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Some legal scholars have criticized the Bill of Rights for being too concerned with legal minutiae and for impairing the function of government through an excessively rigid definition of rights.
Some legal scholars have criticized the Bill of Rights for being too concerned with legal minutiae and for impairing the function of government through an excessively rigid definition of rights.
==Text and interpretation==
The dominant school of constitutional interpretation in Radictistan is broadly textualist.
===Article 1===
{{quote|No law or regulation shall be made concerning the endorsement of any religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or abridging the freedoms of speech and expression, or abridging the right of the people to assemble peaceably and to petition their government for the redress of grievances.}}

=Misc. Infoboxes=
=Misc. Infoboxes=

Revision as of 01:38, 8 January 2021

Trade unions in Radictistan

Trade Unions in Radictistan play major a role in the Radictistani economy. Unionization is particularly strong in heavy industries, including automboile manufacturing, shipbuilding, mining, and steel production. Twenty-four of the largest trade unions are affiliated with the Radictistani Congress of Trade Unions. Trade unions and their interactions with employers are subject to the provisions of the Labor Relations Act.



Major unions

Name Members Description
GB Metalle 726,000 Steel, ore processing and metal fabrication.
GB Verkehr Drivers, warehouse workers, airline employees (ground).
GB Bergbau 332,000 Mine workers.
GB Flieger 21,000 Pilots, aircrew.
GB d. Luftstevarde Flight attendants.
GB Energie 92,000 Petroleum industry.
GB Motorwerk 351,000 Automobile industry.
GB Mineral 166,000 Mine workers.
GB d. Stauer Dock workers.

Brigade Task Force Indras-Omega

Brigade Task Force Indras-Omega is a unit of the Royal Radictistan Army formed for peacekeeping operations on the island of Indras in Greater Dienstad. The BTF is formed from 631 Light Brigade, an infantry brigade suboordinate to 63rd Light Division, augmented with other Army formations as well as select Royal Radictistan Air Force and Royal Radictistan Navy units. BTF Indras-Omega has a total of roughly 9,000 personnel.


  • Royal Radictistan Army
    • Headquarters and Service Battalion, 631 Light Brigade
    • 631 Light Battalion
    • 632 Light Battalion
    • 633 Light Battalion
    • 24 Light Battalion
    • A Company, 631 Reconnaissance Battalion
    • Special Reconnaissance Platoon, 16 Ranger Battalion
    • A Company, 16 Ranger Battalion
    • B Company, 16 Ranger Battalion
    • 631 Military Police Company
    • 631 Combat Engineering Battalion(-)
    • B Company, 631 Engineering Battalion
    • 631 Artillery Battalion
    • 631 Brigade Support Battalion
    • A Squadron, 631 Aviation Regiment
    • C Squadron, 631 Aviation Regiment
    • A Squadron, 70 Independent Aviation Regiment
    • B Company, 60 Surveillance Battalion
    • A Company, 631 Tank Battalion
    • B Company, 631 Tank Battalion
    • A Company, 42 Psychological Warfare Battalion
    • Elements, 631 Transportation Battalion
    • ELements, 631 Quartermaster Battalion
    • ELements, 631 Maintenance Battalion
  • Royal Radictistan Air Force
    • 184 Squadron (RRAF Regiment)
    • 212 Squadron (Engineers)
  • Royal Radictistan Navy
    • 2nd Naval Gunfire Liaison Company, Naval Gunfire Support Group

Indras article (Name TBA)


The island of Indras had been without a functioning central government since the fall of the Montesçu regime. The territory eventually came to be divided between eighteen factions and states.

Macabee invasion of Indras

Because of its strategic position within Greater Dienstad, Indras was an enticing target for the Golden Throne. Control of the island's four northern ports of Targu Iulia, Vasozia, Cruzau, and Botosani offered Macabee companies major trade advantages. The Port of Botoșani in particular was a major entrepot linking the western and eastern reaches of Greater Dienstad. The island was in a strategic locatiobn allowing Macabee air and naval forces to sortie against pirates operating to the east.

Capture of Botosani

After a large Macabee naval task force arrived off the northeastern coast of Indras, a Macabee diplomat was detained by the city government of Botoșani. The act gave the Golden Throne a cassus belli for its occupation of the northeastern ports. Botoșani itself was the first to be assaulted after an hour-long preliminary bombardment. Three thousand infantryment divided between three battlegroups formed the first wave. Two battlegroups were to seize the port district. A third landed north of the city to cut the Botosani-Cruzau highway.

The Macabee infantry encountered minimal resistance except at the city harbor. As they advanced into the city proper the defenders, although never able to achieve a tactical victory, were able to temporaily stall the advance of some units with ambushes and other asymmetric tactics. Despite Indran resistance the city was entirely in Macabee hands in less than two days.

Subsequent landings

Macabee forces made a further landing at Targu Iulia with 75,000 Theohuanacu auxiliaries six days after the capitulation of Botosani. After a drawn-out fight within the city the local government surrendered to Macabee forces. The city of Vasozia was placed under siege two days after the Targu Iulia landing. The Macabee forces enjoyed almost complete air supremacy, allowing naval aviation units to conduct a large number of sorties against ground targets. Only a handful of Macabee aircraft were lost, all to ground fire or mechanical failure.

The Macabee forces eventually grew to over half a million personnel. Casualties were light in the seaport battles with the naval infantry and Theohuanacu auxiliary troops suffering fewer than three hundred combat fatalities prior to the beginning of the Vasozia operation. Vasozia would be the last of the four major cities in north Indras to fall to Macabee forces, having offered only light resistance.

Drive to the south

As Macabee forces moved inland they began to suffer casualties at a higher rate. After two weeks of fighting over 2,000 Macabee soldiers had been killed in action. As Macabee forces moved south towards the de facto international border between Macabee-occupied and Lamoni-occupied Indras, Macabee aircraft launched air strikes against insurgents located to its south.

Lamoni intervention

While driven in large part by many of the same strategic considerations as the Golden Throne, Lamoni adopted a more conciliatory strategy towards Indras. Shortly after the fall of Botosani and Targu Iulia, Lamoni President Stinson announced plans to absorb the remaining territory of Indras not occupied by Macabee forces. The Free Republic at the same time announced that it had reached agreements with some factions in Indras for peaceful integration into the new Lamonian territory of Omega. To remove the threat posed by factions which chose not to cooperate, Lamoni deployed two carrier battle groups along with four Marine divisions totaling roughly 80,000 personnel.

Treaty of Targu Iulia

Through the Treaty of Targu Iulia both Macabee and Lamoni recognized the other's territorial claims on the island of Indras. The treaty provided for the creation of a twenty kilometer wide demilitarized zone along the new international border extending ten kilometers into each territory. The treaty also allowed the signatories to mutually agree to the deployment of third-party peacekeepers to the demilitarized zone. Each signatory was allowed to nominate one third-party country to deploy up to 4,500 personnel to the demilitarized zone. The Grand Duchy of Radictistan and The People's Nation of Alfegos were nominated to supply the peacekeeping contingents.

Soon after the treaty became public knowledge, the Commonwealth of Morrdh announced plans to establish a jungle warfare training facility in Omega.

Peacekeepers arrive

The Radictistani contingent, officially designated Brigade Task Force Indras-Omega, was assembled from units of the Royal Radictistan Army's 631 Light Brigade. The force was centered around two infantry battalions and a combat engineer battalion. Following the work of an exploratory team, the Radictistanis initiated their deployment plan, dubbed Operation Mezzanine. The first Radictistani troops arrived by air. Additional troops plus heavy equipment were transported by sea in a convoy escorted by the Royal Radictistan Navy's Carrier Battle Group Two, centered around the Battle-class nuclear-powered aircraft carrier Count of Nuxenstat. The convoy's ultimate destination was Botosani.

The Radictistani forces divided their section of the demilitarized zone into three areas of operation designated Gitarre, Klavier, and Trommel. Each area contained a large forward operating base and several smaller Combat Security Outposts. Each FOB was named for its area and was the site of a battalion headquarters. Twenty CSOPs were established along the roughly nine hundred kilometer frontier. Carrier Battle Group Two remained in the theater to provide close air support to the Radictistani peacekeepers.

The Fegosians deployed to the southern half of the DMZ. Taskforce Omega comprised three mechanized infantry battlegroups and a tank company supported by artillery, air defense, combat engineer, and reconnaissance units. The force also included an additional engineer regiment and aviation units.

Operation Wildfire

Nuxenstat travel guide


Nuxenstat is divided for administrative purposes into nine Metropolitan Departments.

  • Riverside houses the government quarters and is also the central business district. Significant landmarks there include the Palace of Parliament and the Hans Skeyvesant Tower.
  • Dukshof is directly opposite the river from Riverside. It is the other commercial hub of the city.
  • Kirchehof is a primarily working class district. It also contains the largest slum area within Nuxenstat, the Kirchehof Blutstat.
  • Norkreis is a largely residential district at the northern end of the city-county. Nuxenstat Xenocimedes Radicti International Airport is located within.
  • Westbarg is home to a number of manufacturing concerns and also the Westbarg Stadium, home of the Nuxenstat Feur football club.
  • Ostheim is another industrial area.

Get in

By plane

Despite being the national capital and home to more than seventeen million people, Nuxenstat has only one airport used by commercial flights: Nuxenstat Xenocimedes Radicti International Airport (IATA: NXR). Nuxenstat City Airport is used only by private aircraft.

Nuxenstat Xenocimedes Radicti International Airport

Nuxenstat Xenocimedes Radicti International Airport is the busiest airport in Radictistan by number of passenger movements and is the most common point of entry for international travelers. There are four passenger terminals. Terminals A and D are used by domestic flights. International flights arrive at Terminals B and C. The majority of international flights to Nuxenstat are provided by Royal Radictistan Airways. Because RRA is protected from competition from other Radictistani airlines ticket prices tend to be rather high although the quality of service is excellent. You can save money by flying with a non-Radictistani airline.

Immigration and customs formalities at Radictistani airports are fairly nominal. You should be able to make it through promptly so long as your passport is current. The international terminals should not be too crowded as the airport has excessive capacity in regards to international travel. Because of the heightened terrorist threat in Radictistan you will see a large number of armed security personnel in the terminal.

There are several options for transport from the airport. The fastest way to get to the city center is via the Nuxenstat Schnellbahn. Trains depart from the airport station and travel directly to Nuxenstat Central Station without stopping. At that destination it is easy to transfer to transfer to the Metro or a tram line. The Schnellbahn is relatively comfortable and is convenient for travelers with heavy luggage. However the frequency of the service is lower and the fare is higher than that of other options. Budget travelers may wish to use other means of transit. The Nuxenstat Metro also connects the airport to the city center. Trains depart more frequently than the Schnellbahn service and the fares are lower, especially at peak times. However the trains tend to be more crowded and pickpocketing can be a problem at other stations along the line although not usually at the airport itself. The transit authority also operates motorbus services from the airport to locations all over Nuxenstat although these are not recommended because of the travel times involved.

While public transit in Nuxenstat is usually pretty safe even for tourists you may prefer to take a taxi directly to your hotel or other destination. Taxi companies serving the airport know their value and price themselves accordingly. Expect to pay at least R$200 for a trip downtown. During the morning and evening rush hours you can expect it to be a long ride. It is recommended that you only enter a taxi at designated areas. While it is unlikely that you will be assaulted by an unscrupulous driver, you might encounter dishonest practices such as tampering with the meter. The security personnel know which taxis are legitimate and will deter the ones that aren’t.

By train

Nuxenstat has three train stations served by the national passenger rail company, Royal Radictistan Railways. These are Nuxenstat Central Station, Nuxenstat South Station, and the airport station. Trains coming from the north usually terminate at Central Station unless continuing through to other destinations. South Station is the final destination for northbound trains which terminate in Nuxenstat. Trains from the east and west usually pass through Central Station but not always. Be sure to read your ticket thoroughly. Many long-distance services pass through all three stations. Trains are the most common means of intercity travel in Radictistan so all stations will be crowded especially during peak travel times. There are four categories of trains operated by Royal Radictistan Railways.

  • The Intercity Express runs exclusively on the main lines between Nuxenstat and the cities of Hartfer and Beschertal. These are the fastest trains in Radictistan with a maximum service speed of two hundred and twenty kilometers per hour. Tickets are more expensive than other passenger trains but the service more than makes up for it. The seats are spacious and First Class passengers enjoy meals delivered directly to them.
  • Intercity trains are the most numerous type of long-distance trains in Radictistan. While the travel times involved are much longer compared with either high speed rail or air transport, the Intercity is much cheaper. Unless you wish to travel from one end of the country to another the convenience of arriving and departing at the city center will outweigh the time spent on travelling. As an alternative, the Intercity Night train from Hartfer to Wussrhas through Nuxenstat allows you to be on the move towards your destination even during the dead of night. Both couchette and stateroom accommodations are available. Premium compartments have a tendency to sell out well in advance so making a reservation before leaving for Radictistan is recommended.
  • Regional and Local trains stop at all stations unlike the Intercity, Intercity Night, and Intercity Express services. There are therefore not the best choice for travelling long distances unless you are headed to a small town at which the other services do not stop. Food service is unavailable on Local trains and the state of repair on both is often not where it should be.

By car

All roads lead to Nuxenstat as far as motorways are concerned. The A10 and A14 enter from the north while the A12 comes in from the south. From the west vehicles take the A11 and A13. The A15 comes in from the east. Despite the large capacity traffic can become backed for kilometers. It is not recommended to enter Nuxenstat by private vehicle. Travel by air or by rail instead. Motor fuel is expensive in Radictistan so you will probably save money taking public transport anyway.

By bus

Four intercity bus companies operate services between Nuxenstat and other cities. These companies stay in business by undercutting the railways company. Fares are low but the buses are often in poor condition and the threat of crime is very real.

Get around

Public transit

The Nuxenstat Metropolitan Transit Authority operates a comprehensive system of public transit. The Metro covers the dense commercial center and the entirety of Greater Nuxenstat is covered by dozens of bus and tram lines. The Nuxenstat Schnellbahn runs between the airport and the two other intercity train stations. If you will be spending at least a few days in Nuxenstat it is recommended that you buy an ExpressCard, a reusable smartcard which can be used on all NMTA services. An ExpressCard can be purchased and reloaded at all NMTA stations. Metro fares are calculated per station-pair. All other NMTA lines utilize zone-based pricing. All fares are slightly lower with the ExpressCard than with a normal paper ticket and the savings add up quickly with frequent trips. NMTA services are usually quite punctual.

Crime on the NMTA is generally low but pickpocketing is a common occurrence. Some tram and bus lines which near blutstat (shantytown) areas, particularly those in the Kirchehof Department, experience periodic flareups of violent crime and should be avoided, especially at night. Because of the rise of Communist terrorism in Norcustsur security has been heightened at NMTA stations with various measures such as random bag checks put in place. Don't be surprised to see police armed with military-style weapons.

By taxi

Five accredited taxi companies serve Nuxenstat. All licensed taxis in Nuxenstat are priced according to the distance traveled using an electronic meter and a base fare. Only the metered part of the fare is subject to government regulation; the base fare will vary depending on the company and the location from which the trip begins. Taxi rides from the airport are especially expensive. Especially in the outer metropolitan departments it is not recommended that you attempt to hail a taxi from the street. Call one of the accredited companies. Absolutely do not use unlicensed taxis.

By share taxi

Share taxis are less common in Nuxenstat than other Radictistani cities because of the comprehensive public transit system. They mostly exist in the outer metropolitan departments, particularly in Kirchehof. Share taxis are entirely unregulated in Nuxenstat and can be dangerous due to crime, the recklessness of the drivers, or the poor condition of the vehicles.

By car

Renting a car is not recommended. Nuxenstat traffic is extremely bad, particularly the closer one gets to the commercial center. Parking space is scarce and expensive and streets are not named according to any rational system. Furthermore the locals tend to treat traffic laws as optional unless there is a police officer within sight. If you must have your own vehicle get one with a satellite navigation system so you can find your way around Nuxenstat's streets easier.



  • Nuxenstat City Palace. The principle residence of Grand Duke Xenocimedes Radicti. Guided tours of certain state rooms are held daily when the Grand Duke is not in residence. Call for reservations. The Changing of the Guard occurs every morning at 11:00. There is no fee to view the guard change but it is recommended to get there early to ensure a good view. The military units responsible for the palace guard are changed regularly so you will see different uniforms on repeat visits.
  • Palace of Parliament. The seat of both house of the Radictistani parliament, the House of Delegates and House of Peers. Both houses have a visitor’s gallery open to the public during parliamentary session. Admission is free but the wait to get in can be extremely long – more than half an hour for popular debates and space is limited.
  • Hans Skeyvesant Tower. 297 Apathian Avenue. 352 m. Observation deck open 7AM-12AM daily. Named for an early explorer of Radictistan the Hans Skeyvesant Tower is the tallest inhabited structure in Radictistan. The observation deck is located on the top floor. Entry to the deck costs RS80. It is recommended to arrive in the morning to avoid long lines. There are also two restaurants on the 36th floor which offer views that are almost as good from the comfort of your table.


  • National Museum of History, 10AM-5PM daily, +1 101-387-6200. Free. This is one of the largest museums in Radictistan, chronicling the history of Radictistan since its foundings. Among the most prominent exhibits is the yacht which carried the Eastval Party to Radictistan.
  • Keigentolm Center, 9AM-9PM Mo-Fri, Sat 1PM-9PM, +1 101-387-5940. Free. This cultural museum and archive is located within the scenic University of Nuxenstat campus. It holds public exhibits pertaining to Radictistani film, theater, and literature. The Keigentolm Center is also a major archive frequented by researchers from all over Radictistan.
  • Nuxenstat Aquarium, 9AM-5PM Mo-Fri, Sat 9AM-6PM, Sun 1PM-5PM, +1 103-133-4561. R$30, Students R$25. Home to the second-largest fish tank in Radictistan.
  • Capital Children's Museum, 10AM-5PM Mo-Sat.
  • Royal Radictistan Air Force Museum, 9AM-5PM daily. Free. The official museum of the Royal Radictistan Air Force located near Nuxenstat Xenocimedes Radict International Airport in Norkreis.


  • Tower Sculpture Garden, 9AM-5PM Mo-Fri, +1 101-395-3466. R$30. Probably the only rooftop sculpture garden in Radictistan, the Tower Sculpture Garden is located on top of the Kamfer Building and houses a modest collection of bronze and marble pieces. The view of the city is superb although not to the same level as that of the Hans Skeyvesant Tower.
  • Vaschenko Gallery, 9AM-7PM Mo-Sat, +1 101-404-2492. R$45. This gallery houses the largest permanent collection of paintings in the country. There are frequently long lines to enter the gallery beginning even before opening. Waits of up to an hour are common. The gallery's café features dishes by the renowned Radictistani chef Bernito Oszante.
  • Krassner Museum of Art, 10AM-6PM daily, +1 103-219-8218. R$35. Endowned by the real estate magnate Luipold Krassner, this museum houses modern art including both paintings and three-dimensional pieces.


  • Constitution Day is every November 21st. It commemorates the anniversary of the signing of the Radictistani constitution. The highlight of the celebrations is the annual military parade and flyover. If you choose to watch the parade in person be aware the crowds will be massive.
  • The Nuxenstat Film Festival is held each spring at the Filmpalast Dukshof.


  • Royal Metropolitan Opera
  • Metropolitan Symphony Orchestra
  • National Zoo, 8AM-5PM Tue-Sun. This 73 hectare zoo houses 640 species ranging from large game animals to a large variety of birds and primates.
  • Fleicher Circle. This public square located just east of Nuxenstat Central Station is the center of the main performing arts district. More than twenty theaters are located within walking district of the square hosting both musical and non-musical performances nightly.
  • Adler Park, 7AM-Midnight Daily. With an area of 338 hectares (3.38km2), Adler Park is the largest public park in Radictistan. The park has numerous trails for hiking and bicycling. Basketball and handball/racquetball courts and football and softball fields are available for use. In summer, guests can use two swimming pools and go fishing off the piers at Lake Freedom. A popular ice-skating ring is open during the winter months. The park is located in the Riverside Department one metro stop to the north of Nuxenstat City Palace.
  • Shooting. Recreational shooting is hugely popular in Radictistan. The county has among the loosest firearms laws in the world allowing both residents and visitors to possess and use firearms prohibited almost anywhere else including automatic weapons. The Nuxenstat area has scores of public shooting ranges where firearms, including pistols, rifles, and shotguns can be rented. No licensure or permitting is required for an experience almost unique to the country.
  • Flasgarten. A large waterpark located near the main airport. Open seasonally.


  • Nuxenstat Feur. The premier metropolitan football club. The club plays at Westbarg Stadium, the largest in Radictistan with a seating capacity of more than 82,000.
  • Nuxenstat Kraft. Another football club that is rival to the Feur, the Nuxenstat Kraft play at the 63,000 seat Norkreis Kraft stadium.
  • Nuxenstat Ritter. Greater Nuxenstat's ice hockey team plays at the Capital Semiconductors Arena in the Dukshof Department.


Nuxenstat is without any doubt the best shopping city in Radictistan. The capital is the wealthiest locality by a considerable margin and has attracted a large amount of investment into its retail areas. While it is important to carry a supply of the local currency, the Radin, many shops within the central business district will accept foreign currencies. Check with your embassy before your trip to find out if your currency can be used. It may save you an expensive exchange later. Credit cards are accepted almost everywhere in tourist areas but don’t count on yours in particular.


Nuxenstat is the best city in Radictistan for eating well. Almost every type of food one can imagine is found within the boundaries of the metropolis. Eating establishments range from formal restaurants with prices out of reach of most locals to humble "hole-in-the-wall" operations serving simple, traditional fare. The best options for fine dining are to be found in Riverside and Dukshof. Tipping is not customary in Radictistan but servers will usually not decline. Don't give large tips, especially at restaurants frequented by locals as this will single you out as a well-off foreigner.

Use common sense about street food. If the cart looks sanitary, if you are in a relatively prosperous area, if there are police officers around who aren't harassing the vendor, then it is probably safe to eat. Radictistani street food can offer a very rewarding experience. Local staples include the humble sausage either wrapped in a bun or on a wooden stick and the increasingly popular Halbailander Kebab: shavings of spit-roasted meat served wrapped in flatbread with vegetables and a sauce, a contribution from Radictistan's Arab population.


Pubs and bars

Nuxenstat is home to both a large number and great variety of drinking establishment. In Nuxenstat as in the rest of the country drinking establishments are broadly divided into two categories: pubs and bars. The primary distinction is that pubs serve cooked food and bars do not. Bars also tend to seek a more prosperous clientele and place a greater emphasis on mixed drinks. Know which you want before going. Locals and guidebooks will direct you to one or the other. The legal drinking age in Radictistan is seventeen. Whether or not bar staff will require you to show a photo ID will vary by establishment and by the time of day.

Alcohol retail

Beer, wine, and spirits can be purchased at almost every retail establishment in Greater Nuxenstat. Alcohol prices in Radictistan are lower than what you are probably used to, however the high cost of living in Nuxenstat eliminates much of that advantage. There is no excise tax on beverages with 40% alcohol by volume or lower. The Greater Nuxenstat sales tax still applies.



  • Nuxenstat Steinmeier Hotel, 819 Apathian Avenue, Riverside, +1 101-387-4693. From R$1,399. Extensive conference and other facilities for business travelers. The hotel restaurant Mirage is one of the finest in Radictistan, favored by the Radictistani elite and wealthy tourists.
  • Halbailander Hotel, 1514 Halbailander Avenue, Riverside, +1 101-387-7251. From R$1,299.
  • Nuxenstater Gasthof, 405 Apathian Avenue, Riverside, +1 101-391-2204. From R$999.
  • Statmeister Hof, 2401 Manfredstrasse, Riverside, +1 101-391-2407. From R$950.
  • Nuxenstat Mikoyan Hotel, 2748 Freiheitstrasse, Dukshof, +1 102-763-1393. From R$999.
  • De Diplomat, 151 Staatsallee, Riverside, +1 101-385-6392. From R$999. Located at the edge of the embassy district.


  • Continental Hotel, 1597 Freiheitstrasse, Dukshof, +1 102-763-4541. R$600-800.
  • Hotel Geisenberg, 3316 Manfredstrasse, Riverside, +1 101-752-1981. R$600-800.
  • Kaiser Hotel, 5719 Luipoldstrasse, Riverside, +1 101-752-2016. R$650-850.
  • Arboretum Hof, 6082 Freiheitstrasse, Dukshof, +1 102-763-3127. R$750-850.
  • Haptstat Gasthof, 3101 Neunersstrasse, Dukshof, +1 102-474-1025. R$600-800.
  • Pohlens, 4824 Flughavnallee, Norkreis, +1 105-191-1711. R$700-850. Located just off the NXR property. A courtesy shuttle runs to all terminals.
  • Einheitshof, 2455 Kontinentalstrasse, Ostheim, +1 106-244-3981. R$500-700.


  • There are dozens of hostels in Greater Nuxenstat with rates usually between R$30 and R$45 per night.

Stay safe

Nuxenstat is safer than most Radictistani cities but some areas can still be dangerous to the uninitiated. Security in many parts of the city has been tightened because of the heightened threat of terrorism.

If you see a crime being committed do not intervene unless you armed and mentally prepared to take a human life. In Radictistan all criminals, even pickpockets, can be assumed to be armed with guns or knives and so can their victims. Don't get caught in a crossfire.

Districts of note

The commercial heart of Nuxenstat, Riverside and Dukshof are heavily patrolled by police, not least due to the presence of many government offices. Violent crime in these areas is low by Radictistani standards but you should still be careful, especially at night. If you're going somewhere, take a taxi directly from your hotel to your destination. If possible, don't ride buses at night except in the central departments.

Avoid the Kirchehof Department entirely as well as any area within a few kilometers of the blutstats. There are a lot of people there who won't hesitate to kill you for the contents of your wallet, especially if you look like a wealthy foreigner. Blutstat areas are ringed by police checkpoints. The police will warn you if you are about to enter a particularly dangerous area but they will not stop you.


Pickpocketing is common in Nuxenstat as it is in all major cities. Take every possible precaution, particularly at tourist sites and on public transit. Leave your expensive jewelry at home and keep electronics out of sight. This will reduce the risk of both pickpocketing and mugging.

Stay healthy

The tap water in Nuxenstat is safe to drink. Besides the obvious reasons it is best to avoid the blustat areas as many blutstaters have not received vaccinations for measles, tuberculosis, and other infectious diseases. Makes sure your own vaccinations are up to date before travelling. Radictistani hospitals will provide emergency treatment to anyone, including foreigners. [talk about payment/insurance]

Nuxenstat has many excellent hospitals and clinics. Major hospitals are:

  • Royal Dukshof Hospital
  • Royal Norkreis Hospital


If your mobile phone is not SIM-locked you can buy a temporary card from any of the mobile phone companies which provide service in Nuxenstat. The entire metropolitan area has access to 3G and 4G connectivity.

Some pubs and restaurants offer free internet access through wireless networks. This service gets more common as you near the most prosperous inner departments such as Riverside. In other areas complimentary access is less available and internet cafes are the best bet. These are common and vary in price. Don’t pay more than R$1 for a half hour. The more expensive hotels almost universally provide wireless internet access. The charge can range from free all the way up to R$15 per day.



Foreign embassies are located in the Riverside Department near the Palace of Parliament. Most are on State's Avenue and Royal Avenue.

Get out

  • Bauspiel located just across the county line in Westwoodsur is a popular amusement park with eight roller coasters and dozens of other rides for all ages and tolerances.

Ailand Vakka travel guide

Ailand Vakka is an island lying about three hundred and eighty kilometers off the Radictistani mainland. It is a common destination for Radictistani vacationers.


About half of the island's landmass is owned by the two major resort complexes on the island, the Great Sea Resort and Marina and the Smirnof Plantation which draw many thousands of Radictistani vacationers each year. There is one town on the island, Mariashafen, which is home to a third of the island's 6,000 permanent residents. During the high tourist season the population increases many times over with vacationers and seasonal workers.

Get in

By plane

Julius Smirnof Airport serves the entire island. There are daily scheduled flights from Nuxenstat, Beschertal, Mosbeck, and Wussrhas. The airport is situated in the community of Mariashafen. Both of the large island resorts have courtesy shuttles serving the airport and a local taxi company, Ailander Taxi, serves the remainder of the island.

By boat

A ropax ferry, MS Ailand Prinz, makes two round trips every week between Mariashafen and Ghorma on the Radictistani mainland. The journey takes about thirteen and a half hours barring any delays. Stateroom accomodation is available for a modest surcharge and is recommended to avoid theft. If you want to bring your car to Ailand Vakka to enjoy the seaside roads, this is the only way to do it.

Get around

By car

All major Radictistani car rental companies have branches in Mariashafen.

By bus

Courtesy shuttles provided by the major resorts and hotels run to and from the airport.





Fishing is a popular activity on Ailand Vakka. There is a public fishing pier in Mariashafen and others for guests at the large resorts. Alternatively you can hire one of several boats for offshore fishing complete with a local guide.



As is to be expected on an island, the local cuisine is centered around seafood. Much of what you will find in restaurants will be locally caught.

  • Raychev's, 1963 Ailand Weg, Mo-Sat Noon-22:00. Fried fish by the basket. A local favorite with a casual atmosphere.
  • Ailander Fischhas, 1845 Ailand Weg, Mo-Sun 8:00-23:00. Fried fish, grilled fish, and breakfast every morning from 8 to 10.
  • De Seeherg, 2001 Ailand Weg, Mo-Sun Noon-23:00. Seafood and steaks in a more formal atmosphere. Reservations are recommended, especially during the tourist season. R$120-150.
  • Island Sushi, 1684 Smirnofstrasse, Mo-Fri 11:00-22:00. A small, family-run sushi restaurant specializing in nigirizushi.



  • Great Sea Resort and Marina. A full-service resort covering 283 km2 from the eastern tip of the island westward. The resort has every amenity imaginable including three 18-hole golf courses, tennis courts, pristine beaches, over a dozen restaurants, and kilometers of scenic trails. Accomodations range from hotel-style to opulent beachfront homes. From R$749.
  • Smirnof Plantation. Smaller but more exclusive than Great Sea, the Smirnof Plantation has many of the same attractions as its larger neighbor. Smirnof Plantation covers 170 km2 along the southern coast of the island. Enjoy two 18-hole and one 9-hole golf courses and a number of beaches. From R$899.
  • Ailand Vakka Mikoyan Resort. Situated on 40 hectares located east of Mariashafen, the Mikoyan has beachfront access in addition to three swimming pools, tennis courts, a 9-hole golf course, and other amenities. From R$899.
  • Mariashof. R$599-R$699.

Bill of Rights

The Bill of Rights comprises sixteen articles of the Constitution of Radictistan expounding on the fundamental civil and political rights guaranteed to Radictistan's inhabitants.

Some legal scholars have criticized the Bill of Rights for being too concerned with legal minutiae and for impairing the function of government through an excessively rigid definition of rights.

Text and interpretation

The dominant school of constitutional interpretation in Radictistan is broadly textualist.

Article 1

No law or regulation shall be made concerning the endorsement of any religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or abridging the freedoms of speech and expression, or abridging the right of the people to assemble peaceably and to petition their government for the redress of grievances.

Misc. Infoboxes

Xenocimedes Radicti
Sofia Radicti
Hidelga Radicti
Xenhasit Radicti
Howard Radicti
Xenpar Radicti
Karlheinz Radicti