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==Chapter I: Organization of Society==

As united workers of the '''Federation of Russian People''' we all contribute to the nation's current state and it's future. We all will contribute to the safety of the nation and it's future generations and support each action of the Central Committee. And to aid other nations and civilians in any way possible.
===Article 1===
The Federation of Russian People is a united workers socialist state, blind to races and beliefs.
===Article 2===
All citizens must work collectivly to ensure the stability of the state.
===Article 3===
All citizens must seek an education either by private tutors, public & private schooling or schooling until the age of 18 if military recruitment is rejected at the age of 15.
===Article 4===
All residential property is owned by the state and civilians will not be evicted from their residency if taxes are not paid.
===Article 5===
All property produced by citizens is owned by the state.
===Article 6===
All workers must be paid fairly, Raises or Cuts of payment without a justified reason will have the company fined.
===Article 7===
All civilians have the right to freedom of speech.
===Article 8===
All civilians will allow rationing by soldiers during national times of distress.
===Article 9===
All civilians have the right to bear a residency.
===Article 10===
All civilians have the right to own firearms with a firearm permit.
===Article 11===
All civilians have the right to own private industry.
===Article 12===
All civilians will respect and follow the orders of all civil service agency operatives.

The '''Federation of Russian People''' is a Socialistic varient of Workers Socialism.
==Chapter II: Organization of The State==
===Article 1: National Identity===
The name of the nation will be addressed as the ''Federation of Russian People''. The name may be abbriveated to: Russia, The Federation, The FRP.
All civilians must be addressed as Russian no matter what race. All civilians must address eachover as either Comrade, Sir/Ma'am or by their name. Military personnel under the rank of Training Officer must be addressed as Comrade or their name. Personnel TO to General must be addressed as Comrade [name] whilst on duty. Personnel General+ must be addressed as Comrade [rank] [name] whilst on duty.
===Article 2: Rights & Freedoms===
====Article 2.I: Basic Rights====
Citizens of the Federation of Russian People have the irriversible right to live peacefully and work for the glourious nation.
====Article 2.II: Possesstion of Dangerous Weapons====
Citizens of The Federation of Russian People may purchase and own weapons legally with a weapons permit unless it's a historical item in a mueseum, a household item or belonging to police or military. Police or Military personnel may own any weapon with or without a weapon permit.
=====Article 2.II.I: Legal Weapons=====
Citizens of the Federation of Russian People have the right to bear arms for self-defence or hunting purposes. Any civilian mis-usage of weapons can lose their permit and face a ₽75,000 fine or 1 Year in prison. Citizens with a weapon permit may own and purchase the following:
* Marksman Rifles
* 2nd Russian Civil War Era Firearms
* Assault Rifles
* Light-Machine Guns
* Shotguns
* Swiss Army Knifes
* Pistols
* Machetes
* Snipers
* Flash-Bang Grenades
* Automatic Pistols
* Crossbows
* Airsoft Guns
=====Article 2.II.II: Illegal Weapons=====
Citizens have access to some weapons, however if they are caught with or using the following weapons, they can receive a ₽250,000 Fine and a 15 Year prison sentance. Those weapons are:
* Heavy-Machine Guns
* Any Type of Explosives (Not Including Fireworks)
* Armoured Vehicles
* Military-Grade Snipers
* Autocannons
* Rocket Launchers (Not Including Fireworks)
* Grenade Launchers
* M247 Valkriye
* Chemical Weapons
* Nuclear Warheads
* Missile Launchers
* Modified Guns (Colours or any type of wrapping is permitted)
* Juggernaut Uniform
These laws do not apply to any member of the Federation's Armed Forces.
====Article 2.III: Freedom of Religion====
The citizens of the Federation of Russian People can freely worship a god of a religion of their choice to their heart desires. The Russian Government is purely secular and non-biased to any religion in anyway to keep any un-needed controversy to happen. The government will not go against or suppress any religion.
All citizens have the right to be free from being discriminated because of the religion they serve. All citizens also have the right to refuse any religious offers given to them.
====Article 2.IV: Freedom of Speech====
The Citizens of the Federation of Russian People have the irreversible right to freedom of speech in all public and private areas.
====Article 2.V: Freedom of The Press====
The citizens of the Federation of Russian People have the irreverisble right to the freedom to print and broadcast anything in public and private areas.
====Article 2.VI: Ownership of Property====
All citizens will be provided a house/apartment where they can live and do whatever they desire with it. Industry can be privately owned but the majority of it is State Owned.
===Article 3: Power of The State===
The Federation of Russian People is a Workers Socialist, Semi-Presidential country. The sole head of the government and country is the Premier.
====Article 3.I: Powers of The Premier====
The Premier is the head of State and the head of Government.
===Article 4: Laws===
===Article 5: Authority of The Police===
===Article 6: Ministries & Departments===
===Article 7: Powers of The Senate===
===Article 8: Powers of The Central Committee===
===Article 9: The Armed Forces===

Revision as of 17:00, 17 March 2022

Chapter I: Organization of Society

Article 1

The Federation of Russian People is a united workers socialist state, blind to races and beliefs.

Article 2

All citizens must work collectivly to ensure the stability of the state.

Article 3

All citizens must seek an education either by private tutors, public & private schooling or schooling until the age of 18 if military recruitment is rejected at the age of 15.

Article 4

All residential property is owned by the state and civilians will not be evicted from their residency if taxes are not paid.

Article 5

All property produced by citizens is owned by the state.

Article 6

All workers must be paid fairly, Raises or Cuts of payment without a justified reason will have the company fined.

Article 7

All civilians have the right to freedom of speech.

Article 8

All civilians will allow rationing by soldiers during national times of distress.

Article 9

All civilians have the right to bear a residency.

Article 10

All civilians have the right to own firearms with a firearm permit.

Article 11

All civilians have the right to own private industry.

Article 12

All civilians will respect and follow the orders of all civil service agency operatives.

Chapter II: Organization of The State