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Lands End
[hr][align=center][b]Motto[/b]: "[i] Here I Stand, Here I Remain[/i]"[/align]
[hr][b]Anthem[/b][float=right] Popular Call ([url=<nowiki></nowiki>[/url])[/float]
[hr][b]Capital city[/b][float=right]Carthiada[/float]
[hr][b]Largest city[/b][float=right]Khariabad[/float]
[hr][b]Official language(s)[/b][float=right]Claycian[/float]
[hr][b]National language(s)[/b][float=right]-Khari[/float]
[hr][b]Ethnic groups[/b][float=right][b]By race:[/b][/float]
⠀[float=right]34% Arab[/float]
⠀[float=right]14% African [/float]
⠀[float=right]10% Other[/float]
⠀[float=right][b]By ethnicity:[/b][/float]
[float=right]43% Bardi[/float]
⠀[float=right]27% Khari[/float]
⠀[float=right]20% Hansan [/float]
⠀[float=right]13% Ofrusian [/float]
⠀[float=right]7% Other[/float]
[hr][b]Government[/b][float=right]Government Type[/float]
- King[float=right]Erich Leftenson[/float]
- Minister-President [float=right] Alastair Korlaw [/float]
[hr][b]Legislature[/b][float=right]Federal Parliament [/float]
- Establishment as a Colony of Hansa [float=right] November 13 1702 [/float]
- Independence from Hansa[float=right]August 12, 1896[/float]
- Formation of the First Kingdom [float=right]August 13, 1899[/float]
- Formation of the Federation[float=right]November 5, 1933[/float]
- Formation of the Republic[float=right]August 25, 1996[/float]
- Formation of the Kingdom [float=right] May 6, 2023 [/float]
- Total area[float=right]approx. 500,805 sq km [/float]
⠀[float=right](193,362 sq mi)[/float]
- Water (%)[float=right]approx. 4.66[/float]
- Estimate[float=right]33,400,000[/float]
- Census[float=right] 32,323,892[/float]
[hr][b]GDP[/b][float=right]Current Estimate[/float]
- Total[float=right]332,121,032,198[/float]
- Per Capita[float=right]10,274[/float]
[hr][b]Human Developement Index[/b][float=right]0.842[/float]
[hr][b]Currency[/b][float=right] Krown-Sterling (₭r)[/float]
[hr][b]Date format[/b][float=right]dd/mm/yyyy[/float]
[hr][b]Drives on the[/b][float=right]left[/float]
[hr][b]Calling code[/b][float=right]+899[/float]
[hr][b]ISO 3166 code[/b][float=right]NB[/float]
[hr][b]Internet TLD[/b][float=right].nb[/float][/floatright][/sidebar]
[size=75]From LEpedia, the [region]Lands End[/region] online encyclopedia.[/size]
[b][nation=noflag+long]North-Bardonia[/nation][/b] (Gründ Kingdom oz Nörd-Bardönia) commonly known as the [b]North-Bardonia[/b], is a country located in Magnaterra, consisting of 21 states and a federal territory. At (Blank)million square miles (Blank) million square kilometers). With a population of over 22 million. The national capital is Carthiada and the most populous city is Khariabad.
1 [url=#Etymology]Etymology[/url]
2 [url=#History]History[/url]
⠀⠀2.1 [url=#History1]Section 1[/url]
⠀⠀2.2 [url=#History2]Section 2[/url]
⠀⠀2.3 [url=#History3]Section 3[/url]
3 [url=#Geography]Geography[/url]
⠀⠀3.1 [url=#Climate]Climate[/url]
⠀⠀3.1 [url=#Environment]Environment[/url]
⠀⠀3.1 [url=#Wildlife]Wildlife and Conservation[/url]
4 [url=#Demographics]Demographics[/url]
⠀⠀4.1 [url=#Population]Population[/url]
⠀⠀4.2 [url=#Language]Language[/url]
⠀⠀4.3 [url=#Religion]Religion[/url]
⠀⠀4.4 [url=#Health]Health[/url]
⠀⠀4.5 [url=#Education]Education[/url]
5 [url=#Politics]Politics[/url]
⠀⠀5.1 [url=#PolDivision]Political Divisions[/url]
⠀⠀5.2 [url=#PartiesElection]Parties and Elections[/url]
⠀⠀5.3 [url=#Law]Law[/url]
⠀⠀5.4 [url=#ForeignRelation]Foreign Relations[/url]
⠀⠀5.5 [url=#Finance]Government Finance[/url]
6 [url=#Military]Military[/url]
⠀⠀6.1 [url=#Army]Army[/url]
⠀⠀6.2 [url=#Navy]Navy[/url]
⠀⠀6.3 [url=#AirForce]Air and Space Force[/url]
⠀⠀6.4 [url=#NatGuard]National Guard[/url]
⠀⠀6.5 [url=#Crime]Law Enforcement and Crime[/url]
7 [url=#Economy]Economy[/url]
⠀⠀7.1 [url=#Wealth]Income, Poverty and Wealth[/url]
⠀⠀7.2 [url=#Agriculture]Agriculture[/url]
⠀⠀7.3 [url=#Tourism]Tourism[/url]
⠀⠀7.4 [url=#ScienceTech]Science and Technology[/url]
8 [url=#section8]Infrastructure[/url]
⠀⠀7.1 [url=#Transportation]Transportation[/url]
⠀⠀7.2 [url=#Energy]Energy[/url]
⠀⠀7.3 [url=#Telecom]Telecommunications[/url]
9 [url=#Culture]Culture[/url]
⠀⠀9.1 [url=#Literature]Literature, Philosophy, and Visual Art[/url]
⠀⠀9.2 [url=#Architecture]Architecture[/url]
⠀⠀9.3 [url=#Cuisine]Cuisine[/url]
⠀⠀9.4 [url=#Music]Music[/url]
⠀⠀9.5 [url=#Cinema]Cinema[/url]
⠀⠀9.6 [url=#Sports]Sports[/url]
10 [url=#SeeAlso]See Also[/url]
The name of North Bardonia comes from the Hansan Colonizers. Using the Artevenian word for ‘valuable’ Burdoni came the Hansan word Bardonjia, many Hansan explorers thing that he land south of the peninsula would be valuable they named the land were they first colonized (now called the Syclaian Coast) Nord ov Bardonjia (North of Value). This would evolve into, as the Hansan-Carthiadan traders would say Nord Bardonjia. Once receiving independence from Hansa after nearly two hundred years of being under Hansas foot and its ties to the resources of the east that name of Nord Bardonjia would stick. Evolving into to its modern Claycian name of Nörd-Bardönia.
[size=125][b][anchor=History1][url=#History1][color=black]Prehistory, Early History and Carthiada [/color][/url][/anchor][/b][/size]
Beginning roughly 160,000 thousand years ago the people of the East Magnaterra naturally moved west for more land. This ‘Slow Migration’ eventually to the nomadic Kowri people to settle in the North of North Bardonia continuing a nomadic lifestyle over the vibrant lands. Around 100,000 years ago another group of people coming instead from the west begin the ‘Second Slow Migration’, these people called the Bedouin which continues to roam in the south to this day chose the western coast to settle. Yet again nearly 50,000 years ago another group coming from the east escaping persecution arrived in a ‘Third Slow Migration’ to take over the adió al parts of the Western Coastline. During this time early settlements have been noted dotting around the coast, the oldest of which, know as ‘Mothbridge’ is dated to around 32,000 years ago.
In more recent history around 2000 B.C.E. The first Old Faith settlers fleeing from persecution in the north crossed the Straits of Fate in the nation of what’s known known as Jaredistan and Tribia where a short passage allowed for small rafts to cross the Penitusian allowing many peoples to travel into the region of Western Magnaterra. These settlers chose to move east and eventually discovered themselves in the ‘Carthia’ (Promised) River Valley. Here, where the Carthia meet the sea they built a dozen towns in the delta (ada) of the river and began using agriculture and aquaculture naming this area the Promised Delta (Carthiada). Slowly as Carthiada expanded the people within it would be divided into towns where each town would via for food, land, trade and weapons.
Around thousand five hundred years the settlement was established a group of northern Kowri people raided Carthiada, destroying many of the towns and settlements and in combination with major flooding the following year much of the towns and crops were destroyed. In order to counteract the events of the previous year and with the supposed coming of a saint of the knowing, Saint Martin of the Water, the city build walls surrounding itself and built large scale farms going up the river. St Martin helped build the first lighthouse and then became the city’s first Archpriest and built the Cathedral of Carthiada (also know as the Cathedral of St Martin of the Water).
Following the completion of the dock in 500 BCE  Carthiada began rapidly expanding and conquer surrounding areas as well as becoming a trading empire in the eastern Penitusian Sea. This age of rapid expansion would grow under the Hegemony (and its Hegemons) with its connection to Biggonia in the city of Chabendar in 150 CE. In the 200 CE following the fall of Chabendar the Long Decline of Carthiada would begin.  
The slow collapse of the Carthiadan Empire from the 3rd century to the 12th century first major action would be the Sack of Carthiada in 302 by Carthiada main regional rival, Deims Kir, would lead to the creation of Khari language and Kharistan as a whole. Follow major military defeats in the subject states of Carthiada to it west it would begin the age of piracy to supplement lack of trade. These raids would pester much of the Penitusian coast and were a principal part of the downfall of Carthiada as a trade power. As the nations around it grew more aggressive and the once mighty Carthiadan fleet was depleting after loses and lack of wood to restore the fleet.
It was here in the early 850’s that the an Plutocratic Oligarchy would form, lead by the Polemarch, a once meaningful position as the leader of the armies now lowered to a state of de jure leader of the state. The Council of State (Cöincil oz Stadt) was the real power behind the collapsing and deteriorating state of Carthiada. Across its peninsula was the only major Carthiadan controlled port not located in the Carthia Sea (Promised Sea) was Krondor (Crowns Gate). Krondor in 862 would declare independence and form its own republic establishing itself as a trading port much like Ancient Carthiada.  
For the next 400 years many minor wars were fought as the decline of the Southern North Bardonian peninsula occurred. In the north the blooming Sultanate of Kharistan and it rival in the Mathetists Republic of Cordo Fa (foreshadowing  the rise of Mathetism in North Bardonia) allowed both states to advance heavily but both were pinned by the Uiortel mountains and the Penitusian Sea. All the states of the peninsula would be devastated by the Plague of 902, Plague of 1086, and the Plague of 1198.
[size=125][b][anchor=History2][url=#History2][color=black]Christianity, Crusades and Colonization[/color][/url][/anchor][/b][/size]
After the plagues the Mathetist in southern Amnis and Cordo Fa were looking hungry the Carthia River and the Esdean River which provided bountiful food and place to spread Christianity. Specifically the Archbishop of Cordo Fa called for crusades to take control over Kharistan and Carthiada. This began the First Crusades (from 1203-1221) and the Inquisition (1218-1302).
The First Crusade saw the Mathetist states move southwards, bypassing The Sultanate of Kharistan and heading straight for the major cities of Forthlanding and establishing numerous city states (including Piortel and Uiortel) along the way. These city states would expel and execute Non-Mathetists as a part of the Inquisition. The First Crusade would also see the rise of the Principality of Coulthal and it ruling the Dynasty: The Solen.
As the south became more united over the aftermath of the First Crusade the longstanding house of Leftenson would gain there first Nobel title, Earl of Oxbow, in the aftermath of the Tomas Leftenson leading Carthiada’s militas to victory at the Battle of Oxbow. As skirmishes intensified in the aftermath of the First Crusade eventually lead to the Second Crusade (1256-1267).
The Second Crusade was more interesting than the First Crusade as there was a lot of military and economic buildup to the Crusade. Bishops in Piortel and Uiortel called for war whilst the Bishop of Forthlanding called against (before being burned as a Heretic). In the south a ‘League of the Knowing’ was formed against the ‘Mathetists League’ of the north. This war would last over ten years with numerous minor battles and skirmishes which would slowly degrade the quality of troops. Its aftermath with the beginning of a dark age which would last for over 500 years would begin.
During the 1400’s and 1500’s numerous traders and pirates would come across the Bardonian coasts. Trading and bring glimpse of prosperity that had once been. Several sacking occurred from 1543 to 1562 wheee much of the population of North Bardonia fled inland. This down period of Bardonian Civilisation became know as the ‘Ravine of Civilisation’ or ‘The Little Dark Age’.
[i]“Why do we die… why do we burn… why does civilisation fall…. Only the Knowing may know and that is our destined path” -A Time of Tribulation, Magistrate Egmund (1592), Libraries of the Old Faith[/i]
It was also around this time that the philosophers, monks, priests, and fellows of the Old Faith realized the the organised coastal settlements was too much of a threat to the Old Faithers and the threat of stealing ancient knowledge was very threatening. They chose to fortifying a large mountain settlement close to Carthiada, they called this fortress library [nation]Carthiayer[/nation] Today it remains as the spiritual head of the Old Faith and it’s highest authority the Magisterium.
[size=125][b][anchor=History3][url=#History3][color=black]Independence, Civil War, and Modern Day[/color][/url][/anchor][/b][/size]
[b]CIVIL WAR[/b]
[b]National Salvation Victory[/b]
In 1932 the National Army of North Bardonia would win the North Bardonian Civil War marking the beginning of a two decade lone autocratic reign of President Alexios Elter and the National Salvation Party (which would evolve in 1962 into the National Party).
In 1957 after the 6th Federal Presidential Election of the National Salvation Party (NSP) Government which had lead North Bardonia since 1932 after their victory in the civil war. The current president Alexios Elter (73), first president and founder of the party had announced that he wouldn’t run for a 6th term leading to a major election between Blue Canidate Tarquin Hadelbar (62) and Green Candidate General Corden Augustine (72).Augustine lost the election by over just half a percent (49.4 to 50.6), this leading to a blue president, a reform president, who made it clear his path was for reform. Augustine not letting this happen to his precious Republik and so he called his friends in the military and the police (many of them knew each other from the civil war) for a Green Revolution. The revolution or coup would take place on April 16th with members of the government arrested, the president impeached and the beginning of the Green NSP government which would rule until 1972.
The Northern part of our the country is quite temperate and suffers from annual rains which helps create a mild humidity year round allowing for perfect farming conditions creating a vital territory within North Bardonia. The Mountain ranges to the east of the Northern Plains, called the Uiortel Range were at some points in winter snow develops, this area is known for white sand beaches and is a lovely spot within the Country.
[size=125][b][anchor=Wildlife][url=#Wildlife][color=black]Wildlife and Conservation[/color][/url][/anchor][/b][/size]
Official Census:
1900: 8,321,573
1910: 11,121,012
1920: 14,843,123
1930: 15,242,482
1940: 16,974,232
1950: 17,756,921
1960: 19,835,212
1970: 21,923,922
1980: 23,343,565
1990: 24,646,932
2000: 26,829,232
2010: 29,712,673
2020: 31,323,892
Estimated: 2030: 34,121,183
The Religion of North Bardonia are;
33% The Old Faith
31% Christianity
-21% Protestant
-10% Catholic
28% Ṣūlism
6% Taeatanism
1.2% Irreligious
0.8% Other
Religion in North Bardonia has always been a conscientious topic, with innumerable wars fought over Faith. Even in modern times faith affects politics and economic standing. Alongside countless other issues Religon is one the presents a major challenge to overcome.
[b][u]The Old Faith[/u][/b]
The Old Faith is the largest religious organisation in North-Bardonia and is also the oldest. The diaspora of Old Faithers outside of North Bardonia is mainly cantered in Domlandian, [TBD] and [TBD]. Established roughly 4500 B.C. in Central Vabas. The followers of the Faith for a number of reasons, particularly famine in the region, war and religious persecution chose to leave the safety of Central Vabas and journey south towards the Vabas Strait. From there they traveled towards modern day Carthiada and established the great city on the Carthia River. This, the Carthia River, is truly the heartland of the Old Faith.
The Religious doctrine of the Old Faith centres around there Deity, the Knowing. The Knowing main teachings to its followers is to enjoy the earth and the blessings the Knowing has provided and enjoy the act of learning about the world. The Knowings core tenets excluding the main practice of enjoying the world are codified in the Book of St. Martin; the doctrine requires the worship of the Knowing in the form of prayer and not to bring harm to self and of course help those and aid those who can’t help themselves.
Healthcare in North Bardonia is handled by the Department of Health and it affiliated Ministries in the Provinces. The DoH operates all General Hospitals and supplies equipment whilst the ministries hire the staff for the GH’s and provided staff for  clinics.
The DoH has allowed privatisation for Apothecaries, Clinics, and large hospitals with North Bardonia. Currently the DoH operates three Medical Colleges (one in Carthiada, one in Khariabad and one in Coulthel), these medical colleges teach nurses and doctors to fill the DoH’s General Hospital’s. The DoH in total runs 486 General Hospitals with and additional 34 under construction.  
The private sectors currently operates 28 total General Hospitals with large amounts of small, licensed Apothecaries. Medicine and Drugs are managed by the DoH’s Registration and Licensing Office and prescriptions are required for some medication.
Changes to the healthcare system to prevent striking has been implemented (Bill W-1) after the disastrous consequences of the 2018 Solidarity Health Union Strikes. The DoH is currently working to reform much of the healthcare apparatus to improve its quality of service for all North Bardonians.
Education in North-Bardonia is handled by the Department of Education and it subsidiary Ministries in the Provinces of North Bardonia. The educational North Bardonia is both within Private and Public domain with Charter Schools (Also known as private schools) allowed to operate with a permit and inspection from the DoE) in addition with Private Universities.
Preschool (Ages 2 and a half to 4) and Daycare (Ages 6 Months to 2 and a half) are  not provided by the government but can be provided by provincial government ministries but nation wide the government will provide pay for half of the cost of Preschool and Daycare.
Primary Education: Primary Education is universally covered by the Government, primary school is giving to children aged 5-9 going from Year 1 to Year 5. Classes are normally made up of 18-22 student. The grading system for Primary Education is:
Level 1: No Understanding
Level 2: Shows Comprehension
Level 3: Meeting
Level 4: Exceeds Expectations
Level 5: Masters
The subjects taught in Primary School is Claycian, History, Geography, Maths, Music, Science, Physical Education,  Home & Life  Education (HLE), Art, Computer Science, and Library Lesson. The BASIC Curriculum allow people with certain brackets of understanding be aiding in advancing (see above grading system) to the next bracket and beyond within school. Homework is not assigned in this year.
Secondary Education: Secondary education is universally covered and is made up of two stages, Junior (10-13) and Senior (14-18).
In the Junior Stage (Year 6-8) students focus on all primary subjects but if they can do Advanced Maths and Advanced Sciences  if their comprehension of those subjects in the previous years were high.. In addition the study Khari (compulsory) and a choice of either Hansan or Ofrusian are given to students in addition with Design & Technology, Business and Entrepreneurial Studies and HLE becomes Home, Life and Sex Education (HLSE).
The second stage (Senior) of Secondary Education focuses in the upcoming a CORE Exams, you will take two CORES, one at the end of Year 10 and one at the end of Year 12. In the first CORE Bardi, Maths, and Science are mandatory with a smaller variety of subjects (all subjects listed above) so as to narrow down options and in the second you have your pick of a wide variety of subjects. These subject include; Claycian, Khari, Hansan, Ofrusian, Daresin, Advanced Math, Math, Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Combined Science, Geography, History, Art, Music, History of the Arts (Theatre, Music, Art) Design and Technology, Business and Economics, Debating and Drama, Computer Science, and Psychology. CORES are grading differently to all other test going from 1-10:
Level 1: Fail
Level 2: Improve Working
Level 3: Showing Comprehension
Level 4: Working Well
Level 5: Meeting Expectation
Level 6: Surpasses Expectations
Level 7: Exceeds Expectations
Level 8: Excels all Expectations
Level 9: Mastering
Level 10: Mastered
University’s are divided into three ‘sets’ nationwide; Technical Schools, Colleges, and Universities. These are perimeters for joining each individual School, College or University decided by The University Board. Universities are run by provinces, cities, or private organisations and provide Loans and Scholarships for entering but these aren’t provided by the government. College are also provided by private, provincial, or city level and are provide loans and scholarships but are normally cheaper. Technical Colleges are government funded institutions which are overseen by a Board, students will have to pay small tuition fees for entry.
[size=125][b][anchor=PolDivision][url=#PolDivision][color=black]Political Divisions[/color][/url][/anchor][/b][/size]
There are 12 provinces in the Kingdom of North Bardonia. Each province has it own legislative assembly and Head of Government and a Head of State (normally either a Nobel House or Provincial President).
Duchy of [nation]Lughansk[/nation]:
The Duchy of Lughansk has a Chief Minister (currently Adalbert Havar) and a Duke, currently Duke Phillip I Leftenson. The Duchies capital is Lordsfoutain.
Principality of [nation]Kharistan[/nation]:
[size=125][b][anchor=PartiesElection][url=#PartiesElection][color=black]Parties and Elections[/color][/url][/anchor][/b][/size]
The [b]Parliament of North-Bardonia[/b] (Parliämentar oz Nörd-Bardönia) is made up three body’s; Chamber of the Senate, Chamber of Commons, and Chamber of Notables. The tricameral status of North Bardonia allows for a balance of power between the People, States, Clergy, Nobility and the King. The Commons, as it called is headed by the Minister-President (Ministerat-Prezidant) who is the head of the largest Party and the Government.
The Commons is the largest body and has the most legislative power passing bills, acts, and laws without much oversight from the two other houses. This is unless of course the King wishes the Senate to review a law in which a vote is called in the Senate (and for amendments and legislation involving the provinces) which is then passed to the Notables (also for amendments). The King has the most important role in the Notables and enforces the influences the votes in the Notables.
Interestingly the Constitution ignores the succession of females to the throne and instead only refers to the monarch as “King” which lead to a Male Primogeniture being inshrined as law.
List of Parties:
Democratic Front:
A far left party representing ethnic minorities and regional rights its is a strong advocate for regional autonomy and is the only Republican Party in North Bardonia. The current leader of the party is Kharistani Toulson Meir. The main aim of the party is to decentralise North Bardonia and establish a ‘confederation’ of states and benefiting the minorities in North Bardonia.
Green Party:
A continuation of the previous iteration of the Green Party the party stands for promoting environmentalism and development of renewable energy alongside boosting environmental awareness and socialistic practices. The party is headed by a collective leadership and is popular amongst Gen Z voters.
Socialist Bund (Alliance of Socialists and 120 Trade Unions):
Representing the traditional socialist left the party is a merger of the Trade Unions and the traditional socialist elements. Also called Socialist-120 the party is headed by Morenia Haleen and is popular amongst all ages representing the majority of leftists within North Bardonia.
Social Democratic Party:
The Social Democrats represent the Center-Left of North Bardonia and have recently made a rise in politics after their split with the Socialist Bund after internal disagreements. The party wants social security and public healthcare and is headed by Ahmed Sutler.
Liberal Party:
Headed by Alistair Korlaw the Liberal Party is currently the governing party of North-Bardonia alongside their coalition partner, LOJ. The party represents the traditional Liberalism and Centrist view that have remained popular amongst intellectuals and the center. Additionally the party is the ‘Kings Choice’ meaning the party has the Mandate of the King.
Law Order and Justice Party:
Lead by Tomas Keirlen the Law Order and Justice Party represents just that: Law and Order. A traditional centre right party it strongly advocates to maintain the status quo and wants to end the fight against the growing drug crisis.
Union for the Nation:
The main Conservative party after splitting for the Social Conservatives after they bowed to the Young Nationalists. Currently lead by Noor Hetmal after snap leadership election in the aftermath of the 2023 general election.
Young Nationalist Party:
Representing the far right the leadership of the party hangs in the balance as the Liberal Goverment has conducted several investigations into the party after they had discovered ties organised crime and domestic terrorists. The party is ultraconservative and nationalistic.
National Syndicalist Party:
Representing the ideology of National Syndicalism the party has polled steady and is a strong advocate of far right ideals and the party has managed to maintain its distance from the Young Nationalist maintaining its popularity. The party is lead by Alexander Herns.
The legal system of North Bardonia is a complicated web of interwoven institutions and articles that align to form a legal framework of North Bardonia. Courts are chosen by an independent guild that also anoints High Court members with the Kings Approval (The Kings Seal). With this independent guild the legal system is established around it. The government has to major legal offices that influence the courts: The Prosecutor-General and the Inspector-General. The former organizes trials alongside the guild and orders the beginning of investigations (through the Inspector-General) and is the only office that may authorize arrest of Parliamentarians. The latter office is responsible for the investigation of crimes and gathering evidence and works closely with the constabulary. It also operates its own federal investigative service: The Inspection Office.
Courts normally assign one Judge, two Attorneys and a Jury alongside legal counsel to both sides. The courts are very long in most cases and inquire large legal fees which the guild uses to pay for trials and other procedures. Interestingly the courts are not paid by tax dollars instead by the legal fee’s and ownership of the property of the Courthouses.
Another office of power is that of the Attorney-General which is responsible for ensuring the punishment and enforcement of the verdict and post and pre court proceedings to ensure the defendant and prosecution are prepared for court and follow the verdict by contacting different offices within the government.
[size=125][b][anchor=ForeignRelation][url=#ForeignRelation][color=black]Foreign Relations[/color][/url][/anchor][/b][/size]
North Bardonia is currently a member of both the Vasbian Union (VU) and the Magnaterran Economic Community (MEC). North Bardonia is also royally tide to Buchbach, through the royal marriages of Clarissa Leftenson to Orion and Philip Leftenson to Ethel
[nation]Tayichi[/nation] Normal Trade, No Visa
[nation]Hooseria Magna[/nation] Normal Trade, No Visa
[nation]Biggonian Megaist Empire[/nation] Normal Trade, Visa-Reconsider Travel
[nation]Buchbach[/nation] Normal Trade, No Visa
[nation]Deims Kir[/nation] Normal Trade, No Visa
[nation]Dolplandia[/nation] Free Trade, Visa-Reconsider Travel
Domlandia, Normal Trade, Visa-Reconsider Travel
[nation]Hansa Federation[/nation] Free Trade, Visa
[nation]Pantsville[/nation] Reduced Tarrifs, No Visa
[nation]Bonnie Blue Republic[/nation] Normal Trade, Visa-Reconsider Travel
[nation]Mal Leecksia[/nation] Free Trade, Visa
[nation]Ofrus[/nation] Normal Trade, Visa
[nation]The Anglias[/nation] Trade Agreement, Visa
[nation]New Trussia[/nation] Normal Trade, Visa
[nation]New Tussia[/nation] Normal Trade, Visa
[nation]Jaredistan[/nation] Normal Trade, Visa
[nation]Arstotskiano[/nation] No Trade, Full Travel Ban
[nation]Singhapala Bisaya[/nation] Normal Trade, Visa
[nation]Quase[/nation] Normal Trade, Visa
[nation]Thauto States[/nation] Normal Trade, Visa
[nation]Stagfort[/nation] Normal Trade, Visa
[nation]Eshallia[/nation] Normal Trade, Visa
[size=125][b][anchor=Finance][url=#Finance][color=black]Government Finance[/color][/url][/anchor][/b][/size]
Legions; 11, (Each 10,000 men)
-Rat (Special Forces/International Corp)
-Hawk (Paratrooper)
-Falcon (Paratrooper)
-Mouse (Land)
-Lion (Land)
-Fox (Armoured)
-Spear (Mechanized)
-Sword (Mechanized)
-Shield (Special Forces)
-Orca (Marines)
-Kings (Royal Guards)
The Command structure of the Legions;
General Staff;
-Warmaster (Commander of the Legion), Kreigcommandt
-Legate, (Commander of 5000 men) Lëgator
-Centurion (Commander of 1000 men) Cënturioner
Commissioned Officers;
-Field Commander (500 men) Fiëld Commandanterr
-Major Commander (250 men) Majör Commandanterr
-Major (100 men) Majör
-Lieutenant Major (50 men) Lieutenanterr Majör
Non Commissioned Officers;
-Captain (25 men) Captain
-Sergeant (5 men) Sërgeantherr
-Private, Privatherr
(Special) Field Officers
-Intelligence Officer, Inteloffherr
-Special Commandant, Special Commandanterr
The North-Bardonian Navy Size
[b]5 cruisers[/b]
[b]24 submarines[/b]
[b]6 light cruisers[/b]
[b]12 frigates[/b]
[b]5 destroyers[/b]
[b]1 aircraft carrier[/b]
[b]12 transports[/b]
[b]38 Heavy Ekranoplans[/b]
[b]42 Light Ekranoplans[/b]
[size=125][b][anchor=AirForce][url=#AirForce][color=black]Air and Space Force[/color][/url][/anchor][/b][/size]
Airforce Size
[b]252 4th Generation Fighter [/b]
[b]121 4th Generation CAS[/b]
[b]59 4th Generation Bombers[/b]
[size=125][b][anchor=NatGuard][url=#NatGuard][color=black]National Guard[/color][/url][/anchor][/b][/size]
[size=125][b][anchor=Crime][url=#Crime][color=black]Law Enforcement and Crime[/color][/url][/anchor][/b][/size]
Some large criminal organisations include the Biggonian Mafia, The Mob, Triads and the numerous Gangs that are scattered around North Bardonia. Each of these criminal organisations have large activities in major cities and operate a illicit drug trade which has been crippling the nation since 2018. A majority of the drugs traded include: Cocaine, Heroine, Opioids and Peyote. A special task force within the Royal Constabulary has been tasked with dealing with drugs (Royal Constabulary Drug Task Force).  
The Royal Constabulary operates in association with Local Constabulary departments as a organisation above the local level with jurisdiction nationwide to pursue criminals. Local constabulary departments are headed by Chiefs whilst city/county constabulary are headed by Chief-General. Head of Law Enforcement nationwide is headed by the Constable-General but reports to the Home Secretary. Criminal after trail are sent to prisons nationwide wide which are handled by Royal Constabulary, additionally all criminals are mandated to go to therapy and parole for as many months as the Judge deems necessary.  
[size=125][b][anchor=Wealth][url=#Wealth][color=black]Income, Poverty and Wealth[/color][/url][/anchor][/b][/size]
[b]Corporations [/b]
[b]North Bardonian Petroleum (NBP)[/b]
North Bardonian Petroleum (NBP) is a state-owned petroleum company headquartered in the vibrant city of Carthiada, located in the country of North-Bardonia. Established in 1936, NBP was founded with the primary objective of harnessing the vast petroleum resources within the west of North-Bardonia and leveraging them to fuel the nation's economic growth.
[size=125][b][anchor=ScienceTech][url=#ScienceTech][color=black]Science and Technology[/color][/url][/anchor][/b][/size]
[size=125][b][anchor=Literature][url=#Literature][color=black]Literature, Philosophy, and Visual Art[/color][/url][/anchor][/b][/size]
The cuisine of North Bardonia is diverse, influenced by its varied geography. Coastal regions offer a rich seafood selection, featuring dishes like grilled fish and shellfish. In the arid south, there's a focus on hearty, spiced meats, reflecting the desert environment. The mountainous central and northern areas contribute to a mix of green and arid influences, resulting in a cuisine that includes both fresh, mountain-inspired salads and robust, earthy stews.
<nowiki>**</nowiki>MARCH OF BARDONIA**
Arise for faith, o Bardonia land!
We composed many a song in our heart,
Glorifying the native land.
We loved thee no matter what,
Thou, our holy Bardonia land.
Thou hast raised thy head high,
Thy face was shining like the sun.
But thou hast become a victim of betrayal –
by those who have thee cheated and sold!
And again in march trumpet calleth us.
We all stand in order
And go to the holy battle.
Arise for faith, o Bardonia fatherland!
The saints await Bardonia victory.
Respond, o Old Faith Host!
Where is thine Erich , where is thy Edvard?
Mother Homeland summoneth her sons.
We will stand all together under the gonfalons.
And go, praying, as a procession,
For the right cause of Bardonia
We will shed Bardonian blood honestly.
Arise for faith, o Bardonian land!
We are all children of a great empire,
We all remember the commandments of our fathers:
For the Homeland, Honor, Glory,
Pity neither thyself nor the enemy.
Arise, Bardonia, from thy prison of slavery,
Victory's spirit is called: time for battle!
Rise thy battle flags
For Faith, Love, and Good
The North Bardonian cinema scene is dominated by the two cities of Cordo Fa and Uiortel. Both host annual Film Festivals with Cordo Fa in August and Uiortel in January that bring numerous filmmakers and film stars from around the world to the two cities. Several large studios own large film locations in the Uiortel Range and within the two cities. The ‘home grown’ film industry had recently exploded with innumerable smaller studios taking up home in Uiortel and Cordo Fa.
Interestingly Cordo Fa and Uiortel are home to two contrasting film styles. Cordo Fa is a hub of animation and CGI whilst Uiortel is a hub of live-action. Even in genres Cordo Fa proves to prefer child friendly and the more traditional film genres whilst Uiortel is more centred towards adult genres such as action, thriller and horror.
In North Bardonia sports depends a lot on where you were born. Inland and in major cities the most popular sports are Baseball, Football, and Tennis. Baseball completions have been held since the 19th Century and had helped created a unique North Bardonian Cultural Identity whilst under Hansan Occupation. Football gained a presence in the 1940’s during a time of economic growth, tennis as a sport of the elite has also been around since the 19th Century. On the coast Sailing, Golfing, and Water Polo take prevalence. Sailing is one of the more popular water sports in North Bardonia with lots of funding by private groups going into Sail North Bardonia (SNB) and the newly reformed Royal Sailing Authority (RSA). Numerous youth programs are sponsored by the RSA and the National Sailing team is sponsored by both RSA and SNB.
[size=175][anchor=SeeAlso][url=#SeeAlso][color=black]See Also[/color][/url][/anchor][/size]
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Latest revision as of 15:13, 27 September 2024

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