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== Government & Politics ==
== Government & Politics ==
=== The Imperial States ===
=== The Landen ===
=== The Imperial Throne ===
=== The Swersgesat ===
==== The Imperial Ministries ====
==== The Hebithdräkhskapizin ====
=== The Imperial Senate ===
=== The Raikhsgamotjing ===
=== List of Notable Emperors of the Holy Empire ===
=== List of Notable Hauhküno of the Raikh ===

Revision as of 21:55, 24 August 2021

Thata Raikh af hize Dalen
Das Reich der Täler
Ríki Dölanna
Sa Fylkirate wan Sadalen
Réimse na nGleannta
Το Βασίλειο των Κοιλάδων
Flag of Sadalen
Motto: 'Ni mid Hamith en ni mid Hüsalin.'
Anthem: Der morgige Tag ist mein
Largest cityMorthal
Official languagesHundisch
Recognised regional languagesPeskqin
GovernmentTheocratic Elective-Monarchy
• Hauhkuno
Vauhoks Blotrasett
• Formation
6↊↊9 (A.D. 885)
• 2021 census
GDP (PPP)2021 estimate
• Total
• Per capita
CurrencyThaler (Th$)
Time zoneUTC -3
Date formatdd/mm/yyyy
Driving sideleft-hand side
Calling code+1
ISO 3166 codeTR, TRD

Thata Raikh af hize Dalen (also unofficially known as the Raikh), commonly referred to simply as Sadalen (meaning 'the valleys' )(not to be confused with the Kingdom of Sadalen), is a nation located in the Ringsea region in the north-west of the continent of Ostrea, with the Bay of Morthal and the Ijsesaiws bordering its mainland to the north, and the Westmorei to its west. Sadalen is also considered to be the most mountainous nation on the continent.

Sadalen is an Elective Theocratic Absolute Monarchy, meaning that the Hauhkuno (literally 'High-King') rules the country with absolute authority in both spiritual matters and physical, but must also be confirmed by the Raikhsgamotjing (the local name for the senate, meaning 'realm's meeting') before being recognised as the Hauhkuno. The Hauhkuno has the role of the head of state, head of government, and the head of faith. Despite this, the Hauhkuno has traditionally allowed his Hebithdräkhen (ministers) and the Raikhsgamotjing to rule the country for him while only concerning himself with matters of state during times of emergency or while dealing with a foreign threat.


While it is unclear whether the name was originally Hundisch (hize Dalen) or Alemannisch (Sadalen) in origin due to there being significant populations of both in the Kingdom of Sadalen in the past, the etymological meaning of the name remains consistent in all its forms: 'of the valleys'. This has lead to speculation as to whether the name arose independently in the different language groups or whether it was a simple matter of a calque.


Bronze & Iron Age

The original inhabitants of Sadalen were said to be great Beast-Men, who stood at 8 feet tall and were covered in brown or black fur. 4.000 years ago around the year 3↊↊4 (2110 B.C.) the first of the modern Sadaler arrived in their homeland. These men were brave Goths, Heiliger, and Alemanni who had somehow managed to travel from their mythical island homeland in north all the way to the distant lands of Ringsea using only the stars to navigate by during the night. With their copper and bronze weapons, they managed to wage an unending war against the Beast-Men for nearly 400 years before the Beast-Men surrendered and resigned themselves to living in the mountains. After defeating the Beast-Men, the Sadaler began to fight amongst themselves for dominance, and so their golden age of conquest ended and 600 years of intense infighting began.

The Sibja af hize Dalen rose to dominance amongst the Goths due to their discovery and mastery of iron working, and eventually began to solidify control by founding the Kingdom of Sadalen. This ancient kingdom began the slow and arduous journey to unification. They waged many hundreds of wars and formed alliances with the other states until they eventually came to secure many of the central valleys and the lands along the River Kos. During this time, a new tribe called the Danes began to raid and pillage much of the coast, culminating in a massive war between the remaining free Hundesmen and the Danes.

Following the Danish invasions of 6↊84 (A.D. 856) and the Great War of Oddumar (6↊↊4-6↊↊9)(A.D. 880-885), the Raikh was for the first time since its founding, under the centralised rule of one man. During the reign of Oddumar the Peaceful that followed the Danish Expulsion, the Hauhkuno ruled supreme across all the lands with there being no Landen or lesser Küno under him. Instead, the various kingdoms that had been subsumed and conquered by the Danes had been absorbed into the Raikh of hize Dalen entirely, with their peoples being given representation through the three tribal assemblies (one for the Goths, one for the Heiliger, and one for the Alemanni).

This state of affairs continued unchallenged until 6↋32 (938), when with the death of Oddumar the Peaceful, the various old kings and nobles rebelled, launching the Thiudiggs Kregen (Tribal Wars), which lasted for fifty bloody years and took up the entire reign of Bolo the Conquering, though he did not see its conclusion. The wars were series of uprisings that resulted in the re-establishment of the old kingdoms, but under the Hauhkuno's ultimate rulership. This result was achieved after the death of Hauhkuno Bolo the Conquering at the Battle of the Five Kings, by his son Thurm the Strong.

Hauhkuno Thurm the Strong, along with his sons, the future Hauhkuno Udda, Swinfried, Affa, Ulfmar, and Wenthel, led several daring raids and assaults on the capitals of the rebel Küno and captured their families, taking their wives and children hostage. With these safely in the Hauhkuno's possession, he was able to force the leaders of the revolts to the peace table and negotiated the end of the wars in 6↋74 (A.D. 988). In exchange for their recognising his rule over the entire Raikh, each of the Küno was allowed to keep his lands and some of his historical privileges. Due to this, the tribal assemblies were dissolved and in their place the Raikhsgamotjing was formed, where representatives of the Landen are sent to serve the Hauhkuno and form part of his government to this day.

Middle Ages

Shortly after the reunification of the Raikh, the earliest examples of steel weapons were discovered to have been made. These weapons marked the beginning to what is now known as the Middle Ages due to the proliferation of steel tools, weapons, and armour and the decline of bronze & iron as the main metals used. This period saw the rapid expansion of Sadaler influence and trade, along with the establishment of colonies in foreign lands which was aided by the superior craftsmanship and metal working skills of Sadalen. This period is generally agreed to have lasted from around 6↋↊9 (A.D. 1023) to 7555 (A.D. 1823), ending with the advent of industrialisation and the invention of the steam powered engine and the start of the Age of Strife. It should be noted that this period also saw a steady amount of population growth throughout, and the importation of the tea plant to Sadalen.

First Colonial Expansion

After the establishment the Raikh in the year 6↊↊9 (A.D. 885), the Hauhkuno of that time decided that the only way forward was to establish trade outposts. The fleets of Sadalen heeding the words of their Hauhkuno, spread out across their region and found, settled, and unsettled lands which held goods which they thirsted for. Through treaty or force of arms, they made outposts for their merchants to thrive in. For a time all was good, their trade flourished and their coffers filled with the exquisite luxuries of foreign lands.

As their might over these lands became more apparent, their outposts naturally grew as those who scoffed and chafed under the force of civilisation fled from their Hauhkuno's light, and into the wild frontiers. Eventually their colonists came to blows with the already existing nations of these lands. An era of new conquests began, as the Sadaler armies and fleets destroyed those who would oppose their coming. Many thousands of enemies were slain, their people's either killed or enslaved. After nearly two centuries of conquest their Empire stood triumphant, and this new land was named Heel in 7135 (A.D. 1222), after the great explorer who first discovered it. And so this colony began to slowly grow, though for many years it remained under Sadalen's direct rule, it eventually developed its own culture and ways. The Heelisch became strange to Raikh, with their lack of belief in the Hauhkuno disturbing most of Sadaler; the Heelisch became a hot and emotional people, who for generations harboured a secret worship of false gods they based off of the elements of their homeland.

The Gankands War

Jergtrau Gedweola

Over the course of the next six centuries, Sadaler influence overseas began to wane. Where as before trade and exploration missions were outfitted every half-decade, they increasingly became more infrequent as interest in far off lands dropped, trade routes solidified, and agitation from the western frontier grew more and more frequent. Ongoing religious and political unrest began to also foment, as factions started to form over whether or not the Hauhkunos were truly divine and then later over whether the natural order of things ought to be challenge. Radical new interpretations of the Hailags Triggwitha began to spread, with many now coming to believe that the Hauhkuno ought to rule absolute and that the Landen should be dissolved. At the same time, new doctrines formed calling for the redistribution of land and the end of the natural order of the Raikh, these believes in time came to form the Jergtrau ideology.

These issues finally came to a head in 7598 (A.D. 1873), when the marriage of the Hauhkuno to a princess from without the Raikh before he had even taken one of his cousins to wed sparked off hostilities and tensions that had been building for close to three centuries. Many of the Landen fell into complete disarray during this time period, but the Hauhkuno Vauhoks Blotrasett was able to not only keep his own kingdom from falling apart, but was able to rally the forces loyal to him in the Raikhsharjis and Hauhkunoleiksflutt to Morthal and began an eight year long campaign to end the revolts and bring order once more to the Raikh. During this time, Haimfaths sa Hairas in Wahtwastand was made Hairas en Frauja-Haarskalks and kept domestic matters under control for the Hauhkuno, even having to go as far as dissolving the Raikhsgamotjing to stop treasonous elements from harming the war effort.

It was not until 75↊4 (A.D. 1881), when the Hauhkuno carried out a great blood sacrifice using the captured rebels as an offering, that the war was finally brought to a close. Working great magics and sacrificing many traitors, the Hauhkuno was able to turn the tide against the rebels of Plattland and stop an invasion of Morthal itself. After the rebel invasion was thwarted, the Hauhkuno led his armies into the heart of Plattland and found nothing but plague, starvation, and dead as he went. Those few places that still resisted were quickly swept aside and the Hauhkuno was able to finally to restore the Raikh, ending the Jergtrau Gedweola. Those Jergtrau that still lived were hunted down and banished.


Modern times

Geography, climate, and environment

The Raikh's geography is vast and varied with some areas being extremely mountainous, others being noxious bogs, and others being old forests from before the time of man. Of note, only the north-western parts of the Raikh have somewhat mild summers and winters. The rest of the Raikh tends towards mild summers and harsh winters, with snowfall and thick freezing fog being a constant issue for much of the year. Due to its geographical location, much of Ostrea suffers from thick rolling fog, near constant rain, and thunderstorms during the fall wet season. This is caused by warm and wet air being forced above cooler air by storm systems coming off of the Westmorei. The resulting pressure and potential differentials lead to electrostatic discharges being rather common for the season and cool air filled with moisture condensing near the ground.

Special note should be given to the mountain range in the south of the Raikh. The Apf Kadirn-Gebirge are truly massive, with the largest mountain in the world, Jokultitbjarg, rising in them. They are of quite a large amount of historical importance, as wars have been won and lost over the control of passages through them.


Many of the Raikh believe themselves to be Homo Sapiens Borealis. Homo Sapiens Borealis is the systematic name used in taxonomy (also known as binomial nomenclature) for the second extant Human species. The name is Old Divinian for 'wise man of the north' and was introduced in 2015 by Carolinus Astorius (who is himself of the species Homo Sapiens from the Imperium Divinium).

Extinct species of the genus Homo include Homo erectus, extant during roughly 1,8 to 0,1 million years ago, and a number of other species (by some authors considered subspecies of either H. sapiens or H. erectus). Homo sapiens idaltu (756.M3) is a proposed extinct subspecies of H. sapiens.

The age of speciation of H. S. Borealis out of ancestral H. Sapiens (or an intermediate species such as Homo heidelbergensis) is estimated to have taken place at roughly 300.000 years ago. Sustained archaic admixture is known to have taken place both in the Ringsea region and (following the recent Out-Of-Hyperborea expansion) in Ostrea, between about 5.000 to 3.000 years ago.

In certain contexts, the term anatomical modern boreal (AMB) is used to distinguish H. Sapiens Borealis as having an anatomy consistent with the range of phenotypes seen in contemporary Boreals from varieties of extinct archaic humans and extant Humans. This is useful especially for times and regions where anatomically modern and archaic Boreals co-existed, e.g. in Ancient Ostrea.


Government & Politics

The Landen

The Swersgesat

The Hebithdräkhskapizin

The Raikhsgamotjing

List of Notable Hauhküno of the Raikh

Law Enforcement and Crime

Armed Forces






Science and Technology

