This article belongs to the lore of Krystar.

Zdrole Morphology: Difference between revisions

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(→‎Pronouns: never ends ;))
m (forgot to add numbers to swadesh list. also changed cardinal to nominal in bottom table.)
(16 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
Line 24: Line 24:

Legend: [C] = Consonant, [vC] = voiced consonant, [xC] = voiceless consonant;
Legend: [C] = Consonant, [vC] = voiced consonant, [xC] = voiceless consonant, [N] = nasal;

(#)[V] = Vowel, [f = front, [b = back, [c = close, [o = open, [r = rounded, [u = unrounded, s = same vowel, a = any vowel;
(#)[V] = Vowel, [f = front, [b = back, [c = close, [o = open, [r = rounded, [u = unrounded, s = same vowel, a = any vowel;
Line 73: Line 74:
| [V] -ze
| [C] -oe
[C] -oe
[V] -ze  
| [V] -zê
| [C] -ôe
[C] -ôe
[V] -zê
| [V] -zet
| [C] -oet
[C] -oet
[V] -zet
| [V] -zec
| [C] -oec
[C] -oec
[V] -zec
| [V] -zecx
| [C] -oecx
[C] -oecx
[V] -zecx
| [V] -zek
| [C] -oek
[C] -oek
[V] -zek
Line 113: Line 114:
[V] -ng
[V] -ng

{m/ng} -∅
[N] -∅
[N][V] -> [N]
|[C] -ɵt
|[C] -ɵt
[V] -t
[V] -t
Line 122: Line 125:
|[C] -ɵx
|[C] -ɵx
[V] -x
[V] -x
|[C] -ɵk, -k (if permitted)
|[C] -ɵf, -k (if permitted)
[V] -k
[V] -ɵf
Line 130: Line 133:
[V] -ng
[V] -ng

{n} -∅
[N] -∅
[N][V] -> [N]
|[C] -ad
|[C] -ad
[V] -d
[V] -d
Line 162: Line 167:

[V] -ng
[V] -ng
|[rV]-[C] -aot
[uV]-[C] -at
[N] -∅
[N][V] -> [N]
|[rV]-[C] -ɵt
[uV]-[C] -ɵt

[V] -t
[V] -t
Line 644: Line 653:
| -cce
| [C] -cxe
[V] -cce
{c} -> c-cxe
{c} -> c-cxe

{cx} -cxe, -> cce [dia]
{cx} -cxe, -e, -> cce [dia]
| -ccenan, -ccexin [dia]
| [C] -cxenan, -cxenin [dia]
[V] -ccenan, -ccexin [dia]
{c} -> c-cxe(nan/xin) [dia]
{c} -> c-cxe(nan/xin) [dia]

{cx} -cxenan, -> ccexin [dia]
{cx} -cxenan, -en, -> ccexin [dia]
| -ccet
| [C] -cxet
[V] -ccet
{c} -> c-cxet
{c} -> c-cxet

{cx} -cxet, -> ccet [dia]
{cx} -cxet, -et, -> ccet [dia]
| -ccet
| [C] -cxes
{c} -> c-cxet
[V] -cces
{c} -> c-cxes

{cx} -cxet, -> ccet [dia]
{cx} -cxes, -es, -> cces [dia]
| -ccet
| [C] -icx
{c} -> c-cxet
[V] -cc
| [C] -cxek
[V] -ccek

{cx} -cxet, -> ccet [dia]
{c} -> c-cxek
| -ccet
{c} -> c-cxet

{cx} -cxet, -> ccet [dia]
{cx} -cxek, -ek, -> ccek [dia]
! colspan="7" |Semblative Case
! colspan="7" |Semblative Case
Line 702: Line 719:
| rowspan="2" | -la
| rowspan="2" | -lia, -ya [dia]
| rowspan="2" | -lan
| rowspan="2" | -lian, -yan [dia]
| rowspan="2" | -lat
| rowspan="2" | -liat, -yat [dia]
| rowspan="2" | -laz
| rowspan="2" | -liaz, -yaz [dia]
| rowspan="2" | -laj
| rowspan="2" | -liaj, -yaj [dia]
| rowspan="2" | -lav
| rowspan="2" | -liak, -yak [dia]
Line 723: Line 740:
| -iciu
| -iciu
{c(x)} -iu
| -iciun
| -iciun
{c(x)} -iun
| -iciut
| -iciut
{c(x)} -iut
| -isqc
| -isqc
| -ixqc
| -ixqc
Line 813: Line 833:
''f may be z or fuiz; [dia]''
''f may be z or fuiz; [dia]''
! colspan="7" |Potential Equative Case
! colspan="7" |Subequative Case
Line 869: Line 889:
| -lafkazui(v) [dia]
| -lafkazui(v) [dia]
! colspan="7" |Relative Case
! colspan="7" |Adessive Case
Line 880: Line 900:
|[rV] --liòna, --yòna [dia]
[uV] --lièna, --yèna [dia]
|[rV] --liòng, --yòng [dia]
[uV] --lièn, --yèn [dia]
|[rV] --liònt, --yònt [dia]
[uV] --liènt, --yènt [dia]
|[rV] --liònaz, --yònaz [dia]
[uV] --liènaz, --yènaz [dia]
|[rV] --liònaj, --yònaj [dia]
[uV] --liènaj, --yènaj [dia]
|[rV] --liòngka, --yòngka [dia]
[uV] --lièngka, --yèngka [dia]
|[rV] --râ(v) [dia]
[uV] -r-âo(v) [dia]
|[rV] --rân
[uV] --râon
|[rV] --râd
[uV] --râod
|[rV] --râz
[uV] --râoz
|[rV] --râj
[uV] --râoj
|[rV] --râk
[uV] --râok
|[C] -ilia [irr]
[rV] -liòna, -yòna [dia]
! colspan="7" |Locative-Genitive Case
| -straqùina
| -straqùin
| -straqùit
| -straqùiz
| -straqùix
| -straqùi(v) [dia]
|[fV] --zdriêona
[bV] --zdrêona

[uV] -lièna, -yèna [dia]
[fV]-{n/z} -driêona [d͡ʒɹiɤ]

{n} -
[bV]-{n/z} -drêona [d͡ʒɹɤ]
|[C] -ilian [irr]
[rV] -liòn, -yòn [dia]

[uV] -lièn, -yèn [dia]
[fV]-{d/cz} - -riêona [d̪ɾiɤ]

{n} -yàn
[bV]-{d/cz} - -rêona [d̪ɾɤ]
|[C] -iliat [irr]
[rV] -liònt, -yònt [dia]

[uV] -liènt, -yènt [dia]
[fV]-{j} -> zdriêona
[bV]-{j} -> zdrêona
[fV]-{cj} -> driêona [d͡ʒɹiɤ]
[bV]-{cj} -> drêona [d͡ʒɹɤ]
|[fV] --zdriêon
[bV] --zdrêon
[fV]-{n/z} -driêon [d͡ʒɹiɤn]
[bV]-{n/z} -drêon [d͡ʒɹɤn]

{n} -yàt
[fV]-{d/cz} - -riêon [d̪ɾiɤn]
|[C] -iliaz [irr]
[rV] -liònaz, -yònaz [dia]

[uV] -liènaz, -yènaz [dia]
[bV]-{d/cz} - -rêon [d̪ɾɤn]

{n} -yàz
[fV]-{j} -> zdriêon
|[C] -iliaj [irr]
[rV] -liònaj, -yònaj [dia]

[uV] -liènaj, -yènaj [dia]
[bV]-{j} -> zdrêon

{n} -yèx
[fV]-{cj} -> driêon [d͡ʒɹiɤ]
|[C] -iliak [irr]
[rV] --liòngka, --yòngka [dia]

[uV] --lièngka, --yèngka [dia]
[bV]-{cj} -> drêon [d͡ʒɹɤ]
|[fV] --zdriêot
[bV] --zdrêot

{n} -yàk
[fV]-{n/z} -driêot
|[C] -ùixuil
[V] -qùixuil
|[C] -ùixuin
[V] -qùixuin
|[C] -ùixuit
[V] -qùixuit
|[C] -ùixuiz
[V] -qùixuiz
|[C] -ùixuix
[V] -qùixuix
|[C] -ùixuik
[V] -qùixuik
! colspan="7" |Locative-Genitive Case
| -straqùina
| -straqùin
| -straqùit
| -straqùiz
| -straqùix
| -straqùi(v) [dia]
|[fV] --zdriêona
[bV] --zdrêona

[fV]-{n/z} -driêona [d͡ʒɹiɤ]
[bV]-{n/z} -drêot

[bV]-{n/z} -drêona [d͡ʒɹɤ]
[fV]-{d/cz} - -riêot

[fV]-{d/cz} - -riêona [d̪ɾiɤ]
[bV]-{d/cz} - -rêot

[bV]-{d/cz} - -rêona [d̪ɾɤ]
[fV]-{j} -> zdriêot

[fV]-{j} -> zdriêona
[bV]-{j} -> zdrêot

[bV]-{j} -> zdrêona
[fV]-{cj} -> driêot

[fV]-{cj} -> driêona [d͡ʒɹiɤ]
[bV]-{cj} -> drêot
|[fV] --zdriêoncz
[bV] --zdrêoncz

[bV]-{cj} -> drêona [d͡ʒɹɤ]
[fV]-{n/z} -driêoncz
|[fV] --zdriêon
[bV] --zdrêon

[fV]-{n/z} -driêon [d͡ʒɹiɤn]
[bV]-{n/z} -drêoncz

[bV]-{n/z} -drêon [d͡ʒɹɤn]
[fV]-{d/cz} - -riêoncz

[fV]-{d/cz} - -riêon [d̪ɾiɤn]
[bV]-{d/cz} - -rêoncz

[bV]-{d/cz} - -rêon [d̪ɾɤn]
[fV]-{j} -> zdriêoncz
[fV]-{j} -> zdriêon
[bV]-{j} -> zdrêon
[fV]-{cj} -> driêon [d͡ʒɹiɤ]
[bV]-{cj} -> drêon [d͡ʒɹɤ]
|[fV] --zdriêot
[bV] --zdrêot
[fV]-{n/z} -driêot
[bV]-{n/z} -drêot
[fV]-{d/cz} - -riêot
[bV]-{d/cz} - -rêot
[fV]-{j} -> zdriêot
[bV]-{j} -> zdrêot
[fV]-{cj} -> driêot
[bV]-{cj} -> drêot
|[fV] --zdriêoncz
[bV] --zdrêoncz
[fV]-{n/z} -driêoncz
[bV]-{n/z} -drêoncz
[fV]-{d/cz} - -riêoncz
[bV]-{d/cz} - -rêoncz
[fV]-{j} -> zdriêoncz

[bV]-{j} -> zdrêoncz
[bV]-{j} -> zdrêoncz
Line 1,120: Line 1,092:

{cx} -cxûik, -> ccûikd [dia]
{cx} -cxûik, -> ccûikd [dia]
== Pronouns ==
Zdrole has an extremely rich number of pronouns. To read more about pronouns, see Pronouns under the Zdrole Language. Aside from being coded for six verb genders, 11 forms and having an emphatic version of each, there are only a handful of actual base pronouns:
* 1st person singular (I/me/my/mine/myself) and plural/[[wikipedia:Nosism|nosist]] (we, us, our, ours, ourselves);
* 2nd person singular general (thou, thee, thy, thine, thineself), familiar / cute (you, you, your, yours, yourself), and plural/nosist (ye, you, your, yours, yourselves), as well as formal you, where the gender of the addressee is coded into the ending of the general "you" rather than a variety of the default. (Spindly endings are fairly rare and often replaced with Nosist endings.). Formal gender addresses may be used for general singular as well as "cute" singular, for which "cute" singular is generally used in formal settings to children and historically younger women or those in lesser positions, although these latter uses are largely phased out.
* 3rd person human/animate pronoun with case inflected for broad singular and narrow singular (he/she, him/her, his/her, his/hers, himself/herself), plural/nosist (they, them, their, theirs, themselves), and spindly, which doubly acts as an [[wikipedia:Epicenity|epicene]] and [[wikipedia:Indefinite_pronoun|indefinite pronoun]], and may be singular or plural (singular/plural they, them, their, theirs, themself/themselves; one, one's, oneself, whoever, whoever's, whoself, someone, someone's)
* 3rd person inanimate equivalents to all aforementioned pronouns (it, its, itself, they, them, their, etc.)
* Animate and inanimate interrogative pronouns, which do not inflect their cases and are automatically in the Broad case.
* Demonstratives (this/these, that/those), which may combine with the third person pronoun for 2 additional 3rd person pronouns by preceding them with an open non-emphatic Disjunctive inflection (i.e. se + la = sela). Demonstrative cases are coded for gender. Spindly-inflected pronouns are analyzed as true [[wikipedia:Epicenity|epicene]] singular pronouns (singular they/them/their/theirs/theirself), as well as referenced indefinite pronouns (said individual, such an individual, etc.). Proximal demonstratives (this) may refer to 1st, 2nd or 3rd person with dramatically different contexts; distal demonstratives (that) may refer to 2nd and 3rd person with similarly nuanced dependent context.
* Interrogative determiners (which), negative (no/none/etc.), referential (any, such individual, said individual [context-dependent] - formed by ''that + this''), and universal (every, any) which do not code for gender.
{| class="wikitable"
|+Base Pronouns
!1st s
!1st p
!2nd s
!2nd formal s
!2nd fam. s
!2nd p
!3rd anim. s
!3rd anim. p
!3rd ina. s
!3rd ina. p
! colspan="7" |Relative Case
| colspan="2" |ci
| rowspan="2" |la
| rowspan="2" |lle
! rowspan="2" |
| [rV] --liòna, --yòna [dia]
[uV] --lièna, --yèna [dia]
| [rV] --liòng, --yòng [dia]
[uV] --lièn, --yèn [dia]
| [rV] --liònt, --yònt [dia]
[uV] --liènt, --yènt [dia]
| [rV] --liònaz, --yònaz [dia]
[uV] --liènaz, --yènaz [dia]
| [rV] --liònaj, --yònaj [dia]
[uV] --liènaj, --yènaj [dia]
| [rV] --liòngka, --yòngka [dia]
[uV] --lièngka, --yèngka [dia]
|[rV] --râ(v) [dia]
[uV] -r-âo(v) [dia]
|[rV] --rân
[uV] --râon
|[rV] --râd
[uV] --râod
|[rV] --râz
[uV] --râoz
|[rV] --râj
[uV] --râoj
|[rV] --râk
[uV] --râok
! colspan="6" |
| [C] -ilia [irr]
[rV] -liòna, -yòna [dia]
[uV] -lièna, -yèna [dia]
|Selective Ind
! colspan="6" |
{n} -yè
| colspan="2" |moasla
| [C] -ilian [irr]
| colspan="2" |maosole
[rV] -liòn, -yòn [dia]
[uV] -lièn, -yèn [dia]
| colspan="8" |dhala
{n} -yàn
| colspan="2" |ledha
| [C] -iliat [irr]
[rV] -liònt, -yònt [dia]
[uV] -liènt, -yènt [dia]
{n} -yàt
| [C] -iliaz [irr]
[rV] -liònaz, -yònaz [dia]
[uV] -liènaz, -yènaz [dia]
{n} -yàz
| [C] -iliaj [irr]
[rV] -liònaj, -yònaj [dia]
[uV] -liènaj, -yènaj [dia]
{n} -yèx
| [C] -iliak [irr]
[rV] --liòngka, --yòngka [dia]
[uV] --lièngka, --yèngka [dia]
{n} -yàk
| colspan="7" |rula
| [C] -ùixuil
[V] -qùixuil
| [C] -ùixuin
[V] -qùixuin
| [C] -ùixuit
[V] -qùixuit
| [C] -ùixuiz
[V] -qùixuiz
| [C] -ùixuix
[V] -qùixuix
| [C] -ùixuik
[V] -qùixuik
! colspan="7" |Executive Case
| colspan="3" |sela
! colspan="2" |
! colspan="3" |
|Selective Int
| colspan="7" |qnula
{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible"
! colspan="7" |First Person Singular Pronouns
! colspan="6" |Emphatic First Singular Person Pronouns
|uit, uilt [dia]
|ûit, ûilt [dia]
! colspan="7" |Approximative Case
|uilix, uihi [dia]
|ûilix, uihi [dia]
== Pronouns ==
Zdrole has an extremely rich number of pronouns. To read more about pronouns, see Pronouns under the Zdrole Language. Aside from being coded for six verb genders, 11 forms and having an emphatic version of each, there are only a handful of actual base pronouns:
* 1st person singular (I/me/my/mine/myself) and plural/[[wikipedia:Nosism|nosist]] (we, us, our, ours, ourselves);
* 2nd person singular general (thou, thee, thy, thine, thineself), familiar / cute (you, you, your, yours, yourself), and plural/nosist (ye, you, your, yours, yourselves), as well as formal you, where the gender of the addressee is coded into the ending of the general "you" rather than a variety of the default. (Spindly endings are fairly rare and often replaced with Nosist endings.). Formal gender addresses may be used for general singular as well as "cute" singular, for which "cute" singular is generally used in formal settings to children and historically younger women or those in lesser positions, although these latter uses are largely phased out.
* 3rd person human/animate pronoun with case inflected for broad singular and narrow singular (he/she, him/her, his/her, his/hers, himself/herself), plural/nosist (they, them, their, theirs, themselves), and spindly, which doubly acts as an [[wikipedia:Epicenity|epicene]] and [[wikipedia:Indefinite_pronoun|indefinite pronoun]], and may be singular or plural (singular/plural they, them, their, theirs, themself/themselves; one, one's, oneself, whoever, whoever's, whoself, someone, someone's)
* 3rd person inanimate equivalents to all aforementioned pronouns (it, its, itself, they, them, their, etc.)
* Animate and inanimate interrogative pronouns, which do not inflect their cases and are automatically in the Broad case.
* Demonstratives (this/these, that/those), which may combine with the third person pronoun for 2 additional 3rd person pronouns by preceding them with an open non-emphatic Disjunctive inflection (i.e. se + la = sela). Demonstrative cases are coded for gender. Spindly-inflected pronouns are analyzed as true [[wikipedia:Epicenity|epicene]] singular pronouns (singular they/them/their/theirs/theirself), as well as referenced indefinite pronouns (said individual, such an individual, etc.). Proximal demonstratives (this) may refer to 1st, 2nd or 3rd person with dramatically different contexts; distal demonstratives (that) may refer to 2nd and 3rd person with similarly nuanced dependent context.
* Interrogative determiners (which), negative (no/none/etc.), referential (any, such individual, said individual [context-dependent] - formed by ''that + this''), and universal (every, any) which do not code for gender, but can code for plurals (although these are not frequently used).
* The word for "spouse" may be used for the first, second or third person when talking to or referring to a spouse. They are coded for gender.
{| class="wikitable"
|+Base Pronouns
!1st s
!1st p
!2nd s
!2nd formal s
!2nd fam. s
!2nd p
!3rd anim. s
!3rd anim. p
!3rd ina. s
!3rd ina. p
| colspan="2" |ci
|uisic, uic [dia]
|uicik, uisik [dia]
| rowspan="2" |la
| rowspan="2" |lle
! rowspan="2" |
|ûisic, ûic [dia]
|ûicik, ûisik [dia]
!"Cute" Abs./Disj.
! colspan="6" |
|uiiniki, uiinic(x)
|ûiki, ûicx
!"Cute" Dative
|Selective Ind
! colspan="6" |
| colspan="2" |moasla
| colspan="2" |maosole
!"Cute" Locative
| colspan="8" |dhala
| colspan="2" |ledha
|uisaki, uisacx
|ûisaki, ûisacx
| colspan="7" |rula
|ûit, ûilt [dia]
| colspan="6" |ûi (in writing "uiui")
| colspan="3" |sela
! colspan="2" |
! colspan="3" |
! colspan="7" |First Person Plural / Nosist Pronouns
|Selective Int
| colspan="7" |qnula
{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible"
! colspan="7" |First Person Singular Pronouns
! colspan="6" |Emphatic First Person Plural / Nosist Pronouns
! colspan="6" |Emphatic First Singular Person Pronouns
Line 1,441: Line 1,379:
|uit, uilt [dia]
|ûit, ûilt [dia]
uila [dia]
uilan [dia]
|uilix, uihi [dia]
uilat [dia]
uilas [dia]
uilax [dia]
uilaf [dia]
ûila [dia]
ûilan [dia]
|ûilix, uihi [dia]
ûilat [dia]
ûilas [dia]
ûilax [dia]
ûilaf [dia]
lŷleyòna [dia]
lŷleyòn [dia]
lŷleyònt [dia]
lŷleyònaz [dia]
lŷleyònaj [dia]
lŷleyòngka [dia]
|uisic, uic [dia]
|uicik, uisik [dia]
|ûisic, ûic [dia]
|ûicik, ûisik [dia]
!"Cute" Absolutive
!"Cute" Abs./Disj.
|yeki, yecxi
|uiiniki, uiinic(x)
|yêki, yêcxi
|ûiki, ûicx
!"Cute" Dative
!"Cute" Dative
!"Cute" Locative
!"Cute" Locative
|uisaki, uisacx
|ûisaki, ûisacx
|ûit, ûilt [dia]
| colspan="6" |(in writing "lylee")
| colspan="6" |ûi (in writing "uiui")
! colspan="7" |Second Person General Singular Pronouns
! colspan="7" |First Person Plural / Nosist Pronouns
! colspan="6" |Emphatic Second Person General Singular Pronouns
! colspan="6" |Emphatic First Person Plural / Nosist Pronouns
Line 1,668: Line 1,603:
uila [dia]
uilan [dia]
uilat [dia]
uilas [dia]
uilax [dia]
uilaf [dia]
ûila [dia]
ûilan [dia]
ûilat [dia]
ûilas [dia]
ûilax [dia]
ûilaf [dia]
ciyòna [dia]
ciyòng [dia]
ciyòt [dia]
ciyòs [dia]
ciyòx [dia]
ciyòk [dia]
lŷleyòna [dia]
lŷleyòn [dia]
lŷleyònt [dia]
lŷleyònaz [dia]
lŷleyònaj [dia]
lŷleyòngka [dia]
!"Cute" Absolutive
|yeki, yecxi
| colspan="6" |(in writing "cii")
|yêki, yêcxi
! colspan="14" |Second Person Singular Formal You
!"Cute" Dative
!"Cute" Locative
| colspan="13" |Ci + fui / bui / fuizè endings
! colspan="7" |Second Person Familiar / "Cute" Singular Pronouns
| colspan="6" |yê (in writing "lylee")
! colspan="7" |Second Person General Singular Pronouns
! colspan="6" |Emphatic Second Person Familiar / "Cute" Singular Pronouns
! colspan="6" |Emphatic Second Person General Singular Pronouns
Line 1,843: Line 1,845:
|chiki, cxicx(i)
ciyòna [dia]
ciyòng [dia]
|cxioki, cxioc
ciyòt [dia]
ciyòs [dia]
ciyòx [dia]
ciyòk [dia]
|cxîcx, cxîki
| colspan="6" |(c)xî (in writing "cxii")
| colspan="6" |(in writing "cii")
! colspan="14" |Second Person Singular Cute Formal You
! colspan="14" |Second Person Singular Formal You
| colspan="13" |Ci + fui / bui / fuizè endings
| colspan="13" |Ci + fui / bui / fuizè endings
! colspan="7" |Second Person Plural / Nosist Pronouns
! colspan="7" |Second Person Familiar / "Cute" Singular Pronouns
! colspan="6" |Emphatic Second Person Plural / Nosist Pronouns
! colspan="6" |Emphatic Second Person Familiar / "Cute" Singular Pronouns
Line 2,018: Line 2,035:
Line 2,033: Line 2,051:
|chiki, cxicx(i)
Line 2,047: Line 2,065:
!"Cute" Absolutive
|ciu, ci,
cxiu, cxi
|ciun, cin,
cxiun, cxin
|cîu, cî,
cxîu, cxî
Line 2,065: Line 2,080:
Line 2,080: Line 2,095:
Line 2,087: Line 2,110:
|cxioki, cxioc
Line 2,095: Line 2,126:
Line 2,126: Line 2,143:
Line 2,141: Line 2,159:
Line 2,156: Line 2,175:
|cxîcx, cxîki
| colspan="6" |cîu (in writing "cu-iu")
| colspan="6" |(c)xî (in writing "cxii")
! colspan="14" |Second Person Singular Cute Formal You
| colspan="13" |Ci + fui / bui / fuizè endings
! colspan="7" |Third Person Broad Animate / Familiar Singular Pronoun
! colspan="7" |Second Person Plural / Nosist Pronouns
! colspan="6" |Emphatic Third Person Broad Animate / Familiar Singular Pronoun
! colspan="6" |Emphatic Second Person Plural / Nosist Pronouns
Line 2,200: Line 2,226:
Line 2,215: Line 2,241:
Line 2,230: Line 2,256:
!"Cute" Absolutive
!"Cute" Absolutive
|lafi, lefi
|ciu, ci,
cxiu, cxi
|ciun, cin,
cxiun, cxin
Line 2,237: Line 2,265:
|lâfi, lêfi
|cîu, cî,
cxîu, cxî
Line 2,245: Line 2,274:
Line 2,250: Line 2,287:
Line 2,259: Line 2,303:
Line 2,266: Line 2,310:
Line 2,274: Line 2,318:
Line 2,281: Line 2,325:
Line 2,289: Line 2,333:
Line 2,296: Line 2,340:
Line 2,350: Line 2,394:
Line 2,357: Line 2,401:
| colspan="6" |(in writing "laa")
| colspan="6" |cîu (in writing "cu-iu")
! colspan="7" |Third Person Narrow Animate / Familiar Singular Pronouns
! colspan="7" |Third Person Broad Animate / Familiar Singular Pronoun
! colspan="6" |Emphatic Third Person Narrow Animate / Familiar Singular Pronouns
! colspan="6" |Emphatic Third Person Broad Animate / Familiar Singular Pronoun
Line 2,386: Line 2,430:
Line 2,394: Line 2,438:
Line 2,401: Line 2,445:
Line 2,409: Line 2,453:
!"Cute" Absolutive
!"Cute" Absolutive
|lavi, leúi
|lafi, lefi
Line 2,416: Line 2,460:
|lôy, lêy
|lâfi, lêfi
Line 2,431: Line 2,475:
Line 2,483: Line 2,527:
Line 2,490: Line 2,534:
Line 2,498: Line 2,542:
Line 2,538: Line 2,597:
| colspan="6" |lâ (in writing "laa")
| colspan="6" |lâ (in writing "laa")
! colspan="7" |Third Person Spindly / Ambiguous Human / Familiar Pronouns
! colspan="7" |Third Person Narrow Animate / Familiar Singular Pronouns
! colspan="6" |Emphatic Third Person Spindly / Ambiguous Animate / Familiar Pronouns
! colspan="6" |Emphatic Third Person Narrow Animate / Familiar Singular Pronouns
Line 2,573: Line 2,632:
Line 2,580: Line 2,639:
Line 2,588: Line 2,647:
!"Cute" Absolutive
!"Cute" Absolutive
|lafi, lefi,
|lavi, leúi
Line 2,596: Line 2,654:
|lâfi, lêfi,
|lôy, lêy
Line 2,612: Line 2,669:
Line 2,657: Line 2,714:
Line 2,719: Line 2,791:
| colspan="6" |lâ (in writing "laa")
| colspan="6" |lâ (in writing "laa")
! colspan="7" |Third Person Plural / Nosist Animate / Familiar Pronouns
! colspan="7" |Third Person Spindly / Ambiguous Human / Familiar Pronouns
! colspan="6" |Emphatic Third Person Plural / Nosist Animate / Familiar Pronouns
! colspan="6" |Emphatic Third Person Spindly / Ambiguous Animate / Familiar Pronouns
Line 2,754: Line 2,826:
Line 2,761: Line 2,833:
!"Cute" Absolutive
|lafi, lefi,
|lâfi, lêfi,
Line 2,776: Line 2,865:
Line 2,821: Line 2,910:
Line 2,883: Line 2,987:
| colspan="6" |lâ (in writing "laa")
| colspan="6" |lâ (in writing "laa")
! colspan="7" |Third Person Broad Inanimate / Distal Singular Pronoun
! colspan="7" |Third Person Plural / Nosist Animate / Familiar Pronouns
! colspan="6" |Emphatic Third Person Broad Inanimate / Distal Singular Pronoun
! colspan="6" |Emphatic Third Person Plural / Nosist Animate / Familiar Pronouns
Line 2,918: Line 3,022:
Line 2,925: Line 3,029:
Line 2,932: Line 3,036:
!"Cute" Absolutive
|lafi, lefi
Line 2,939: Line 3,043:
Line 2,947: Line 3,051:
Line 2,954: Line 3,058:
Line 2,962: Line 3,066:
Line 2,969: Line 3,073:
Line 2,977: Line 3,081:
Line 2,984: Line 3,088:
Line 2,992: Line 3,096:
Line 2,999: Line 3,103:
Line 3,053: Line 3,157:
Line 3,060: Line 3,164:
| colspan="6" |
| colspan="6" |lâ (in writing "laa")
! colspan="7" |Third Person Narrow Inanimate / Distal Singular Pronouns
! colspan="7" |Third Person Broad Inanimate / Distal Singular Pronoun
! colspan="6" |Emphatic Third Person Narrow Inanimate / Distal Singular Pronouns
! colspan="6" |Emphatic Third Person Broad Inanimate / Distal Singular Pronoun
Line 3,097: Line 3,201:
Line 3,104: Line 3,208:
Line 3,112: Line 3,216:
!"Cute" Absolutive
!"Cute" Absolutive
|lafi, lefi
Line 3,186: Line 3,290:
Line 3,193: Line 3,297:
Line 3,201: Line 3,305:
Line 3,208: Line 3,312:
Line 3,216: Line 3,320:
Line 3,241: Line 3,360:
| colspan="6" |
| colspan="6" |
! colspan="7" |Third Person Spindly / Ambiguous Inanimate / Distal Pronouns
! colspan="7" |Third Person Narrow Inanimate / Distal Singular Pronouns
! colspan="6" |Emphatic Third Person Spindly Inanimate / Distal Pronouns
! colspan="6" |Emphatic Third Person Narrow Inanimate / Distal Singular Pronouns
Line 3,276: Line 3,395:
Line 3,283: Line 3,402:
Line 3,358: Line 3,477:
Line 3,420: Line 3,554:
| colspan="6" |
| colspan="6" |
! colspan="7" |Third Person Plural / Nosist Inanimate / Distal Pronouns
! colspan="7" |Third Person Spindly / Ambiguous Inanimate / Distal Pronouns
! colspan="6" |Emphatic Third Person Plural / Nosist Inanimate / Distal Pronouns
! colspan="6" |Emphatic Third Person Spindly Inanimate / Distal Pronouns
Line 3,455: Line 3,589:
Line 3,462: Line 3,596:
Line 3,469: Line 3,603:
!"Cute" Absolutive
Line 3,522: Line 3,671:
Line 3,575: Line 3,739:
Line 3,583: Line 3,747:
| colspan="6" |
| colspan="6" |
! colspan="7" |Third Person Plural / Nosist Inanimate / Distal Pronouns
=== Interrogative Pronouns ===
{| class="wikitable"
! colspan="7" |Interrogative Animate Pronouns
! colspan="6" |Emphatic Interrogative Animate Pronouns
! colspan="6" |Emphatic Third Person Plural / Nosist Inanimate / Distal Pronouns
Line 3,623: Line 3,783:
Line 3,630: Line 3,790:
Line 3,637: Line 3,797:
!"Cute" Absolutive
Line 3,644: Line 3,804:
Line 3,652: Line 3,812:
Line 3,659: Line 3,819:
Line 3,667: Line 3,827:
Line 3,674: Line 3,834:
Line 3,682: Line 3,842:
Line 3,689: Line 3,849:
Line 3,697: Line 3,857:
Line 3,704: Line 3,864:
Line 3,758: Line 3,918:
Line 3,766: Line 3,926:
| colspan="6" |
| colspan="6" |
! colspan="7" |Interrogative Inanimate Pronouns
=== Interrogative Pronouns ===
{| class="wikitable"
! colspan="7" |Interrogative Animate Singular Pronouns
! colspan="6" |Emphatic Interrogative Inanimate Pronouns
! colspan="6" |Emphatic Interrogative Animate Singular Pronouns
Line 3,876: Line 4,040:
| colspan="6" |
! colspan="7" |Interrogative Animate Plural Pronouns
! colspan="6" |Emphatic Interrogative Animate Plural Pronouns
!"Cute" Absolutive
| colspan="6" |
! colspan="7" |Interrogative Inanimate Singular Pronouns
! colspan="6" |Emphatic Interrogative Inanimate Singular Pronouns
!"Cute" Absolutive
| colspan="6" |
! colspan="7" |Interrogative Inanimate Plural Pronouns
! colspan="6" |Emphatic Interrogative Inanimate Plural Pronouns
!"Cute" Absolutive
| colspan="6" |
{| class="wikitable"
! colspan="7" |Determiner
! colspan="6" |Emphatic Determiner
!Proximal Demonstrative
!Distal Demonstrative
!Indefinite Determiner
!Negative Determiner
!Interrogative Determiner
! colspan="7" |Determiner + 3rd Person Animate
! colspan="6" |Emphatic Determiner + 3rd Person Animate
!Proximal (Disjunctive)
!Distal (Disjunctive)
!Indefinite (Disjunctive)
!Negative (Disjunctive)
!Interrogative (Disjunctive)
! colspan="7" |Determiner + 3rd Person Inanimate
! colspan="6" |Emphatic Determiner + 3rd Person Inanimate
!Proximal (Disjunctive)
!Distal (Disjunctive)
!Indefinite (Disjunctive)
!Negative (Disjunctive)
!Interrogative (Disjunctive)
== Vocabulary ==
Unlike [[Fvonil]] and other southern [[Occe-Fortizian]] languages, Zdrole does not primarily coin new terms through direct agglutination, i.e. putting words next to each other. It is thought to have originally been an agglutinative language, but has since undergone some level of fusion, with compounds often either melding together, or otherwise being separate words taking the Semblative or Equative endings. This is commonly done with all [[wikipedia:Part_of_speech#Open_and_closed_classes|open class]] parts of speech, while closed classes are rarely altered, although occasionally two adpositions may be juxtaposed analytically
=== Swadesh List ===
{| class="wikitable"
| colspan="2" |See Pronouns, Demonstratives
|ru gêzme
|''what path''
| -ne( n/t/c/cx/k) (clitic), -nê (emphatic), bróta (isolate)
|''one this-that''
|bruzmaos (many), maos (very many)
|''(some) this-that''
| rowspan="2" |bruze( /n/t/s/x/k)
| rowspan="2" |
|dao( /n/t/s/x/k)
|nuihîvu, eléngoe (human), sufârim (abstract)
|large, mega
|''big (spindly)''
|mecxne( /n/t/c/cx/k)
|''not short.'' Original long used as private euphenism, primarily for males.
| rowspan="2" |nuihìma
| rowspan="2" |''big (broad)''
|yâvu, ku-iz (human). ku-icx (h. narrow), ku-ifa (h. broad)
|little, mini
|mecx(iu) ( /n/t/c/cx/k), yáziu
|mecx comes from ''generous'', meaning you gave away your mass. Original short used as euphemism.
| rowspan="2" |yàma
| rowspan="2" |
|la-onè [B], làongkoe [P]
|man (male)
|laqnè [B], laqnemin [P]
|xáofao [S], xurê [P]
|lenî [N], lêyra [P]
|''woman;'' míng [B], ngiung [N}, ngàong [S] [P]
| rowspan="2" |''spouse (may be used as pronoun)''
|''man;'' míng [B], ngiung [N}, ngàong [S] [P]
|mama [N]
| rowspan="3" |should be self-explanatory. (Babies make these sounds.)
|baba [N]
|dada, tata [N] ''-min plural''
|saoaleng, svaleng [B] ''-ke plural''
|meqùx [SN] ''-koe plural, [S] mass''
|súkoe [B] ''-min plural''
|bóevzi [N] ''-min plural'', rofrao [S]
|xqcambyen [B], cxama / xqcama [N] ''-(g)ke plural''
|why is "cat" not on the list? ''shame.''
|strû [N] ''-koe plural''
|srîs [SN], occasionally surîs [SN] ''-ke plural''; skôta [SN] ''-min plural''
|ngaomsris [SN] ''-ke plural''
|''dirt snake''
|zqnéyo [B] ''-min plural''
|làfen [B] ''-emin plural''
|kúcxkacx [S] ''no distinct plural''
|qôe [B]
|qóe [S]
|nê [B]
|''shortened from "the fruit in the fruit"''
|nè [N]
|xù [B] (broad leaves), xú [SN] (narrow leaves, plural), xû [N] (any),
xùkoe [BP], xúmin [SN non-mass plural], xûkoe [NP]
|''one of the very few words with a distinct plural for genders,''
''likely because it's functionally derivational rather than purely syntactic in nature.''
|xrîu [N] (trees), fqpenla [N] (other) ''-min plural''
|hqkoro [B] (hard), hqkeoreo [N] (soft); ''-min plural''
|xon [N], xomin [P]
|rosô [B] (large), reosêo [B] (small) ''-min plural''
|qyami [N] (flower) ''-ngke plural'', fiujîréo [S] (fruit)
|xjà [B] (short; never plural), cjèomin [P] (long), cjèo [S] (blade(s) of grass)
|hôkra [N] ''-min plural''
|tàon [B], tàoncjo [P]
|''used for some plants as well.''
|foecc [B] ''-oemuin plural''
|rakàzi [S] (''irregular; zi often pronounced z on its own''
|zdrêt [B], zdrètel [P]
|gub [B] ''no plural''
|yúini [N] ''-ke plural'' (large), xruse [B] xru [P] (fish), ka [B] kake [P] (insect)
|frahqk [B]
|frahqnge [N]
|''little horn''
|laoys [S] (general), laoysò [B] (tail-end, queue)
|kenrek [B] ''-e plural''
|moanstru [B] ''-ke plural''
|sqne [N], sqnê [P]
|yák [B], yáhqkoe [P]
|sin [B] sinê [P]
|quno [B] ''-ke plural''
|feo [N] ''-min plural''
|rao [SN], rû [P]
|ê [N] ''no distinct plural''
|(finger/toe) nail
|na [N], nâ [P]
|gônao [SN], gô [P]
|zdróe [S] ''no distinct plural''
|lafix [S], lafix / lafixiu [P]
|"underknee" and "overknee" may be used to describe specific halves of the leg.
|áon [B], áonen / áon [P]
|du [B] ''-ke plural''
|ngâoy [S] ''-muin plural''
|ziubix [S], ziubix / ziubixiu [P]
|"overelbow" and "underelbow" may be used to describe specific halves of the arm.
|gûnoek [B] ''-oemuin plural''
|slé [B (irregular)] ''-min plural''
|hàofaom [B] (big), hàofa [N] (small), hàofmuin [P]
|rêotah [B] ''singular and plural'', sucxrèng [B] ''plural''
|bah [B] bahqke, bahke [P]
|quist [B] -''emin plural''
|amio [B], amioke [P]
|aok [B] ''no distinct plural''
|stríng [B] ''-ke plural''
|to be
|viung, viungt, viungc, viungcx ''[irregular]''
|to want
|heoli, heoliet, heolika, heolîcxi ''[irregular]''
|to drink
|meonc, meoziun, meoci, meosqni
|to eat
|kfènc, kfèziun, kfè, kfèz ''[partly irregular]''
|to bite
|qánc, qáziun, qáci, qásqni
|to suck
|slûk, slûkoet, slûngka, slûngkax
|to spit
|cûinc, cûiziun, cûici, cûisqni
|to vomit
|blôehqk, blôekoet, blôehqkah, blôehqkax
|to hunger
|rôm, rôma, rômas, rômx ''[irregular; rôngx implies it was swiftly stopped somehow.]''
|to blow
|hù, hùt, hùs, hùx
|to breath
|hàm, hàmet, hàmes, hàmax
|to laugh
|hâhheh, hâket, hâhqkah, hâh ''[partly irregular]''
|to see
|lónda, londôcx, lô, lòd ''[irregular]''
|to hear
| rowspan="2" |begèl, begelet, begelas, begàx ''[irregular]''
|to know
|to think
|vìroe, vìrôna, vì, vàong ''[irregular]''
|to smell
|konc, koziun, koci, kosqni (if a good whiff); kox (if a bad whiff)
|to fear
|kvônci, kvôziuni, kvôcili, kvôsqnuin
|to sleep
|zvóenc, zvóeziun, zvóeci, zvóesqni
|to live
|sènc, sèziun, sèci, sèznil
|yao [S] ''no distinct plural''
|cjàl [S] ''no distinct plural''
|the concept of death is the verb without verb endings.
|to die
| rowspan="2" |cjàl, cjàle, cjàlse, cjàlx ''(may be cjàse and cjàx) [partly irregular]''
|''sentences with "die" have an absolutive subject.''
| rowspan="4" |110
| rowspan="4" |to kill
|''sentences with "kill" have an ergative or causative subject;''
|xqcáhqk, xqcahqkîuh, xqcahqkâh, xqcahqkâx
|generally associated with mass murders and war.
|khiurîuk, khiurîukeot, khiurîungka, khiurîungkàx
|to slaughter or to butcher
| rowspan="2" |mèxaonda, mèxaondâocxe, mèxaond, mèxaondo
|usually "killing for revenge / greed"
| rowspan="2" |112
| rowspan="2" |to hunt
|usually "killing for food"
|mèx, mèxet, mèxes, mèxek
|more akin to "tracking", "stalking", etc.
| rowspan="3" |111
| rowspan="3" |to fight
|czénda, czéndâcxe, czéndi, czéndea
|play fighting; derived from ''to push''
|gharanc, gharaziun, gharacil, gharancàx
|thíuk, thíuket, thíuhqkah, thíuhqkàx
| rowspan="7" |113
| rowspan="7" |to hit
|hqkâk, hqkâket, hqkângka, hqkângkàx
|whack aggressively
|cjuinc, cjuiziun, cjuici, cjuisqni
|whack gently
|sak, saket, sahqk, sahqkàx
|smack someone or something
|tak, taket, tangka, tangkàx
|strike someone or something
|kuk, kuket, kungka, kungkàx
|knock or run into something
|fahmanc, fahmaziun, fahmaci, fahmasqni
|bang into something that cause you a lot of pain
|raobek, raobeket, raobehqk, raobehqkàx
|to knock someone or an animal onto the ground
|to cut
|zqnîk, zqnîket, zqnîngka, zqningkàx
|to split
|fqmûyonc, fqmûyoziun, fqmûyocil, fqmûyosqni
|to stab
|gaok, gaokot, gaongkao, gaongkàox
| rowspan="3" |117
| rowspan="3" |to scratch
|rinc, riziun, rici, risqni
|voek, voeket, voengka, voenkàx
| rowspan="2" |uglâk, uglâket, uglâhqk, úglakàx
|to draw blood.
|to dig
|to swim
|lylonc, lyloziun, lyloci, lylosqni
| rowspan="2" |120
| rowspan="2" |to fly
|biuzvéongk, biuzvéongx, biuzvéongka, biuzvéongkàx
|to go flying; to get yeeted; sometimes to glide.float/skim on air or water really fast
|hadak, hadayx, hadahqka, hadakàx
|to physically fly; sometimes to glide or float
|to walk
|jenc, jeziun, jeci, jesqni
|to come
|yâonc, yâoziun, yâoci, yâosqni
|to lie (as in bed)
|manda, mandâcxe, mandi, mando
|to sit
|xanc, xaziun, xaci, xasqni
|to stand
|zqniung, zqniungt, zqniungc, zqniungcx ''[irregular]''
|yeah. it's the same word as to walk. adpositions and noun cases really come in handy here.
|to turn (physically)
|rúk, rúkot, rúngka, rúngkàx
|to fall
|tâonc, tâoziun, tâoci, tâosqni
|to give
|aonda, aondâocxe, âond, âondo
|to hold, to have
|zqniung, zqniungt, zqniungc, zqniungcx ''[irregular]''
|yeah. it's the same word as to walk. adpositions and noun cases really come in handy here.
''Originally this function was also carried out by the Inessive-Instrumental case.''
| rowspan="4" |130
| rowspan="4" |to squeeze
|ximik, ximix, ximihqk, ximihqkàx
|into something by pushing outward, gently (clumsily with -oid case)
|ximenc, ximeziun, ximeci, ximesqni
|to something by pushing inward, gently (clumsily with -oid case)
|honc, hoziun, hoci, hosqni
|into something by pushing outward, forcefully (unsuccessfully, potentially brutally with -oid case)
|halahak, halahake, halahahqk, halahàx
|to something by pushing inward, forecefully (unsuccessfully, potentially brutally with -oid case)
| rowspan="3" |131
| rowspan="3" |to rub
|czèlienc, czèlieziun, czèlieci, czèliesqni
|kofk, kofket, kofka, kofkàx
|aggressively; scrape
| rowspan="2" |cxuqník, cxuqníke, cxuqníngka, cxuqníx
|to rub off
|to wipe
|also to rub off
|to wash
|zqnènc, zqnèziun, zqnèci, zqnèzqni
|to pull
|qmeok, qmeod, qmeong, qmeonda ''[irregular]''
| rowspan="2" |135
|to push
|coenda, coendâcxe, coend, coendea
|to push (down)
|ghoruibàzk, ghoruibàzket, ghoruibàs, ghoruibàx ''[partly irregular]''
|to push down, to shove
| rowspan="2" |136
| rowspan="2" |to throw
|vazúnc, vazúziun, vazúci, vazúsqni
|to toss
|hirînc, hiriziun, hirîci, hirîsqni
|to launch or yeat
|to tie
|zcúik, zcúikoet, zcúingka, zcúingàx
|to sew
|xjénc, xjéziun, xjéci, xjésqni
|to count
|yangk, yanket, yangka, yangkàx
|to say
|szêonc, szêoziun, szêoci, szêosqni
|to sing
|sêonc, sêoziun, sêoci, sêosqni; cêosi (''variant of'' ''sêoci'')
|to play
|jêonc, jêozin, jêoci, jêosqni
|originally ''jiunc'', became more like ''to sing''
|to float
|cjhínda, cjhíndâcxe, cjhíndi, cjíndea
|also ''to hover, to glide gently''
|to flow
|huâli, huâliet, huâlies, huâliàx
|to freeze
|hqkóek, hqkóeket, hqkóengka, hqkóengkàx
|to swell
|cjaonc, cjaoziun, cjaoci, cjaosqni
|cúlu [B] ''ad hoc plural +min''
|khòro [B] ''ad hoc plural +koe''
|zdrís [S] ''+ke plural''
|vò [B] ''no plural''
|rò [B] ''no distinct plural''
|yuô [N] ''-min plural''
|rúiso [B] rúiskoe [P]
|vuirô [N] ''-min plural''
|suk [B] ''-oe plural''
|lâk [P]
|acts as a plural and takes plural endings.
|lâk [B], lâkmin [P]
|like English, "stone" can both mean the material and an individiual, small stone.
|xif [S] ''no distinct plural''
|means both an individual grain of sand and sand in general.
|xif [S] (on surface) xifcxíla [P; irregular]
|"''sand''"; "''sand which is floating''"
|skit [B]
|"Earth" ([[Krystar]])
|Krai [B; ''irregular''] (loanword) ''no plural''
|Imported from other languages; "[[Krystar]]", interpreted as "Krai" + "stra" (B-class ending)
|xucx [S] ''no distinct plural''
|mùsk [B] ''no plural''
|mùs(e)ro [B] ''no plural''
|''fog rain''
|light fog, haze
|xùm [B] ''no distinct plural''
|ézo [B] ''ad hoc -min plural''
| rowspan="3" |163
| rowspan="3" |wind
|dreocj [N] ''no plural''
|heox [S] ''no distinct plural''
|stronger wind ''or'' gale-force wind (no distinction)
|zzét [B] ''-min plural''
|nis [S] ''no distinct plural''
|vàog [N] ''no distinct plural''
|manson [P]
|acts as a plural and takes plural endings
|ice pebbles
|manson [B] ''-koe ending''
|as with stone, "ice" can mean both the materian and an individual, small chunk of ice.
|zura [N] ''no distinct plural''
| rowspan="2" |167
| rowspan="2" |fire
|zrî [P]
|the essence of fire
|zrî [N] ''-ke plural''
|an instance of fire; wildfire, human-made fire, etc.
|bósteo [N] ''no plural''
| rowspan="4" |169
| rowspan="4" |to burn
|czoek, czoekoet, czoehqk, czoehqkàx
|to singe, to slow burn
|fqmúnc, fqmúziun, fqmúci, fqmúsqni
|to smolder
|cxenc, cxeziun, cxeci, cxesqni
|to set on fire
|rèngk, rèngkuf, rèngkaf, rengkàx
|to turn to ash (scorch)
|eskúcj [S]
|gêzme [N] ''-ke plural''
|sè [B] [P]
|oecóeng [B], séng [N], cóeng [P], óeng [S]
| rowspan="5" |Primary colors (the ones listed) are the only adjectives that take verb agreement;
they take the same ending as the noun they modify, even if they don't have a distinct gendered form.
|iru [B], iri [N], qira [P], ira [S]
|juil [B], jing [N], ecjil [P] [S]
|doebún [B] ''-gkoe plural''
|dhôluim [B] ''-in plural''
|boesôn [B] ''-gkoe plural''
|hariung [B] ''-ke plural''
|farâd [B] ''-min plural''
|xkày {S}
|mud {N}
|sqtò {B}
|cxhu {B}
|animate and inanimate
|young (animate)
|cxiu {N}
|young (inanimate)
|qay {S}
|old (adult)
|bêyng {B}
|yèong {B}
|old (inanimate)
|maob {B}
|qeog {N}
|good, delicious
|well, fresh
|from "spoiled"
| rowspan="2" |khùl
|originally "bad"
|from "poorly"
|dirt, clutter
|aongob [N]
|bah [B], bahstax [S]
|bahstax is more implied and broad-use; bah is more literal and definitive.
|wet (soaking)
|"water" in the adessive case
|wet (moist, damp)
|originally "wet"
|incorrect, wrong
|originally "not correct"
|qmô, -strale (see: cases)
|''Usually accomplished using the Approximative case; isolate word generally used for time.''
|qmône, khasne, qmône-khasne
|"not close, not lost"
|extremely far, lost
|originally "lost"
| -stra (see: cases)
|''Accomplished using the Locative case''
|xi, -''straiciu'' (old), -''strana'' (on another word)
| rowspan="2" |203
| rowspan="2" |with
|used for animate, valuable and loved nouns.
|used for inanimate, invaluable and unwanted nouns.
|and (plus)
|not generally used with nouns; verbs often instead receive the locative case.
Used primarily with mixing sentences and clauses or for addition. ("Plus")
| -''ùina'' (causative), imfyúina
|imfyúina is rarely used, primarily for complicated reasons.
|stéong [B] (''loan-word meaning label)''
|''usually "X is called" is used instead.''
|question word
|frequently placed at the end of a sentence to create a tag question.
=== Number ===
{| class="wikitable"
!Zdrole Numeral
!lo rep.
!Zdrole Numeral
!lo rep.
!Zdrole Numeral
!lo rep.
!Zdrole Numeral
!lo rep.
| colspan="6" |
{| class="wikitable"
! colspan="7" |Determiner
! colspan="6" |Emphatic Determiner
!Proximal Demonstrative
!Distal Demonstrative
|ròe trîsand (loan)
!Indefinite Determiner
|ròe trîsand e ròe
!Negative Determiner
!Interrogative Determiner
! colspan="7" |Determiner + 3rd Person Animate
! colspan="7" |Emphatic Determiner + 3rd Person Animate
!Proximal (Disjunctive)
!Distal (Disjunctive)
!Indefinite (Disjunctive)
!Negative (Disjunctive)
!Interrogative (Disjunctive)
! colspan="7" |Determiner + 3rd Person Inanimate
! colspan="7" |Emphatic Determiner + 3rd Person Inanimate
!Proximal (Disjunctive)
!Distal (Disjunctive)
!Indefinite (Disjunctive)
!Negative (Disjunctive)
!Interrogative (Disjunctive)

Latest revision as of 20:13, 8 September 2024

PronunciationIPA: [zd̠ɹ̠ɤ̂.ləl]
Native toFortizendria
RegionCentral Occeia in Krystar
Native speakers
  • Zdrole
Official status
Official language in
Language codes
ISO 639-3ZDR

Zdrole (native: Zdrêola, pronounced: [zd̠ɹ̠ɤ̂.la], formally Êzdreola, lit. "around the tongue") is the official and most widely spoken language of Fortizendria, a nation in the region of Krystar. Zdrole is regularly used by about 80% of Fortizendrians and is the first language of about 65%, although about 45% have notable dialectal differences, many of which differ substantially, in some cases being considered "unrecognized partially intelligible languages". It is by far the most widely spoken language, with the only officially recognized and local-official language of Fvonil and its dialects being close, being known by about 40% of the population and 20% learning it as a first language. Non-recognized varieties of Ovalul, Cziliel, and neighboring countries' languages being the first language of the remaining 15% and being understood by roughly 30% of the population. It is not especially well documented.

Zdrole is not very centralized as a single language, with several dialects exhibiting mergers or splits in certain sounds, different cases being used for specific circumstances, differences in honorifics, and even a change in lexicon due to borrowing from other languages and coining new terms. This article mainly covers a specific dialect of Zdrole, the Fortizendriana or Capital Dialect, which is most widely understood due to use in federal government. However, it should be noted that many provincial governments, as well as local governments, often different dialects, if not Fvonil (or in locales other minor languages). International diplomacy must be conducted in Zdrole, but dialects may vary wildly. Legal language and technical jargon is written or spoken with many technical loan words taken from more advanced economic neighbors, while the constitution was written in a now "archaic" version of a dialect that was not even the Capital dialect.

This page is reserved for Zdrole morphology, lexicon and inflection. This section ONLY covers words and their basic meaning, as well as their various forms (if applicable), and does not describe what each form is or means in much detail. For grammar, phonology, and other aspects of the Zdrole language, see the Zdrole Language.

Grammatical Case Inflection

Grammatical case in Zdrole is rather complicated, having anywhere from 7 to 30 total cases, although many of these cases may be analyzed as a combination of case inflection and derivational morphology. It is often not entirely clear what counts as a distinct case vs. a derivation in Zdrole, as some modifiers have the functions of both. Grammatical case is unique in that it agrees in both noun class and verbal "gender"/ending paradigm. Below is a table showing all of the various forms for each widely accepted case marking, as well as archaic and less-agreed-upon compound cases.

Legend: [C] = Consonant, [vC] = voiced consonant, [xC] = voiceless consonant, [N] = nasal;

(#)[V] = Vowel, [f = front, [b = back, [c = close, [o = open, [r = rounded, [u = unrounded, s = same vowel, a = any vowel;

ɵ = mid vowel with the same backness / roundness; ʉ = close vowel with the same backness/roundess;

- = last letter, -- / -[#] - = last vowel / consonant, - -# = second - is part of the orthography; {#} = individual letters; #-> = segment is removed and replaced by inflection;

[irreg] = Irregular words only; [dia] = Dialectal, or common different variants across various dialects, or otherwise varies between speakers among dialects.

"Alternate case endings" are endings that specifically appear after short words, primarily after most CV and many VC monosyllabic unpitched non-loanwords, along with several exceptions including compounds.

Note: Polysyllabic words also receive a pitch accent

Case Ending Inflections for Basic
Ergative Case
Gender Open Nasal Dental Alveolar Post-Alevolar Peripheral
Broad -ni [C] -uin

[V] -n

-nid -niz -nij -nik
Narrow -na

{d}-> -nda

-nan(g) [dia]

{d}-> -ndan(g) [dia]


{d}-> -nta






{d}-> -ndav/ndao [dia]

Plural [C] -oe

[V] -ze

[C] -ôe

[V] -zê

[C] -oet

[V] -zet

[C] -oec

[V] -zec

[C] -oecx

[V] -zecx

[C] -oek

[V] -zek

Spindly -nʉ -nʉng [rV] --noet

[uV] --net

[rV] --noecz

[uV] --necz

[rV] --noecj

[uV] --necj

[rV] --nao(v) [dia]

[uV] --nav

Absolutive Case
Gender Open Nasal Dental Alveolar Post-Alevolar Peripheral
Broad -∅ [C] -ɵng

[V] -ng

[N] -∅

[N][V] -> [N]

[C] -ɵt

[V] -t

{t} -∅

[C] -ɵs

[V] -s

[C] -ɵx

[V] -x

[C] -ɵf, -k (if permitted)

[V] -ɵf

Narrow -∅ [C] -ɵng

[V] -ng

[N] -∅

[N][V] -> [N]

[C] -ad

[V] -d

{d/t} -∅


{a} -z

{z/s} -c

[C] -aj

[V] -j

{j} -c, {x} -> cc

[C] -ag

[V] -g

Plural -∅ [C] ∅

[V] -n

-t -c -cx [C] -gk

[V] -f

Spindly -∅ [rV]-[C] -ong

[uV]-[C] -eong

[V] -ng

[N] -∅

[N][V] -> [N]

[rV]-[C] -ɵt

[uV]-[C] -ɵt

[V] -t

[V]/liquid -c

{c/cx/cz/cj} -∅

[C]* -ec [irreg]

[V]/liquid -cx

{c/cx/cz/cj} -∅

[C]* -ec [irreg]


-∅ [irreg]

Alternate Absolutive Case
Gender Open Nasal Dental Alveolar Post-Alevolar Peripheral
Broad -fui -fuin -fuis -fuiz -fuij, -fuix [dia] -fui(v) [dia]
Narrow [C] -ui

[V] - bui

[C] -uin

[V] -buin, -buim [dia]

[C] -uit

[V] - buis

[C] -uiz(e) [dia]

[V] -buiz(e) [dia]

[C] -uij

[V] - buix, -buij [dia]

[C] -ui, -uiv, -uif [dia]

[V] -bui, -buiv, -buif [dia]

Plural -∅ [C] -∅

[V] -n

-t -c -cx [C] -gk

[V] -f

Spindly -fuizè -fuiziun -fuizet -fuizíc -fuizí(c)x [dia] -fuizík
Dative Case
Gender Open Nasal Dental Alveolar Post-Alevolar Peripheral
Broad [C] -ɵfqp

[V] -qɵ, -qɵfqp [dia]

[C] -ɵqiun

[V] -qiun

[C] -ɵsqt

[V] -qɵsqt

[C] -ɵsqc

[V] -qɵsqc

[C] -ɵxqc

[V] -qɵxqc

[C] -ɵhqk

[V] -qɵhqk

Alternate Dative Case
Gender Open Nasal Dental Alveolar Post-Alevolar Peripheral
Broad -fɵ -fɵm -fɵt -fɵs -fɵx -fɵf
Narrow -mɵ [fV] --moem

[bV] --mom

-mɵt -mɵs -mɵx [fV] --moe(v) [dia]

[bV] --mo(v) [dia]

Plural [C] -ɵfqp

[V] -qɵ, -qɵfqp [dia]

[C] -ɵqiun

[V] -qiun

[C] -ɵsqt

[V] -qɵsqt

[C] -ɵsqc

[V] -qɵsqc

[C] -ɵxqc

[V] -qɵxqc

[C] -ɵhqk

[V] -qɵhqk

Spindly [rV] --foexoe

[uV] --fexe

[rV] --foexoen

[uV] --fexen

[rV] --foexoet

[uV] --fexet

[rV] --foexuiz

[uV] --fexis

[rV] --foexuij

[uV] --fexix

[rV] --foexoe(v) [dia]

[uV] --fexif

Causative Case
Gender Open Nasal Dental Alveolar Post-Alevolar Peripheral
Broad [fV]-[C] -ùina

[bV]-C -ùnao

[fV] -qùina

[bV] -qùnao

[fV̀] --ûina

[bV̀] --ûnao

[fV]-[C] -ùin

[bV]-C -ùn, ùm [dia]

[fV] -qùin

[bV] -qùn, -qùm [dia]

[fV̀] --ûin

[bV̀] --ûn, --ûm [dia]

[fV]-[C] -ùit

[bV]-C -ùt

[fV] -qùit

[bV] -qùt

[fV̀] --ûit

[bV̀] --ût

[fV]-[C] -ùis

[bV]-C -ùs

[fV] -qùis

[bV] -qùs

[fV̀] --ûis

[bV̀] --ûs

[fV]-[C] -ùix

[bV]-C -ùx

[fV] -qùix

[bV] -qùx

[fV̀] --ûix

[bV̀] --ûx

[fV]-[C] -ùi(v) [dia]

[bV]-C -ù(v) [dia]

[fV] -qùi(v) [dia]

[bV] -qù(v) [dia]

[fV̀] --ûi(v) [dia]

[bV̀] --û(v) [dia]

Narrow [fV] --vâ,

[bV] --(v)âo [dia]

[fV̂] --va, --ua [dia]

[bV̂] --(v)ao [dia]

[fV] --vâng

[bV] --(v)âong [dia]

[fV̂] --viun, --uin [dia]

[bV̂] --(v)aong, --um [dia]

[fV] --vât

[bV] --(v)âot [dia]

[fV̂] --vat, --uat [dia]

[bV̂] --(v)aot [dia]

[fV] --vâz

[bV] --(v)âoz [dia]

[fV̂] --vaz, --uaz [dia]

[bV̂] --(v)aoz [dia]

[fV] --vâj

[bV] --(v)âoj [dia]

[fV̂] --vaj, --uaj [dia]

[bV̂] --(v)aoj [dia]

[fV] --vâv

[bV] --(v)âo(v) [dia]

[fV̂] --vav, -uv [dia]

[bV̂] --(v)ao(v) [dia]

Plural [fV]-[C] -ùi

[bV]-C -ù

[fV] -qùi

[bV] -qù

[fV]-[C] -ùin

[bV]-C -ùn, ùm [dia]

[fV] -qùin

[bV] -qùn, -qùm [dia]

[C] -d

[V] -d(a) [dia]

[fV]-[C] -ùiz

[bV]-C -ùz

[fV] -qùiz

[bV] -qùz

[fV]-[C] -ùij

[bV]-C -ùj

[fV] -qùij

[bV] -qùj

[fV]-[C] -ùik

[bV]-C -ùk

[fV] -qùik

[bV] -qùk

Spindly [fV]-[C] -ùix

[bV]-C -ùx

[fV] -qùix

[bV] -qùx

[fV]-[C] -ùixoen

[bV]-C -ùxon

[fV] -qùixoen

[bV] -qùxon

[fV]-[C] -ùixoen

[bV]-C -ùxon

[fV] -qùixoen

[bV] -qùxon

[fV]-[C] -ùixoes

[bV]-C -ùxos

[fV] -qùixoes

[bV] -qùxos

[fV]-[C] -ùixoex

[bV]-C -ùxox

[fV] -qùixoex

[bV] -qùxox

[fV]-[C] -ùixoek

[bV]-C -ùxof

[fV] -qùixoek

[bV] -qùxof

Locative Case
Gender Open Nasal Dental Alveolar Post-Alevolar Peripheral
Broad [fV] --stra

[bV] --stro

[fV] --stran(a) [dia]

[bV] --stron(o) [dia]

[fV] --strad

[bV] --strod

[fV] --streses

[bV] --strosos

[fV] --stracj

[bV] --strocj

[fV] --straf

[bV] --strof

Narrow [fV]-[vC] -zdrieo

[bV]-[vC] -zdreo

[fV]-{n/z} -drieo

[bV]-{n/z} -dreo

[fV]-{d/cz} - -rieon [d̪ɾiɤn]

[bV]-{d/cz} - -reon [d̪ɾɤn]

[fV]-{j} -> -zdrieo

[bV]-{j} -> zdreo

[fV]-{cj} -> drieo

[bV]-{d/cj} -> dreo

[fV] --zdrieon

[bV] --zdreon

[fV]-{n/z} -drieon [d͡ʒɹiɤn]

[bV]-{n/z} -dreon [d͡ʒɹɤn]

[fV]-{d/cz} - -rieon [d̪ɾiɤn]

[bV]-{d/cz} - -reon [d̪ɾɤn]

[fV]-{j} -> zdrieon

[bV]-{j} -> zdreon

[fV]-{cj} -> drieon [d͡ʒɹiɤ]

[bV]-{cj} -> dreon [d͡ʒɹɤ]

[fV] --zdrieod

[bV] --zdreod

[fV]-{n/z} -drieod

[bV]-{n/z} -dreod

[fV]-{d/cz} - -rieod

[bV]-{d/cz} - -reod

[fV]-{j} -> zdrieod

[bV]-{j} -> zdreod

[fV]-{cj} -> drieod

[bV]-{cj} -> dreod

[fV] --zdrieoz

[bV] --zdreoz

[fV]-{n/z} -drieoz

[bV]-{n/z} -dreoz

[fV]-{d/cz} - -rieoz

[bV]-{d/cz} - -reoz

[fV]-{j} -> zdrieoz

[bV]-{j} -> zdreoz

[fV]-{cj} -> drieoz

[bV]-{cj} -> dreoz

[fV] --zdrieoj

[bV] --zdreoj

[fV]-{n/z} -drieoj

[bV]-{n/z} -dreoj

[fV]-{d/cz} - -rieoj

[bV]-{d/cz} - -reoj

[fV]-{j} -> zdrieoj

[bV]-{j} -> zdreoj

[fV]-{cj} -> drieoj

[bV]-{cj} -> dreoj

[fV] --zdrieovêov

[bV] --zdreovêov

[fV]-{n/z} -drieovêov

[bV]-{n/z} -dreovêov

[fV]-{d/cz} - -rieovêov

[bV]-{d/cz} - -reovêov

[fV]-{j} -> zdrieovêov

[bV]-{j} -> zdreovêov

[fV]-{cj} -> drieovêov

[bV]-{cj} -> dreovêov

Plural [fV] --stroe

[bV] --stro

[fV] --stroem

[bV] --strom

[fV] --stroet

[bV] --strot

[fV] --stroes

[bV] --stros

[fV] --stroexuix

[bV] --stroxux

[fV] --stroef

[bV] --strof

Spindly [C] -cxe

[V] -cce

{c} -> c-cxe

{cx} -cxe, -e, -> cce [dia]

[C] -cxenan, -cxenin [dia]

[V] -ccenan, -ccexin [dia]

{c} -> c-cxe(nan/xin) [dia]

{cx} -cxenan, -en, -> ccexin [dia]

[C] -cxet

[V] -ccet

{c} -> c-cxet

{cx} -cxet, -et, -> ccet [dia]

[C] -cxes

[V] -cces

{c} -> c-cxes

{cx} -cxes, -es, -> cces [dia]

[C] -icx

[V] -cc

[C] -cxek

[V] -ccek

{c} -> c-cxek

{cx} -cxek, -ek, -> ccek [dia]

Semblative Case
Gender Open Nasal Dental Alveolar Post-Alevolar Peripheral
Broad -li -liun -lit -lis -lix -lik
Narrow [rV] --ro

[uV] --reo

[rV] --ron

[uV] --reon

[rV] --rot

[uV] --reot

[rV] --roz

[uV] --reoz

[rV] --rox

[uV] --reox

[rV] --rok

[uV] --reok

Plural -lia, -ya [dia] -lian, -yan [dia] -liat, -yat [dia] -liaz, -yaz [dia] -liaj, -yaj [dia] -liak, -yak [dia]
Equative Case
Gender Open Nasal Dental Alveolar Post-Alevolar Peripheral
Broad -iciu

{c(x)} -iu


{c(x)} -iun


{c(x)} -iut

-isqc -ixqc -if
Narrow [rV]-[C] -oexuix

[uV]-[C] -exix

[rV] -xuix

[uV] -xix

[rV]-[C] -oexuin

[uV]-[C] -exin

[rV] -xuin

[uV] -xin

[rV]-[C] -oexoet

[uV]-[C] -exet

[rV] -xuixoet

[uV] -xixet

[rV]-[C] -oexuis

[uV]-[C] -exis

[rV] -xuixoes

[uV] -xixes

[rV]-[C] -oexuix

[uV]-[C] -exix

[rV] -xuixoex

[uV] -xixex

[rV]-[C] -oexoek

[uV]-[C] -exek

[rV] -xuixek

[uV] -xixek

Plural [rV] --uizoe

[uV] --ize

[rV] --uizoen

[uV] --izen

-d, -da, -ad

[dia, sometimes C/V]

[rV] --uizoec

[uV] --izec

[rV] --uij(oe) [dia]

[uV] --ij(e) [dia]

[rV] --uizk

[uV] --izk

Spindly [rV] --kao

[uV] --ka

[rV] --kaoh

[uV] --kah

[rV] --kaot

[uV] --kat

[rV] --kaoz

[uV] --kaz

[rV] --kaox

[uV] --kax

[rV] --kaok

[uV] --kak

Alt. Spindly [rV] --kaofui

[uV] --kafui

[rV] --kaofuin

[uV] --kafuin

[rV] --kaofuizè

[uV] --kafuizè

[rV] --kaofuis

[uV] --kafuis

[rV] --kaofuix [dia]

[uV] --kafuix [dia]

f may be z or fuiz; [dia]

[rV] --kaofui(v) [dia]

[uV] --kafui(v) [dia]]

f may be z or fuiz; [dia]

Subequative Case
Gender Open Nasal Dental Alveolar Post-Alevolar Peripheral
Broad -layciu -layciun -layciut -laycius -layciux -layciuk
Narrow [rV] --roxuix

[uV] --reoxix

[rV] --ronoexuin

[uV] --reonexin

[rV] --rocxoet

[uV] --reocxet

[rV] --rozoexuis

[uV] --reozexis

[rV] --roxoexuix

[uV] --reoxexix

[rV] --rohqk

[uV] --reohqk

Plural -layze -layzen -layzet -layzec -layzecx -layzek
Spindly -laka -langkah -latkat -lackas -lacxkax -lafkak
Alt. Spindly -lakafui -langkafuin -laskafuizè -laskafuis -laxkafuij -lafkazui(v) [dia]
Adessive Case
Gender Open Nasal Dental Alveolar Post-Alevolar Peripheral
Locative-Genitive Case
Gender Open Nasal Dental Alveolar Post-Alevolar Peripheral
Broad -straqùina -straqùin -straqùit -straqùiz -straqùix -straqùi(v) [dia]
Narrow [fV] --zdriêona

[bV] --zdrêona

[fV]-{n/z} -driêona [d͡ʒɹiɤ]

[bV]-{n/z} -drêona [d͡ʒɹɤ]

[fV]-{d/cz} - -riêona [d̪ɾiɤ]

[bV]-{d/cz} - -rêona [d̪ɾɤ]

[fV]-{j} -> zdriêona

[bV]-{j} -> zdrêona

[fV]-{cj} -> driêona [d͡ʒɹiɤ]

[bV]-{cj} -> drêona [d͡ʒɹɤ]

[fV] --zdriêon

[bV] --zdrêon

[fV]-{n/z} -driêon [d͡ʒɹiɤn]

[bV]-{n/z} -drêon [d͡ʒɹɤn]

[fV]-{d/cz} - -riêon [d̪ɾiɤn]

[bV]-{d/cz} - -rêon [d̪ɾɤn]

[fV]-{j} -> zdriêon

[bV]-{j} -> zdrêon

[fV]-{cj} -> driêon [d͡ʒɹiɤ]

[bV]-{cj} -> drêon [d͡ʒɹɤ]

[fV] --zdriêot

[bV] --zdrêot

[fV]-{n/z} -driêot

[bV]-{n/z} -drêot

[fV]-{d/cz} - -riêot

[bV]-{d/cz} - -rêot

[fV]-{j} -> zdriêot

[bV]-{j} -> zdrêot

[fV]-{cj} -> driêot

[bV]-{cj} -> drêot

[fV] --zdriêoncz

[bV] --zdrêoncz

[fV]-{n/z} -driêoncz

[bV]-{n/z} -drêoncz

[fV]-{d/cz} - -riêoncz

[bV]-{d/cz} - -rêoncz

[fV]-{j} -> zdriêoncz

[bV]-{j} -> zdrêoncz

[fV]-{cj} -> driêoncz

[bV]-{cj} -> drêoncz

[fV] --zdriêoncj

[bV] --zdrêoncj

[fV]-{n/z} -driêoncj

[bV]-{n/z} -drêoncj

[fV]-{d/cz} - -riêoncj

[bV]-{d/cz} - -rêoncj

[fV]-{j} -> zdriêonc

[bV]-{j} -> zdrêonc

[fV]-{cj} -> driêonc

[bV]-{cj} -> drêonc

[fV] --zdriêo(v) [dia]

[bV] --zdrêo(v) [dia]

[fV]-{n/z} -driêo(v) [dia]

[bV]-{n/z} -drêo(v) [dia]

[fV]-{d/cz} - -riêo(v) [dia]

[bV]-{d/cz} - -rêo(v) [dia]

[fV]-{j} -> zdriêo(v) [dia]

[bV]-{j} -> zdrêo(v) [dia]

[fV]-{cj} -> driêovêo(v) [dia]

[bV]-{cj} -> drêovêo(v) [dia]

Plural -strôna -strônoen -strônta -strôsos -strôj(a) [dia] -strôk
Spindly -ccûi(n(a) [dia]

{c} -> c-cxûi(n(a)) [dia]

{cx} -cxûi(n(a), -> ccûi(n(a) [dia]


{c} -> c-cxeqûin

{cx} -cxeqûin, -> cceqûin [dia]


{c} -> c-cxeqûit

{cx} -cxeqûit, -> cceqûit [dia]


{c} -> c-cxûis

{cx} -cxûis, -> ccûis [dia]


{c} -> c-cxûix

{cx} -cxûix, -> ccûix [dia]


{c} -> c-cxûik

{cx} -cxûik, -> ccûikd [dia]

Relative Case
Gender Open Nasal Dental Alveolar Post-Alevolar Peripheral
Broad [rV] --liòna, --yòna [dia]

[uV] --lièna, --yèna [dia]

[rV] --liòng, --yòng [dia]

[uV] --lièn, --yèn [dia]

[rV] --liònt, --yònt [dia]

[uV] --liènt, --yènt [dia]

[rV] --liònaz, --yònaz [dia]

[uV] --liènaz, --yènaz [dia]

[rV] --liònaj, --yònaj [dia]

[uV] --liènaj, --yènaj [dia]

[rV] --liòngka, --yòngka [dia]

[uV] --lièngka, --yèngka [dia]

Narrow [rV] --râ(v) [dia]

[uV] -r-âo(v) [dia]

[rV] --rân

[uV] --râon

[rV] --râd

[uV] --râod

[rV] --râz

[uV] --râoz

[rV] --râj

[uV] --râoj

[rV] --râk

[uV] --râok

Plural [C] -ilia [irr]

[rV] -liòna, -yòna [dia]

[uV] -lièna, -yèna [dia]

{n} -yè

[C] -ilian [irr]

[rV] -liòn, -yòn [dia]

[uV] -lièn, -yèn [dia]

{n} -yàn

[C] -iliat [irr]

[rV] -liònt, -yònt [dia]

[uV] -liènt, -yènt [dia]

{n} -yàt

[C] -iliaz [irr]

[rV] -liònaz, -yònaz [dia]

[uV] -liènaz, -yènaz [dia]

{n} -yàz

[C] -iliaj [irr]

[rV] -liònaj, -yònaj [dia]

[uV] -liènaj, -yènaj [dia]

{n} -yèx

[C] -iliak [irr]

[rV] --liòngka, --yòngka [dia]

[uV] --lièngka, --yèngka [dia]

{n} -yàk

Spindly [C] -ùixuil

[V] -qùixuil

[C] -ùixuin

[V] -qùixuin

[C] -ùixuit

[V] -qùixuit

[C] -ùixuiz

[V] -qùixuiz

[C] -ùixuix

[V] -qùixuix

[C] -ùixuik

[V] -qùixuik

Executive Case
Gender Open Nasal Dental Alveolar Post-Alevolar Peripheral
Approximative Case
Gender Open Nasal Dental Alveolar Post-Alevolar Peripheral


Zdrole has an extremely rich number of pronouns. To read more about pronouns, see Pronouns under the Zdrole Language. Aside from being coded for six verb genders, 11 forms and having an emphatic version of each, there are only a handful of actual base pronouns:

  • 1st person singular (I/me/my/mine/myself) and plural/nosist (we, us, our, ours, ourselves);
  • 2nd person singular general (thou, thee, thy, thine, thineself), familiar / cute (you, you, your, yours, yourself), and plural/nosist (ye, you, your, yours, yourselves), as well as formal you, where the gender of the addressee is coded into the ending of the general "you" rather than a variety of the default. (Spindly endings are fairly rare and often replaced with Nosist endings.). Formal gender addresses may be used for general singular as well as "cute" singular, for which "cute" singular is generally used in formal settings to children and historically younger women or those in lesser positions, although these latter uses are largely phased out.
  • 3rd person human/animate pronoun with case inflected for broad singular and narrow singular (he/she, him/her, his/her, his/hers, himself/herself), plural/nosist (they, them, their, theirs, themselves), and spindly, which doubly acts as an epicene and indefinite pronoun, and may be singular or plural (singular/plural they, them, their, theirs, themself/themselves; one, one's, oneself, whoever, whoever's, whoself, someone, someone's)
  • 3rd person inanimate equivalents to all aforementioned pronouns (it, its, itself, they, them, their, etc.)
  • Animate and inanimate interrogative pronouns, which do not inflect their cases and are automatically in the Broad case.
  • Demonstratives (this/these, that/those), which may combine with the third person pronoun for 2 additional 3rd person pronouns by preceding them with an open non-emphatic Disjunctive inflection (i.e. se + la = sela). Demonstrative cases are coded for gender. Spindly-inflected pronouns are analyzed as true epicene singular pronouns (singular they/them/their/theirs/theirself), as well as referenced indefinite pronouns (said individual, such an individual, etc.). Proximal demonstratives (this) may refer to 1st, 2nd or 3rd person with dramatically different contexts; distal demonstratives (that) may refer to 2nd and 3rd person with similarly nuanced dependent context.
  • Interrogative determiners (which), negative (no/none/etc.), referential (any, such individual, said individual [context-dependent] - formed by that + this), and universal (every, any) which do not code for gender, but can code for plurals (although these are not frequently used).
  • The word for "spouse" may be used for the first, second or third person when talking to or referring to a spouse. They are coded for gender.
Base Pronouns
1st s 1st p 2nd s 2nd formal s 2nd fam. s 2nd p 3rd anim. s 3rd anim. p 3rd ina. s 3rd ina. p Determiner
Definite uil lyle ci cxi cu la lamin lle llemin
Indefinite la lle
Selective Ind moasla maosole maose
Negative dhala ledha dha
Interrogative rula rulamin rulyl rulylemin ru
Proximal sela selamin sela selamin sela selamin selle sellemin se
Distal mao mao maokoe maole maolemin mao
Selective Int qnula qnulamin qnulyl qnulylemin qnu
First Person Singular Pronouns Emphatic First Singular Person Pronouns
Gender/Case Open Nasal Dental Alveolar Postalveolar Peripheral Open Nasal Dental Alveolar Postalveolar Peripheral
Ergative uini uin uinit uinis uinix uinik E ûini ûin ûinit ûinis ûinix ûinik
Absolutive uil uil uit, uilt [dia] uis uix uif Ab ûil ûiloen ûit, ûilt [dia] ûis ûix ûi
Dative uih uihiun uisqt uisqc uixqc uihqk D ûih ûihen ûisqt ûisqc ûixqc ûihqk
Locative uistra uistran uistrat uistras uistrax uistraf L ûistra ûistran ûistrat ûistras ûistrax ûistraf
Semblative uili uilin uilit uilis uilix, uihi [dia] uilif S ûili ûilin ûilit ûilis ûilix, uihi [dia] ûilif
Relative uina uin uinat uinas uinax uinak R ûina ûin ûinat ûinas ûinax ûinak
Adessive uistrani uistraning uistranid uistranis uistranix uistralif Ad ûistrani ûistraning ûistranid ûistranis ûistranix ûistralif
Approximative uistroela uistroelan uistroelat uistroelaz uistroelaj uistroelav Ap ûistroela ûistroelan ûistroelat ûistroelaz ûistroelaj ûistroelav
Locative-Genetive uicxi uicxin uicxit uicxis uicxix uicxik LG ûicxi ûicxin ûicxit ûicxis ûicxix ûicxik
Comitative-Possessive uici uisin uisit uisic, uic [dia] uisicx uicik, uisik [dia] CP ûici ûisin ûisit ûisic, ûic [dia] ûisicx ûicik, ûisik [dia]
"Cute" Abs./Disj. uii uiin uiinic(x) uiinic(x) uiinic(x) uiiniki, uiinic(x) cA ûi ûin ûic(x) ûic(x) ûic(x) ûiki, ûicx
"Cute" Dative ui(i)hi ui(i)hin ui(i)s(i) ui(i)s(i) ui(i)x(i) ui(i)ki cD ûihi ûihin ûiis ûiis ûiix ûi(i)ki
"Cute" Locative ui(i)sa uisan uisac(x) uisac(x) uisac(x) uisaki, uisacx cL ûisa ûisan ûisac(x) ûisac(x) ûisac(x) ûisaki, ûisacx
Disjunctive ûil ûin ûit, ûilt [dia] ûis ûix ûi D ûi (in writing "uiui")
First Person Plural / Nosist Pronouns Emphatic First Person Plural / Nosist Pronouns
Gender/Case Open Nasal Dental Alveolar Postalveolar Peripheral Open Nasal Dental Alveolar Postalveolar Peripheral
Ergative lylena lylen lylent lylenc lylecx lylek E lŷlena lŷlen lŷlent lŷlenc lŷlencx lŷlengk
Absolutive lylemin lylemin lylemint lyleminc lylemincx lylemingk Ab lŷlemin lŷlemin lŷlemint lŷleminc lŷlemincx lŷlemingk
Dative lyleh lylehiun lylesqt lylesqc lylexqc lylehqk D lŷleh lŷlehiun lŷlesqt lŷlesqc lŷlexqc lŷlehqk
Locative lylestra lylestran lylestrat lylestras lylestrax lylestraf L lŷlestra lŷlestran lŷlestrat lŷlestras lŷlestrax lŷlestraf
Semblative lyl-la,

uila [dia]


uilan [dia]


uilat [dia]


uilas [dia]


uilax [dia]


uilaf [dia]

S lŷl-la,

ûila [dia]


ûilan [dia]


ûilat [dia]


ûilas [dia]


ûilax [dia]


ûilaf [dia]

Relative lylòna lylòn lylònt lylònc lylòncx lylòngk R lŷleliòna,

lŷleyòna [dia]


lŷleyòn [dia]


lŷleyònt [dia]


lŷleyònaz [dia]


lŷleyònaj [dia]


lŷleyòngka [dia]

Adessive lylèstrani lylèstraning lylèstranid lylèstranis lylèstranix lylèstranif Ad lỳlestràni lỳlestràning lỳlestrànid lỳlestrànis lỳlestrànix lỳlestrànif
Approximative lyléstreola lyléstreolan lyléstreolat lyléstreolaz lyléstreolaj lyléstreolav Ap lýlestrêola lýlestrêolan lýlestrêolat lylestrêolaz lýlestrêolaj lýlestrêolav
Locative-Genetive lylestrôna lylestrôneon lylestrônt lylestrôseos lylestrôja lylestrôka LG lŷlestròna lŷlestròneon lŷlestrònt lŷlestròseos lŷlestròja lŷlestròka
Comitative-Possessive lylestroîze lylestroîzen lylestroîd lylestroîzec lylestroîej lylestroîzek CP lŷlestroize lŷlestroizen lŷlestroid lŷlestroizec lŷlestroiej lŷlestroizek
"Cute" Absolutive ye yemi yec(x)i yec(x)i yec(x)i yeki, yecxi cA yêmi yêc(x)i yêc(x)i yêc(x)i yêki, yêcxi
"Cute" Dative yehi yey yesi yesi yexi yefi cD yêhi yêy yêsi yêsi yêxi yêfi
"Cute" Locative yesa yesan yes yes yex yef cL yêsa yêsan yês yês yêx yêf
Disjunctive lŷle lŷlen lŷlet lŷles lŷlex lŷlek D yê (in writing "lylee")
Second Person General Singular Pronouns Emphatic Second Person General Singular Pronouns
Gender/Case Open Nasal Dental Alveolar Postalveolar Peripheral Open Nasal Dental Alveolar Postalveolar Peripheral
Ergative cina cinan cinat cinas cinax cinak E cîna cînan cînat cînas cînax cînak
Absolutive ci cin cit cis cix cik Ab cîn cît cîs cîx cîk
Dative cih ciqiun cisqt cisqc cixqc cihqk D cîh cîqiun cîsqt cîsqc cîxqc cîhqk
Locative cistra cistran cistrat cistras cistrax cistraf L cîstra cîstran cîstrat cîstras cîstrax cîstraf
Semblative cili cilin cilit cilic cilicx cilif S clî clîn clît clîc clîcx clîf
Relative ciliòna,

ciyòna [dia]


ciyòng [dia]


ciyòt [dia]


ciyòs [dia]


ciyòx [dia]


ciyòk [dia]

R cîli cîlien cîliet cîliaz cîliaj cîliak
Adessive cistrani cistraning cistranid cistranis cistranix cistranif Ad cîstrani cîstraning cîstranid cîstranis cîstranix cîstranif
Approximative cistreola cistreolan cistreolat cistreolaz cistreolaj cistreolav Ap cîstreola cîstreolan cîstreolat cîstreolaz cîstreolaj cîstreolav
Locative-Genetive cizdrêona cizdrêoiun cizdrêot cizdrêoncz cizdrêoncj cizdrêov LG cîzdreona cîzdreoiun cîzdreot cîzdreoncz cîzdreoncj cîzdreov
Comitative-Possessive cixri cixrin cixrit cixris cixrix cixrik CP cîxri cîxrin cîxrit cîxris cîxrix cîxrik
Disjunctive cîn cît cîs cîx cîk D sî (in writing "cii")
Second Person Singular Formal You
All Ci + fui / bui / fuizè endings
Second Person Familiar / "Cute" Singular Pronouns Emphatic Second Person Familiar / "Cute" Singular Pronouns
Gender/Case Open Nasal Dental Alveolar Postalveolar Peripheral Open Nasal Dental Alveolar Postalveolar Peripheral
Ergative cxinda cxindan cxindac(x) cxindac(x) cxindac(x) cxindacx,


Absolutive cxi cxini cxicx(i) cxicx(i) cxicx(i) chiki, cxicx(i) Ab
Dative cxihi cxihin cxis(i) cxis(i) cxix(i) cxiki D
Locative cxisa cxisan cxis(i) cxis(i) cxix(i) cxiki L
Semblative cxivi cxivan cxivic(x) cxivic(x) cxivic(x) cxivicx,


Relative cxiyo cxiyon(i) cxiso cxiso cxiox cxioki, cxioc R
Adessive cxixni cxixning cxixnic(x) cxixnic(x) cxixnic(x) cxixnicx,


Approximative cxizo cxizon cxizoc(x) cxizoc(x) cxizoc(x) cxizoc(x),


Locative-Genetive cxizeona cxizeon cxizeonc(x) cxizeonc(x) cxizeonc(x) cxizeoncx,


Comitative-Possessive cxicxi cxicxin cxicxicx cxicxicx cxicxicx cxicxicx,


CP cxîcxi cxîcxin cxîcxicx cxîcxicx cxîcxicx cxîcxicx,


Disjunctive cxî cxîn cxîcx cxîcx cxîcx cxîcx, cxîki D (c)xî (in writing "cxii")
Second Person Singular Cute Formal You
All Ci + fui / bui / fuizè endings
Second Person Plural / Nosist Pronouns Emphatic Second Person Plural / Nosist Pronouns
Gender/Case Open Nasal Dental Alveolar Postalveolar Peripheral Open Nasal Dental Alveolar Postalveolar Peripheral
Ergative cuze cuzen cuzet cuzec cuzecx cuzek E
Absolutive cu cun cut cus cux cuk Ab
"Cute" Absolutive ciu, ci,

cxiu, cxi

ciun, cin,

cxiun, cxin

cA cîu, cî,

cxîu, cxî

Dative cuh cuxiun cusqt cusqc cuxqc cuhqk D cuh
Locative L
Semblative S
Relative R
Adessive Ad
Approximative Ap
Locative-Genetive LG
Comitative-Possessive CP
Disjunctive D cîu (in writing "cu-iu")
Third Person Broad Animate / Familiar Singular Pronoun Emphatic Third Person Broad Animate / Familiar Singular Pronoun
Gender/Case Open Nasal Dental Alveolar Postalveolar Peripheral Open Nasal Dental Alveolar Postalveolar Peripheral
Ergative E lâni
Absolutive lafui Ab lâfui
"Cute" Absolutive lafi, lefi cA lâfi, lêfi
Dative D lah
Locative L
Semblative S
Relative R
Adessive Ad
Approximative Ap
Locative-Genetive LG
Comitative-Possessive CP
Disjunctive D lâ (in writing "laa")
Third Person Narrow Animate / Familiar Singular Pronouns Emphatic Third Person Narrow Animate / Familiar Singular Pronouns
Gender/Case Open Nasal Dental Alveolar Postalveolar Peripheral Open Nasal Dental Alveolar Postalveolar Peripheral
Ergative E
Absolutive labui Ab lâbui
"Cute" Absolutive lavi, leúi cA lôy, lêy
Dative D la
Locative L
Semblative S
Relative R
Adessive Ad
Approximative Ap
Locative-Genetive LG
Comitative-Possessive CP
Disjunctive D lâ (in writing "laa")
Third Person Spindly / Ambiguous Human / Familiar Pronouns Emphatic Third Person Spindly / Ambiguous Animate / Familiar Pronouns
Gender/Case Open Nasal Dental Alveolar Postalveolar Peripheral Open Nasal Dental Alveolar Postalveolar Peripheral
Ergative E
Absolutive lafuizè Ab lâfuize
"Cute" Absolutive lafi, lefi,


cA lâfi, lêfi,


Dative D lah
Locative L
Semblative S
Relative R
Adessive Ad
Approximative Ap
Locative-Genetive LG
Comitative-Possessive CP
Disjunctive D lâ (in writing "laa")
Third Person Plural / Nosist Animate / Familiar Pronouns Emphatic Third Person Plural / Nosist Animate / Familiar Pronouns
Gender/Case Open Nasal Dental Alveolar Postalveolar Peripheral Open Nasal Dental Alveolar Postalveolar Peripheral
Ergative E
Absolutive lamin Ab lamîn
Dative D
Locative L
Semblative S
Relative R
Adessive Ad
Approximative Ap
Locative-Genetive LG
Comitative-Possessive CP
Disjunctive D lâ (in writing "laa")
Third Person Broad Inanimate / Distal Singular Pronoun Emphatic Third Person Broad Inanimate / Distal Singular Pronoun
Gender/Case Open Nasal Dental Alveolar Postalveolar Peripheral Open Nasal Dental Alveolar Postalveolar Peripheral
Ergative E
Absolutive llefui Ab ĺl̀efui
"Cute" Absolutive lafi, lefi cA
Dative D
Locative L
Semblative S
Relative R
Adessive Ad
Approximative Ap
Locative-Genetive LG
Comitative-Possessive CP
Disjunctive lle D
Third Person Narrow Inanimate / Distal Singular Pronouns Emphatic Third Person Narrow Inanimate / Distal Singular Pronouns
Gender/Case Open Nasal Dental Alveolar Postalveolar Peripheral Open Nasal Dental Alveolar Postalveolar Peripheral
Ergative E
Absolutive llebui Ab ĺl̀ebui
"Cute" Absolutive cA
Dative D
Locative L
Semblative S
Relative R
Adessive Ad
Approximative Ap
Locative-Genetive LG
Comitative-Possessive CP
Disjunctive lle D
Third Person Spindly / Ambiguous Inanimate / Distal Pronouns Emphatic Third Person Spindly Inanimate / Distal Pronouns
Gender/Case Open Nasal Dental Alveolar Postalveolar Peripheral Open Nasal Dental Alveolar Postalveolar Peripheral
Ergative E
Absolutive llezui Ab llêfuize
"Cute" Absolutive cA
Dative D
Locative L
Semblative S
Relative R
Adessive Ad
Approximative Ap
Locative-Genetive LG
Comitative-Possessive CP
Disjunctive lle D
Third Person Plural / Nosist Inanimate / Distal Pronouns Emphatic Third Person Plural / Nosist Inanimate / Distal Pronouns
Gender/Case Open Nasal Dental Alveolar Postalveolar Peripheral Open Nasal Dental Alveolar Postalveolar Peripheral
Ergative E
Absolutive llemin Ab ĺl̀emin
Dative D
Locative L
Semblative S
Relative R
Adessive Ad
Approximative Ap
Locative-Genetive LG
Comitative-Possessive CP
Disjunctive llemin D

Interrogative Pronouns

Interrogative Animate Singular Pronouns Emphatic Interrogative Animate Singular Pronouns
Gender/Case Open Nasal Dental Alveolar Postalveolar Peripheral Open Nasal Dental Alveolar Postalveolar Peripheral
Ergative E
Absolutive Ab
"Cute" Absolutive cA
Dative D
Locative L
Semblative S
Relative R
Adessive Ad
Approximative Ap
Locative-Genetive LG
Comitative-Possessive CP
Disjunctive D
Interrogative Animate Plural Pronouns Emphatic Interrogative Animate Plural Pronouns
Gender/Case Open Nasal Dental Alveolar Postalveolar Peripheral Open Nasal Dental Alveolar Postalveolar Peripheral
Ergative E
Absolutive Ab
"Cute" Absolutive cA
Dative D
Locative L
Semblative S
Relative R
Adessive Ad
Approximative Ap
Locative-Genetive LG
Comitative-Possessive CP
Disjunctive D
Interrogative Inanimate Singular Pronouns Emphatic Interrogative Inanimate Singular Pronouns
Gender/Case Open Nasal Dental Alveolar Postalveolar Peripheral Open Nasal Dental Alveolar Postalveolar Peripheral
Ergative E
Absolutive Ab
"Cute" Absolutive cA
Dative D
Locative L
Semblative S
Relative R
Adessive Ad
Approximative Ap
Locative-Genetive LG
Comitative-Possessive CP
Disjunctive D
Interrogative Inanimate Plural Pronouns Emphatic Interrogative Inanimate Plural Pronouns
Gender/Case Open Nasal Dental Alveolar Postalveolar Peripheral Open Nasal Dental Alveolar Postalveolar Peripheral
Ergative E
Absolutive Ab
"Cute" Absolutive cA
Dative D
Locative L
Semblative S
Relative R
Adessive Ad
Approximative Ap
Locative-Genetive LG
Comitative-Possessive CP
Disjunctive D
Determiner Emphatic Determiner
Gender/Case Open Nasal Dental Alveolar Postalveolar Peripheral Open Nasal Dental Alveolar Postalveolar Peripheral
Proximal Demonstrative se sen set ses sex sek P sên sêt sês sêx sêk
Distal Demonstrative mao maong maot maos maox maof D mâo mâong mâot mâos mâox mâof
Indefinite Determiner maose maosen maoset maoses maosex maosek Ind mâose mâosen mâoset mâoses mâosex mâosek
Negative Determiner N
Interrogative Determiner ru run rut rus rux ruk Int rún rút rús rúx rúk
Determiner + 3rd Person Animate Emphatic Determiner + 3rd Person Animate
Gender/Case Open Nasal Dental Alveolar Postalveolar Peripheral Open Nasal Dental Alveolar Postalveolar Peripheral
Proximal (Disjunctive) sela P
Distal (Disjunctive) mao D mâo
Indefinite (Disjunctive) maosqna Ind
Negative (Disjunctive) N
Interrogative (Disjunctive) rula Int rúla
Determiner + 3rd Person Inanimate Emphatic Determiner + 3rd Person Inanimate
Gender/Case Open Nasal Dental Alveolar Postalveolar Peripheral Open Nasal Dental Alveolar Postalveolar Peripheral
Proximal (Disjunctive) selle sellen sellet selles sellex sellek P seĺl̀
Distal (Disjunctive) moale maolen maolet maoles maolex maolek D mâole
Indefinite (Disjunctive) maosole maosolen maosolet maosoles maosolex maosolek Ind mâosole
Negative (Disjunctive) N
Interrogative (Disjunctive) rulyl Int rúlyl


Unlike Fvonil and other southern Occe-Fortizian languages, Zdrole does not primarily coin new terms through direct agglutination, i.e. putting words next to each other. It is thought to have originally been an agglutinative language, but has since undergone some level of fusion, with compounds often either melding together, or otherwise being separate words taking the Semblative or Equative endings. This is commonly done with all open class parts of speech, while closed classes are rarely altered, although occasionally two adpositions may be juxtaposed analytically

Swadesh List

No English Zdrole Etymology
1-14 See Pronouns, Demonstratives
15 how ru gêzme what path
16 not -ne( n/t/c/cx/k) (clitic), -nê (emphatic), bróta (isolate)
17 all maos this-that
any émaos one this-that
18 many bruzmaos (many), maos (very many) (some) this-that
19 some bruze( /n/t/s/x/k)
20 few
21 other dao( /n/t/s/x/k) second
22 one ròe
23 two dao
24 three mid(e)
25 four lày
26 five fícjoe
27 big nuihîvu, eléngoe (human), sufârim (abstract)
large, mega (-)mu
28 long nuihíziu big (spindly)
tall mecxne( /n/t/c/cx/k) not short. Original long used as private euphenism, primarily for males.
29 wide nuihìma big (broad)
30 thick
31 heavy fuh
32 small yâvu, ku-iz (human). ku-icx (h. narrow), ku-ifa (h. broad)
little, mini (-)ngi
33 short mecx(iu) ( /n/t/c/cx/k), yáziu mecx comes from generous, meaning you gave away your mass. Original short used as euphemism.
34 narrow yàma
35 thin
36 woman la-onè [B], làongkoe [P]
37 man (male) laqnè [B], laqnemin [P]
38 human xáofao [S], xurê [P]
39 child lenî [N], lêyra [P]
40 wife woman; míng [B], ngiung [N}, ngàong [S] [P] spouse (may be used as pronoun)
41 husband man; míng [B], ngiung [N}, ngàong [S] [P]
42 mother mama [N] should be self-explanatory. (Babies make these sounds.)
43 father baba [N]
parent dada, tata [N] -min plural
44 animal saoaleng, svaleng [B] -ke plural
45 fish meqùx [SN] -koe plural, [S] mass
46 bird súkoe [B] -min plural
47 dog bóevzi [N] -min plural, rofrao [S]
cat xqcambyen [B], cxama / xqcama [N] -(g)ke plural why is "cat" not on the list? shame.
48 laos strû [N] -koe plural
49 snake srîs [SN], occasionally surîs [SN] -ke plural; skôta [SN] -min plural
50 worm ngaomsris [SN] -ke plural dirt snake
51 tree zqnéyo [B] -min plural
52 forest làfen [B] -emin plural
53 stick kúcxkacx [S] no distinct plural
54 fruit qôe [B]
berries qóe [S]
55 seed nê [B] shortened from "the fruit in the fruit"
grain nè [N]
56 leaf xù [B] (broad leaves), xú [SN] (narrow leaves, plural), xû [N] (any),

xùkoe [BP], xúmin [SN non-mass plural], xûkoe [NP]

one of the very few words with a distinct plural for genders,

likely because it's functionally derivational rather than purely syntactic in nature.

57 root xrîu [N] (trees), fqpenla [N] (other) -min plural
58 bark hqkoro [B] (hard), hqkeoreo [N] (soft); -min plural
stem xon [N], xomin [P]
59 flower rosô [B] (large), reosêo [B] (small) -min plural
bud qyami [N] (flower) -ngke plural, fiujîréo [S] (fruit)
60 gass xjà [B] (short; never plural), cjèomin [P] (long), cjèo [S] (blade(s) of grass)
61 rope hôkra [N] -min plural
62 skin tàon [B], tàoncjo [P] used for some plants as well.
63 meat foecc [B] -oemuin plural
64 blood rakàzi [S] (irregular; zi often pronounced z on its own
65 bone zdrêt [B], zdrètel [P]
66 fat gub [B] no plural
67 egg yúini [N] -ke plural (large), xruse [B] xru [P] (fish), ka [B] kake [P] (insect)
68 horn frahqk [B]
thorn frahqnge [N] little horn
69 tail laoys [S] (general), laoysò [B] (tail-end, queue)
70 feather kenrek [B] -e plural
71 hair moanstru [B] -ke plural
72 head sqne [N], sqnê [P]
73 ear yák [B], yáhqkoe [P]
74 eye sin [B] sinê [P]
75 nose quno [B] -ke plural
76 mouth feo [N] -min plural
77 tooth rao [SN], rû [P]
78 tongue ê [N] no distinct plural
79 (finger/toe) nail na [N], nâ [P]
80 foot gônao [SN], gô [P]
toe zdróe [S] no distinct plural
81 leg lafix [S], lafix / lafixiu [P] "underknee" and "overknee" may be used to describe specific halves of the leg.
82 knee áon [B], áonen / áon [P]
83 hand du [B] -ke plural
finger ngâoy [S] -muin plural
arm ziubix [S], ziubix / ziubixiu [P] "overelbow" and "underelbow" may be used to describe specific halves of the arm.
elbow gûnoek [B] -oemuin plural
84 wing slé [B (irregular)] -min plural
85 belly hàofaom [B] (big), hàofa [N] (small), hàofmuin [P]
86 guts rêotah [B] singular and plural, sucxrèng [B] plural
87 neck bah [B] bahqke, bahke [P]
88 back quist [B] -emin plural
89 breast amio [B], amioke [P]
90 heart aok [B] no distinct plural
91 liver stríng [B] -ke plural
to be viung, viungt, viungc, viungcx [irregular]
to want heoli, heoliet, heolika, heolîcxi [irregular]
92 to drink meonc, meoziun, meoci, meosqni
93 to eat kfènc, kfèziun, kfè, kfèz [partly irregular]
94 to bite qánc, qáziun, qáci, qásqni
95 to suck slûk, slûkoet, slûngka, slûngkax
96 to spit cûinc, cûiziun, cûici, cûisqni
97 to vomit blôehqk, blôekoet, blôehqkah, blôehqkax
to hunger rôm, rôma, rômas, rômx [irregular; rôngx implies it was swiftly stopped somehow.]
98 to blow hù, hùt, hùs, hùx
99 to breath hàm, hàmet, hàmes, hàmax
100 to laugh hâhheh, hâket, hâhqkah, hâh [partly irregular]
101 to see lónda, londôcx, lô, lòd [irregular]
102 to hear begèl, begelet, begelas, begàx [irregular]
103 to know
104 to think vìroe, vìrôna, vì, vàong [irregular]
105 to smell konc, koziun, koci, kosqni (if a good whiff); kox (if a bad whiff)
106 to fear kvônci, kvôziuni, kvôcili, kvôsqnuin
107 to sleep zvóenc, zvóeziun, zvóeci, zvóesqni
108 to live sènc, sèziun, sèci, sèznil
life yao [S] no distinct plural
death cjàl [S] no distinct plural the concept of death is the verb without verb endings.
109 to die cjàl, cjàle, cjàlse, cjàlx (may be cjàse and cjàx) [partly irregular] sentences with "die" have an absolutive subject.
110 to kill sentences with "kill" have an ergative or causative subject;
xqcáhqk, xqcahqkîuh, xqcahqkâh, xqcahqkâx generally associated with mass murders and war.
khiurîuk, khiurîukeot, khiurîungka, khiurîungkàx to slaughter or to butcher
mèxaonda, mèxaondâocxe, mèxaond, mèxaondo usually "killing for revenge / greed"
112 to hunt usually "killing for food"
mèx, mèxet, mèxes, mèxek more akin to "tracking", "stalking", etc.
111 to fight czénda, czéndâcxe, czéndi, czéndea play fighting; derived from to push
gharanc, gharaziun, gharacil, gharancàx fighting
thíuk, thíuket, thíuhqkah, thíuhqkàx battling
113 to hit hqkâk, hqkâket, hqkângka, hqkângkàx whack aggressively
cjuinc, cjuiziun, cjuici, cjuisqni whack gently
sak, saket, sahqk, sahqkàx smack someone or something
tak, taket, tangka, tangkàx strike someone or something
kuk, kuket, kungka, kungkàx knock or run into something
fahmanc, fahmaziun, fahmaci, fahmasqni bang into something that cause you a lot of pain
raobek, raobeket, raobehqk, raobehqkàx to knock someone or an animal onto the ground
114 to cut zqnîk, zqnîket, zqnîngka, zqningkàx
115 to split fqmûyonc, fqmûyoziun, fqmûyocil, fqmûyosqni
116 to stab gaok, gaokot, gaongkao, gaongkàox
117 to scratch rinc, riziun, rici, risqni gently
voek, voeket, voengka, voenkàx itchy
uglâk, uglâket, uglâhqk, úglakàx to draw blood.
118 to dig
119 to swim lylonc, lyloziun, lyloci, lylosqni
120 to fly biuzvéongk, biuzvéongx, biuzvéongka, biuzvéongkàx to go flying; to get yeeted; sometimes to glide.float/skim on air or water really fast
hadak, hadayx, hadahqka, hadakàx to physically fly; sometimes to glide or float
121 to walk jenc, jeziun, jeci, jesqni
122 to come yâonc, yâoziun, yâoci, yâosqni
123 to lie (as in bed) manda, mandâcxe, mandi, mando
124 to sit xanc, xaziun, xaci, xasqni
125 to stand zqniung, zqniungt, zqniungc, zqniungcx [irregular] yeah. it's the same word as to walk. adpositions and noun cases really come in handy here.
126 to turn (physically) rúk, rúkot, rúngka, rúngkàx
127 to fall tâonc, tâoziun, tâoci, tâosqni
128 to give aonda, aondâocxe, âond, âondo
129 to hold, to have zqniung, zqniungt, zqniungc, zqniungcx [irregular] yeah. it's the same word as to walk. adpositions and noun cases really come in handy here.

Originally this function was also carried out by the Inessive-Instrumental case.

130 to squeeze ximik, ximix, ximihqk, ximihqkàx into something by pushing outward, gently (clumsily with -oid case)
ximenc, ximeziun, ximeci, ximesqni to something by pushing inward, gently (clumsily with -oid case)
honc, hoziun, hoci, hosqni into something by pushing outward, forcefully (unsuccessfully, potentially brutally with -oid case)
halahak, halahake, halahahqk, halahàx to something by pushing inward, forecefully (unsuccessfully, potentially brutally with -oid case)
131 to rub czèlienc, czèlieziun, czèlieci, czèliesqni gently
kofk, kofket, kofka, kofkàx aggressively; scrape
cxuqník, cxuqníke, cxuqníngka, cxuqníx to rub off
133 to wipe also to rub off
132 to wash zqnènc, zqnèziun, zqnèci, zqnèzqni
134 to pull qmeok, qmeod, qmeong, qmeonda [irregular]
135 to push coenda, coendâcxe, coend, coendea
to push (down) ghoruibàzk, ghoruibàzket, ghoruibàs, ghoruibàx [partly irregular] to push down, to shove
136 to throw vazúnc, vazúziun, vazúci, vazúsqni to toss
hirînc, hiriziun, hirîci, hirîsqni to launch or yeat
137 to tie zcúik, zcúikoet, zcúingka, zcúingàx
138 to sew xjénc, xjéziun, xjéci, xjésqni
139 to count yangk, yanket, yangka, yangkàx
140 to say szêonc, szêoziun, szêoci, szêosqni
141 to sing sêonc, sêoziun, sêoci, sêosqni; cêosi (variant of sêoci)
142 to play jêonc, jêozin, jêoci, jêosqni originally jiunc, became more like to sing
143 to float cjhínda, cjhíndâcxe, cjhíndi, cjíndea also to hover, to glide gently
144 to flow huâli, huâliet, huâlies, huâliàx
145 to freeze hqkóek, hqkóeket, hqkóengka, hqkóengkàx
146 to swell cjaonc, cjaoziun, cjaoci, cjaosqni
147 sun cúlu [B] ad hoc plural +min
148 moon khòro [B] ad hoc plural +koe
149 star zdrís [S] +ke plural
150 water vò [B] no plural
151 rain rò [B] no distinct plural
152 river yuô [N] -min plural
153 lake rúiso [B] rúiskoe [P]
154 sea vuirô [N] -min plural
155 salt suk [B] -oe plural
156 stone lâk [P] acts as a plural and takes plural endings.
pebble lâk [B], lâkmin [P] like English, "stone" can both mean the material and an individiual, small stone.
157 sand xif [S] no distinct plural means both an individual grain of sand and sand in general.
158 dust xif [S] (on surface) xifcxíla [P; irregular] "sand"; "sand which is floating"
159 earth skit [B]
"Earth" (Krystar) Krai [B; irregular] (loanword) no plural Imported from other languages; "Krystar", interpreted as "Krai" + "stra" (B-class ending)
160 cloud xucx [S] no distinct plural
161 fog mùsk [B] no plural
mist mùs(e)ro [B] no plural fog rain
light fog, haze xùm [B] no distinct plural
162 sky ézo [B] ad hoc -min plural
163 wind dreocj [N] no plural breeze
heox [S] no distinct plural stronger wind or gale-force wind (no distinction)
zzét [B] -min plural gust
air nis [S] no distinct plural
164 snow vàog [N] no distinct plural
165 ice manson [P] acts as a plural and takes plural endings
ice pebbles manson [B] -koe ending as with stone, "ice" can mean both the materian and an individual, small chunk of ice.
166 smoke zura [N] no distinct plural
167 fire zrî [P] the essence of fire
zrî [N] -ke plural an instance of fire; wildfire, human-made fire, etc.
168 ash bósteo [N] no plural
169 to burn czoek, czoekoet, czoehqk, czoehqkàx to singe, to slow burn
fqmúnc, fqmúziun, fqmúci, fqmúsqni to smolder
cxenc, cxeziun, cxeci, cxesqni to set on fire
rèngk, rèngkuf, rèngkaf, rengkàx to turn to ash (scorch)
170 road eskúcj [S]
path gêzme [N] -ke plural
171 mountain sè [B] [P]
172 red oecóeng [B], séng [N], cóeng [P], óeng [S] Primary colors (the ones listed) are the only adjectives that take verb agreement;

they take the same ending as the noun they modify, even if they don't have a distinct gendered form.

173 green llûng
174 yellow iru [B], iri [N], qira [P], ira [S]
175 white juil [B], jing [N], ecjil [P] [S]
176 black ccao
177 night doebún [B] -gkoe plural
178 day dhôluim [B] -in plural
month boesôn [B] -gkoe plural
season hariung [B] -ke plural
179 year farâd [B] -min plural
180 warm xkày {S}
181 cold mud {N}
182 full sqtò {B}
183 new cxhu {B} animate and inanimate
young (animate) cxiu {N}
young (inanimate) qay {S}
184 old (adult) bêyng {B}
elderly yèong {B}
old (inanimate) maob {B}
ancient qeog {N}
185 good, delicious hqkùi
well, fresh cjhen
186 bad sngàx from "spoiled"
poorly khùl originally "bad"
187 rotten from "poorly"
spoiled sngàx
188 dirty aongob
dirt, clutter aongob [N]
filth bah [B], bahstax [S] bahstax is more implied and broad-use; bah is more literal and definitive.
189 straight tîun
190 round vom
191 sharp róesc
pointy tit
192 dull bhàngk
193 smooth zôli
194 wet (soaking) vostrôna "water" in the adessive case
wet (moist, damp) xvâ originally "wet"
195 dry skèng
196 correct baorâoh
incorrect, wrong baranè originally "not correct"
197 near qmô, -strale (see: cases) Usually accomplished using the Approximative case; isolate word generally used for time.
198 far qmône, khasne, qmône-khasne "not close, not lost"
extremely far, lost khas originally "lost"
199 right stíl
200 left jjìcx
201 at -stra (see: cases) Accomplished using the Locative case
202 in xi, -straiciu (old), -strana (on another word)
203 with ta used for animate, valuable and loved nouns.
ti used for inanimate, invaluable and unwanted nouns.
204 and (plus) nguia not generally used with nouns; verbs often instead receive the locative case.

Used primarily with mixing sentences and clauses or for addition. ("Plus")

205 if ka
206 because -ùina (causative), imfyúina imfyúina is rarely used, primarily for complicated reasons.
207 name stéong [B] (loan-word meaning label) usually "X is called" is used instead.
question word frequently placed at the end of a sentence to create a tag question.


# Base5 Zdrole Numeral lo rep. Nominal # Base5 Zdrole Numeral lo rep. Nominal # Base5 Zdrole Numeral lo rep. Nominal # Base5 Zdrole Numeral lo rep. Nominal
1 1 o ròe 14 24 50 200 1250 20000
2 2 oo dao 15 30 75 300 3125 100000 ròe trîsand (loan)
3 3 ooo mid(e) 16 31 100 400 3126 100001 ròe trîsand e ròe
4 4 ol lày 17 32 125 1000 3750 110000
5 10 l fícjoe 18 33 126 1001 6250 200000
6 11 lo fícjoeròe 19 34 130 1010 15625 10^6
7 12 loo fîcjao 20 40 153 1023 78125 10^7
8 13 looo fimìcj(e) 21 41 250 2000 81250 11x10^6
9 14 lol ficjày 22 42 251 2001 3125² 10^10
10 20 ll jjeo 23 43 625 10000 3125³ 10^100
11 21 24 44 626 10001 0 0
12 22 25 100 zdrèda 750 11000 ~∞ ~∞ h
13 23 26 101 751 11001 H