that she stays this week. Plus, Corinne has pissed people off this week. Chanel says that she really appreciates it and hopes that Brynn has a backdoor plan if Corinne wins. '''''Avril DRs that she isnt worried.''''' In the HOH room, Brynn tells Corinne that her name was brought up. Apparently, she was talking huge trash about Joseph and Avril. Corinne  but she would like her to stay, personally. Corinne appreciates that and asks if Ingrid Hargrave brought her name up. '''''Brynn DRs that, six hours before the nomination ceremony, Ingrid came and spoke to her. Either Ingrid is playing too hard or Corinne is guilty.''''' Brynn mentions Ingrid bringing up the vote for Joseph and most of the house didn't want Joseph to leave due to what he did for Shaun. '''''Corinne, in the DR, is speechless.''''' Corinne mentions that Ingrid told her that everybody was voting for Joseph and, that, she didn't want to be in the minority. She, herself, felt like Thomas was going but Ingrid said that Thomas was too big of a threat that people would go after him later. Brynn also tells Corinne that Ingrid told her that she was talking mad trash about Joseph and making it super personal. Corinne denies all of this. '''''Corinne calls Ingrid a b***h in the DR and says that she is done being her "puppet".''''' Brynn says that she doesn't know what happened for sure as she has heard two different sides. Corinne understands and goes to leaves. She says that she has no intention of going after Joseph atm before leaving the room. '''''Brynn DRs that Corinne was geniunely upset so, maybe, she was telling the truth.''''' Corinne finds Saundra doing her makeup in the bathroom and tells her what Brynn said. Saundra is pissed and suggests that they call her out right away. Corinne says that she wants her game exposed so badly. Colin enters the bathroom and overhears. He tells Saundra to be careful if she wants to call anybody out because people will see her as that kind of person. Saundra appreciates Colin looking after her but Ingrid needs to be exposed and she needs to go. '''''Colin DRs that he's gotten along with Saundra, unlike others, and he would rather not see her go. Saundra DRs that Colin is a sweet boy but she wants to do this for Corinne.''''' Most of the houseguests are in the living room. The moment Corinne and Saundra enter, Corinne calls Ingrid a cowardly, little b***h. Everybody's heads turn. '''''JJ DRs that he can't believe what he just heard. Ingrid DRs that she has Corinne in the palm of her hand so she was surprised to hear her say that.''''' Corinne then says how ''she'', Ingrid, was the one who gave the okay for a Joseph blindside and convinced her that everybody was going after Joseph, which ''she'', Corinne, didn't want but felt like she had no other choice but to oblige. After that, she finds out that she, Ingrid, turned her back on her and damaged ''her'' game for no reason other than she is a cold, heartless, b***h. She says that she ''never'' said anything personal about Joseph, who she says is incredibly sweet. Saundra then notes that it was fishy how Ingrid was mentioning that Avril and Colin could be dating due to them being flirty the day before. JJ, ''immediately'', walks away. '''''JJ DRs that he is pissed at Ingrid right now.''''' Avril says that what she is saying is not true and Colin backs her up. Saundra points her finger at Ingrid, accusing her of starting drama and betraying allies. Ingrid is speechless and tries to excuse herself from the conversation. Ingrid then lies and says that it was ''Saundra'' who started all of this by saying this to ''her''. Saundra yells at Ingrid about how that doesn't make sense and that she is acting unstable. Saundra then says, to Ingrid, that she is beyond untrustworthy and she has proven that so many times since she has walked through the front door. '''''Brynn DRs, wondering if she should backdoor Ingrid. Avril DRs that she is unsure if she can trust Ingrid at this point. Piers DRs that he did not expect this and is now considering targeting Ingrid.''''' Saundra said that she has involved Corinne, Joseph, Avril, and Colin in her lies and, yeah, that's the nature of the game but she's been caught. Colin chimes in and tells everybody that, not once, has he and Avril ever flirted. Avril says that she is in a relationship and ''everybody'' knows that and she would never cheat on her boyfriend. She leaves the room in tears. '''''In the DR, Avril hopes that JJ didn't believe what was said as he walked away immediately after Saundra brought up what Ingrid said.''''' Ingrid then says that she was just pointing out how it looked like Colin and Avril were flirting. Corinne comments on how it's nice that Ingrid had admitted to starting a false rumour. '''''Corinne DRs that Ingrid made it very personal.''''' '''The Foundation''' are in the HOH room, discussing the argument. Piers thinks that Saundra could be lying. Joseph doubts it as Saundra was right about Thomas. Piers brings up how, if they take Ingrid out, they are, simply, taking out anybody that Saundra gets into a fight with and, Thomas probably said those things due to pressure. '''''Piers DRs that he will NOT play Saundra's game. After thinking about it, Ingrid cant go this week.''''' Later, Avril and JJ are talking. JJ says that she trusts her and only left because of the drama and the BS that he didn't want to put up with. Avril says how she was afraid that JJ would believe the rumour. Colin comes in and asks if Avril is alright. Avril says that she is fine and is just a little upset atm. Colin offers to get them both something to drink, which Avril and JJ appreciate. '''''Colin DRs that he hates that Ingrid got her involved in this.''''' As Colin leaves, JJ points out how he is a very good friend. Chanel enters and asks Avril if she is okay. Avril replies the same way and she sits down with them. Joseph and Shaun are in the store room. Shaun asks him about Corinne admitting to voting him. Joseph says that he is fine as her reasoning made sense. Shaun mentions how he was very surprised when Corinne, of all people, went after Ingrid. Joseph says that Corinne going after her like that makes it seem like what she said was true. '''''Shaun DRs that, if anybody plans to go after his Dad, he'll make sure to evict them.'''''
| style="background:#ffc04c"|'''JJ''' wins the VETO
| style="background:#ffc04c"|'''JJ''' wins the VETO.
| '''''JJ DRs that he was talking with Avril and Chanel and all three of them agreed that Saundra needs to go as they can take out Ingrid next week or let Corinne go after her. However, by taking out Saundra, they can reel in Ingrid, who will be the ultimate shield for them.''''' In the HOH room, JJ tells Brynn that he wants Saundra up since, even if she's innocent, she is causing a lot of problems. Ingrid will, no doubt, be targeted next week. Brynn agrees. '''''She DRs that she will let somebody else take her out as her and Saundra are on good terms.''''' Brynn says that, as she knows full well that Ingrid screwed over Corinne, she would like Corinne taken off. '''''JJ DRs that this conflicts with his alliance with Chanel but Corinne is, no doubt, innocent.''''' Brynn says that it should be easy to get the votes against Saundra but, if Corinne is up, Ingrid may try to get the votes against HER instead and they are both left with a very angry Saundra. JJ understands. As JJ leaves, Rebekah enters. '''''Rebekah DRs that she has been laying low as her plan to emerge later on so, right now, she wants to see if Brynn has a lot so she can show her loyalty in hopes of the same being returned later on.''''' Brynn mentions that the plan is for Chanel to go as she is sneaky and glued to Avril's hip. Rebekah agrees that Chanel could be trouble later. Brynn appreciates it and hopes to let Saundra know that they need to make sure that JJ doesn't use the VETO on Chanel. '''''Brynn DRs that this week has been absolutely crazy. In the end, she plans to focus on Chanel to split up a potential duo.'''''
| '''''JJ DRs that he was talking with Avril and Chanel and all three of them agreed that Saundra needs to go as they can take out Ingrid next week or let Corinne go after her. However, by taking out Saundra, they can reel in Ingrid, who will be the ultimate shield for them.''''' In the HOH room, JJ tells Brynn that he wants Saundra up since, even if she's innocent, she is causing a lot of problems. Ingrid will, no doubt, be targeted next week. Brynn agrees. '''''She DRs that she will let somebody else take her out as her and Saundra are on good terms.''''' Brynn says that, as she knows full well that Ingrid screwed over Corinne, she would like Corinne taken off. '''''JJ DRs that this conflicts with his alliance with Chanel but Corinne is, no doubt, innocent.''''' Brynn says that it should be easy to get the votes against Saundra but, if Corinne is up, Ingrid may try to get the votes against HER instead and they are both left with a very angry Saundra. JJ understands. As JJ leaves, Rebekah enters. '''''Rebekah DRs that she has been laying low as her plan to emerge later on so, right now, she wants to see if Brynn has a lot so she can show her loyalty in hopes of the same being returned later on.''''' Brynn mentions that the plan is for Chanel to go as she is sneaky and glued to Avril's hip. Rebekah agrees that Chanel could be trouble later. Brynn appreciates it and hopes to let Saundra know that they need to make sure that JJ doesn't use the VETO on Chanel. '''''Brynn DRs that this week has been absolutely crazy. In the end, she plans to focus on Chanel to split up a potential duo.'''''

Latest revision as of 02:11, 10 July 2024

Introductory Statement
This is the episode synopsis for Big Brother Vitosium Season 17!

How does the game work?

The contestants, known as "houseguests" must become the last one standing to win $500 000! The week begins with somebody becoming the Head of Household or "HOH" for short. This person then nominates two people for "eviction", which is the term for "elimination" in this show.

After this, they compete to win the Power of Veto, which allows the holder to save one of the two nominees. Of course, the option to not use it is there. Should the Power of Veto, or POV for short, be used, the reigning Head of Household must name a replacement nominee. This person can not be the ex-nominee who was just saved or the Power of Veto holder.

The only choice for the two nominees is to campaign to ensure that they stay past the end of the week. Once that time comes, everybody, except for the nominees, vote for who they want gone. The Head of Household can only vote in the event of a tie. The person with the most votes is "evicted" and must leave the game immediately. Following this, another Head of Household competition is held but the outgoing HOH is not eligible to win it.

Additional Info For This Page

Each episode of the season will be receiving an in-depth synopsis, which will include confessionals. Confessionals are private moments when the contestant will tell the camera information, such as their thoughts on things or even strategy. In short, these are noted as CC or "Confessional Cam" in the synopsis. Contestants have these confessionals in the "Diary Room". Their location in the synopsis is based off the edit on the episode.

Week 1

Week 1 Episode 1 It shows 14 houseguests (Avril, Brynn, Chanel, Collin, Corinne, Ingrid, JJ, Joseph, Miles, Piers, Rebekah, Saundra, Shaun, Thomas) blindfolded, in 14 different chambers in the backyard. The host, Sofia Venoa, lets the audience in on some of the twists. Joseph Wilgus is the father of Shaun Wilgus and they must vote together and even decide on the same nominations if one of them wins the power. John James "JJ" Rayment and Avril White are dating but, if one wins the power, the other must become a nominee but can not reveal that twist. Both pairs are cursed until Week 6. Both pairs know of the twist that affects their pair but neither pair knows of the other. Also, for the first time, not a single person in the backyard is considered a houseguest just yet.
When the blindfolds are taken off, they see each-other in the chambers. BB then explains that they have no access to anything in the house as they are not official houseguests yet and that they have to fight throughout the first week for houseguest status. Joseph DRs that he can see "Shaunie" and, as his father, he would, gladly, sacrifice his game as it was Shaunie's dream and he only applied as a way to support him. Collin jokes about how they will, probably, run them through some ultimatum-esque decisions. Avril DRs that she's been with her fiance, JJ, for four years and neither of them would've thought that the both of them would experience this together. JJ jokes about how he was expecting some booze. Ingrid DRs that she hopes that, if she's lucky, everybody would be too emotional to concentrate on fighting so she can win her status easier. Everybody's chambers open. JJ and Chanel get really excited for the possibility of booze. Chanel CCs that she expects the game to be hard in the beginning nut easier as it goes on. She isn't worried about her social game. Miles suggests that they sit on the grass and introduce themselves. Thomas says that he doesn't see a point as somebody will be leaving at the end of the week. Miles DRs that introductions has been a tradition since the first season and it's disrespectful to suggest that they not even get to know each other because of the upcoming eviction. Joseph says that he would like to know who everybody is so what Miles has suggested is a great idea. Avril introduces herself and says that she is an elementary school teacher. Avril DRs that, in actuality, she is a barrister but she plans to hide her experience in law. Saundra says that she is a sous chef while Joseph lies about being a graphic designer, DRing that he is, actually, a dairy bacteriologist. Miles says that he's been working on an online comic for a couple of years and, recently, got enough ad revenue to quit his job and do that full time, Rebekah says that she's an index editor, and Brynn says that she is a correctional supervisor. Collin DRs, jokingly, about how she may have to work, so to speak, while inside the house. Rebekah DRs that she has a secret but she wants to get to know everybody first before revealing it. Shaun mentions that he has, recently, graduated from college to become a cartoonist, Corinne mentions that she is a realtor, while Ingrid mentions being an aspiring author, DRing that she hopes she can make it farther than the other author in Season 1. Chanel says that she's a model, JJ says that he works in sales, Piers says that he's an accountant, Collin says that he's a transformer assembler, which sparks some jokes, some of which come from Collin, and Thomas says that he works in his family's bakery, DRing that he's the best baker in town so, naturally, in the house, he plans to be the best player as well. Later, everybody is still in the backyard. Chanel talks to some of the others about how she followed in her mother's footsteps due to how respectable her mom was compared to her deadbeat dad. Chanel DRs that it was very hard growing up with such a horrible father. Shaun says that he can relate but it was the other way around--how his dad was the very respectable parental figure and how his mom was the deadbeat. Joseph DRs that it was very heartwarming to hear what Shaunie had to say and, that, it was true. He says the divorce was not easy and, somehow, he was able to gain full custody of him. He says that he is so proud of Shaunie. Chanel and Shaun hug each other and comfort each other due to their pasts. BB announces that the houseguests will have to sleep outside tonight but tents, 3 for 4-5 houseguests each, will be provided. JJ DRs that Avril and he were able to share a tent but it was hard due to how they wanted to hide their relationship but they still slept right next to each other. Thomas, Chanel, Miles, and Rebekah are the only ones not in tents at the moment. Thomas tells them that the four of them can get to the end together and, that, he thinks that they can outsmart the rest of them. Miles says it's possible with Chanel and Rebekah agreeing. Rebekah DRs that she is unsure if she can trust Thomas but an alliance is an alliance. In the morning, Ingrid DRs that she needs to find an alliance partner that will trust her to the very end, do anything for her, and believe that she is playing an equal part in the alliance when, in truth, she is being molded into a finals goat. After interacting with everybody, Corinne seems like the gullible type. Ingrid talks to Corinne 1-on-1 and says how, out of everybody, she respects her the most and feels a connection with. Corinne says that she doesn't swing that way and apologizes. Ingrid means on a platonic level. Corinne thanks her. Ingrid then suggests an alliance between the two of them, to which Corinne agrees. Ingrid CCs that you can tell the type of person Corinne is. She needs somebody like her (Ingrid) to help her out and navigate the game. Around this time, numerous military officials come into the backyard and announce that the week's twist will begin ... now.
The host reveals to the stage that, this week the "not-guests" will have to EARN their status as houseguests. As such, former houseguests will enter the backyard as "drill sergeants". The drill sargeants are:

Callum Martocci (Season 4)
Charlotte Walker (Season 5)
Jacinto Faria (Season 3)
Lilia Giampietro (Season 4)
Lilly White (Season 3)
Omar Grazioli (Season 5)

Charlotte Walker mentions how they have until the morning of Day 5 to win houseguest status as those without it will face eviction. Jacinto Faria says that, at the end of today, whoever wins status will have a chance to switch with a non-houseguest, although they may be at risk of facing eviction. Callum Martocci says that the first task will begin soon.

Episode 2 A bit in the day, Thomas talks to Miles about how they have to get Brynn out as all of those tattoos plus the fact that she is a correctional officer means that she will be a very tough opponent to beat. Miles agrees. Miles DRs that, as far as Thomas goes, he'll trust him for now. Chanel and Avril talk by themselves as well. Avril comments on how privacy is almost impossible right now. Chanel agrees but that's how the game is right now. Chanel DRs that, of course, there is no such thing as privacy in the Big Brother house. Avril asks her opinion on the drill sergeants. Chanel says that she thinks it's hilarious that they brought back pre-jury flops but it is what it is. Avril does like the idea of giving your status to somebody else, although Chanel thinks that is a stupid idea. Ingrid looks around and DRs that it's hilarious how people may be trying to form alliances in front of everybody but if they want their cards out in the open, that's up to them as she'll take out anybody in her way.
[TASK 1 RESULTS] The honourable and laidback JJ, as well as loyal and very intelligent (although, at this moment, very underestimated) Corinne, are the first two to win houseguest status.
JJ DRs that he won this for Avril as, if she doesn't win status, he can switch with her. JJ and Corinne are given access to the house. As they enter, they explore the place and, once the reach the bedroom, JJ asks Corinne for a private alliance, to which Corinne agrees. JJ DRs that this game is getting easier and easier but he knows to not get cocky. Avril talks with Rebekah, Ingrid, and Chanel. Avril DRs that JJ winning was great for their game and, now, she needs to secure herself. Avril says that she wants to make this quick but, out of everybody, she feels like she can only trust the three of them and would like to make an alliance with them. Chanel and Ingrid agree. Rebekah DRs that she agreed because she isn't going to refuse an alliance but, at the same time, Avril has been coming across as a wildcard so she scares her in a way. Chanel says that the four of them have to stick together. Ingrid agrees and says that an alliance was a great idea. Rebekah DRs that, on top of not being able to trust Avril since the beginning, she is, slowly, getting everybody wrapped around her finger and that scares her the most. Later, Piers and Ingrid talk alone. Ingrid DRs that, out of everybody, Piers comes off as calculating and would be a good ally to share info with before, eventually, backstabbing him as she takes Corinne to the end. Piers says that, while he is happy for JJ and Corinne, he doesn't know where he stands with everybody and doesn't feel safe. Ingrid agrees and says that you never know with people. Piers DRs that Ingrid is, surprisingly, easy to talk to, although he is unsure about an alliance with her as she comes off as really intelligent, which is something she should've thought of before portraying herself as such.
[TASK 2 RESULTS] The sly and manipulative Ingrid, as well as fun-loving and calculating Avril, win houseguest status.
Episode 3 The second task just finished. Ingrid DRs how stoked she is and, now, she is safe for the rest of the week. Avril DRs that she is so happy that her and JJ are safe for the week. Ingrid and Avril are given access to the house. Chanel DRs that Avril winning as great as she is her closest ally. She also says about being in an alliance with Ingrid, Rebekah, and Avril, as well as Thomas, Miles, and Rebekah, but, naturally, her only allegiance is to the "only real person in the house", Avril White. JJ and Corinne give Ingrid and Avril a tour of the house. Ingrid DRs about how this is a perfect opportunity to pull Corinne aside and keep sweet-talking her as she is the most gullible person she has ever met. Ingrid and Corinne are alone in the bedroom. Ingrid tells her that she really respects her as an ally and she feels like, at the moment, she is the only person that she can trust. Corinne agrees. Corinne DRs that Ingrid is, definitely, somebody who she can trust but, the moment she breaks that trust, her (Ingrid) eviction will be her redemption. Everybody else is sitting outside. Joseph DRs that Collin is hilarious. There is a montage of Collin's stand up routine to entertain everybody. Joseph DRs that he is the most entertaining person in the house right now and it's nice to have somebody help pass the time. Rebekah DRs that Colin comes across as a really trustworthy person, which is odd coming from somebody who has doubted everybody in the house. Thomas DRs that Colin is a very social person but his charm makes him want to ally with him and take him far. Colin DRs that his strategy is to make people love him as it'll make it harder for them to come after him.
[TASK 3 RESULTS] The aggressive and adventurous Brynn and protective and supportive Joseph win houseguest status.
Right after the challenge, every person who has won houseguest status so far (JJ, Corinne, Ingrid, Avril, Brynn, and Joseph) will have their first opportunity to give somebody their houseguest status. Upon doing so, they won't be auto-nominated but, rather, that person will be safe and they will have to fight for status once again. Joseph DRs that, even if people evict him over this, he wants Shaunie to go farther so he plans to give him his status. Thomas whispers to Miles and Rebekah that they need to look out for who gives it away to who as they may have an alliance. Thomas DRs that he has faith in his alliance as he plans to mold them into an alliance of people who will give up their lives in the game for him. While everybody else decides not to, Joseph gives up his status to Shaun, saying that, after some conversations with him, he feels like Shaun deserves the status while he is fine trying to battle for status again. He also says that, out of everybody, Shaun spoke to him the most so he is, simply, repaying his kindness. Shaun joins the other official houseguests while Joseph steps down. Brynn DRs that she is so surprised that Joseph is willing to risk himself just for somebody else's kindness but, in a way, she really respects Joseph for that. Colin DRs that Joseph is, truly, a kind person and he sees himself getting along with him. Shaun is holding back tears of joy in the DR, saying how his dad has been his role model since a young age due to how he treats other people. A bit later, Avril is talking to Chanel about what Joseph did. Avril thought it was sweet but strange while Chanel thought it was stupid and an obvious attempt at strategy to gain Shaun's trust. Avril sees where she is coming from. Chanel DRs that she wants Joseph out before anybody else. Later, Thomas talks to Joseph alone and tells him that he respects him a lot and would like to ally with such a good person, to which Joseph agrees, DRing that, while he doesn't know if he can trust Thomas, he will agree for now. Thomas DRs that, as Joseph gains popularity, allying with Joseph will make allying with others easier. Rebekah, however, overhears the conversation and DRs that he saw him ally with Ingrid and Brynn earlier and didn't think anything of it but, now, she is noticing that he plans to have connections everywhere. Rebekah is talking to Miles alone and asks if he can trust Thomas. Miles DRs that, judging by her tone, she clearly doesn't. Miles says he doesn't and thinks that he will turn on them in a moment's notice. Rebekah agrees and tells him about the amount of alliances that he has been making to save his own skin. Miles DRs that it's a nice strategy if you don't get caught.
[TASK 4 RESULTS] After everybody gets into pairs, the charming and cheerful, Colin, and confidant and opinionated, Saundra, win houseguest status.
Episode 4 Colin and Saundra have just won the task and have earned their status. Saundra DRs that she is excited and is ready to play now that she isn't at risk anymore. She says that, now, she can focus on who she will put up if she wins HOH next week, which may or may not be "fake as f*ck Avril" who she can't stand because every conversation with her has her fake looks and responses when, in truth, she does not care what you have to say ever. She then says that her targets, in order, are Avril, Brynn, JJ, Piers, and Thomas. She says that Thomas tried to make an alliance with her but she can smell bulls**t. It was confirmed later by Rebekah, who spoke her mind and everything made sense.

Flashback to the day before: Avril and Saundra are talking. Avril nods her head and says mmhmm throughout the conversation.

Rebekah is shown talking to Saundra about Thomas. Rebekah DRs that she has noticed that Saundra can have an attitude sometimes and she comes across as the person to call somebody else out so, what SHE wants is to expose Thomas by having him expose himself. Saundra says that everything makes sense and that Thomas is a snake. Rebekah says that she doesn't know how they can take Thomas down with all of his alliances. Saundra DRs that she isnt afraid to call out BS. Saundra notices Thomas talking to JJ and walks up to him and asks if he is making another alliance to add to his collection. JJ DRs that, as soon as Saundra said that, he wanted to walk away but he also wanted to stay. Thomas tells her to mind her own business and, if she apologizes, he won't make sure she leaves next week. Saundra says that he might not get the chance if he leaves this week and walks away. Rebekah DRs that she overheard what she said and is super giddy as Thomas needs to be taken down. Thomas goes up to Miles and says that he was just talking to Saundra not too long ago and, that, next week, she needs to go. When Miles asks why, Thomas says that she just has to go and there is no need to ask why because HE, Thomas, runs the alliance. In the DR, Miles is speechless. Thomas asks Miles if he is questioning him, to which Miles says he isn't but he didn't like how he worded that. Thomas says that he didn't say anything wrong as, to him, what he said was the truth -- he made the alliance so he says how it goes so Saundra is going next week and that is final. Brynn overhears this and DRs that Miles looks so uncomfortable and she felt bad for him as he had to listen to Thomas saying how he "made the alliance" and he "says how it goes". Brynn walks up to him and tells him to stop harassing Miles. Thomas tells her to mind her own business and wait until one of them wins HOH to ask his opinion. Brynn asks what he means by that. Thomas tells her that, if she wins HOH, Saundra is going up and out without a moment's hesitation and, if she respects their alliance, she will do that. Miles calls Thomas a piece of s**t and walks away. Thomas yells at Miles that, after that, he better start packing his bags if he doesn't win the next task. Miles DRs that Thomas has to go. Piers is sitting next to Joseph. Piers comments on how it looks like Thomas and Miles are mad at eachother. Piers DRs that he has a master plan to get to the end and it starts with staying out of all drama and making an alliance so, right now, he is talking with Joseph, hoping to make a bond for the next week. Joseph is curious what happened.

[TASK 5 RESULTS] During one of the only two individual tasks, rational but reckless, Rebekah wins houseguest status.
Rebekah DRs how happy she is as Thomas didn't win. Afterwards, Thomas goes up to Rebekah and tells her to switch with him. When Rebekah doesn't want to, Thomas gets upset and tells her that they are allies (in front of everybody). Rebekah DRs that her pstience with Thomas is wearing thin. Saundra yells at him to stop harassing her. Thomas tells her that he will evict anybody who tries to mess with Thomas Tesreau Jr. Miles tells Thomas that he has lost. Thomas DRs that, ever since Saundra spoke to him earlier, he has been erratic and he needs to calm down. Thomas tells Miles that the conversation has now ended and, that, he wants to be alone for a bit. Saundra consoles Rebekah, who is fine but appreciative. Avril and Chanel are sitting near the house. Chanel says how she can't believe he has said all that and says how he had an alliance with her. Avril says that he made one with her as well. Avril CCs that she would love to see Thomas go but, at the same time, he IS a potential good shield.
[TASK 6 RESULTS] The second and final individual task results in demanding and calculating, Piers winning houseguest status.
BB announces that the four facing eviction are Chanel, Miles, Joseph, and Thomas.
Episode 5 The announcement of the nominees -- Chanel, Joseph, Miles, and Thomas -- has just happened.
Chanel, out loud, hopes for a VETO, which causes Miles to chuckle. Thomas says that he may need it. Shaun DRs that his plan this week is to make sure his dad stays as he would love to go to the Final 2 with him. Shaun talks with Colin and Miles. Shaun DRs that, yesterday, he made an alliance with Colin and Miles as he wanted to be in one alliance and have his dad be in another one so that they can pass information around and control 6 votes without being one alliance as, if it was a six person alliance, people may take out him or his dad while, with two 3 person alliances, both alliances assume that their alliance will be the final three and NOT the final six. Miles says that he wants Thomas out really badly. Shaun DRs that, thanks to Thomas destroying his own game, a lot of people want him out. Colin says that he is all for it, although Thomas would just be targeted the next week and they could take out Chanel this week. Colin DRs that the other choices were Miles, his ally, and Joseph, who saved Shaun so he had to say Chanel. Shaun mentions that he overheard Thomas target Miles, causing Colin to agree and say that Thomas is the best plan then. Piers is talking to Joseph and asks him who he would like the third member of their alliance to be. Piers DRs that he has, successfully, gained Joseph's trust and he was open to an alliance but he wanted to differ from Thomas' strategy and give Joseph some freedom such as who the third and final member would be. Joseph says that they could use Brynn. Joseph DRs that him and Brynn are the two oldest people in the house and, so, they have bonded a bit. Plus, she looks like she could win competitions. Piers agrees with the suggestion and says that they should approach her but not together. Brynn, Joseph, and Piers are in the bathroom, alone, together. Brynn agrees to the alliance. Piers mentions that he was thinking of a name that resembles a company like "The Foundation" because they are the foundation of strategy and control in the house. Joseph and Brynn really like that. Brynn DRs that she wasn't too trusting of Piers before but, recently, she has gone up in his list of trustworthy people so she has faith in this alliance. Ingrid talks to Saundra and says how Avril and Colin were flirting earlier so she should look out for a potential showmance. Saundra thanks her for the heads up. She then talks to Corinne in one of the bedrooms. Ingrid DRs that the best thing about having an ally like Corinne is that she'll TRY to strategize but it's better to only pretend you are listening. Corinne mentions how JJ seems like a strong player and should be somebody that they target early. Ingrid tells her that, before they target JJ, they should target Joseph this week and says that he made a big social move when he gave his status to Shaun. Corinne thinks that it would be impossible to take Joseph out, to which Ingrid denies and lies about how people have brought up his name already as people believe he made a stupid mistake. She DRs that she plans to set her up for failure so she becomes one more shield for her as Joseph will target her after she exposes the vote. Corinne DRs that Ingrid seems to be a good ally but a parr of her isnt sure due to the nature of the game but she needs to trust somebody. Later, Corinne is talking to Saundra alone and mentions how Ingrid appears to be trustworthy. Saundra says she doesn't know her but she should be careful. Saundra DRs that she has spoken, occasionally, to Corinne, and they have formed a genuine bond as of today. Saundra asks her who Ingrid wants out. Corinne tells her that her target is Joseph for what he did earlier. Saundra says that makes sense but, with her vote, she plans to vote Chanel instead of Thomas like how a lot of people think she'll vote as Chanel is still considered trustworthy while everybody will target Thomas over and over again. Chanel, meanwhile, is with Avril and JJ in the house. JJ DRs that it's been hard to cuddle or talk with Avril with Chanel glued to her hip all the time. It's nice to have an ally and the two of them prefer to have their outside relationship a secret but it would be nice if they could have some privacy from time to time. Chanel talks about how she is scared that people may not vote Thomas due to the potential of people targeting him next week. Avril tells her that she has nothing to worry about. Chanel DRs that she really trusts Avril and JJ. Avril DRs that she refuses to let Chanel go home. "The Foundation" (Brynn, Joseph, Piers) are alone in one of the bedrooms. Brynn tells them that Chanel is observant and intelligent. Plus, she is with Avril all the time. Joseph thinks that they should continue to target Thomas. Joseph DRs that Shaun told him of the plan, which makes sense as he is targeting Miles, Rebekah, Brynn, and Saundra with Brynn being in HIS alliance and Miles being in SHAUN'S alliance. Joseph reminds Brynn that Thomas wants her out due to her "threatening appearance". Brynn remembers but feels like he'll wait until somebody else wins HOH and then try to take control, which he will fail at due to his game imploding. Brynn CCs that Thomas' reason is BS. Joseph feels like, due to his game imploding, he may try to win HOH. Thomas, meanwhile, DRs that he has tried to talk to some people but he feels like his time is running out and for good reason.
THOMAS has been EVICTED (8-1-1-0)

Week 2

Week 2 Episode 6 After Thomas leaves, Rebekah DRs that she is very pleased that she helped expose Thomas and got him evicted as a result. She says that, at the moment, she views Miles as a good ally. Miles DRs that he is stoked that Thomas left, especially after everything that was said to him and Rebekah. Corinne DRs that she is very confused as, before the eviction, she was assured that Joseph was going home and, when it came down to it, she was the only one who voted.
[FLASHBACK -- 2 HOURS BEFORE EVICTION] Ingrid is talking to Corinne in the bathroom. She tells her that people have made up their mind about Joseph going. Corinne thanks her for the heads-up.

Ingrid tells Joseph that, for some odd reason, Corinne is campaigning to get him out.

Ingrid tells Brynn that Corinne is making things very personal against Joseph and is bringing his family into it. Brynn is shocked.
Corinne DRs that Ingrid would have no reason to lie so she must have been duped as well. Thinking about it, though, as she was the only vote, that means Ingrid didn't even vote him. Ingrid DRs that Thomas has left and Joseph received one vote and she knows EXACTLY who casted that vote.
Brynn DRs that she is excited to win the first official HOH as that means that The Foundation, an alliance between herself, Piers, and Joseph, will decide who goes home this week and it will allow her to gain information for her to use down the road. Piers whispers to Joseph that he is really excited. Joseph agrees but hopes that the HOH win doesn't cause people to target Brynn He says that he would love to see Corinne go. Piers DRs that he is in an alliance with Joseph and Brynn called "The Foundation". He says that he trusts them the most right now and can see himself going far with them. Shaun is in the storage room with Colin and Miles. He DRs that he knows about The Foundation and, due to Brynn winning, he will be safe and, hopefully, his dad can convince Brynn to not target Colin or Miles. Miles mentions that he hasn't spoken to Brynn much so, hopefully he can get a chance to talk to her. Colin agrees and says that Brynn seems really nice so he thinks that, if they show her the same kindness, she won't put them up. Shaun agrees. Shaun DRs that he can't tell Colin or Miles about Joseph being his dad because the two of them will be targeted so he has to play dumb. Avril and Chanel are in one of the bedrooms with JJ. Chanel says that Brynn winning HOH proves how much of a threat she is and, that, if she wins HOH next week, her and Saundra are going up. JJ says that he understands Brynn but he doesn't understand why Saundra. Chanel says that most of the people in the house are fake and looking for attention and, judging by her actions last week, she wants the spotlight on her. JJ DRs that Avril and Chanel have gotten really close but he is worried about Chanel being a loose cannon and making all three of them targets, especially as if people choose to target Chanel, it is very obvious that her and Avril are really good friends. After the HOH room reveal, Miles asks if he can talk to Brynn 1-on-1, to which Brynn agrees. Miles DRs that he is worried aboutngoing up this week. He, barely, spoke with her and that is his fault. Alone, Miles mentions how he feels bad for not talking to her much and will understand if he goes up but he wants her to know that, this week, he would like to get to know her more and, that, if he stays off the block, he promises to repay the kindness. Brynn appreciates it. Brynn DRs that she will accept Miles' proposal as he seems like a genuine person, unlike some other people in this house like Corinne.

Ingrid is talking with Avril and says that Corinne wanta her out. Avril is really ahocked. Ingrid says that Corinne is super fake and has no problems talking trash behind other peoples' backs. Ingrid DRs that her closest ally in the house is Corinne and she hopes that she trusts her back at this point. Corinne and Saundra are in the bathroom. Corinne talks about the vote for Joseph and how she was duped by Ingrid. Saundra says that, next week, she will win HOH and take her out. Saundra DRs that Corinne has become her closest friend in the house and to see somebody else play her like a fool pisses her off to no end. Joseph, Piers, and Brynn are alone in the HOH room. Piers says that they should keep this brief to avoid suspicion from the others. Joseph and Brynn agree. Joseph brings up how he doesn't trust too many people in the house but wonders who they can evict and benefit from. Piers mentions that he finds Miles and Colin way too likable and sympathetic as Colin is the joker and Miles was verbally attacked by Thomas last week. Piers DRs that the two of them could coast to the end. Joseph says that, if they are worried about jury threats, they should wait until they are closer to Final 12 or something. Joseph DRs that his plan is to make sure Shaun, Miles, and Colin avoid going on the block but he doesn't want to make it obvious as to what he is doing. Brynn says that she isn't concerned with Miles or Colin right now but they can, definitely, bring them up again in a few weeks and see if they should be taken out. Joseph DRs that the crisis is averted. Piers appreciates Brynn's open-mindedness to the situation and asks her if she has a target in mind. She says that she has two, especially after her conversation with Ingrid. Piers DRs that Corinne is the alliance's target this week.

Chanel and Corinne are nominated. Brynn tells them that both of their names have come up so she plans to have the house decide.
Episode 7 Corinne DRs that she is so confused but the one thing she is certain about is that Ingrid had a small smile the moment the nominations were made. Corinne asks if she can talk to Brynn, who invites her up immediately. Chanel DRs that Corinne is mostly up due to being a pawn as a lot of people see her as gullible and not willing to make a move in the game. The only person that seems like a friend to her inside the game is Saundra, who people want out due to being a wildcard. As for HER, she has every reason to be confused ... and concerned. Avril leads Chanel into the store room. JJ DRs that, if she isn't careful, she may find herself exiting the house due to how close they are and he wants to protect her as much as possible. Avril tells Chanel to not worry as she will protect her and make sure that she stays this week. Plus, Corinne has pissed people off this week. Chanel says that she really appreciates it and hopes that Brynn has a backdoor plan if Corinne wins. Avril DRs that she isnt worried. In the HOH room, Brynn tells Corinne that her name was brought up. Apparently, she was talking huge trash about Joseph and Avril. Corinne but she would like her to stay, personally. Corinne appreciates that and asks if Ingrid Hargrave brought her name up. Brynn DRs that, six hours before the nomination ceremony, Ingrid came and spoke to her. Either Ingrid is playing too hard or Corinne is guilty. Brynn mentions Ingrid bringing up the vote for Joseph and most of the house didn't want Joseph to leave due to what he did for Shaun. Corinne, in the DR, is speechless. Corinne mentions that Ingrid told her that everybody was voting for Joseph and, that, she didn't want to be in the minority. She, herself, felt like Thomas was going but Ingrid said that Thomas was too big of a threat that people would go after him later. Brynn also tells Corinne that Ingrid told her that she was talking mad trash about Joseph and making it super personal. Corinne denies all of this. Corinne calls Ingrid a b***h in the DR and says that she is done being her "puppet". Brynn says that she doesn't know what happened for sure as she has heard two different sides. Corinne understands and goes to leaves. She says that she has no intention of going after Joseph atm before leaving the room. Brynn DRs that Corinne was geniunely upset so, maybe, she was telling the truth. Corinne finds Saundra doing her makeup in the bathroom and tells her what Brynn said. Saundra is pissed and suggests that they call her out right away. Corinne says that she wants her game exposed so badly. Colin enters the bathroom and overhears. He tells Saundra to be careful if she wants to call anybody out because people will see her as that kind of person. Saundra appreciates Colin looking after her but Ingrid needs to be exposed and she needs to go. Colin DRs that he's gotten along with Saundra, unlike others, and he would rather not see her go. Saundra DRs that Colin is a sweet boy but she wants to do this for Corinne. Most of the houseguests are in the living room. The moment Corinne and Saundra enter, Corinne calls Ingrid a cowardly, little b***h. Everybody's heads turn. JJ DRs that he can't believe what he just heard. Ingrid DRs that she has Corinne in the palm of her hand so she was surprised to hear her say that. Corinne then says how she, Ingrid, was the one who gave the okay for a Joseph blindside and convinced her that everybody was going after Joseph, which she, Corinne, didn't want but felt like she had no other choice but to oblige. After that, she finds out that she, Ingrid, turned her back on her and damaged her game for no reason other than she is a cold, heartless, b***h. She says that she never said anything personal about Joseph, who she says is incredibly sweet. Saundra then notes that it was fishy how Ingrid was mentioning that Avril and Colin could be dating due to them being flirty the day before. JJ, immediately, walks away. JJ DRs that he is pissed at Ingrid right now. Avril says that what she is saying is not true and Colin backs her up. Saundra points her finger at Ingrid, accusing her of starting drama and betraying allies. Ingrid is speechless and tries to excuse herself from the conversation. Ingrid then lies and says that it was Saundra who started all of this by saying this to her. Saundra yells at Ingrid about how that doesn't make sense and that she is acting unstable. Saundra then says, to Ingrid, that she is beyond untrustworthy and she has proven that so many times since she has walked through the front door. Brynn DRs, wondering if she should backdoor Ingrid. Avril DRs that she is unsure if she can trust Ingrid at this point. Piers DRs that he did not expect this and is now considering targeting Ingrid. Saundra said that she has involved Corinne, Joseph, Avril, and Colin in her lies and, yeah, that's the nature of the game but she's been caught. Colin chimes in and tells everybody that, not once, has he and Avril ever flirted. Avril says that she is in a relationship and everybody knows that and she would never cheat on her boyfriend. She leaves the room in tears. In the DR, Avril hopes that JJ didn't believe what was said as he walked away immediately after Saundra brought up what Ingrid said. Ingrid then says that she was just pointing out how it looked like Colin and Avril were flirting. Corinne comments on how it's nice that Ingrid had admitted to starting a false rumour. Corinne DRs that Ingrid made it very personal. The Foundation are in the HOH room, discussing the argument. Piers thinks that Saundra could be lying. Joseph doubts it as Saundra was right about Thomas. Piers brings up how, if they take Ingrid out, they are, simply, taking out anybody that Saundra gets into a fight with and, Thomas probably said those things due to pressure. Piers DRs that he will NOT play Saundra's game. After thinking about it, Ingrid cant go this week. Later, Avril and JJ are talking. JJ says that she trusts her and only left because of the drama and the BS that he didn't want to put up with. Avril says how she was afraid that JJ would believe the rumour. Colin comes in and asks if Avril is alright. Avril says that she is fine and is just a little upset atm. Colin offers to get them both something to drink, which Avril and JJ appreciate. Colin DRs that he hates that Ingrid got her involved in this. As Colin leaves, JJ points out how he is a very good friend. Chanel enters and asks Avril if she is okay. Avril replies the same way and she sits down with them. Joseph and Shaun are in the store room. Shaun asks him about Corinne admitting to voting him. Joseph says that he is fine as her reasoning made sense. Shaun mentions how he was very surprised when Corinne, of all people, went after Ingrid. Joseph says that Corinne going after her like that makes it seem like what she said was true. Shaun DRs that, if anybody plans to go after his Dad, he'll make sure to evict them.
JJ wins the VETO.
JJ DRs that he was talking with Avril and Chanel and all three of them agreed that Saundra needs to go as they can take out Ingrid next week or let Corinne go after her. However, by taking out Saundra, they can reel in Ingrid, who will be the ultimate shield for them. In the HOH room, JJ tells Brynn that he wants Saundra up since, even if she's innocent, she is causing a lot of problems. Ingrid will, no doubt, be targeted next week. Brynn agrees. She DRs that she will let somebody else take her out as her and Saundra are on good terms. Brynn says that, as she knows full well that Ingrid screwed over Corinne, she would like Corinne taken off. JJ DRs that this conflicts with his alliance with Chanel but Corinne is, no doubt, innocent. Brynn says that it should be easy to get the votes against Saundra but, if Corinne is up, Ingrid may try to get the votes against HER instead and they are both left with a very angry Saundra. JJ understands. As JJ leaves, Rebekah enters. Rebekah DRs that she has been laying low as her plan to emerge later on so, right now, she wants to see if Brynn has a lot so she can show her loyalty in hopes of the same being returned later on. Brynn mentions that the plan is for Chanel to go as she is sneaky and glued to Avril's hip. Rebekah agrees that Chanel could be trouble later. Brynn appreciates it and hopes to let Saundra know that they need to make sure that JJ doesn't use the VETO on Chanel. Brynn DRs that this week has been absolutely crazy. In the end, she plans to focus on Chanel to split up a potential duo.
JJ uses the VETO on Corinne, causing Brynn to put Saundra up, which shocked many in the house.
Episode 8 Saundra DRs that she doesn't agree with Brynn's plan as more people may want her out than Corinne but, as the plan was to make sure that JJ didn't use the VETO on Chanel, it worked out, although Brynn should've put up Avril. Chanel heads to the backyard, prompting Avril to follow. Chanel DRs that JJ explained the situation, which sucks, but, at least, Saundra is up and they can get her hot-tempered a** out of here. Chanel says that, next week, she wants Brynn up and out of the house for putting her at risk like this. Avril agrees and says that Brynn is a dangerous player willing to make risks without risking herself. Chanel disagrees and says that Brynn risked herself by winning the first official HOH and then nominate her (Chanel). Rebekah approaches them and sits down. Rebekah says that she has her vote to stay. Chanel replies with "naturally". She then comments on how Brynn has promised that she is safe so she believes her. Rebekah DRs that, whether she votes for Chanel or Saundra is up in the air but, either way, she plans to vote in the minority to pin the blame on somebody else. As for the reassurance, as much as she doesn't like Chanel for her nasty attitude, she doesn't want her to campaign so she doesn't give anybody a reason to keep her. Shaun, Miles, and Colin are in the storeroom. Miles says that he finds the potential arguing between Ingrid, Corinne, and Saundra to be interesting and, if Saundra stays, it keeps any target off them for, at least, 3 weeks. Shaun agrees and says that Chanel and Avril need to be split up. Collin DRs that Chanel and Avril have, mainly, spoken to each other all week. It is really sketchy. Colin says that, as much as he feels bad for Chanel and Avril, taking one of them out is the best move. Shaun realizes that it's good for them either way as, if Chanel stays, people will target her and Avril either way. Shaun DRs that they take out Saundra, which will appease Ingrid and nobody wants that or they split up Chanel and Avril. Either way, either staying is a shield. Corinne and Saundra are in the bathroom. Corinne says that she trusts Brynn, although she is unsure about the others. Saundra agrees and says that the best move for her is to rally some votes just in case. Saundra DRs that she refuses to leave her life in the game to the HOH's "word". Ingrid, Chanel, JJ, and Avril are in the hot tub room. Avril suggests that they be the final 4. Ingrid loves the idea. Avril says that, next week, one of Brynn, Corinne, or Saundra will be targeted. Chanel says that it would be amazing if all three left in the next 3 weeks. JJ DRs that the plan is to appeal to Ingrid so they have another number on their side and, by doing this, this guarantees another vote for Chanel to stay. He doesnt know if an alliance with Ingrid is good and, yes, he is being wishy-washy with this. Ingrid agrees to what she said, as well as the alliance. Chanel admits to feeling safer already. Miles and Rebekah talk in the bedroom. Miles says that he is leaning towards voting out Chanel while Rebekah says that she is on the fence. She says how a part of her wants to vote for the minority so that they can use that and throw suspicion onto somebody else. Miles likes the plan. Miles DRs that he has a secret alliance with Rebekah after last week and, so far, their plan is to stay in the shadows and strike when necessary. Piers is talking with JJ, who says that he is leaning towards voting out Saundra. Piers agrees and says that she needs to go. Piers DRs that he will never play Saundra's game but he, also, wants to stay loyal to The Foundation. His plan is to see where everybody's head is at and vote accordingly. He then says that Brynn promised the both of them safety so, if she goes down, so will he. Joseph and Brynn are in the HOH room. Shaun knocks and comes in. Brynn asks Shaun where his head is at. He says that he plans to vote out Chanel but he is open if the HOH wants differently. Brynn says that her plan is for Chanel to go so she is really appreciative. Shaun DRs that this was the best opportunity to let his dad know how he, Miles, and Colin will vote and, since Brynn loves it, all is going well. He leaves and Brynn tells Joseph that she feels like Chanel will go but is unsure. Joseph says that he's asked around and it looks like it'll be 7-3. Brynn is relieved. Joseph says that Avril, JJ, and Ingrid are obvious. Brynn wonders why JJ wants to save Chanel. Colin comes in and asks how Brynn would like him to vote. He DRs that he would love Brynn's opinion so his alliance can stay good with her. Brynn tells Colin that she would like for Chanel to go, to which Colin says that he has no problem voting her out. After he leaves, Brynn mentions how she really likes Colin's kindness. Joseph agrees and says that, while that may make him dangerous, he is great to have around.
After a tie (5-5) is revealed, Brynn casts the sole vote for CHANEL to be evicted, completely shocking her, Avril, and Ingrid.
The host reveals that four new houseguests will enter the house.

Week 3

Week 3 Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11

Week 4

Week 4 Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14