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Name: Nardvir
Other names: The rider of the wind
Drotin of the northern wind
World: Gyllenheim
parents : Virlavir
siblings :
Consorts : None
Children: None

Nardvir is the son of the god of seasons and the god of thunder and he himself is the god of the northern wind and generally a deity closely linked to winter. He is however also the god of skiing and ice skating which made him an rather important god during winter for most Scanderans. However despite that so is he a rather minor god.


It is said that the god of thunder, Asarl, takes Virlavir in his shape of a young maiden as a lover when springs returns to the world and from their union so was Nardvir born.

Nardvir in the sagas

When autumn ends so do Nardivr blow the lure frosterlur three times which makes his mother Virlavir change from the older man into the woman close to death before Nardvir mounts his wolf Kylevind and rides over the land with his mother and those that follows her. He is also the god that rides up to the skies above and takes the flaming goddess Hisrir back to Gyllenheim when the long winter night begins. When winter well begins is he said to ride over the night sky, hunting animals as he see fit and blowing his mighty lure that makes the fierce northern wind howl over the mere mortals that lives in the world bellow him. However when spring finally comes and his mother rises once more so does he blow his lure twice as she tracks him down and he bows before her and join her as she rides over the world bringing spring back to the mortals. When they finally returns to Gyllenheim so does he stay there for the rest of the year until he can once more spread winter over the land.

However when his father pulls out his banners and rides out to do battle with Arvil in the skies so do Nardvir answer the call and rides out on Kylevind. Here does he commands his fathers right flank and his wolf riders to fall upon Arvil's forces.


Helmer have not fathered any children mentioned in the holy chronicles.

Worship of Helmer

Helmer is prayed to during the winter months when people ask him to bring an end to winter and blow his lure again so that spring will come. He is also sacrificed to during the midwinter sacrifices and often are animals that turn white during winter sacrificed to his glory in the large temples.

Template:Chronological gods