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Includes = {
PixelShader =
Samplers =
Diffuse = {
Index = 0;
MagFilter = "Linear";
MinFilter = "Linear";
AddressU = "Wrap";
AddressV = "Wrap";
BorderID = {
Index = 1;
MagFilter = "point";
MinFilter = "point";
MipFilter = "none";
AddressU = "Clamp";
AddressV = "Clamp";
BorderSDF = {
Index = 2
MagFilter = "linear"
MinFilter = "linear"
AddressU = "Clamp"
AddressV = "Clamp"
TerraIncognitaTexture =
Index = 3;
MagFilter = "Linear";
MinFilter = "Linear";
AddressU = "Clamp"
AddressV = "Clamp"
VertexStruct VS_INPUT
float2  vPosition : POSITION;
float2  vUV : TEXCOORD0;
float2 vOffset : POSITION;
float vGroundStarBlend : TEXCOORD0;
float4 vPosition : PDX_POSITION;
float3 vPos : TEXCOORD0;
VertexStruct VS_OUTPUT
    float4 vPosition : PDX_POSITION;
float2 vUV : TEXCOORD0;
float2 vPos : TEXCOORD2;
float2 vPosition : POSITION;
float vDistance : TEXCOORD0;
float4 vPosition : PDX_POSITION;
float2 vUV : TEXCOORD0;
float vDistance : TEXCOORD1;
ConstantBuffer( CountryBorders, 0, 0 ) #Country borders
float4x4 ViewProjectionMatrix;
float3 vCamPos;
float3 vCamLookAtDir;
float3 vCamUpDir;
float3 vCamRightDir;
float2 vCamFOV;
float vFade;
float vTextureSize;
ConstantBuffer( StarPins, 0, 0 ) #Star pins
float4x4 ViewProjectionMatrix;
float3 StarPos;
float3 GroundPos;
float4 vStarPinColor;
ConstantBuffer( SectorBorders, 0, 0 ) #Sector borders
float4x4 ViewProjectionMatrix;
float3 vCamPos;
float vCamZoom;
float2 vBoundsMin;
float2 vBoundsMax;
ConstantBuffer( CountrySdfBorders, 0, 0 ) #SDF borders
float4x4 ViewProjectionMatrix;
float3 vCamPos;
float4 PrimaryColor;
float4 SecondaryColor;
float vSdfTime;
float vBorderHighLight;
VertexShader =
MainCode VertexShader
ConstantBuffers = { CountryBorders }
VS_OUTPUT main(const VS_INPUT v )
Out.vPosition  = mul( ViewProjectionMatrix, float4( v.vPosition.x, 1.0f, v.vPosition.y, 1.0f ) ); // MOD 1.0f raises the borders
Out.vUV = v.vUV;
Out.vPos = v.vPosition.xy;
return Out;
MainCode VertexShaderStarPin
ConstantBuffers = { StarPins }
float3 vPos = lerp( GroundPos, StarPos, v.vGroundStarBlend );
vPos.xz += v.vOffset;
//float3 vPos = float3( v.vOffset.x, v.vGroundStarBlend * 100.f, v.vOffset.y );
//vPos += StarPos;
Out.vPosition  = mul( ViewProjectionMatrix, float4( vPos, 1.0f ) );
Out.vPos = vPos;
return Out;
MainCode VertexShaderSectorSdf
ConstantBuffers = { SectorBorders }
Out.vPosition  = mul( ViewProjectionMatrix, float4( v.vPosition.x, 0.0f, v.vPosition.y, 1.0f ) );
Out.vUV = ( v.vPosition - vBoundsMin ) / ( vBoundsMax - vBoundsMin );
Out.vDistance = v.vDistance;
return Out;
PixelShader =
MainCode PixelShaderSDF
ConstantBuffers = { CountrySdfBorders }
float4 main( VS_OUTPUT v ) : PDX_COLOR
float vDist = tex2D( BorderSDF, v.vUV ).a;
const float vMaxMidDistance = 0.53f;
const float vMinMidDistance = 0.47f;
clip( vMaxMidDistance - vDist );
float vCameraDistance = length( vCamPos - float3(v.vPos.x, 0.f, v.vPos.y ) );
float vCamDistFactor = saturate( vCameraDistance / 1600.0f );
float vMid = lerp( vMinMidDistance, vMaxMidDistance, vCamDistFactor );
float vEpsilon = 0.005f + vCamDistFactor * 0.005f;
float vOffset = -0.000f;
float vAlpha = smoothstep( vMid + vEpsilon, vMid - vEpsilon, vDist + vOffset );
float vAlphaMin = 0.1f + 0.5f * vCamDistFactor;
float vEdgeWidth = 0.025f + 0.35f * vCamDistFactor / 3.5;
const float vEdgeSharpness = 100.0f;
float vBlackBorderWidth = vEdgeWidth * 0.25f;
const float vBlackBorderSharpness = 25.0f;
//vAlphaOuterEdge makes the outermost edge smoother
float vAlphaOuterEdge = smoothstep( vMid + vEpsilon, vMid - vEpsilon, vDist + vOffset );
//vAlphaEdge is the saturated part at the outer edge
float vAlphaEdge = saturate( (vDist-vMid + vEdgeWidth)*vEdgeSharpness );
//vAlphaFill is the soft gradient inside the blobs
float vAlphaFill = max( vAlphaMin, saturate( vMid + (vDist-0.8f + vEdgeWidth*8.0f)*2.0f ) * 0.6f );
float4 vColor = vAlphaEdge * clamp( SecondaryColor, float4(0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0), float4(0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 1.0)) * 1.9f + ( 1 - vAlphaEdge ) * PrimaryColor;
//Add a black edge that becomes more visible the further away from the camera it is
vColor *= 1.0f - ( 0.25f * saturate( (vDist-vMid + vBlackBorderWidth)*vBlackBorderSharpness ) );
vColor[3] = saturate(vAlphaEdge + vAlphaFill) * vAlphaOuterEdge;
// Fade out based on Terra Incognita
float2 vTIUV = ( v.vPos.xy + GALAXY_SIZE * 0.5f ) / GALAXY_SIZE;
vColor.a *= tex2D( TerraIncognitaTexture, vTIUV ).a;
return vColor;
MainCode PixelShaderCentroid
ConstantBuffers = { CountryBorders }
float4 main( VS_OUTPUT v ) : PDX_COLOR
float4 vColor = tex2D( Diffuse, float2( -v.vUV.x, v.vUV.y ) );
vColor.a *= vFade * 0.65f;
return vColor;
MainCode PixelShaderStarPin
ConstantBuffers = { StarPins }
float4 main( VS_OUTPUT_STAR_PIN v ) : PDX_COLOR
float4 vColor = vStarPinColor;
vColor.a *= 0.2f;
vColor = ApplyTerraIncognita( vColor, v.vPos.xz, 4.f, TerraIncognitaTexture );
return saturate( vColor );
MainCode PixelShaderSectorSdf
ConstantBuffers = { SectorBorders }
float4 main( VS_OUTPUT_SECTOR v ) : PDX_COLOR
float vDist = tex2D( BorderSDF, v.vUV ).a;
float vDistance = min( v.vDistance/64.0f, 0.5f - vDist );
clip( vDistance - 0.0001f );
float vThickness = 0.005f + ( vCamZoom / 70000.f ) / 3.0f;
float vInvThickness = 1.f / vThickness;
//1 - ( (x - 0.25) * 4 ) ^ 2
float vValue = 1.f - pow( ( vDistance - vThickness ) * vInvThickness, 2.f );
if( v.vDistance > vThickness )
vValue = max( vValue, 0.1f );
vValue = saturate( vValue );
float3 vColor = float3( 1.f, 1.f, 1.f );
return float4( vColor * vValue, vValue * 0.75f  + 0.3f);
BlendState BlendState
BlendEnable = yes
AlphaTest = no
SourceBlend = "SRC_ALPHA"
DestBlend = "INV_SRC_ALPHA"
BlendState BlendStateAdditiveBlend
BlendEnable = yes
SourceBlend = "SRC_ALPHA"
DestBlend = "ONE"
DepthStencilState DepthStencilState
DepthEnable = no
DepthWriteMask = "depth_write_zero"
RasterizerState RasterizerState
FillMode = "FILL_SOLID"
CullMode = "CULL_NONE"
FrontCCW = no
#FillMode = "fill_wireframe"
Effect BorderSDF
VertexShader = "VertexShader"
PixelShader = "PixelShaderSDF"
Effect BorderCentroid
VertexShader = "VertexShader"
PixelShader = "PixelShaderCentroid"
Effect StarPin
VertexShader = "VertexShaderStarPin"
PixelShader = "PixelShaderStarPin"
BlendState = "BlendStateAdditiveBlend"
Effect SectorSdf
VertexShader = "VertexShaderSectorSdf"
PixelShader = "PixelShaderSectorSdf"
BlendState = "BlendStateAdditiveBlend"

Latest revision as of 07:20, 20 October 2021

Chilo // Chil
#aThis user is an Atlasian
HCdis uesr speaks fluent huekode
Spilled Pepper.jpgdis uesr haz an pepprd ani.
Cane-flute-man-o.gifdis uesr is a fan of dei kaen fluet man
Ise Adar.jpgThis user is loyal to His Excellency, Idi Amin Dada!